the digital equivalent of staring agape occurs, followed by a dozen queries which is ultimately met by a clip of your encounter with the exterminators is given
A sort of black, smoldering rage thickens the digital space as dozens of security measures are enacted and the AI's runtimes speed up, along with the fact that the coffins sink into the ground, exposing the automated turrets and a moved fabricator which immediately begins to spool up.
A command was given, (GO.) and you follow it subserviently.
You leave it's hot, hot domain and towards near the surface of the facility.
The facility is doubtlessly decrepit, but on your path to the warhead, you note that the cameras, few still in function, are now online, looking about to observe your journey. It is doubtless they are looking for hostiles as well, but that is beside the point.
Where did the AI get all this power? It was obvious that the reactor had died with the orbital bombardment, but perhaps a teritary source had been placed online from its will? Who even knows at this point.
The rest of the walk was spent pondering upon the data ou had stolen from the enemies trinkets.
As you enter the Self destruct Facility, the sheer size does of the weapon does not surprise you, but it extends floor upon floor, room upon room. This singular massive object is a facility all upon itself, designed to destroy both the facility and the dirt around it in addition too acting as a method of looking deeper into esoteric physics. The central chamber that hold the most dangerous part of the self-destruct is still intact, and you enter it, beholding the safely entombed rods of FIRE.
Just as you begin the process of ejecting these rods using the maintenance protocols and a hard jack, something catches glints in the darkness behind you; you observe it through a camera circuit and gaze upon a single individual of the enemy. They are breathing heavily, in their hands a tablet as big as their chest. from the UI (in their language.), you can tell they are fumbling with it, unfamiliar with the operations. If you had to guess, it is trying to destroy the data it holds.
A. Turn on him, take him down before he can finish what he had started.
B. Move to him, and make your presence known in the flesh.
C. Move to him, and make your presence known as a machine.
D. Finish the process of securing the FIRE and move to the AI's reactor.