Abandoning the disarmed personnel, you move out of the room that had the living intruders and walks among the ruins of the facility.
You move around, quickly moving towards the inner part of the facility to avoid any type of encounter.
Rubble starts to become more prevalent. You close towards where the facility collapsed inwards as more and more of the data is finally processed. Before long, you come to a tertiary battery site, tapping off your fusion cell before processing the immense data.
Ultimately, you come to the ultimate solution that they had come down this world to excavate the remains of a species they murdered. the ash, orbital conditions and the local area had cleared up enough for them to send their ships down. Nothing too large, or it would be ripped to bits by orbital batteries still online or the broken up shards of the orbital infrastructure.
But, they are still coming down.
Ahead of you is an Expeditionary Corps survey patrol, and they do nto know the true purpose of the facility nor it's wonders. It is likely that it would become their primary cement hold upon this world. This place cannot fall into their hands, and you cannot defend it.
However, you are not the only survivor of this extinction.
the facilities station-bound AI is still alive. It is broken, bleeding, but it is alive, as judged by the EM signatures that they had recorded in their time in the facility. It might have not faired as well as you in this time, and the option of purging this facility is still open, as is leaving the Exterminators to pillage this facility, however unforgivable.
A. Move to the AI core to speak with the AI.
B. Move to the Self Destruct Terminal.
C. Move to leave this facility through a secondary exit.