Over the next 4 days you decide it is time to up the clone production, 10 building materials used to make a cloning vat. You process the deer for 4.3 biomatter, make 3 sets of basic hand tools for 3 building material, and use the last 4.3 building materials to make 43 traps. You tell the clones to harvest logs until farther notice, they bring in 144 logs in the course of 4 days.
5.7 biomatter gained, 1 cloning vat gained, 43 traps gained, and 144 logs gained; 87 traps set 53 activated, 27 break.
vat cloning output tech (2): 10/10, done: 27 days for vat cloning
butchery (1->2): 0/10
Possible unlocks:
nothing for now
logging tech: increases number of logs possible per tree
lumber tech: increases amount of biomatter possible per log; increases amount of building materials per log
foraging tech: increases amount of biomatter possible from shrubbery and such
butchery tech: increases amount of biomatter possible from animals
ration tech: increases amount of rations from each biomatter
reprocessing tech: increases number of building materials per biomatter
vat cloning input tech: decreases amount of biomatter needed per cloning
vat cloning output tech: decreases time for cloning
More to be add. If you can think of something to try, try it.
What now?
1 ration masher
2 cloning vat
1 reprocessor
1 printing machine
traps: 60
0! building materials
60.9 biomatter
109 rations
144 logs
1 set of basic hand tools
2500 kilos small wildlife
2200 kilos deer
1 Rifle
150 Rifle ammo
0 clones: general labor(will do what you tell and do things that need to be done)
2 clones: lumberjacks(will cut down trees and return the logs)
40 days since crash
Wow you got a lot of game, tho not a whole lot of building materials(as in none!). The deer pop might be decreasing in the area, you will just have to find out.