"Can't speak for your charity work, Stella, but you will become known for these voyages at least." Mr. Shredder chimes in, approaching the duo as they walk up the ramp to the ship.
"Word is getting out. The staff at the Arcaneoforge know we are working on an alien weapon. I hired some people in Lower Northedge to help me pull apart those Alien machines we saw floating around the last star we visited. Sovereigns know I brag about our adventures around the House Lyrandar offices while I work there! If we keep at this long enough, I'm sure we will find something so captivating that all of Sharn will have no choice but to take notice! If you are clever enough, Stella, you can parlay that fame into the good works you seek to practice!"
The Hobgoblin's ears stand proudly. "I, for one, am collecting and preserving artifacts from and relating to our adventures for posterity sake! Once we are famous enough, and my collection is large enough, I'll seek to have it displayed! I'd gladly include that painting, Sorimas, or any other art you produce that relates to our voyages together!"
Mr. Shredder then snaps his fingers, remembering something. "Speaking of my collection... Do you still want that cleaning robot Sorimas? House Lyrandar was going to dispose of it as scrap metal, so I claimed it and brought it to my room. Its yours if you want it. If not, I'll find an artisan to mount it for display!"