The last of the serpentfolk outside the wreck fell to the upturned ground.
Tall trees towered to either side of the trench line that had been dug in by the crashing airship, framing either side of your own. The Astral Kraken hung motionless in the sky. The silence at the end of the battle gave way quickly to the sounds of strange birds echoing in the distance, both pleasant and unfamiliar. The morning was already starting to grow hot. The air was dry, and the sunlight strangely pleasant. Beneath your feet was upturned earth, still smelling faintly sweet. A few beetles and small insects could be seen, crawling in confusion through the cleft in the landscape.
Given time to recover, there was much to say. Most pressingly, Riisi ought to warn the newcomers that there are still more survivors from the Emeraldgold caravel inside the ruins, and a safe filled with silver.
If you would like to examine the bodies, roll nature. Stella d'Vadalis has advantage on this roll.
Regardless of the roll, you find that each of the four of them carried a common wand and an alien rapier. Between them, they carried 20 strange gold pieces each about the size of a standard galifar piece, and another 80 silver pieces that you were confident House Kundarak would accept at a tenth of a galifar. Their coins display a proud serpentine monarch bearing a scepter on one side, a woman, by the look of it, though a few of the older coins feature a man. Their silver piece shows a curiously ringless armored airship on the back. The gold, some kind of extraplanar aquatic creature, something akin to a whale, but who's body had long, jellyfish-like tendrils.