Kayto nearly chuckled, though his reasons were perhaps inscrutable to all but Shredder.
Chevash brought a molten pot of cheese to the table, along with a variety of breads. He sat down at the table, and rubbed his hands together, chuckling to himself as he stirred the cheese with a miniature baguette, dipping it deep before rolling it slowly over his plate.
"Do you suppose the extraterrestrial elves shelter against the Dark Six today?" Cylia d'Sivis asked no one in particular in her usual refined accent. "Only, it's an odd question. This holiday traces it's roots to a schism in the faiths of Khorvaire. I attended a social anthropology lecture at Morgrave which suggested that the Dark Six were originally a separate pantheon from the Sovereigns which had been ordered unified under church authorities shortly after the conquest of the Dhakaani Goblinoid Empire. Racial and political tensions between Galifar and the conquered Dhakaani led to a series of rebellions and attacks by clerics of the Dark Six, leading to the schism, and for some decades after the ban, followers of the Dark Six took this traditional holy period as a time of rage, leading the rest of our peoples to shelter for protection over this period, and to liven the occasion with a feast, ironically appropriating the original Goblinoid holiday."
She lifted her glass, pausing. "And yet, what if the elves do not? What if the great battle between good and evil is not universal, but merely local to one continent of one particular world? When we cross the stars, do we truly travel beyond the reach of the gods?" She inquired, opening the floor for a discussion on history and theology to mark the holiday in her usual erudite way. She sipped her wine - a sparkling white with a cherry at the bottom.