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Author Topic: Diablo Mod Brainstorming  (Read 3138 times)


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Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« on: September 01, 2018, 02:56:26 pm »

Hey, so this is something I was thinking of working on - probably won't be starting on it too soon since I still have some other stuff on the backburner (Ars Goetia demons, finish up the good/evil biome lore and creature descriptions, and also races to go along with the cave/biome revamp setting) - still wanted to write some of my thoughts on it down and get some suggestions. Some spoilers below if you care.

Essentially it'd be an addon mod rather than a total conversion, so you'd still have the regular vanilla races plus whatever other modded creatures you may have. I think I should just use my main pack's material, body detail plan and tissue files since they should already have everything that could be shared with the Diablo creatures - only things I'd have to do in that case would be to make the body plans and inorganic materials for spells and so on.

For the creatures themselves, most would probably just be wild predators in normal, savage or evil biomes. Some would require renames to prevent confusion with vanilla creatures (or ones from my other packs since I dislike having identical names for creatures between mods) - i.e the wendigos, the yetis or the imps - I don't think it should be that much of an issue since the games do have stronger/weaker variants that provide alternate names.

In regards to the variants (i.e the Fallen have a stronger variant called Carvers, as one example) themselves, I was honestly thinking of foregoing most of them since DF doesn't really do the gamey aspect of "this is a stronger version of X" that well.

I thought of only making exceptions for the ones that are found in radically different environments - i.e the regular wendigo variant was found in a temperate forest area where the Act 1 of Diablo 2 takes place - its Crusher variant was found in Act 2 which was a desert, and meanwhile the Wailing Beast was found in ruin areas of Act 3, which was more of a swampy area - so those 3 could be split up in this way.

I don't think there's that much potential for megabeasts with this, admittedly. Most of the creatures that'd fit for that would be better off being relegated to rare wild beasts that are also innate pets for some of the races or as castes for civilized races.

I admittedly don't have D3 experience so the lore stuff on it may be off. May change if I decide to get it, however.

For the races themselves, I have this list currently, some I'm not entirely sure on, though:
   -Fallen - an absolute must-have - dark pits dwellers, would have the Shamans and Overseers as more rare, tougher castes, and the Hounds as pets.
   -Khazra/Goat Men - would be split up into three types - Moon Clan (Moon Khazra as a naming scheme, perhaps - would extend to the other two clans), which would be the basic type thats seen in forest, swamp and grassland areas; Ice Clan, an undead variant thats immune to cold damage and has some other advantages, found in arctic regions; and Blood Clan, a mutated variant, in shrublands and mountains. Not sure what their sites would be - forest retreats most likely - all would have a "shaman" variant as well.
    -Sand Raider - four-armed desert-dwellers - classified as demons and with improved physical attributes, but perhaps relatively limited armor and no shields. Town sites? Mummies and Beetle Demons could perhaps be found as their "pets", with Greater Mummies and Blunderbores as their "allied races".
    -Zakarum - swamp-dwellers. Would have four castes - regular zakarum (zealots), priests, council members (like Geleb Flamefinger or Toorc Icefist), and perhaps a caste to represent Mephisto (considering in D2 he's found possessing a zakarum priest). Towns as a site type seem the most fitting.
    -Corrupted Rogue - make town sites in temperate forests and grasslands perhaps. Aside from the regular human-like rogues there could be more demonic and corrupted variants that are stronger (seeing how some of them seem to have spikes growing from their bodies and horns on their warped-looking heads - it could just be armor or some type of helmet but it's really hard for me to tell given how small the sprites are. Perhaps also a variant to represent Andariel's look, as she was the one that corrupted the sisterhood in D2. Not sure what the "male" caste would be, since atleast one is required for a civ to show up in worldgen if the race isn't entirely genderless.
   -Claw Viper - desert race - towns or fortresses maybe?
   -Lacuni - those cat-people from D2 and D3 - desert dwellers. Town sites? Could have some of the desert-dwelling Diablo creatures as pets, i.e leapers, vulture demons or dune beasts.
   -Fetish - small demonic beings, found in D2's Act 3 - would translate to tropical forests and wetlands. Forest retreat sites would be fitting. Shaman variant could resurrect other Fetishes.
   -Dark Cultists - cultists from D3. Town civ? Would have several variants, i.e Dark Vessels, Dark Berserkers, Blood Cultists (the deformed ones from Vidian's cult), Wretched Hosts, the Reborn, also castes to represent Maghda and Vidian. Various undead as pets, i.e Risen Dead, Grotesques or Wretched Mothers.
   -Angels - self-explanatory - a friendly civ for once. Town sites I'd guess?
   -Reapers - hostile angels from Reaper of Souls - multi-caste, i.e Punishers, Anarchs, Winged Assassins, Death Maidens, Ghastly Seraphs, etc. Revenant soldiers, Executioners, Westmarch Hounds (Reaper Hound as a name, maybe) as pets.
   -Abyssals - those naga-like humanoids from D3. Cave civ? Two variants - regular abyssals and "callers" as a magic-user.
   -Bogans - tusked humanoids from D3. Town civ? Two variants - regular quilled Bogans, tusked and larger Bogan Brutes.
   -Unclean - cannibalistic barbarians from D3. Town civ.
   -Morlu - reanimated warriors from D3. Town civ? Would have a regular variant and a caster variant. Corrupted angels as an "allied race".
   -Flesh Golem - intelligent artificial constructs from D3, with 3 variants - Gorgers, Shamans and Hurlers. Town civ?
That's more or less the entirety of the "concrete" ideas - I was also thinking of four demonic factions to represent the forces of Diablo, Baal, Azmodan and Belial. Belial's more easy to think up of with the snake-like Deceiver demons from D3, and Azmodan too to an extent with the Demon Troopers he's often associated with, but I'm not too sure about the others.
My current ideas would be for Azmodan's force to have some of the demons he's associated with in D3 as castes - demon troopers as the "basic" most common caste, the D3-style succubi as another, Colossal Golgors as a large "brute" caste, Phasebeasts, Heralds of Pestilence, as well as representations of Azmodan's Lieutenants and Azmodan himself - similarly for Baal's forces - aside from Baal himself, also stuff like Demon Imps, Stygian Furies, the D2 style Succubi, Baal's Minions (called "Enslaved" per their basic variant), Blood Lords, Death Maulers, Overseers, a caste to represent Baal and perhaps one to represent Duriel as well, considering he was guarding Tal Rasha's tomb.
I'm not too sure about Diablo's forces - I guess some of the D1 and D2 Act 4 demons would be the castes in that case - Hidden, Megademons, Horned Demons, Oblivion Knights, Overlords, Lightning Demons, Blood Knights (those demonic knights from D1 - name from one of their variants, as Hell Knight I've used for the Doom-style Hell Knights), D1-style Succubi, Magi (from D1 - perhaps called Cabalists on one of their variants), a caste to represent Rakanoth and a caste to represent Diablo (perhaps a variant to represent his D3 look which had four arms and a rather distinct figure). Think my main issue is the "race" name for these factions, since I wouldn't want to go with "demon" as it could lead to some confusion. I guess something like "minion of destruction/terror/lies/sin"? Not fond of that either as there's an actual creature called "minion of destruction" in the D2 expack.

I'd probably include some concept art-only creatures as well, like I've done with my Warcraft mod and what I'm planning to do with the Dragon's Dogma mod (either as separate ones or as castes for existing creatures, i.e Azmodan had an early two-legged concept which I could make into a separate caste for his faction).

Lastly, I'm not sure if I'll make the different human groups into separate civs, i.e the barbarians or the Vizjerei. Perhaps as an optional addon like the Kingdoms of Humanity addon for my Warcraft pack.

Anyway, sorry if its a bit of a long read - I'd definitely appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. There's probably gonna be a lot of stuff that I won't be able to do due to DF's limitations (i.e no suicide creatures like Fallen Lunatics or frenzied Baal's Minions) but I'll definitely want to do as much as is possible.


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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2018, 03:06:42 pm »

You can totally do suicide creatures without DFHack, and you even have two options:

1) Add itemcorpses that are just hot, boiling stones.
2) An interaction that targets an enemy at infinite range, granting them a touchable-range interaction that only works on the suicide creature. This second interaction transforms them into a creature with evaporating materials with an itemcorpse like the above.

It's certainly convoluted, but actually possible.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2018, 05:48:38 pm »

I think for Khazra/Goat Men I had some notes that I'd bundle some clans together as weaker/frailer and stronger/faster varients based on the clan.

Like Stone(tough), and Flesh(weak) having it sort of a ratio of tougher clan types being the leaders (so only Stone clan members would hold positions, flesh is like the fodder)

Fire, Hell, and Blood clans (I'm not sure if I had anything to say what one was weaker or not, I think it was more of magic or raw power/mutants Hell clan I think was the "demon" powered one physically strong with magic)

Ice clan is exactly how you have it stated, solo undead clan

Night, Moon, and Death clans were also bundled

I was toying with the idea of making each clan it's own creature, and then just having the ENTITY say CREATURE:STONE_CLAN and CREATURE:FLESH_CLAN but positions would only allow for Stone clan, and possibly "lower tier" positions like a mayor would be flesh clan, just so there was always the mixed clansmen at sites.

So I'm still not sure if I would do it Castes or Creatures for the clans.

As for the forces of Baal, in D3 his minons could be the like that was found in the sandy tomb when you're trying to get the soulstone. Since Baal looks simliar to skeletal guardians. However I can't say too much as I can't remember his forces from D2. Perhaps he just has a faction of cultists.

Diablo for a faction I'm not quite sure, since he kinda used whatever minion he could? I would use the reference of the shadowy and demons found in the siege of Heaven (when diablo is released again) mainly the ones that don't show face under Azmodan's Demon Troops.

However I'm not sure if you should integrate the Prime Evils themselves into the mod, but only have their minions. As to indicate that they are sealed, or fighting outside of the "realm" in their eternal war with the heavens.


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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2018, 03:10:39 am »

Regarding the Khazra, like I mentioned I probably won't be doing the flesh/stone/hell clans since in D1 and D2 they were just weaker/stronger palette swaps without anything special to note, same reason why I wouldn't be doing the fallen/carver/devilkin split with the Fallen - the D3 split with moon/blood/ice atleast had more significant differences, particularly the blood clan who appear horrifically deformed.

I'm mostly referring to Baal's forces from the D2 expansion, they seem the most closely aligned with him, i.e the overseers - the spider-legged Skeletal Guardians could fit as some kind of allied race (was thinking of making them a separate creature thats an evil desert biome dweller). And true, Diablo did more or less use just anything for minions - nonetheless felt like it'd be the most fitting to have his faction be compromised of the D1 and D2 Act 4 demons, since in the former he's the main threat and in the latter its the act where you take on him directly.

Haha, I was initially thinking of making the prime and lesser evils into megabeasts, but figured it'd fit more if they were the "leader" castes of their respective factions, rather than just going around and destroying everything indiscriminately - don't want to use the [POWER] token since its rather buggy and causes adventure mode issues if the creature becomes a civ leader. Besides, imo it just wouldn't feel right without some representations of them in-game. Plus hey, if you wanted to you could play as Diablo, Baal, Duriel or Azmodan and just go to town on the dwarves, humies or other races.


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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2018, 08:39:26 am »

A suggestion I'd like to make is to make the various classes into secrets, so not only you have a few of them wandering around during worldgen, adventurers or even more resourceful forts could make use of them.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2018, 03:26:58 pm »

I was thinking of doing that, atleast for the ones where its conceivable (the different spell-users and perhaps the barbarian as well - dont know about the likes of the assassin or amazon though, admittedly - latter would be weird if males showed up with it)


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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2018, 06:27:57 pm »

For the Amazon one, just have that secret give a different class if the learner is a male or female


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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2018, 06:30:26 pm »

For the Amazon one, just have that secret give a different class if the learner is a male or female
The problem is that you'd need to check if someone is male or not which its own minor nightmare. And at that point you might as well just have it straight up not work for men. Also wouldn't do a thing to creatures from other mods, since the way you'd check is with a creature class given to all males.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2018, 06:34:54 pm »

Fair enough, worse case scenario an outside patcher script or DFHack script to add relevant classes after install. But you are completely right


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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2018, 04:17:15 am »

Yeah, I could definitely add the male/female compatibility for my own stuff no matter how tedious it would be, but for people who'd want to use external stuff it'd result in male amazons. Don't even wanna get into DFhack stuff since thats way out of my league, haha.

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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2018, 01:48:23 pm »

Couldn't you make the amazon secret only apply to castes with a FEMALE class? That way, any external creatures that haven't been made compatible just wouldn't get amazons at all.
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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2018, 01:53:04 pm »

It'd outright require a creature class added to literally every creature - there's no token otherwise that'd make it so only males/females would be able to get that interaction.

EDIT: By creature class I mean something like GENERAL_POISON - the [MALE]/[FEMALE] tokens don't count for that and can't really be specified as a target for interactions, so it'd require every gender caste to have an additional creature class, hence why it wouldn't be conceivable with external creatures.

I guess an alternate way would be to simply make amazons into their own civ, based on what lore we have about the Askari.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2018, 01:56:39 pm by ZM5 »

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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2018, 08:39:02 pm »

Yeah, I know what it takes.  I give all my creatures MALE and FEMALE classes in the castes, so that I can have transformations that preserve gender.  Even using find and replace to add the class after the gender token, updating the vanilla creatures is quite a nuisance, and I generally don't bother for most of the wildlife files.  Just updating one or two files to be compatible isn't too bad, though.

Making them into a civ would require a lot less updating for compatibility.
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I also answer to Gophers and DG.
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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2018, 03:03:26 am »

Ah right, sorry, misunderstood what you said.

Still, yeah, I think making them into a civ would be the best option, with only the females having increased agility and strength as well as access to their special abilities, and men just being there for the oracle noble positions and for helping recuperate the losses after wars.


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Re: Diablo Mod Brainstorming
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2018, 07:37:48 pm »

So I'm done with the Ars Goetia stuff, which means I'll take a break and work on stuff for this Diablo mod on monday. Been playing Diablo 3 as well so I've gotten a bit more insight into the creatures from it.
For Diablo's faction I suppose I'd add on the D3 Act 4 demons to it - when it comes to the naming schemes, I think "terror/sin/lie/destruction demon" would work as a general "race" name for the 4 demon factions.

I may have to move Mephisto's representation to another faction other than the corrupted Zakarum though, same for moving Andariel away from the corrupted rogues, given that npcs in adventure mode would still call you zakarum/corrupted rogue even if you were playing as those castes - would be somewhat off-putting and strange. Guess they both could be part of Diablo's faction as well, along with Adria's demonic form from D3.

Still don't really know what to do with the male caste for the corrupted rogues, admittedly. The Banished maybe? (green reskins of the "vampire" enemy type - admittedly they're demonic skeletons in Diablo, so it may not entirely fit)

I completely forgot - should the skeletons along with some representation of Leoric be also included as a faction? Could potentially be playable, as Leoric alongside some of the unique skeletons and also the skeletal summoners appear to be intelligent, atleast enough to speak - then maybe some unintelligent variants separate from this faction that'd be pets for other races.

In any case, looking forward to working on this to be perfectly honest. Definitely gonna take a while before it's done, though.
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