So with the death of OhBoyAnotherWikiWarsGame, it felt like a shame to just let some of those new ideas die with it. So even though I'm not particularly confident in my GMing abilities, I decided to give running my own Wiki War a shot.
1: Deathmatch: A standard, one life, no waitlisters kill 'em all.
2: Team Deathmatch: One life, 5v5. Use your actions in the Open, or Spoiler them to concoct secret plans.
3: Assassination: A competitive gamemode where you are tasked with being the first person either kill a Boss, kill a Target, or destroy an Object. Respawns and Waitlisters allowed.
4: Team Assassination: A team-based gamemode where you are tasked with being the first team to either kill a Boss, kill a Target, or destroy an Object that the enemy team is protecting. Respawns and waitlisters allowed. Use your actions in the Open, or Spoiler them to concoct secret plans.
5: Classic: First to 10 kills wins. Respawns and Waitlisters Allowed.
6: Chaos Mode: Has variants for all the other game modes, but only takes 6 players instead of 10. This game mode is for any articles that were vetoed for being too powerful, and for many of the articles that were nerfed to instead show much more of their full potential. Things such as Giant Monsters/Robots, large warships(space, air, land and sea all included), and superweapons.
Game runs on a d10 with Chunky Salsa rules. No HP or anything like that.
GM Article Vetoes: The general list of articles which will I will veto or change if they're picked is below.
-Gameplay reasons (For example, buildings which would be too small to have a wiki war in, aka anything smaller than a large house, or articles which would give a really unfair edge (read: NOT RANGED WEAPONS, if you have trouble against a ranged weapon user, be creative in your takedown methods))
-Not having anything I can really think of for it to give wiki warriors (Too little info, too hard to extract info from, etc.)
-Something Toady wouldn't allow on the forums
-Anything too controversial
The Avatar System: Your first article in a round governs your in-game Avatar, including Name, Species, Gender, Nationality, as well as the normal set of Assets, Abilities, and Allies.. This system should encourage roleplaying and in-character decisions while also providing fun new ways to kill your enemies. For instance, if your Avatar is Freddy Krueger, you could invade dreams, and if your character is Darth Vader, you can use the Force. Articles that aren't compatible with this role will be rerolled.
Synergy System: If you get an article that includes features which require another article that isn't necessarily part of the original articles package, your next article will have three times the chance to be the requisite article. This would not apply to, say, stand users, where the stand is part of the package, but would apply to rolling Stalagg from Hearthstone and needing Feugen to create Thadeus.
Reloading: Ranged weapons are separated into three separate speeds. Short Reloads take up no time, Medium Reloads take up half your time, and Long Reloads take up all your time. Reload times can be shortened with the proper...anything, really. Gun experience? Unspent rounds are put back in the user's inventory when reloading..
Spare Ammo: Depending on the type of weapon, it'll use up a specific ammo type when reloading, instead of a magazine system.
The ammotypes are:
-SMG (Somehow includes miniguns)
-Assault Rifle (Includes LMGs)
-Pulse (Any energy weapon)