OK, update hit. Time for more strategy.
The Scarecrow seems to be charging up some sort of ability. It did not act during Combat Segment 2, for unknown reasons. Based on the name of the skill (Solemn Duty), I'm guessing it's some sort of attack. Elvish Miner, Benjamin should try and soak up the attack! He still has the modifiers to Strength and Defense that Bulk Up gives him, so you should be fine, but it might be a good idea to use Bulk Up again anyways, just so that you can no sell the attack if need be.
Besides that, I'm going to try and finish off the crow that spent its time "observing the situation". Seeing as how Keith did 1 damage during Combat Segment C and 2 damage during Combat Segment D, I think that there is some degree of variance in how much damage attacks do, so it might be a good idea for one of you to try and finish off the crow with me. Try not to both attack Crow A at the same time, though; divide your attacks amongst the Scarecrow and Crows B, C, and D, as judging by how Crow D was finished off after taking 6 damage, 2 attacks will probably be enough to finish off the crow that took 3 damage.
Keith, maybe not make so many attacks next time? I feel like you did less damage then Benjamin did with Behemoth Blast because you attacked so many times. It's also possible that Solemn Duty is a counter-type skill, in which case the scarecrow is probably going to do quite a bit of damage to all of us after you attacked it so many times.
Emily, try and do something. A good suggestion would be to try and gather resources. You could also maybe make a basic attack. I assume you can punch or kick someone even if you don't have a dedicated ability? That's logical, at the very least.