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Author Topic: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread  (Read 6416 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2018, 11:05:44 pm »

Turf War Report - Year 1 : Spring

Spring is upon both Inklings and Octolings, and with the changing of the seasons comes spring offensives as the water levels rise and a burgeoning refugee crisis begins. Both sides have worked long to update and modernize their armories even as their leaders tried futilely for peace, and both sides are now putting their new tools of conflict into a baptism of ink. A formal declaration of war is made between the two sides, and the conflict is now officially on. No more will it be mere hotheads and deniable elements skirmishing with each other, but both races now muster the full of their power in a fight to determine the future of them both.

With this ignition of the Great Turf War, the formerly top secret developments of both sides are now in mass production, and for the first time Octoling and Inkling get a firm taste of the deviltry the other side has brewed in the run up to the war.

Spoiler: Inkling Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Octoling Armory (click to show/hide)

It is Spring. A time of growth, flowers, joy, and pretty trees. It is also, unfortunately, now a time when two races begin trying to beat the unholy ink out of each other in the face of their hopes and futures being literally sunk. Spring showers have begin, washing away ink and making it hard to hold ground, and a verdant bloom of new growth covers the ground, interfering with infantry movement but also providing plenty of cover.

Lost Outpost
Upon the desert island, the sight ranges are long and, unlike the rest of the land, spring has but a loose grip here. Some light spring showers do come through, but for the most part the sands are warm, the dunes are an inconvenience, the buildings were run down even before Lings started shooting at them, and the waves still beat gently against the shores.

Combat here is primarily Long Ranged, due to the general lack of concealing cover and long lines of sight. The fight is often centered around clusters of surviving, if decaying, buildings, being as they are the only things on the island that actually provide substantial cover. Either from enemy attacks or the sun itself. The rolling dunes do provide some light cover, but they are not the dunes of some storybook, so big as to eat a house, and more like the rolls and dips of sand one might find on any beach anywhere. Both sides have set up Respawn Pads within their own sides of the island, and some elderly and decrepit surviving pads have been found and reactivated within the surviving structures that are scattered across the island.

Two kinds of fights are common on this island, and the main difference between them is where the fight is. In Strongpoint Attacks combat centers around clusters of surviving buildings, one side seeking to take said buildings from the other side. Those fights are desperate things, forcing attackers to attack in the open while the defenders have ample cover, and often as not a local spawn point to prevent attrition from degrading the garrison to helplessness. In these fights the attacks must find some way to either close the distance through the defenders attacks, or suppress the defenders enough they can no longer prevent the attackers from closing the distance.

The other kind of fight is the fighting without local buildings, between two teams of Lings trying to paint the ground their own color. Turf control is vital on this flat island, both for speed of movement and for secrecy of movement. With the long open sightlines any Ling moving on foot is liable to be spotted long before they get into effective range, so most move in squid, or octopus, form. But that form can only be used in friendly ink, so maintaining channels of friendly ink between stronghold positions, despite enemy interference and the rains washing away the ink is of vital importance even outside the need to build up enough of an environmental resonance to seize control of enemy respawn pads. And when, on the edges of friendly turf, two teams of inking lings meet, violence breaks out amid the dunes.

Is these skirmishes, neither side tends to have any reasonable cover besides slight dips in the sand, and outside of ambushes erupting from the ink both sides generally see each more then early enough that no one is surprised by the fight... and that if one side is clearly outnumbered enough it can flee and avoid said fight. Without substantial cover available to either, it is often whichever side can maintain the best turf control, and therefor the mobility advantage, that seizes victory.

In both of these kinds of fights, the same trend can be seen. The Octolings generally have better gear... and the Inklings generally have better soldiers. With the range advantage so paramount in this location, the Octoling modifications to the base Bamboozler (which is still the most commonly seen weapon on the turf) sees their troops usually having individual equipment superiority. Both charging slightly faster and, more importantly, having a distinct maximum range advantage plays well in the Octolings favor. With this range advantage, the Octolings can reliably shoot first in any fight, and can press sieges from outside the effective response range of defenders while, on the defense, can attempt to enforce a zone of friendly turf that extends beyond the range within which attackers can actually shoot at the defenders.

And then you get into the exceedingly rare troop formations holding the Octoling Bamboozler Mk.2, which is superior in all ways except cost and complexity to the original model. Charging faster, firing even farther then the upgraded Mk.1, using less ink per shot and even being slightly more accurate, the Mk.2 is a nightmare for the Inklings unfortunate enough to run into it.

Both sides also possess supporting heavy weapons, but neither is especially apt for combat on the island, and therefor the Inkling Inkerial Blotter and the Octoling Splatling Cannon are relatively rare sights on the Lost Outpost. It is here however that the Inklings actually possess a more advantageous weapon then the Octolings. For while both supporting weapons are used in the long ranged turf painting squads for their ability to cover ground with ink somewhat faster then a Bamboozler, in attacks on enemy held structures the Inkerial Blotter's ability to shoot a shell through a window and spray the entire room with ink is a notable advantage. It still, however, requires that the Inklings push forwards into medium-ish short range to actually do, which can be easier said then done.

In terms of Sub-Weapons, the Octoling Balloon mine proves somewhat more useful in this battlefield then the Inkling Inkdisc. While the Inkdisc is used in close assault on enemy held structures, honestly speaking if the attackers can get to close assault in the first place the defenders are probably screwed anyway. As well, it is inferior to the Inkerial Blotter in this use. Inkdiscs require an impact to burst, and their disc shaped exterior means that if thrown so they'd impact the floor they often just skid across it without actually exploding. Instead, they must be thrown so they slam into the back wall of a room to properly explode, where the Inkerial Blotter can burst on the floor, catching the entire room in its splash radius.

Meanwhile, the Balloon Mine, while almost never actually used as a mine, has proven useful for something entirely different. Erectable cover. Tough enough to take several shots before exploding, and when it explodes covering everything nearby in friendly ink, Octolings commonly erect Balloon Mines where they want to hold a position. Being large enough for an Octoling to hide behind and cheap enough for each Octoling to have a few of the plastic bases that hold the balloons, they are fast becoming a commonly seen sight on the island. There's even some use of them in the open area firefights between turf control squads, though the complexity of the automatic pumps some have prevent casual use of them there.

With neither side having an Abilities to compare, the penultimate thing to look at on Lost Outpost are each side's specials. Both sides possess only one special, with the Inklings having Vortex Armor and the Octolings having the Krakenblade. The Inkling Vortex Armor is, unlike the Krakenblade, cheap, allowing every Inkling to equip it. The Vortex Armor causes a vortex of ink to form around the user, providing mobile cover and allowing them to automatically ink anything nearby, turf or foe alike. However, it also has a very short duration, rendered even shorted when put under enemy fire or moving through enemy ink, and can sometimes interfere with its own user. Meanwhile, the Krakenblade is, well, a sword made out of ink. It has enough concentrated power to strike down any known foe with a single slash, but as a sword it only works in melee range. It also allows the user to undertake a short ranged high speed dash to get into range, or to do a slashing dash to attack targets in a line...

But the fact is, that for all the Vortex Armor's flaws, the it's still more useful on the Forgotten Outpost then a melee to almost melee ranged special. For all it might last only a few seconds, its cheapness allows entire groups of Inklings to use it in mass, and its protective nature allows said mass of Inklings to make mass charges on enemy held positions with very little worry until the Special wears off. Even as short duration as it is, it allows the Inklings using it to make up for the Octoling range advantage by closing in under it's protective effect until the Inklings can actually shoot back.

Lastly, the troops themselves must be looked at. And it is here that the Inklings have undoubted superiority to the Octolings. Neither side employs the barely trained militia that were expected only a year ago, but have crash-started actual training programs for their soldiers. The Octoling Home Guard Program is a pseudo volunteer organization, meeting twice a week to train in teamwork and the basics of soldering. Meanwhile the Inklings possess the two month training course of their Military Inkline Camp, which trains Inkantry and, at the Firink Range, produces the somewhat uncommon Markslings.

Inkantry are superior to the Octoling Guard in almost all ways. Only in internal squad teamwork can the Octolings claim to be superior, but the Inkantry can coordinate between multiple squads with a trained ease that the Octolings can't match. Meanwhile, in personal troop ability, a two month focused training course simple produces superior soldiers then those made by a quasi-volunteer twice a week weekend warrior club. And then Markslings, with their high accuracy, rapid snap shots, and ability to hug cover Octoling Soldiers wouldn't even notice are superior even to the average Inkantry.

Even beyond that, it can not be denied that the Inkantry is just... fresher then the Octoling Guard. They push forwards where Octoling soldiers balk, persist when Octolings would flee, and maintain an overall higher ratio of operations to downtime then the Octoling Guard.

Despite that, despite the Vortex Armor, on this island, in the Lost Outpost, the Octoling combination of superior range and erectable cover proves key. Inkantry find themselves outranged and out gunned, though not outshot, and slowly but surely the Octolings push forwards and seize the midground between the two sides. The clusters of old decaying buildings in the center of the island are colored in Octoling colors, given hasty repair jobs, and the rare respawn pads attuned to the Octoling forces. Within the newly erected fortifications upon their side of the island, the Inklings prepare for a siege...

Octolings advance on the Lost Outpost.
[I: 1/3; O: 2/3]

Mount Nantai
Upon the switchbacks and outcroppings and leaning cliffs of Mount Natai, combat is often Medium Ranged. Not because the mountain is small, but because the portions of the mountain one can actually stand on are small. Combat is as much vertical as it is horizontal, as fighters shoot from one level of a switchback path down to, or up to, the next layer of the path, or from one flat cliff outcrop to the next. Paths can often be bypassed by directly inking the cliffsides and slopes themselves, but the frequent spring rains ensure that such short cuts can not be relied upon to exist, while the growing undergrowth may provide cover but also complicates paths and other attempts to climb the mountain's slopes. There are few flat spots of enough size to support the construction of a Respawn Pad, and what few pads there are will likely be vital points in the fighting to follow.

While most of both sides equipment has already been discussed, one particular part which was brushed over in Lost Outpost proves to be particularly useful upon Mount Nantai. To be precise, the Inkling Bamboozler Quickcharge Cartridges. With ranges close enough that most times, though not all times, fighters are comfortably in range of one another, the Inkling ability to open up fights with two rounds rapid is a telling advantage. While they can not keep up this speed of fire, the initial advantage, as well as the scarcity of Respawn Pads meaning that enemies can often not simply jump right back into the fight, often proves key in the mountain side firefights.

Here also, both sub-weapons and supporting weapons alike prove more useful then they were upon the sands of the Lost Outpost. In these closer ranges, and far more vertical environments, both Octoling and Inkling alike turn to using their Sub-Weapons as bombs, hosting or rolling them off the side of a cliff to land upon enemies unlucky enough to be below. While few can overstate the sheer panic having a full sized Balloon Mine hosted off the edge causes those unlucky enough to be beneath it, the Inkling Inkdisks, and their increased throwing range and accuracy (at least compared to an Octoling sized giant balloon), are often more effective as a cliff bombing weapon. On the other tentacle, Balloon Mines can be sent rolling down paths like a giant explosive bowling ball, while the Disks might be able to roll somewhat but tend to fall over on their sides after a mere dozen meters. Balloons Mines are also still being used as erectable cover, though with the more frequently avaliable natural cover upon the mountain that is less useful here then upon a flat and coverless island.

Meanwhile, the arc trajectory of the Inkerial Blotter's shells proves highly useful shooting up or down changes of elevation, and its ample splash damage is especially powerful in the close confines of the narrow paths and flat spots upon the mountain. Of course, the Splattling Gun also enjoys areas where the foe can not run away and has to stand there and take it as the user empties an entire ink tank in seconds down into their general location, and even sees some use as a poor man's artillery gun when aimed upwards towards enemy held positions and fired blindly.

The Krakenblade also proves more useful here then it did upon the sands of the Lost Outpost, even if its short range still hampers it. Still, one unlucky squad of Inkantry caught in a line on a narrow makes for a very happy Krakenblade user and a group of Inklings about to take a blade dash to the face. And while it might be hard to get in range when firefights are often between different layers of switchback trails and flat spots on the side of cliffs, if a Krakenblade user can actually get to one of those enemy held flat spots without immediately being splatted the same small size that makes it hard to get there also makes it quite hard for the foe to flee. Well, unless they want to just jump off the cliff and abandon their position.

Still, despite the Krakenblade, despite Balloon Mines being deployed as lethal bowling balls, despite the best efforts of the elite units with the MK.2 Bamboozler, despite the sheer firepower of the Splattling Cannon... The Inklings slowly but surely push forwards on Mount Nantai, their ability to fire instantly upon seeing an enemy, their better training, and their superior freshness proving superior to the Octoling firepower. The better coordinated Inkantry and the sharpshooting Markslings consistently make better use of the terrain, more mutual support, and are simply better shots then the Octoling Guards, and said Guards soon find the Inklings having claimed the mountains peak and the Respawn Pads set up where it flattens. It'll be a harsh uphill struggle for them next season.

Inklings advance on the Mount Nantai.
[I: 2/3; O: 1/3]

Calamari County
The backwards Calamari County is known for two things. Streams, and trees. And both can be found in abundance. The vast and overgrown forests render combat to be mostly held at Close Range, as troops mutually surprise each other in the thick spring undergrowth under the vast sun concealing trees. The multitude of streams also shapes the battlefield, as while the shallow freshwater streams may not Splat a Ling on contact, they still aren't very traversable and are completely un-inkable. As such, the many small bridges form natural choke points in this previously obscure county.

Here, combat favors immediate applications of firepower, fast reaction times, and good maps as to not get lost. Once again the Inkling ability to fire immediately on contact with the enemy by using their Quickcharge Cartridges is a key advantage, and unlike other areas the Inkdisk truly comes into its own in these close ranged firefights. The ability for every single Inkantry to respond to enemy contact with a thrown explosive is lethal in these close ranged firefights, and would be even better if Inkdisks didn't take several seconds to prepare for usage. An Inkerial Blotter, on the other tentacle, doesn't need several seconds to prep, and a snap fired shell is a nasty opening to a firefight. The Inkantry really wish they had more of them, but even with only one a squad it can provide a highly useful splash of pure firepower.

On the other hand, both the Vortex Armor and the Marksling find themselves or itself mostly superfluous in these fights. For the Markslings, ranges are simply too low. While their use of cover and rapid snapshots are still useful in these fights, their famed accuracy is barely better then the average Inkantry in these surprise point blank skirmishes, and while their cover skills are good, cover is already abundant anyway, and most fights happen with such short notice and short range it's of limited use anyway. As for the Vortex Armor... well, besides being highly visible it tends to waste itself on all the plantlife Inkantry walk through, plunging its already minimal time of effect down even farther then on average.

Meanwhile, on the Octoling side of things, it is here in Calamari County that the Splatling and Krakenblade come into their true power. In these short ranged firefights, the Krakenblade's dash and slice capabilities render their, thankfully for the Inklings, uncommon users to exceptionally lethal levels, and as for the Splatling Cannon the ability to empty an entire ink tank in mere seconds is nothing to scoff at when ranges are so low even the Splatling Cannon can barely miss. Lastly, in firefights that don't end within the first ten to twenty seconds in either a hail of ink, sword slashes, or explosive disk bombs, after the Inklings have used up their Cartridge Shot and in those rare occasions when the Octolings in question actually have them, the Mk.2 Bamboozler's faster charge rates often prove a subtle but powerful advantage.

As well, this is the first battlefront to see a Balloon Mine actually being used as, well, a Mine! Hidden in dense underbrush to keep the Inklings from seeing it until it was to late, with a brave volunteer to set it off at the right moment. Sadly for the volunteer, the underbrush that hid it also absorbed a lot of the eruption when it blew, so it didn't prove to effective.

The combat in Calamari County is exceedingly close, between explosives, more explosives, autofire, snap fire, and Krakenblade action, and at the end of the season the front lines have barely shifted, hotly contested with ambushes galore and several commanders pushing a bridge too far at the wrong moment. In the end, however, the Inklings manage to out perform the Octolings, brave Inkantry able to keep up a hotter and more frequent rate of attacks. It's very close, but the Fresher Inkantry push just that much farther, demand just that much more from themselves, and manage to seize the core of Calamari County by their fingertips as the Octolings mass for a counter attack next season.

Inklings advance in Calamari County.
[I: 2/3; O: 1/3]

At the end of the season, both side's high command goes over their gains and losses and comes to an unpleasant realization. Just because Respawn Pads keep one from actually dying doesn't keep the trauma and stress of actual combat, much less actual combat wherein one gets splatted repeatedly and then thrown back into the fight, from building up. This is starting to adversely effect the brave men and woman whom make up the army's morale. And not just effect it a little, but 'traumatized' type effect it. In the face of this growing streak of PTSD, both side's high command have decided to enforce a more aggressive cycle of duty/downtime, moving troops regularly from the battlefront to core territories so they may be reminded of what they fight for, de-stress themselves, and maybe teach some classes between therapy sessions.

As such, from now on, each side will only attempt to push forwards at two battlefronts, or otherwise equivalent troop deployments.

The Design Phase of Summer, Year 1 has begun.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2018, 11:35:37 am »

Great idea!
He who knows
he has enough
is rich.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2018, 10:46:53 pm »

Turf War Report - Year 1 : Summer

Summer now comes upon Octoling and Inkling alike, with great relief to both as the pollen filled surge of growth comes to an end in time with the fading away of the original offenses. Both sides now know this will not be as easy as they hoped, and much effort will be required to see victory. Factories of all sorts have begin gearing up to support the war effort, and more and more Lings are reporting to recruitment stations as the season goes by. The war continues...

Both sides have not spent their time idly, however, merely hoping for victory, and new and more advanced and shiny developments have come out of both labs over the run up for the Summer Offensives being planned. The Inklings are now deploying the 3D-Scope, obsoleting the ⑨-Scope before it was ever deployed. The 3D-Scope uses a cunning mutli-stage pressure system with one central compression chamber surrounded by three secondary ones to achieve far superior damage per shot over the Bamboozler, as well as being able to fire out into the long range bracket (with the help of a scope to be able to aim that far). It is the first true long ranged charger to see the battlefield, and while it still has a slow firing rate, at least the user doesn't need to manually replace eight separate ink cartridges like with the ⑨-Scope.

Meanwhile, the Octolings have sent Society For Prevention of Biased Species Interaction into a firm retreat with a strong PR campaign that shows how they are preventing Octolings from achieving their true potential, whatever it may be, as well as encouraging bigotry against those with unusual talents. This allows the pre-existing programs for the Giant Octolings to actually be used, and now members of that Subspecies will be properly identified and trained to put their unique talents to use. In fact, one had so much talent they made a hero out of him! Dofley, the Artist with a Big Gun, has been equipped with unique specialized gear to maximize his unique talents, will be showing up on the battlefield soon with his hero grade Splatling Cannon (Krakenblade Bayonet included) and new model Krakenblade. He's demonstrated some remarkable talent for Ink Energy control and efficency, allowing him to use the Krakenblade with more efficiency then other soldiers... even beyond his hero status.

Spoiler: Inkling Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Octoling Armory (click to show/hide)

It is Summer, a time of heat and sweat, when the fast and frenzied growth of spring calms down and settles in for the long hall. Luckily for all fighters, it seems to be a mild summer this year, not to hot, not to cold, not to rainy, not to dry, and the season should have little effect on the current combat. The Inklings have decided to make a push on the Lost Outpost and Mount Nantai this year, while the Octolings are making attacks at Lost Outpost and Calamari County, with the attack upon Calamari County backed up by the doughty Dofley.

Lost Outpost
With both sides making pushes upon the Lost Outpost, combat here is fast and frenetic. Last season, the Octolings won here through a combination of superior cover and superior range. They still have superior cover, but the new Inkling 3D-Scope, handed out to their Markslings specialists, sees the Inklings possessing a firm range advantage this season. Combined with the superior fighting spirit from their Freshness, the synergistic effect of a dedicated long ranged charger (+Scope), and a dedicated long ranged specialist sees the Octolings slowly but surely being rolled back from their gains taken last season. The superior range of their Bamboozlers, as well as the overall superiority of the Mk.2s over normal Bamboozlers, fails to drive the Inklings away when any Octoling whom tries to make a shot has even odds of taking a snipe to the face.

Combat out in the open goes somewhat more in the Octolings favor, as they've even odds for pulling off and ambush when that happens, but it's not enough when the Inklings also can pull off ambushes. And when they do, 'out in the open with no cover' is a bad spot for Octolings to be in. The Octolings put up a fierce resistance, but by the end of the season the Inklings have firmly claimed the middle ground of the Lost Outpost, and it is the Octoling's turn to be fortifying their own half in expectation of a coming assault next season.

Inklings advance on the Lost Outpost.
[I: 2/3; O: 1/3]

Mount Nantai
Only the Inklings have chosen to send reinforcements to Mount Nantai this year, and the local commanders make good use of those reinforcements. Here, unlike the Lost Outpost, Inklings must face the new Giant Octolings in an environment that doesn't nullify most of their advantages, and Inklings soon find themselves automatically diving for cover at the sound of a Splatling Cannon being cranked up for speed. Despite that the new Inkling 3D-Scopes prove effective at harassing Octoling emplacements from being the range they can respond, if not as effective as at the Lost Outpost, and the Octolings have made no gains against the issues that caused the Inklings to advance last year. Giant Octolings may be strong and tough, but the only heavy weapon they have to use is the Splatling Cannon which, while servicable, is still fairly crude. And Inkling Soldiers are still, all in all, better trained and more motivated then their opposite numbers, whom find the enemy freshness intimidating.

While the Octolings put up a fierce struggle, the Inklings move forwards, kicking the Octolings off Mount Nantai and back into Octo Canyon. There, so close to their homeland, the Octolings will fight with extra desperation and renewed supplies and recruits from being so close to the center of their power... but the fact is that they have to fight there because they lost.

Inklings advance on the Mount Nantai.
[I: 3/3; O: 0/3]

Calamari County
In Calamari County, the first individual that can be properly known as a Hero makes their appearance. Dofley is a fearsome foe to face in the undergrowth, and even not assigned to any operation in specific he cuts down many an Inkling this summer with both blade and cannon alike. As well, here the rest of the Giant Octolings and the sole heavy weapon of the Octolings find their true time to shine. The combination of heavy short ranged firepower and heavy weapon specialists is, well, a natural one, and they enthusiastically use their Splatling cannons to deluge any enemy that shows up. On the other hand, the new Inkling design... well, a sniper weapon just isn't that useful inside a dense forest. A few are used for bridge clearing, or guarding, duties in the dynamic action of a chokepoint fight, but mostly the range is just too short for them to be useful. While the Inkerial Blotter is still highly applicable to these short ranged fights, it isn't enough to hold back the Octolings.

Despite the somewhat better trained Inkling Inkantry and their greater freshness, the Octolings push the Inklings back this season as Giant Octolings find themselves enjoying using their talents to the fullest and Dofley becomes a boogyman to all Inkantry within this zone. It's commonly agreed that someone that big shouldn't be so stealthy, but many an Inkantry find themselves at a respawning pad with little to no warning after Dofley bursts out from the undergrowth.

Octolings advance in Calamari County.
[I: 1/3; O: 2/3]

As combat between the two sides continue, scientists report receiving strange readings from the depths of the island, deep underground. Something they didn't detect before...

They think it'll be most the rest of the season before they have more detail, but they expect that by the time comes to formalize the choice of Fall Deployments, they'll know enough for high command to make a choice on whether to divert reinforcements to investigate this signal or not.

The Design Phase of Fall, Year 1 has begun.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2018, 02:55:35 am »

Turf War Report - Year 1 : Fall

Fall has now arrived, and with it has arrived new weapons and heroes as the war drags on.

The Octolings have finally, a year and a season after they did their first drafts, returned to the Mk.2 Bamboozler and actually finished it. No more are overly complicated and expensive prototypes being put to field use, but the new Mk.2b Bamboozler is a fully capable field design. More specifically, it's now capable of being produced in mass, for certain forms of the term mass, and has gone from Very Expensive to Expensive. The new Elite Octoling Agents, an uncommon form of elite soldier produced by the S.T.E.P Up program, are very happy with this as it comes just in time for their own introduction to the battlefield, every one of them clutching their new gun with happiness.

The Inklings, on the other hand, have had less luck. Commander Cauldo, their new hero, is the only sign of their efforts over the last season. Sure, sure, he's a tactical genius, armed with an elite form of the Inkerial Blotter, and has some mad scientists Ink Energy batteries strapped onto his tank to power his specials... but rumors spoke of something more, some new specialist coming down the line. Of course, rumors also spoke of teleporting blocks, electrical floors, and spike pits, so perhaps its no surprise after all these mega-specialists don't seem to be anywhere the Octolings can search.

Spoiler: Octoling Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inkling Armory (click to show/hide)

It is now Fall, and all must now contend with with drenching rains and cooling temperatures, falling leaves and muddy ground. The rain and mud once more make operations for both sides extra difficult, though the Inklings find reason to be glad they'd driven their foes off Mount Nantai the year before, for the rains have brought temporary waterfalls to the mountain, washing over the paths and soaking careless Inkantry. Still, even Octo Canyon is effected, as the waters run down what the Inklings thought was a dry streambed through the middle of the Canyon.

Currently, the Octolings are trying to push the Inklings out of the mouth of Octo Canyon and back to the mountain beyond as well as pursuing the acquisition of whatever is causing the signal, as the Inklings also make a push for the Signal as well as upon the Lost Outpost. For the first time, heroes shall come into direct conflict as they fight over the Signal...

Lost Outpost
It is a bad time to be an Inkling and be out in the open. The new twin roll outs of the Octoling Elite Agents and the production model Mk.2b Bamboozler has put the Inkantry here into a deeply unpleasant place as they find that quite a lot of their foes have weapons that shoot faster, harder, and from farther away then their own weapons. The Markslings do their best, but in the face of prepared defensive positions and the new enemy surplus of really good soldiers with a pretty dang good gun, the Inklings are thrown backwards, and the only reason they don't loose ground is because the Octolings didn't reinforce the area this season.

Inklings fail to advance on the Lost Outpost.
[I: 2/3; O: 1/3]

Octo Canyon
On one hand, in Canyon there's less cover. On the other hand, there's less cover and the Octolings still have a semi-common distribution of longer ranged inkguns as a primary weapon then the Inklings have, and the Inklings find facing of with faster firing guns tagging them from outside the Markslings own range. On the third tentacle, the twists and turns of the Valley prevent the Octolings from fully abusing their longer range like in the Lost Outpost. On the fourth tentacle, in the face of concentrated attacks by Octoling Elite Agents, faster, strong, harder and better then any Inkantry they face using their greater firing rates to full advantage, that doesn't matter enough. Even with Inkerial Blotters breaking charges and providing heavy fire support, the Inklings find themselves being slowly but consistently rolled backwards until the Octolings find themselves once more holding the foothills of Mount Nantai at the end of the season.

Octolings advance upon Octo Canyon Mount Nantai.
[I: 2/3; O: 1/3]

Calamari County
All is quiet upon the old fashioned front. Both sides dig defenses in between sessions of enjoying the local cooking and spending way to much money on goods fashioned the old fashioned way.

No one advances in Calamari County. Or fights. Except over who has to pay the dinner bill.
[I: 1/3; O: 2/3]

Way To Deep
Both sides have detected a strange signal in the depths of the island, and both sides have sent both detachments of the army and their greatest heroes to claim the source. Here, Dofley leads a group of Octoling Elite Agents slowly but laboriously making their way through the tunnels and the varied monsters that call them home, just as Commander Cauldo leads groups of Inkantry down into the depths from the other direction. It's a long and deadly trip for both sides, as few Respawn pads are found in the depths and there are one heck of a lot of things down there who'd like to have a stray Ling for dinner. The Salmonids are actually a relief upon those rare occasions soldiers run into them, because at least then they know what the hell they are fighting.

And then, after a long and combat riven trip for both sides, they finally make it to the tunnels that hold their target (or so the escorted scientists with the shorter ranged higher powered sensors claim) when the other side starts coming out of the tunnels on the far end. Each side only holds a single local spawning pad, and both sides are more then overjoyed to meet an enemy they can understand and just bloody shoot already, so violence is quick and instant in its start.

Here, unlike the Lost Outpost or Octo Canyon, it is the Octolings whom find that the Inklings have a better weapon. For all the advantages of the Mk.2b, the Inkling's Quickcharge Cartridges and the ability to fire instantly upon seeing the enemy is the most vital one in a twisting warren of tunnels, all alike and often turning back on themselves. Combat is point blank, savage, and often takes both sides by surprise, and between the Inkerial Blotters ability to snap fire a shell into enemy squads face and the Quickcharge Cartridges ability to let everyone open fire the second they see the enemy... well, the Mk.2b charges faster, but it doesn't charge instantly, combat isn't long enough to allow its faster recharge time to truly tell in its favor, and longer ranged means little at point blank range. The Splatling Cannon is better suited down here, and the Giant Octolings, specially the ones whom are also Elite Agents, wield their guns well. But it still takes a few seconds to crank up, while the Inkerial Blotter's ability to hold a shell ready in its firing chamber lets them shoot first, and the splash damage is especially devastating in these close tunnels. Of course, the point blank ranges favor the Krakenblades as well, but in the face of being shot, shot and then catching an explosive ink shell to the face it's not enough to turn the tide. Not when it still takes a second or three to activate while the Inklings are often firing as soon as they can flip a lever.

Until, at least Dofley steps in. Armed with cannon, blade, and bayonet blade he cuts a wide swath through all that opposes him, raining ink down and slashing through any Marksling or Inkantry that tries to fight back. Single-handedly, he turns the fight around and starts to drive the Inklings away... only for an emergency report to reach him. While he and the rallying Octoling Agents have been fighting the main forces of the enemy, Commander Cauldo led his attached squad in a lightning raid upon the actual facility they were fighting over, pried everything up, and are now carting it away!

After that, it's a desperate rush on the Octolings part to cut through the delaying forces Commander Cauldo has left behind in cunning chosen defenses positions, into the teeth of the hastily thrown up Inklings defenses, Bamboozler and Splat Gun alike as Dofley lances his way through each of them, one after another... but not fast enough. Not fast enough for Cauldo's final gambit. In the end, Dofley receives his first Splat not from Cammander Cauldo's Inkerial Blotter, not from some nameless Inkantry's gun, but from a cave in. Cauldo, with well placed explosives, has caused the tunnels themselves to collapse between his own forces and the Octolings. The rear guard, crushed with Dofley, finds themselves respawning from the spawn pad with new nightmares, but Dofley faces a search of perhaps days in length before he can pick up the Inkling's trail. Far too long for any chase to be successful. The Inklings have gotten away with this round, but Dofley swears Cauldo will loose the next!... Just, er, after he's done healing up. Innumerable tons of solid rock landing on you hurts. A lot.

Inklings have claimed the Fax Machine! Dofley is now in Recovery, and will not be available for deployment next round!

The Design Phase of Winter, Year 1 has begun.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 03:33:43 am by Happerry »
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2018, 07:08:21 am »

Fax Machine, What Does It Do.

So, for what the Fax Machine actually does. It... Faxes Stuff!

...No, seriously, just like in canon. Everyone once in a while it'll spit something out which the deranged minds of the Lings will take as cosmic instructions and get all fired up about. Designs invoking or otherwise referencing said special word/thing of the turn will get a +1 bonus to the roll. No, doing something like 'and carve a picture of the thing into the stock' or 'name it after the thing' doesn't count when it's blatantly tacked on. Please use some actual level of skill in whatever reference it is, not just go 'we use the keyword by slapping it randomly onto the design!' like how some people use Super Sea Snails. No, this enthusasim will not last if you don't actually use it. No storing the inspiration for a later turn, use it or not it goes away at the end of the turn as short attention spans turn to other, newer, fresher interests.

Of course, the other part of the Fax Machine is Stealing It. Like many other items of important-ness and shiny shining shiny... I forget where I was going with that. But anyway, the point is, the side that doesn't have it can dispatch their heroes into a daring mission to go Steal The Fax Machine. And then they have it and they're the one's getting the prompt of the every few turns! Until it gets stolen back, anyways.

Note that unassigned heroes whom aren't in recovery have some chance of intercepting a thievery attempt or other such special operations that operate in enemy turf, whether for the Fax Machine, Zap Fish, or whatever other deranged things your minds can think of.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2018, 02:36:21 am »

Turf War Report - Year 1 : Winter

Winter has now arrived, but not even the snowy nights can put a freeze on the Inkling and Octoling's fighting spirits, or on their ever increasing ingenuity.

For the Octolings, while already existing before the war over the course of this season the Octo Valley Radio Network has been gaining increasing attention amongst friends and foes alike with the station's new radio tower extending its broadcasts to Mount Nantai itself, and many an Octoling soldier or elite agent now walk with a bit more vigour in their steps, buoyed onwards by a friendly voice and some decent music. More militantly, they've also put into production new 'Punt Bombs' kickable balloons that can achieve some serious range, specially when the kicker is a Giant Octoling. Meanwhile, independent war reporters are reporting increased reinforcements upon the Lost Outpost and within Calamari County, and rumor is rife with the potential for an Octoling push...

Meanwhile, the Inklings have put out yet another specialist weapon, a short ranged and yet triple chambered little gun that is the war's first true shooter. Named simple the Rapid Shooter, it might have less range and inkpower then a Bamboozler, but it sure fires a lot faster. As well, they are proud to announce the opening of Camp Booyah, the new close combat alternative to the Firink Range. Unlike the last attempt at an Inkling Obstacle Course, there are no spike filled pits, collapsing platforms, giant boulders, or giant electrified boulders, as well as a lot less lawsuits. It also has newly trained Inkrunners, another uncommon Inkling specialist troop whom have very respectable foot speed, maneuverability, and dodging, even if they aren't actually better with inkarms then normal inkantry and can't use any heavy equipment. Their reinforcements are heading towards Lost Outpost and Calimari Country as well, with Commander Cauldo taking command in Calimari Country.

With both sides reinforcements heading for the same locations, the fighting seems that it will be hot and furious this year, despite all the weather can do to stop it.

Spoiler: Inkling Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Octoling Armory (click to show/hide)

It is now Winter, and snow and cold cover the world. Jack Frost has lingered in the region this year, and ice makes paths slippery while opening up travel upon what normally is non-passable liquid, even if it still isn't inkable. While Calamari Country is the most blatently effected by this, warriors upon Mount Nantai find many of its cliffs frozen solid, blocking the side paths and vertical short cuts both sides have used in the past to bypass the main pathway, concentrating combat in the few still passable areas... not that the slippery paths aren't hazards in and of themselves this time of the year, if less so then they could be in a longer, colder, winter. Meanwhile Lost Outpost finds that the sands themselves are freezing overnight, preventing nocturnal combat and washing away gains as the rising sun melts off the night's chill. It might not be the coldest winter in memory, but it is still plenty cold enough to make soldiers regret that their inkarms can not be operated while wearing mittens.

Lost Outpost
The new Inkrunners, combined with the fast firing Rapid Shooters, give Inklings a powerful advantage in breaching buildings as well as close ranged firefights, and Inkrunners are surprisingly effective at dodging long ranged enemy fire. Octolings, however, have a new advantage as well with their long ranged Punt Bombs. At the maximum ranges used in sieges the Punt Bombs aren't the most accurate of weapons, and the need for a good kick means they're less convenient to use then an Inkerial Blotter... but they do give the Octolings a currently unmatched source of long ranged splash damage the Inklings have no counter for besides dodging. And dodging an exploding balloon can be harder then it sounds, and it doesn't sound so easy when you say it in the first place. Granted, Punt Bombs have certain issues with windows...

But in the end, the old combination of Bamboozler Mk.2b Inkarms and mass deployment thereof proves superior here, Inkrunners able to get much closer to Octoling held structures with covering fire from 3D-Scope armed Markslings, and Markslings might be worth two to three Agents in a sniper duel, but the superior Inkling specialists can't counter the fact that while only Inkling specialists can snipe and engage in fast moving dodge-roll charges, almost every single Octoling Guards(wo)man is armed with the MK.2b Bamboozler. With their elite agents proving a solid backbone for the rest of their newly fired up forces, the Octolings slowly but steadily advance underneath harassing sniper fire. By the end of the freezing winter, the central strongholds of Lost Outpost are once again under Octoling control.

Octolings advance upon the Lost Outpost.
[I: 1/3; O: 2/3]

Mount Nantai
No reinforcements come to this front, so both sides spend a miserable winter huddled around whatever heat sources they can find, united against the mutual foe of 'being really really cold'.

All rests peacefully on Mount Nantai, with not a shot to be traded or a blow to be launched. Except for the avalanches.
[I: 2/3; O: 1/3]

Calamari County
The snow and ice makes fighting in Calamari County a miserable experience for all involved, but with reinforcements being pushed into the fray by both sides, soldiers find themselves being miserable in combat instead of being less miserable in their nice warm campsites. On the Inklings side, Inkrunners and the Rapid Shooter rapidly show their worth in the close ranged confines of the forested county, and with Commander Cauldo deployed to this front the Octolings are finding Inkantry Squads sneaking across the frozen streams and snow to cause havok behind the front lines an irritatingly common experience. Meanwhile, while the Octo Valley Radio Network can be heard, if somewhat staticly, in the county the Octolings are finding that the longer ranged Punt Bombs are quite awkward to use in Calamari County, with the trees providing firm balloon intercepting obstacles to any attempted long ranged use. Sometimes things line up just perfectly, and a few Punt Bombs are kicked down a frozen streambed into a briefly surprised enemy squad, and other times a group of Guards(wo)man manage to launch their balloons in a surprise vertical bombardments without hitting any too firm branches on the way up or on the way down, but those occasions are rare.

What's not rare is the fast moving fast dodging inkrunners using the rapidly firing Rapid Shooter to pop out of cover and send a newly traumatized squad of Octoling soldiers to the nearest friendly spawning point. Combined with the ability for the common Inkantry to flip a switch and fire instantly when two squads run into each other in the underbrush and the Octolings are soon finding that their dearly seized turf is being firmly removed from their grasp as the Inklings take more and more control over the center of the County. The part where Commander Cauldo undertook a daring backline raid in the end of the season and stole (and poured out because it was too heavy to steal) the majority of the armies sake ration for the last month just adds insult (and alcohol deprivation) to injury.

Inklings seize turf in Calamari County.
[I: 2/3; O: 1/3]

The Design Phase of Spring, Year 2 has begun.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2018, 08:12:05 pm »

Turf War Report - Year 2 : Spring

The war has now gone on for a full year, and Spring has arrived once again. The war continues to grow, as both sides put their full deviousness towards devising a path to victory... some more successfully then others.

The Inklings have not had good luck with their designs, loosing the entire class of Commander Cauldo's Advanced Inkantry Training program to a game of hide and seek (after the game, none of them could be found.), while their attempts at aerosolized ink 'smoke' bombs ran into almost as much trouble. Still, after a few incidents with splashing their own testers with boiling ink, aerosolized ink clouds that vanish faster then they're spread through the air, and such forth, the new "Big Smoke" Bomb Sub Weapon is pronounced functional enough and deployed to anyone who'd want to carry one, allowing for 'instant' deployment of concealing and protective clouds of ink wherever the Inklings need one. Still, whatever issues the Inklings have had in design and development has not kept them from continuing the war, pushing forwards at Calimari Country and, with Commander Cauldo on the scene, at Mount Nantai.

The Octolings, on the other tentacle, have had more luck with their own efforts. First off, they've upgraded their Splatling with a rubber band based automatic winder. While this new function needs to be 'pre-wound', it allows for instant firing without the accuracy debuff of having a giant hand operated crank knocking around the gun. Sure, it only can 'store' up to around thirty seconds of Splatling Fire, but that's more then enough to open a fight with a good deluge.

More impressively, however, is the war's first Superweapon. The Typhoon Assault Airship is, well, a giant semi-rigid airship with a big balloon, an equally big gondola, four impressive looking engine pods... and a really really big stock of giant balloon bombs. Oh, and it has a nose mounted respawn pad which uses experimental superjump technology to fire respawning octolings back to their squad's location immediately. All in all, not something an Inkling is going to want to appear in the skies overhead. Specially with all those balloon bombs. Sadly for Inklings at the Lost Outpost, the Typhoon Assault Airship has been assigned to that theater along with enough supporting forces to make a major push there, while other forces make a push at Calamari County. Meanwhile, Dofley departs upon a Secret Mission into enemy territory...

Spoiler: Octoling Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inkling Armory (click to show/hide)

It is now Spring, and new growth now pushes aside the snow and deadwood of winter. Spring showers and pollen both seem mild this year, a relief to the soldiers whom must spend the Spring trying to beat the ink out of each other. The thin new growth means that lines of sight, and therefor weapon range, in Calamari Country are longer then usual, and upon Mount Nantai few will find growth large enough to serve as cover or concealment. On the other hand, the minimal amount of spring showers means the ink does not get washed away as fast.

Lost Outpost
Is that a bird? A cloud? A dragon? No, it's an Octoling Superweapon running rampant with no enemy superweapon or hero to counter it. Wooosh splat is a sound the Inklings hear all too often this season, as the Typhoon Assault Airship rains down balloon bomb after balloon bomb upon fortified inkling positions, achieving through sheer mass and volume of ink what lesser bombs could not and rapidly removing the defenders from physical existence. And even where the airship is not personally bombing the solidity out of the defenders the Octolings can afford to be much more aggressive with rushes and pushes as their causalities are launched back into the fray from the heavens above as they respawn. Inklings see some limited success in massing fire to shoot, or at least slow down, the incoming bombs to keep their strongpoints from being smashed flat from above, but at best these attempts only slowed down the airship.

While they do their utter best to resist, the Inklings do not enjoy this type of springtime island life no matter how fresh the winds and waves are, and find themselves being crushed entirely off the island itself even with using their new smoke bombs to reinforce their fortified positions and break up infantry charges. Octolings find that charging into a literal cloud of enemy ink itches like hell and it tends to absorb their own shots as their ink runs into said enemy ink, acting as a form of short lasting cover, but it just doesn't match the death from above factor. Next Season the Octolings will be pushing into the windy heights of Morey Towers for daring and deadly roof to roof combat, fighting through floor after floor after floor.

Octolings advance through the Lost Outpost into Morey Towers.
[I: 0/3; O: 3/3]

Mount Nantai
While the Inklings had a bad time in the Lost Outpost, here it's the Octolings turn to have a real bad time themselves. Their new Wind-Up Splatlings help, to be certain, but against the super sniping power of the 3D-Scope, the non-direct fire of the Inkerial Blotter, the usefulness of the Rapid Shooter in sudden firefights on narrow paths, and the lack of being above the Inklings to shove Balloon Mines down into their lines, the Octolings find themselves being pushes back once more. They make it extremely painful for the Inklings, with daring Octoling Agents armed with the semi-mass produced Bamboozler Mk.2b demonstrating the advantage in having the superior common firearm and Giant Octo's hosing down attacks with the new Wind-Up Cannon, and perhaps if Commander Cauldo was not on the field to lead from the front and coordinate attacks things would be different... but as is the Octolings are once more pushed back into Octo Valley.

Inklings push Octolings back into Octo Canyon.
[I: 3/3; O: 0/3]

Calamari County
Calamari County, despite the lack of superweapon or hero deployment, is the hardest fought theater in the war this season. Or perhaps it is the hardest fought because no superweapons or heroes were around to turn the tide in one direction or another? Either way, both sides find themselves in a long and bitter fight to gain mere feet of ground this season. Rapid Shooter armed Inkrunners clash with Wind-Up Cannon armed Giant Octos while Octoling Agents hunt Markslings through the underbrush and vice versa. An Inkerial Blotter shell in the right place can put a whole Octoling Squad to flight, but so can an Octoling Agent armed with a Krakenblade literally cut through an entire squad of Inklings all on their own should things align properly. Inklings use their new Smoke Bombs as additional cover and area control, but also find that the highly visable clouds of bright ink are a lot more visible then some Inkantry sneaking through the brush, and using them tends to attract more enemies. Some attempts are made to exploit this to open holes in the Octoling's lines, but against the highly trained Octoling Agents this comes to naught. Perhaps if Commander Cauldo was once again assigned to this battlefield his inspired leadership might have made it possible, but as is both sides spend the majority of their time grinding against each other for the same turf they fought over last week.

For a while it seems that the Inkling Quickcharge Cartridges will again turn the tide and allow them to push forwards, but it is not enough. Pushed back by Octoling Agents at key points in the fight and the new Wind-Up Cannon serving as a counter to both Rapid Shooter and Quickcharge Cartridges ability to instantly open fire with instant fire of its own, the Inklings find themselves slowly being outmaneuvered and are forced to fall back to better held positions.

Octolings barely manage to seize turf.
[I: 1/3; O: 2/3]

Secret Squirrel Business
In a brightly colored building concealed nearby the Inkspire, a large figure in a concealing coat sidles through a nearby alleyway. A quick application of ink upon a wall, and the figure makes his way through a window and into the facility. Following the directions so dearly gained from early efforts, he walks through the halls towards his destination. All seems to be going well, and no one questions the large figure walking through the facility as if he knows where he is going. After all, he's holding a clipboard so he must belong, right?

And then, as he attempts to enter into his final destination, a guard finally twigs on. Not recognizing the figure, she demands that he identify himself and remove that concealing hood. He removes the hood.

For one long moment, the Inkling guard stares at Dofley before she finds herself slashed into two halves by his Krakenblade. Stealth was being boring anyway, Dofley muses as he kicks in the door and opens fire with his new Wind-Up Cannon.

As the morning sun dawns over Inkopolis Plaza, the next shift of guards come in to find the building slathered in Octoling colors and the Fax Machine long gone...
Octolings have Stolen the Fax Machine.

The Design Phase of Summer, Year 2 has begun.

...beeep beep beep boop beep boop beeep beep boop... What's this? The Fax Machine is going off! It's printing a message! And the message is... Zephyr!

The Fax Machine's message is recorded before it was stolen, and so the Inklings are aware of it as well. Both sides gain a +1 bonus to the first design or revision roll they do in the turn of Year 2, Summer, that sufficently references or is based off the concept of the Zephyr.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 03:43:51 am by Happerry »
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2019, 03:50:33 am »

Turf War Report - Year 2 : Summer

Summer comes with war, a war that seems to have no end, growing forever in desperation as the waters continue to rise and yet no victory is in sight for either side. With the ground holding no triumph and the waters turned against them, the Octolings have turned to the skies this season. The new Sky Breeze Octo-Balloon had a... somewhat troubled beginning, but by the end of the development cycle is floating along without worry. With a front mounted engine powered splatling cannon, a bomb rack, and a battery+muscle powered sneaky mode, this craft might be Very Expensive but the Octolings are pinning a lot of hope on it anyway. As they push into Moray Towers and push back at Octo Canyon with the Typhoon and Dofley, they'll soon find if this hope is true.

The Inklings on the other hand, turned their efforts to closing the hero gap this season. Sadly, high command spend around a month confusing an action manga hero for what the real Inkling the character can do, so Aoi the Painter is not as impressive as they'd hoped in the beginning. Still, she does have her personalized giant paintbrush with special compressed air action while being noticeably fast and nimble. And while the attempts to figure out a way to turn ink into solid light mainly resulted in an imploded lab, it also resulted in glowing ink, which Aoi uses for facepaint and so looks extra fresh. And we all know the important thing is looking fresh.

With that over with, Inkling special science agents turned their hands, tentacles, and other appendages to more Special purposes, eventually resulting in the Big Air Ink Bomb, an explosive glob of Ink and Special Energy fired condensed in front of the user and then fired skyward to land somewhere else and give whoever is at said somewhere else a very bad day. Said bad day will coat a fairly large area with ink as well as leaving a cloud of ink hanging in the air for a few seconds just to make the day worse for any enemies attempting to reclaim the newly inked turf. And it's made out of glowing ink, so can be used as a signal flare. Commander Cauldo is particularly interested in that use, in fact... even if it does mean there's no way to use said Special with any degree of stealth. And speaking of stealth, Aoi the Painter is spending her first season of combat on a secret stealthy mission into the enemy homeland while Cauldo defends Moray Towers and a push is made deeper into Octo Canyon.

Spoiler: Inkling Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Octoling Armory (click to show/hide)

Despite the horrors of war, summer seems kind this year, and the sun refrains from making everyone's day worse, The clouds are at that just right level of not too much shade to make things cold, but not too much sun to cook everyone alive, and plant go along with their summer growth without any particular urgency, preventing allergy sufferers from suffering overmuch.

Moray Towers
The wind blown heights of Moray Towers sees fighting as hard as the wind is fast, this season, as Commander Cauldo desperately tries to counter the enemy advantage of air supremacy. Octoling Agents are good, but in the swaying and hard to maneuver through heights the Markslings units and their superior dedicated sniping charger in the form of the 3D-Scope should more then counteract the more generalist Octoling Agents and the wider proliferation of the Bamboozler Mk.2b chargers. Especially with Rapid Shooter armed Inkrunners, and more general soldiers armed with quick shooting Bamboozlers and Inkerial Blotters, countering the fierce close range firepower of Giant Octoling's with Krakenblades and Wind-Up Cannons when they storm a rooftop. And this doesn't even get into the advantage of the Big Air Ink Bomb's yet irregular bombardment and signalling abilities.

Despite the bravery of the Octoling Agents and the more general Home Guard, with neither hero nor superweapon support and in the face of superior enemy specialists, light artillery bombardment from both enemy specials and the Inkerial Blotter, more optimized weapons, and an opposing hero, the Octolings should see an solid loss in this area and be pushed back to the Lost Outpost. They are not. For they have the Sky Breeze Octo-Balloon and the Inklings do not. The sheer advantage of flight in this battleground can not be overstated, much less flight that comes with a motor powered Splatling Cannon, bomb racks able to carry a handful of Punt Bombs or a single Balloon Bomb, and a battery+muscle+sail powered 'sneaky mode' for surprise attacks. The new Octo-Balloon corps, even as exceedingly expensive, and therefor rare, as it is, make a mockery of the confusing network of connections between rooftops to make direct attacks on enemy held locations, smashing sniper nests with automatic fire and introducing high speed Balloon Bombs or a salvo of Punt Bombs to Inkling strongpoints.

The Balloons aren't invulnerable or unbeatable, of course, and Markslings see success in warding them away when they have clear firing lines to use their superior range to overcome the Sky Breeze's superior firepower. But in the maze of rooftops, few indeed in the strongpoint that can keep a solid firing line on all the potential directions a surprise flight of Octo-Balloons could arise from, guns firing at full speed. Inkerial Blotters originally see greater success in combating this flying menace and their ambushes, but accurately hitting a flying target with an arcing weapon is harder then it seems, and Octo-Balloon pilots soon find that there is a 'sweet spot' beyond the maximum range of the Inkerial Blotter but well within their own Splatling Cannon range that they then prefer to fight from.

And while defenders are occupied with the Octo-Balloons... well, that's when the Octoling Agents and Giant Octolings, and worse, Giant Octoling Agents make their attack.

Without Commander Cauldo, this likely would have been a full fledged rout for the Inklings. With his great tactical skill and inspiring presence, however, he manages to hold the Octolings back from any major advances, consistently counterattacking where the Balloons are not and predicting where the Sky Breeze Octo-Balloons will be next attacking. Instead, they have only managed a solid foothold in this unsteady battlefield.

Octolings advance through the Lost Outpost into Morey Towers.
[I: 3/4; O: 1/4]

Octo Canyon
Once more the Inklings push into Octo Canyon, and yet they have no new inventions especially suited for this combat environment. Well, ok, that's a lie. They have the new Rapid Shooters, which they didn't have last time, they have protective and concealing in aerosol bombs, they have a new pesudo-siege weapon in the Big Air Ink Bomb... All stuff that could be pretty useful in the canyon.

The Octolings have the Typhoon and Dofley.

Octolings shove Inklings back into Mount Nantai to the sound of continual bombing runs in a straight-ish canyon with only one path. Dofley is pretty superfluous without an enemy hero to counter, really.
[I: 2/3; O: 1/3]

Calamari County
The sound of combat is not present this season, as neither side makes a push here. Troops rotate through from combat heavy zones to get a well earned vacation, helping immensely with their mental health. Inklings repurpose the Big Air Ink Bombs for home made firework shows, and Octolings enjoy the tasty native cooking and the new air shows being put on by the local flight of Sky Breeze Octo-Balloons.

All is quiet on the Calamari Front.
[I: 1/3; O: 2/3]

Secret Squirrel Business
In a hidden location deep within Octo Valley, the Fax Machine rests. Or, well, it should rest. Because there's no Fax Machine to be seen under the astonished gaze of the Octoling guards. Instead, painted upon the wall is a single message 'I Am Your Base, Inking Your Dudes', drawn in fluorescent ink.

As the sun dawns, the noise of panic and a full security sweep fills the air, but as Aoi totes the Fax Machine over the hills and far away, she can rest easily, for she has left them far behind and is making her way to her pickup point more then fast enough to evade the angry and embarrassed (and fluorescently glowing) Octoling Agents on her trail.

Inklings have reclaimed the Fax Machine.

Despite all the hubdub, the Fax Machine remains silent this season, no message to be heard...
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2019, 09:51:58 pm »

Turf War Report - Year 2 : Fall

In the face of last season's setbacks, the Inklings have been hard at work seeking new tools to turn the fight around. Their new Ink-Missiles are what they spent most of their efforts on, but disappointingly for the engineers they were unable to properly integrate homing and self propulsion capabilities into these puck shaped subweapons, but the super low friction bottom and the enemy ink energy detecting sensors do work, allowing for banked shots around corners and no longer needing a direct hit to have the missile go off and blast everyone around it with ink. Even if it does tend to go off when running into enemy ink as the enemy turfed terrain causes the sensor to get false positives. Still, the glowing trails it leaves behind itself are quite fresh, Inklings agree, and that makes it a popular weapon in and of itself. Inklings have also come up with a long awaited upgraded for the Bamboozler with the new Spiral Barrel refit. While Spiral Barrel Bamboozlers are still shorter ranged, slower firing, and less damaging then the Octoling Mk.2, they're still a great improvement over the original mark 1 module and still possess Quickcharge Cartridge capability for rapid double shots. This refit has closed the gap between the most common weapons used by both sides.

Of course, the Octolings have also not been idle either, coming up with a new, extra large Double Ink Tank for use by Giant Octolings. Rumors that it's merely two normal ink tanks strapped together are firmly denied because everyone can see there's only one giant tank on the Giant Octoling's backs. While far too large, bulky, and heavy for normal Octoling use, this does give Giant Octolings a fair bit more ink to work with. This wasn't the Octoling's primary project for the season though, as they've also invented a new weapon known as the Swizzler. Based on the Splatling Cannon, the Swizzler is actually the first Octoling dedicated sniper weapon, combining traits of a Charger and a Blaster for long ranged explosive shots. Each shot might be slow from needing to rewind the barrel, but the spinning shots and spiral blast pattern are very impressive, all agree. Even if it does have some minor accuracy issues at the end of its range, the blast radius usually takes care of that. Granted, it's slower firing and has less maximum range then the 3D-Scope under maximum charge, but hey, exploding shots right? Octoling Agents all firmly agree it's much better then a lack of any dedicated sniping weapons.

Spoiler: Inkling Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Octoling Armory (click to show/hide)

After a mild summer, fall strikes with cruel vengeance this year. Unseasonal rains strike with a vengeance, edging into hail as the tempature cools, and a vast bloom of pollen makes everyone miserable. Few soldiers can fight effectively in this kind of circumstances, hampering everyone's offensive capabilities. In other news, the Inklings are attempting to push forwards with War Plan A this season, sending Commander Cauldro along with one field force to claim the Wild Zapfish, Aoi the Painter to Mount Nantai in anticipation of an Octoling Superweapon Push, and the last of their forces to attempt to turn things around in Calimari Country.

Unfortunately for them, the Octolings are undertaking a special war plan known as "That's Bait" this season, where one field force is sent to Moray Towers along with the Typhoon, the other is sent to Calamari Country to continue pushing there, and Dofley... is sent to go steal one of the Zapfish. Not the new Zapfish, but one of the ones the Inklings already possess.

Moray Towers
Moray Towers... continues to not go well for the Inklings. On one hand, they have their new explosive hockey pucks which prove to be actually quite useful in this battlefield, able to be bounced around corners by low roof walls, sent zooming along bridges to make a swimable trail, and fairly deadly in the close rooftop quarters. As well, the new Spiral Barrel Refit is quite useful for the average Inkantry, making their basic weapon not so horribly outclassed by the enemy's version even if most of them are using Inkerial Blotters and Rapid Shooters in this battlefield. Honestly, if it was just up to infantry equipment, the Inklings would probably win even with the Octoling's new sniper cannon and their ability to actually fight back against Markslings now. However, what the Inklings no longer have is Commander Cauldro, and what the Octolings now have, beyond their other flying units, is the Typhoon superheavy airship.

While the widely scattered battlefield makes the Typhoon's bombs actually fairly less then useful here, sometimes often even missing all the rooftops outright, the ability to fire reinforcements directly back into the fight, bypassing the maze of bridges and sheer walls that otherwise must be traveled, is even more useful then normal. On the other hand, under the random rain, hail, and heavy winds of this nasty fall season, the Sky Breeze Octo-Balloons are spending more time grounded then in the air, greatly decreasing their effectiveness. If it wasn't for the superweapon, the Inklings might have managed to push the Octolings back out of the towers through the superiority of having a shooter and a blaster weapon and better, if no longer flatly superior, snipers. But the Typhoon is here, and so the Inklings get forced back once more.

Octolings make a successful push at Morey Towers.
[I: 2/4; O: 2/4]

Mount Nantai
Despite expectations of a superweapon push, all stays calm on the mountain. Aoi the Panter spends her days bored, until some bit of news catches her eye early in the season and she gains permission to investigate due to the lack of fighting on this front...

The mountain is once again peaceful.
[I: 2/3; O: 1/3]

Calamari County
After the last season and it's lack of combat, both sides have now feed troops into pushing here, underneath the falling leaves, harsh rain, harsher hail, and heavy winds. It's not a fun place to fight in, and both sides find themselves less aggressive then normal, the season taking the aggression out of them by way of being more aggressive then both armies put together. Still, the two forces do find themselves clashing up and down the front, around streams swollen and flooding by the rains and through piles of fallen leaves. The new Octoling gun is of limited use here, but the Giant Octolings greatly enjoy the extra size ink tanks and how it lets them use the Splatling Cannons much longer. In return, the Inklings find that their new Bamboozler model is far superior to the original model, not so much for the extra range as for the increased firing speed and ability to fire more shots before needing to reload... and their new Ink Missile is light enough to be tossed over most streams, and even with its maximum range being decreased by way of 'running into a lot of dead leaves' the area sensor and bouncy sliding ability means that they can easily flick one into any area an ambush might be in and, if there's an explosion, know the ambush has been ambushed itself.

It's hard fought on both sides, with no hero or superweapon support for anyone. Giant Octolings hose entire meadows down, Inklings fling explosive hockey pucks everywhere, Octolings sneak through the bushes as Markslings do their best from the tops of trees...

The main good thing for the Inklings is that the Sky Breeze Octo-Balloons are extra uneffective here, a combination of the treetops and harsh weather making it very hard for them to do anything useful. It's not much of an edge against the Octolings and the Splatling Cannons which managed to push them out last time... and in the end it's not enough of an edge. If they were fighting the Octolings a season or two ago, it would have been enough, but the new Double Ink Tanks increase the advantage of the Wind Up Splatling Cannons, while the Krakenblades remain a dire threat, and the sliding bombs and better Bamboozlers aren't enough to turn things around. The Inklings are once again forced back, this time all the way Port Mackerel's back alleys and high tides.

Octolings advance to Port Mackerel.
[I: 0/3; O: 3/3]

The Great Blue Beyond
It's always a shame when the other side doesn't show up for a party. And right now Commander Cauldro isn't the only Inkling disappointed in the utter lack of enemy presence to defy them and compete for the wild zapfish. Still, that means there's no enemies to compete with them for the wild zapfish... nor the source of energy the thing was feeding off. An old human structure, not previously discovered. Heavily damaged, and it looks like Salmonids have lived their in the past, but it seems there's something potentially scavengable... maybe. And no oppoisition to force them to do it the fast way. Still, they wonder where the enemy went if they didn't come here.

Secret Squirrel Business
It's been a long hard road, Dofley muses as he makes his way back to friendly lines, a zapfish securely secured. But he can ponder how bad military rations taste later. Right now he has to get this little fellow back to base- An Inkdisc slams down in front of him, Dofley barely dodging backwards in time. Looking up, he sees an Inkling standing on the cliff above him, her giant paintbrush in hand. "You..." Aoi says with an unsettling grin. "I thought that was you. You used the same cover last time. But we have some unfinished business now."

Dofley frowns. "Unfinished business... Mam, do I know you?"

And then he has to dodge really really fast as the paintbrush crashes down where he used to be. "Well, if it's like that." He muses, pulling his Krakenblade free. "I'll gladly oblige you."

Dofley steals a Zapfish, but must take Winter, Year 2 off to heal from combat with Aoi and is therefor unavailable for deployment.

The Design Phase of Winter, Year 2 has begun.

Fax Machine.

Beep... Beep... beep! Beep beep beep! The Fax Machine is going off! And the word is... Spark!

The Inklings gain a +1 bonus to the first design or revision roll they do in the turn of Year 2, Summer, that sufficiently references or is based off the concept of the Sparks.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 03:14:51 pm by Happerry »
Forenia Forever!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2019, 04:03:35 am »

Turf War Report - Year 2 : Winter

The Octolings have not put the season to waste, this winter, and instead have been hard at work to make shiny fresh presents for the males and females on the front lines. Well, actually, no, that's a lie. They've not actually put out any new items for their friends on the front lines. Instead, they've put their efforts to training a new figure into great, it could be said downright heroic, levels of skill. Helen "The Hammer" was formerly the chief engineer of the Typhoon before her talent was noted and polished by a special training regime, but now this engineering sniper is available to the Octolings, armed with an extra large, and extra powerful, Swizzler model as well as customized Propeller-Rang for close and melee ranged combat. As well, the new S.O.C.K.E.T.W.I.N.R.A.R. program, or 'Special Operative Commandos Keen in Engaging in Training With Incredible Ninjas and Ridiculous Assault Ranges', has finally given the Octolings a proper counterpart to the enemy Markslings. Now sniper duels can proceed in earnest between these new Socket Ninjas and their Markslings enemies.

However the Inklings have been hard at work as well, coming up with... well, they call it the Pocket Spray, and it's basically a pocket sized spraycan full of aerosolized ink. It's elegantly engineered, no more expensive then the smoke bombs it was revised from, easy to use, light, and a host of other nice features. It's just a shame that the engineers in question forgot that Inklings and Octolings can heal up with extreme speed just by swimming through friendly ink, so a healing smoke dispenser is not an expressly needed item. The other thing they spent their time on this season, however was on the Inkling's first, and so far only, Superweapon. The newly designed Thunderbird is an airplane that drops large lightning rods into the ground. Which it then hits with lightning, frying everyone around said rods. It also has a large central hold and the ability to dump many things out of said central hold, from hordes of Inkdisks repurposed as bombs to Inkantry using newly invented inka-chutes to airdrop down on enemies for a proper serving of death from above.

Spoiler: Octoling Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inkling Armory (click to show/hide)

It's an average winter this year, snow falling from the sky not to harshly but not so gently as to be ignorable, and water freezing over but not freezing over so much that there's no risk of cracking the ice. Combat will not be effected to a huge extreme, though the weather will still hamper things. Much to the Inklings disapointment, the winds and snow do not normally keep the Octoling Balloons from flying.

In more military news, the Octolings have decided upon the insultingly named plan "Folks, I don't know what to tell you. This bait is so low in energy even Commander Cauldo could do better" this season, sending one invasion force to Mount Nantai, and the other to Port Mackerel, while the Typhoon and Helen the Hammer are also deployed to Port Mackerel to support the push there. Meanwhile, Dofley is still healing up so can not be deployed. The Inklings however, for the first time since the war has started, have managed to deploy one of their heroes to the same front an enemy Superweapon is on. Granted, it is only one of their heroes and not both, but that's better then they've managed to do before! To be more precise, the Inklings are attempting to push forwards on Moray Towers and Port Mackerel, with Aoi the Painter to Port Mackerel to face down Helen the Hammer and the Typhoon. Meanwhile, Commander Cauldo and the Thunderbird will be making the Octolings lives painful at Moray Towers where it is the Octolings turn to face an enemy superweapon with no heroic support.

Moray Towers
This is a hard fought front this season, relatively immune to the seasonal dangers of winter. The snow piles only thinly on the windy roofs and paths of Moray Towers, and there's not a lot of open water up on top of skyscrapers to freeze over. And no matter how disappointed it makes the Inklings, the snow and wind is not normally strong enough to ground the enemy balloon forces. Of course, the Octolings have their own issue this year, facing not only a hero, but also, for the first time since the war started, an enemy superweapon. The bombs the Thunderbird drop might be of limited effectiveness against Octoling Balloons, but the lightning storms it can envelope entire roofs and will happily fry any enemy balloon flying too close, while the inka-chute dropped Inkantry air assaults are used by Commander Cauldo to place a swarm of Inklings right where they will do the most damage to any ongoing Octoling operations over and over again. Even so, it's a very close fought fight, the new Octoling dedicated snipers competing with the Inkling sliding bombs and upgraded primary weapons.

It's not enough. Not against both a hero and an Inkling superweapon of their own. It's far harder fought then it has a right to be, verses said opposition without a hero or superweapon of their own, but the Octolings are slowly and surely peeled out of their strongpoints, herded into pockets, and then crushed.

Inklings push back in Moray Towers.
[I: 3/4; O: 1/4]

Mount Nantai
The Octolings have rolled out a season or two's worth of new inventions since the last time they fought on the Mountain, adding air forces, new ink tanks, and new specialized snipers since the war came to this front. It's not enough really, not against the Inkling's superior indirect firepower and explosive sliding bombs while the finally upgraded Inkling Bamboozlers make their basic Inkantry a stronger opponent then this front has seen before, even before the Big Air Ink Bomb amplifies the Inklings indirect fire advantage. The battle is close, but the Octolings just can't manage to push forwards against the things being dropped at them from above despite the best efforts of the Sky Breeze Balloons to raid and distract enemy forces as the more open skylines around the mountain show the vulnerability of flying units verses enemy snipers when there is much less line of sight blocking terrain to take advantage of.

Octoling push comes to nothing.
[I: 2/3; O: 1/3]

Port Mackerel
The newest place to experience the full force of the Great Turf War, Port Mackerel sees its entrance into the conflict start with a bang as two heroes and a superweapon prepare to run riot over the battlefront. It's a network of back alleys and small streets here, some frozen over with a skin of ice under the winter weather. And the buildings of course, as windows get used as doors, roofs get used as firing positions, and actual doors get kicked down and hand bombs thrown into rooms. The Typhoon is less effective here then it was in Octo Canyon or Moray Towers, as an abundance of buildings provide lots of cover against death from above and the superweapon spends more of its time acting as a mobile spawn point then as an offensive weapon. Of course, wherever it goes, soon Aoi the Painter shows up to attempt to bring it crashing to the ground, and where she appears Helen 'The Hammer' shows up to prevent Aoi from giving Helen a giant headache of a repair job.

Both of them fight their utmost this season, clashing with the full force of their heroic abilities, might, and most of all will. There's not a single Inkantry or Octoling Home Guard, or even an Octoling Agent, who could match them in these fights. Again and again Helen intercepts Aoi as Aoi attempts to bring the airship down, and again and again Aoi just doesn't quite manage to make it past Helen's guard. Eventually, near the end of the season, the two finally have their greatest clash of all as Aoi pushes past engagement limitations, pursuing the withdrawing Typhoon beyond when she'd normally break off due to getting too deep into enemy lines, and Helen makes her counterattack determined to finally put down this most annoying foe.

Helen looses, but the Typhoon is successfully withdrawn from the battlefield, and local command decides to refrain from deploying it again without heroic cover against Aoi. This is, however, too late to prevent the Typoon from having an effect this season upon the rest of the battle, and the strife between the heroes took so long that Aoi has an extremely limited effect on the larger fight.

And of that larger fight... well, neither side finds snipers to be of too much use in this battle, lacking, at least generally, the needed long sight and firing ranged outside of a few limited locations. Of the other weapons, in the short to medium-short ranged fights that make up the majority of combat in Port Mackerel, both the Krakenblade and the Splatling Cannon are deadly enough to make the Octolings strong contenders, though unlike in other fields they find their Balloon Mines less then useful and their Punt Bombs a bit awkward. And of course, they still have a superior Bamboozler, charging faster and with superior ink efficiency. Against this the Inklings leverage their slightly uncommon Inkerial Blotter with its ability to fire into, and out of, windows and then cause respectable damage over an area, and the much more common Rapid Shooter which is... well, pretty effective in the close quarters of Port Mackerel. They also make ample use of their sliding bombs, as well as the older throwable Inkdiscs and smoke bombs. The Inkling Inkrunners are especially effective in this battlefield, armed and mobile as they are, proving superior to the Octoling Agents in this area of their focused specialty. On the other hand, the Octoling forces still have the Typhoon overhead, raining reinforcements down as they are needed and respawn as well as doing limited bombing runs, Aoi kept from interfering by Helen until the very end of the fight. It's close. Very very close as Krakenblades clash with Rapid Shooter armed Inkrunners. In the end, the Typhoon's airborne reinforcements barely, barely, turn the tide. If the Inklings had but one more advantage, a better shooter, a relevent ability, a useful special, a melee weapon of their own, it would have been different. As is, it's an extremely even fight and might not go this way again next time. But for now, the Octoling Guardslings manage to grab a few strongpoints in Port Mackerel, giving them a tentacle tip hold from which to fight next season.

Octolings barely manage to get a hold in Port Mackerel.
[I: 3/4; O: 1/4]

Secret Turtle Secrets
For once, the shadows lay silent. Nothing excessively interesting seems to be happening.

The Design Phase of Spring, Year 3 has begun.
Forenia Forever!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2019, 10:15:35 pm »

Turf War Report - Year 2 : Winter

This season the Inklings are proud to announce the launch of a new clothing line. Innovative 'Ace' brand Swift Swimmer shirts use dedicated and, or so everyling else is assured, very scientific thread technology to minimize ink 'stickiness' when swimming or, just as importantly, while being shot, resulting in both faster, stealther ink swimming and a low but noticeable resistance to enemy ink, causing shots to deal just that important bit of less damage to Inklings wearing one of these new shirts. This no stick technology also makes it easier to wash off enemy ink, resulting in more convenient healing. It's even cheap enough that every Inkling is wearing one!

They also reduced a lab complex into a flaming crater in some very hush hush experiments that totally did not backfire completely and send a few important scientists to the burn ward.

The Octolings, on the other hand, are proud to say that they did not burn any of their own labs down this season. Instead, they've come up with a terrifying new vehicle, adding to the Octoling Vehicle Corps. The new Splatroller, or Inkroller, the name is still in dispute, is effectively a truck. A truck with no passenger space, and armored front, and which uses a giant inkroller as it's single, and sole, front wheel, allowing it to just run over enemies as they shoot futility at it's front. (unless they manage to get into an angle that lets them shoot at it's top, rear, sides, or bottom, all of which are much less futile to shoot at.) It even has an overdrive mode that shifts it into turbo, allowing it to ram through weak walls and accelerate really fast. Cornering may suffer and the pilot will need to wait a bit for the engine to recharge afterwards, but still, going turbo is cool. In general though, it has some issues with maneuvering and fine control. But it's not like you need either of those to run some Inklings over, right? Sadly, it's on the expensive side so is currently having only limited deployment.

Not all the Octoling scientists were working on the vehicle though, and the new S.A.M.U.R.A.I.L.I.F.E. or, Skilled Authoritative Marshal Unit Ready for Agent Infantry Leadership and Intellectual Fighting Exercises Program, both follows the Octoling tradition of being a giant mouthful and also is now operational. If not as operational as first hoped. Despite not being as effective has expected it is taking Octoling warriors and turning them into Octoling leaders, which isn't too bad. They also get a new snazzy hat which keeps enthusiasm for the program high, despite less favorable results then originally expected being reached.

Spoiler: Octoling Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inkling Armory (click to show/hide)
Forenia Forever!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Great Turf War – Splatoon Arms Race Core Thread
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2019, 10:17:55 pm »

Spring storms darken the sky this year, for it will not be a kind spring. Rain and wind blow constantly and consistently, and few are the days with sun and fun. This has... unfortunate results for flying things in general, as well as reducing much of Mount Nantai, and a lesser but still noticeable amount of Port Mackerel, into uninkable mud as a result of the same rain that makes both building walls and cliffs very hard to ink and swim right up, which flatly cuts off a lot of routes at Moray Towers as well as hampering maneuverability in the other areas. The Superweapons still fly despite the storms, for mass has it's vote, and while it'd be unwise to call either fat in front of their pilots, they do mass a lot.

Beyond the weather, this year the Inklings have put Operation Full Port Rout/Mount into play, attempting to seize turf at Port Mackrel and Mount Nantai, while Aoi guards the Fax Machine. To ensure it will actually be a rout at the port, both Commander Cauldro and the Thunderbird have been deployed there, even if the storms will likely interfere with the Thunderbird. Or make it better, depending on how the lightning goes. The Octolings on the other hand have decided on plan "Dazed. Reeling. About to Bait." In this plan, they attack at both Moray Towers and Mount Nantai, with Dofley going to Port Mackrel while Helen and the Typhoon back the push at Moray Towers.

Moray Towers
Things are tight in Moray Towers this season, the constant rain and storms making this battlefield almost entirely different then it's been so far in the Great Turf War. Veterans of the fight for the Towers find that old tactics and strategies are less then useful, with the Octoling Air Fleet rendered almost completely ineffective by said rain and storms, sniping made also ineffective as the wind and rain degrades their range and view, making their dedicated tools overly slow and cumbersome for what limited range they command. (though for both, the rare but still existent sunny days results in spasms of activity as everyone seeks to take advantage.) The new Octoling vehicle, the Splatroller, rapidly becomes very unpopular here, as it's soon found that slippery roofs, small areas, and turbo mode, or even just 'going faster then inching along', tends to have the unpleasant result of 'sliding off the roof'. The fall is almost as bad as the insults the Inklings dish out over the matter.

The Ace Swimmer Shirt is also... well, it doesn't send it's user flying uncontrollably off the edge of the roof, which is certainly a step up in comparison, but its primary purpose is to enhance ink swimming, as the name would suggest, and the constant rain makes widely inked areas exceedingly rare this season, as well as making many walls almost uninkable, cutting off the paths everyone is used to swimming. Without swimming, it has a lot less effect then it could. Still, any amount of damage resistance is always useful, even if it mostly comes down to surviving just one more shot, sometimes that one more shot is the vital shot.

Beyond those two new inventions, however, we must also consider the other things, and people, sent to this battlefield. The Inklings face both a hero and a superweapon this season, without a hero or superweapon of their own to counter the foes. Helen and the Typhoon have come.

The rain makes this season's fight here a succession of no or low visibility choke-point fights, as many paths are flooded out just as much as line of sight is. Like the last season it was here, the Typhoon Assault Airship finds bombing to be of little use. As bad as the winds were that time, now they're worse, Low effectiveness became no effectiveness in no time, and even the Octolings Superjumping back to their squad sometimes find themselves blown off course, if lucky landing on some other roof, and if not lucky... not landing on some other roof.

This, you understand, degrades the effect of having the Typhoon here by a certain amount. It might even be a large amount. Helen isn't too happy either, her custom Swizzler made almost completely useless and her Propeller-Rang rendered unthrowable, if still usable as a melee weapon.

In the end, however, they're still a hero and a superweapon while the Inklings here have neither. It's enough. Backed up by S.A.M.U.R.A.I.L.I.F.E. graduates taking tactical control of the front lines, with Giant Octolings wielding Cannon and Blade to take chokepoints despite the omnipresent Inkling Rapid Shooters, sliding and throwable bombs, and the highly effective at chokepoint assault and defense Inkerial Blotters, it's enough.

If Aoi had been here, if the Inklings finally had gotten their own melee ranged weapon, if if if... it probably wouldn't have been. But it was.

Despite the flood, the Octolings seize the high ground.
[I: 2/4; O: 2/4]

Mount Nantai
The rains flood down on Mount Natai this season, pouring down the paths and cliffs. Or perhaps one should say flooding down the paths and cliffs, It will not be an easy climb upwards this season, and climbing upwards is what the Octolings will have to do if they are to seize victory this season. Both sides have converged here this season, so the fighting will be hot and heavy. Or at least very active, as 'hot' is hard to achieve under the spring storms.

Here, the Octolings find the Splatroller more effective just as they find S.A.M.U.R.A.I.L.I.F.E. less. There is, you see, only one main path up the mountain, and with the rain washing out the normally plentiful alternative paths (going up the cliff looses effectiveness when the cliff is giving a good impression of being underwater, you see), the tactical expertise of S.A.M.U.R.A.I.L.I.F.E. often amounts to nothing more then 'attack them again!'. Meanwhile, on a confined path with room to accelerate, the Inkroller is a lot more effective then at the rooftops, and even if it does go off an edge, there's a lot less height to fall before you land on the next bit below. If the Octolings were defending, it'd be almost perfect here. As is, the Inklings quickly learn to throw, or shoot, stuff at it from above where they can bypass the armored prow.

Even with that discovery, it runs over a lot of Inklings this season.

If the Sky Breeze Octo-Balloons were in operation, or perhaps if the Typhoon was available for supporting the push, it might have been enough to push past the lower cliffs and start contesting the crown. But the Typhoon isn't, and the Balloons spend most of the season ground bound, and so it is not sufficient. Without the air fleet, there's too much stuff being dropped from above, too many hand thrown bombs, too many times the Inklings jump down the cliffs with Rapid Shooters and Inkerial Blotters to contest a vital turning point in the pass, and too much rain.

Octolings washed back to Octo Canyon.
[I: 1/4; O: 3/4]

Port Mackerel
The Inklings have returned with a vengeance to Port Mackerel, Commander Cauldro and the Thunderbird leading the way. To oppose them, the Octolings have sent but one person. And an army, but they don't count. Here, Dofley will again contest the Inkling Commander.

The Thunderbird pilots quickly find that the constant spring storms are as much a boon as a bane, the natural lightning of the storms attracted to the airship launched lightning rods as often as the unnatural lightning, but... well, it's never a good idea to cross the current. It might make an impressive explosion, but it also fries the Thunderbird's systems, forcing it to withdraw. The Zapfish, at least, seem to be enjoying the weather. Like the Typhoon, the Thunderbird finds that dropping stuff from the sky is a low accuracy game given the winds, though air deployment of Inkantry continues on as unlike the towers if they miss their target the Inkantry aren't likely to find themselves unable to land at all.

Here as well, for the first time, Cauldro comes into direct conflict with the graduates of S.A.M.U.R.A.I.L.I.F.E. and while S.A.M.U.R.A.I.L.I.F.E. graduates find that they can contest with him tactically, if with a noticable advantage to the Inkling side, Cauldro is flat out their superior for large scale battlefield guidance. Between his superior experience and superior skill, what tactical losses he makes are made up with strategical advances. It's still a pressure that was not there before, and while it may not counter him it does keep him from having as big an effect on the battlefield.

But most of that comes from Dofley beating the crap out of him half way through the season. After the last time a hero tried to get at a superweapon under Cauldro's protection, Dofley decided that to achieve a close up with the Thunderbird he'd first have to put Cauldro out of play. And so, next time Cauldro managed to deftly make the Thunderbird unreachable by Dofley, Dofley simply switched directions and through brute force forced an engagement between the two of them. Cauldro might be a superior combatant to the average soldier, but Dofley is a specialist in beatings and a beating is what Cauldro got.

Despite this success, Dofley never did get to take down the Thunderbird, as, while without Cauldro he could in fact get close enough to engage it, and even damaged with with backlash from destroyed lightning rods... well, remember that bit about crossing currents? Dofley didn't enjoy the super lightning explosion any more then the Thunderbird did, and the season finishes out without interference by hero or superweapon alike.

It's here that the Inkroller finds success, in narrow streets and alleyways, the rain keeping people off roofs, and the ability to ram right through a wall to get to the Inklings behind it while in overdrive. The Ace Swimmer Shirt, on the other hand, continues to be a swimmer's gear in weather that doesn't allow for large scale inking.

The Inklings win anyway. Wind Up Cannons and Krakenblades do not match cheap Rapid Shooters and superior throwing range sub weaponry, the Punt Bombs being difficult to use in the winding routes of Port Mackerel in comparison to easily thrown paint bombs and proximity triggered sliding bombs that can be bounced around a corner. Inkrunners continue to prove better then Octoling Agents in their field of specialty, and while the new superior Octoling tactical ability helps it doesn't help enough. Inkrunners outmaneuver Splatrollers, Rapid Shooters and Inkerial Blotters outmaneuver Wind Up Cannons, and Krakenblades aren't enough to turn things around.

The Inklings return to Calamari County.
[I: 1/3; O: 2/3]

Ninja Chipmonk Secrets
Aoi guards the Fax Machine with all her skill, but is slow to realize the enemy is not coming this season.

Dofley and Cauldro are both wounded and are unable to be deployed during the upcoming Summer Season.

The Design Phase of Summer, Year 3 has begun.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 01:23:35 am by Happerry »
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
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