Wide Spread
Gear Ability
An emulsion of Slimy Sea Snail slime and oil, Wide Spread dyes clothing a slick yellow color and increases the splatter size of all Ink spread by the wearer, although not impact power. Best assigned to Octoling Guards equipped with flashy weaponry like Splatlings, Self-Filling Balloons, and Krakenblades for maximum impact.
Other Brain
It has been known since ancient times that Octolings house more than a single mind within themselves, all but the greatest of them slumbering, believing themselves to be mere tentacles. Various cults and fads have produced Octarians by severing an Octoling's tentacles throughout history, usually only one per Octoling. They just... aren't very smart. You can train them to perform simple tasks, but the Octarians are never as enthusiastic about their own existence as their creator.
Enter the Other Brain. Resembling an enormous upright blender with a round bladed mouth and tank treads, it automates Octarian production on a truly staggering scale. Fed Octolings whole, it regurgitates a full set of eight Octarians on a wave of Ink, and adds the Octoling's own brain matter to the tank atop the blender. There, kept alive by a nutritive slurry of Ink and Zapfish energy, the combined psychic emanations of so many minds are able to overpower the weak wills of the Octarians and forge them into an army. Still wet with the Ink of their own creation, these Octarians will throw themselves at their enemies as a living wave, overpowering any resistance by sheer numbers.