Find a board and a cylindrical pivot and enlist some help to move the block ontop, find the balance point and mark it, repeat this for all 3 this axis of the block, if the crystal is in the center the balance point for all axis will be in the center, if its otherwise knowing the approximate volume and density I can locate the crystal. Basically this will be like calculating the torque of crystal and using the pivot point and volume/density to locate it on all three dimensions.
After this she will take it to a mason and have it cut out and then chiseled down carefully (she'd do this part if needed).
Finding a board would be simple, if this marble block were lighter. Nonetheless this place ought to have at the very least a cart for carrying around large blocks... you find a metal dolly, and manage to stretch it between the two baskets. Piling rocks upon one of the baskets is enough to reasonably bias the scale back to its zero position. Then all that's left is to take a chisel from the workshop and mark the center of gravity on the block... once you get it here, that is.
[d8: 1] As it turns out, moving large objects is resource-intensive. For a spirit that is. Finding a spirit willing to lose a substantial portion of its energy moving a
stone brick... worthy of a con artist's work, purportedly.
The spirits are more than willing to help you chisel it down. But moving the blasted thing... you'll need humans to do the job.
...those students with the transmogrified limbs are leaving, looking rather worried. You are skilled in working with biological constructs~~
I do a small bow, then take two oculars from the tree.
I clip the branch, then head over to the lab to check if the marble can be used as an engram crystal
If this was your goal, then take them and leave. Cut more branches than you need and I daresay you will be missing more than just your fingers.There are many labs. Some are scattered throughout the gardens, others are located places inside the main campus. You enter one of the large, flat sections of the campus to find circular halls spiraling throughout the round single- or double-storied buildings. So many places to go! You find a lab with an open door, having a gear-styled frieze on the lintel. You turn the corner and head inside, when suddenly a halberd swings down to block your path.
Wielding it is a metal suit of armor, standing by the door.
"Let me guess," asks the professor, a young man working at his desk full of little figurines of fairies, horses, people in armor, all encrusted with glowing, flickering crystals.
"New student exam?"
You couldn't really bring the marble with you because your hand got turned into mushrooms. You're not sure if this curse is going to wear off or not.
Yeah, I'm not going to make a 200 meter long tube out of logs. The cannon idea still has merit though. I could make a wavecraft firing mechanism, encase the crystal in a marble sabot. There's also the quartz pedestal, that could make the cannon itself...
...wait, how do I get the block off the pedestal in the first place?
Well, off the the main campus to find a way to move the block.
Head back to the marble block, then head off to the main campus and search the shops for a wave gear that could help in moving the block.
The Main CampusYou head to the area with all the wavegear shops, and walk inside.
There are a lot of wavegears. Cheap ones stacked up against the walls, ornate ones on stands, often hovering on their own above pedestals of chalcedony. The head of the shop, presumably the lady in blood-red robes and dress, hovering in the air while reading a book that turns its own pages. She closes the book as you enter and sets it down on her desk, letting it find a bookmark on its own.
Also present are racks of clothing, in various colors. You aren't familiar with the relation between staves and clothes.
"Hello there, you here to pick one up?" the shopkeeper asks. You reach for your wallet--
"Ah, newcomer? You won't need that." She walks over to one of the racks and picks up a staff. It has a three-headed hydra motif climbing along the upper half of the shaft. Two of the heads curl up around the sides, one to hold the engram crystal, the other reserved for connecting peripherals. The end of the shaft ends in a spike, designed to leech energy from waves travelling throughout the ground. "This one's almost like it's yours. Do you come from a famous family?"
The third hydra head narrows down into a helical antenna. This staff is designed for focused spells.
+1 Ultimate Dragon Staff [+2=>+3] (Junction-type)
ENGRAM: Lv3+0 Chalcedony Hybrid (10/10)
Junction-type wavegears need to be in the transmitting mode in order to program them. They have no reverse protection--even a single degree of success will reprogram it.
With the birds as they are, Octavia was confident that the birds wouldn't cause her any problems at this point regardless of their level of intelligence. She suspected that they might even be involved with the whole test in some manner. She hoped that she left a good impression.
Next, she would craft the components for her auxiliary wavecraft drive system for her vehicle here until she got something of satisfactory quality using scrap metal from the pile.
Scrap metal won't do you much good for building a wavegear. There is almost no copper in the pile, and no crystals or other magically-active items. You'll have to go to the
Main Campus.
There is a store specializing in crystals. The logo reads "Engrams, Repairs, and Crystals." The shopkeeper herself seems to be busy programming the staff of a student in a long white robe that trails across the floor. His waist-length, braided hair holds a scroll tied into the end.
Fly back to the start and take off a 5 diameter 2 inch thick circle of rock using tempestry, then return to the finish line with it.
This next bit will take a little time to make. I need to bypass the barrier...
[d12: 10] You take your perfectly-round hockey puck of marble, and float over back to the end. You notice that your flight hasn't degraded this time, so long as you hold on to that piece of rock. You are able to fly freely.
So uh, is anyone with me?
The mage with the ice powers looks a bit puzzled, yet in the mischievous, scheming sort of way. A couple of other students flock to your idea, a good mix, but not all of them. In fact therein lies the key flaw in your plan, as one points out:
If one student does not consent to his lane being obstructed by this track-spanning machination, who will force him to comply? Clearly there are a number of students that disagree, for example the guy wearing full plate and the girl with the metal flower.
"Say, I need an instrument to direct my spell-choir in the coming exam. Could I borrow this one? I'm sure it'd be a great honour to your wife's memory."
You ask the old man. The spirits
cheer you on.
"Well shucks, it seems they like your music better. I can't say no to someone heading out and sharing her story. Go on."
You've got the low-level spirits you need, the plan of action, and the music with which to orchestrate it all. Time to get to work!