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Author Topic: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 3)  (Read 34582 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #330 on: October 26, 2018, 07:38:26 am »

Superweapon: The Ink-Spider Climbing Cannon, Or, ISCC.

Four hydraulic legs with clamps and suction at the feet, jointed in two spots, connecting to a gyro-sphere.
Pneumatics serve as part of the leg bases for suction.
The Center Sphere has a rotating Cannon, and I do mean Cannon.

An arrangement that allows it to point in any direction, so long as that rotation is vertical, down the middle of the sphere. Thankfully, the legs make it capable of firing in and at any angle.

The Machine is the pinnacle of our Modern Miracle Engineering of Inkling Ingenuity, and the sphere is the size of a two story building.
Awe-inspiring, breathtaking, and of course, Octo-splattering.

The Cannon makes use of the basic idea behind our blotter, with a few additives to it.

For one, the power of Electrolysis. By using the power of the Zapfish, the ink stays separated from everything else. This, and the super sea snail homeopathy and applied Anti-Logic, allows us to form a huge gathering of ink into a fire-able form, which is then launched on a trajectory. Electrolysis normally separates elements out of water, but the addition of the other two powers let us do this. The Result? A Huge Ink Bomb, which splatters when it hits the ground, going everywhere with it's huge blast radius, and splatting everything in the process.

The fire process also makes use of this factor, with electricity from the Zapfish serving as the rail, sending the Ink Bomb flying away from it down the cannon, and out in a trajectory.

Now, to the negatives, of a sort. The necessity for suction to stabilize it renders it vulnerable to ink jamming the parts. This is mostly fixed with a flush system, but enough ink applied directly to the area will cause a leg to break down temporarily. Needless to say, if two of them break down at once, it will be impossible to move at all, and three will break connection the machine has with the ground. If it's on a wall of sorts, this will end badly.

Additionally, the cockpit requires at least 5 Inklings to operate, and said cockpit is connected to it's own Gyroscope.  So it's fire rate is a bit slow, and it can't fire if it's not firmly connected to the ground, with the legs locked in place. And it is slow to move due to 3 of the legs need to be attached for 1 to move on a wall.

Still, this Machine can climb the walls and chasms of Mount Nantai and the Octo Valley, and is suitable to any outside environment. The mechanics of it also render it's Cannon immune to the effect of outside interference, such as water. As well as it's long long range.

Quote from: Votes
ISCC (1) TricMagic

Mostly cause t's a superweapon. We also need to revise our Inkantry academy to put out advanced troops. Still, Superweapon.

Science behind the various Mechanics of the Superweapon codenamed ISCC.

Hydraulics Vs/AND. Pneumatics-
Hydraulics is the use of liquids and machinery for generation, control, and transmission of power by the use of pressurized liquids.

Pneumatics, on the other hand, uses pressurized gasses instead. While Hydraulics is the primary source, our engineers should not forget the power of pressurized air as well..

The Flush system the legs are capable of uses that free-flowing ink to clear obstructions, and pneumatics should be used to generate suction for The ISCC's climbing and movement/lock abilities. A hybrid if you will, the ratio should be 3H/1P, Or 5/6H / 2P. Somewhere in that ratio for the legs.


A series of rings holding, and being used in concert with a gryoscope, to maintain a stable bearing. In other words, the cockpit doesn't make you sick. It's tied to gravity, and kept in place by the monitors which determine bearing.

More to the point, the Cannon makes use of one which only rotates in one direction, Vertical. This is mostly to keep every gear, moving part, and circuits from dislodging, as well as to make sure the weapons system doesn't break down. More on this part later on in the report.

Ball Joint/Gryo-lock-

The Legs have two joints, connecting to a third. These Joints can be rotated, as well as lock themselves in place. This combined with the suction of the legs keeps the machine stable. As a safety precaution, only one leg can be Unlocked from the ground at a time. This is the time it can rotate.

The joints that connect to the body of the ISCC have a set movement range, and can bend a bit during movement, to better stabilize said movements. Still, safety above all here. The machine is incapable of firing if a certain number of locks are not active to stabilize it. In addition, the center Gryo-sphere is always locked if all legs are not firmly on the ground.


The legs form a simple three pointed star, with the center circle serving as the suction cup. These outward blades are slightly segmented, so they can curve in to grasp, to a degree. They also have a system to stick, like the center. As well, these segments can be locked, either to keep the foot somewhat flat, or more importantly, for firing.

Now, to the Cannon blueprints.


In chemistry and manufacturing, Electrolysis is a technique that uses a direct electric current to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction. Electrolysis is commercially important as a stage in the separation of elements from naturally occurring sources such as ores using an electrolytic cell.

More simply, a current of Electricity from our Zapfish affects al of the ink, separating and disturbing it..

On it's own, this is no way to make a shot, as we get some strange reactions out of it. However, if we look deeper at what the charge means..

Positive and Negative Charge. That, is the key, both to keeping it in a fireable form, and to firing it. As well, well, we've had Anti-logic for a while.

Excerpt from the Blotter Prototypes

There was some issues with the applied anti-logic trying to make the explosions less effective instead of more effective by reversing the effectiveness of upgrades,

This bit, as well as what we know of Anti-logic. A reversal. As homeopathic powers, which was never quite explained in the first place, is intertwined with the base design of a gathering of ink with anything to pressure it in the first place... Yeah, might as well add the Homeopathy to this.


The use of similar to treat similar, the Law of Similars. Anti-logic is a confusing thing, and I see this as more using Allopathy by using Anti-logic to reverse certain points, and emphasize others. Funnily enough, this is how said medicine works, by building up resistance to such things. Anti-logic applied to Resistance, reverses it, so it instead exerts a force which pulls in, instead of keeping out...

On the whole, the fact that the Blotter even works is due to the Concepts being used. That and SSS, which is already a weird thing.

Anti-Logic Use, and Super Sea Snails, add Zapfish-

We're going to need a better Cannon.

Right, So Anti-Logic isn't really applied to Math. More, it's the reversal of usual Concepts, Emphasizing various reactions, and recreating them in a mirror image, like a Squid playing around with Building Blocks without any idea how gravity works. And those blocks are made of Super Sea Snail Shells.. Right,

The two of those things kinda compound off each other, making for ridiculous reactions. And now we're adding Zapfish to the mix.. Here's hoping we don't write our own project into nonexistence by accident.

First, Compound Reactions. Homeopathy already is used in our blotters to trick the ink into compounding, though to a weaker extent than the usual pressure methods. Now we add Electrolysis in, using the same principles. This acts to compound the ink into a single sphere. Ink flows into the cannon, and forms the sphere. And just to add a bit of confusion, the number 3. 3 parts make up the sphere, 3 Concepts are used in each individual process, and the total is 7, a Prime number. 1 is also Prime, and that's what we end up with. And so, our Sphere is Primed to fire.

Charged Ink Energy

Complicated Theoretical Math. Perfect for this Combination. Also, Anti-logic is the one common denominator in the two three part processes, so there is that as well. Also, 2 7s make 14, a division of 2 and 7... So 2 parts make up the 1, and we come to 3 again.. 3x7 also makes 3 & 7. Anti-Logic Math.

Skipping the strange combinations of SSS & Anti-logic, we come to the Power of the Zapfish. Electricity.

This adds another part to it. Due to the power of the Zapfish being used, as well as a Direct Application as seen due to Electrolysis, The ink is charged with positive energy. As well, due to the use of Anti-logic, the other half is charged with negative energy. And the two are kept in stasis due to Anti-logic keeping their value somewhat neutral, on account of providing the Opposite Charge to each side in the equation.

Point being, it's a lot of Neutral Math Electricity going around in it. Now we come to the Firing Pin, now that the Sphere is formed.
As to be expected, we're using electricity. By build a charge at the base of the cannon, through the five-pointed SSS Shell Star(with central point) built into it, the power matches the Sphere's Electric Charge. That charge next lines the barrel, through more conventional charged rings and lines, to act as the Electric Barrel, to prevent the shot from bursting inside the barrel. Finally, we reverse the charge in the Firing Pin. This fires the shot, as the two reversed Anti-logics fire the shot out the barrel, both physical, and electrical.

A rail-gun, in other words. As for the flight of the shot, heres the brilliant bit. As soon as th Sphere hits the ground, it does not actually realize it was falsely compressed, like our blotter. Rather, due to all the bits that went into stabilizing it, the Anti-logic doesn't actually let it break like that. Rather, the charge violently discharges into the ground, destabilizing the entire thing. This is what blasts the ink just about everywhere in a huge radius. A triple reversed implosion of ink. Or a pretty explosion, I'm not picky how or which way the sphere decides to blow.

Better/Bigger Cannon Canon-

Well, we come to this bit, the diameter and length of the cannon. Funnily enough, it only need be long enough to form a electrical barrel which length is twice that of it's own diameter. Given the main body is the size of your a two story cube-perfect building, it's not actually that big on the body. The legs are that long, if not more so.

Ah, if you didn't notice, the Prime 5 is in there as well, completing an unbroken Prime count. This also includes the number Zero, and 7 is Lucky.

Anti-Logic is a complete mess to work with, but suitably crazy for what we can get up to with it, with a bit of ingenuity.

As a final note, shots are lobbed, as messing with gravity can wait for another day. Heavy things, ink. Comes from it's base design of the Inkerial Blotter.

I am very glad we're only making one of these things, quite possibly going to take every last expert we have to make sure it works. Even the quacks(quarks?). Oh, it will be glorious on the front though.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2018, 10:17:54 am by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #331 on: October 26, 2018, 09:40:57 am »

"Smoke Out" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon
Our ancient ancestors from the ocean blue once used to use ink as a means to disorient and flee from predators, and with this subweapon, we can now too.  Well, maybe with less of the running away part.
Anyways, it's a canister that starts smoking as soon as it thrown, and steadily produces a thick cloud of aerosolized ink until the canister runs out of "gas".  This cloud cover not only provides concealment and inks turf up, it also has a extra benefit.  Everyone knows it generally not fun to try to walk ON ground covered in the wrong color ink, but imagine trying to walk THROUGH instead.  While it is unlikely to splat anyone by itself, any Octoling that is stuck in a ink cloud is going to have to either get out or suffer through being somewhere they move or BREATHE in effectively, making it a effective area denial (sub-)weapon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #332 on: October 26, 2018, 10:45:49 am »

I think this is indeed the round for Superweapons, so until a good alternative is leveraged, I'm going to go ahead and support Tric's suggestion.

Quote from: Votes
ISCC (2) TricMagic, Birdy51

But! In the interest of thinking ahead, I do think that it would be rather easy to revise our Ink-Disk into a more effecient weapon than the Punt Bombs.

Ultimate Ink-Disc

This revision is designed to focus on the advantages of the Ink-Disc as a thrown weapon. Non-Aerodynamic elements, such as the mine lever have been removed in lieu of giving the Ink-Disc quite a bit more 'oomph' and throwability. Our Ink-Runners will find them much easier to use than the Inkerial Blotter, and while they might still take a bit of time to charge, it will all be worth it when the Octolings get dunked on.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #333 on: October 27, 2018, 12:18:30 pm »

Quote from: Votes
ISCC (3) TricMagic, Birdy51, TTE
Roll to Multitask, seeking new players.
Yeah sorry, someone blew up a street in my state and took the internet down for multiple days with it.
This really happened. 2020 was wild.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #334 on: October 27, 2018, 03:12:13 pm »

Quote from: Votes
ISCC (3) TricMagic, Birdy51, TTE
"Smoke Out" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon (1) Emral282
Seeing as that superweapon does some stuff that the GM has explicitly asked us not to do in the discord earlier, I'm voting against it until that changes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #335 on: October 27, 2018, 03:19:51 pm »

Refresher on that stuff we're not supposed to do?

Also, the rain will render that bomb as is a bit situational. As well, a New Bamboozler design for the Mark 2 would let us get a new cheap weapon. Or something that replaces it- But a total redesign wouldn't hurt.. Or something else... Still would like that refresher though.

On discord, mentioned.

Bamboozler Mark 2- Design Testing & Production

A total rework of our first weapon. We've come a long way since those early days, and made great strides in Pressurization. Not only that, but our Skills with our gear has also seen a noticeable uptick.

However, it has come to our attention that the enemy has a total advantage over us. So let's take it back.

This is a call for our best to participate in testing the Bamboozler Mark 2 Prototypes. Both on the range, and in mock combat. All comers are welcome to apply, as all skill levels are needed to make this the best it can be.

Rework Ideas-

Rework the pressure system to reduce charge time.
See about reshaping the nozzle, to increase the range.
Make sure the Ink Efficiency is to standard, if not higher than before.
As well, see to it that the QC units attach to the gun, and, if we have the time, see about the capability to add 2 or 3 instead of the usual 1 for more instant-shots in a row.
Finally, make sure the Stock is comfortable and sturdy, for better grip, and to handle the pressure exerted upon it.

Quote from: Votes
ISCC (2) Birdy51, TTE
"Smoke Out" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon (1) Emral282
Bamboozler Mark 2- Design Testing & Production (1) TricMagic

I like this one too, for that matter, the Mark 2 will help us retake our advantages.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 04:06:10 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #336 on: October 27, 2018, 05:32:37 pm »

Seeing as that superweapon does some stuff that the GM has explicitly asked us not to do in the discord earlier, I'm voting against it until that changes.

"Smoke Out" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon (1) Emral282
Bamboozler Mark 2- Design Testing & Production (1) TricMagic

Oh. That's new information on my end. I don't really use the Discord too much, so I would also like to know. But! Still looking at Superweapons. I guess here's one silly idea.

Beatstation 2000 - Superweapon

The Beatstation 2000 is a work of art- a series of boomboxes and speakers capable of delivering the most freshest Inkling beats across the battlefield at the speed of sound. Inkantry in range of this glorious can't help but fight a little harder, run a little faster, and shoot a little farther and it's capable of raising morale in even the most dire of circumstances. If things get bad enough, there is always the option to turn it up to eleven and blast the Octolings away with a veritable wall of sound.

The only bad thing is that the installation is relatively immobile, but that's worth the price of style, right?

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #337 on: October 27, 2018, 05:44:07 pm »

"Pixie Dust"...

Basically, if you look at our gear, you'll see a crossed out section. This was the result of trying to use Sonic Energy. But we didn't specify it, so they did subpar work. We then revised it to the weapon our Markslings use today.

Emeal is forgetting the fact that anti-logic is something we have a basis in due to the Inkerial Blotters. And confusing it with the whole "Pixie Dust" bit.

The design is sound, mostly because our Blotters do actually work. Anti-Logic, in this case, is used to mess around with Electrolysis, acting to keep the ink together, and Homoepathy acts to keep the ink together. The two work to keep the large ink sphere formed, and the use of these two also keep foreign objects, like rain and water, from messing with it. The Charge that results is also used to launch it, like some kind of demented railgun. The two forces repel each other, which is what fires the finished shot. And this is all do to the bonds which keep the thing together, and the Zapfish.

Honestly, it's a lot of So Crazy It Actually Works, which fits the Anti-Logic that goes into the thing. That and Electricity, lots of Electricity. Bonds galore in that shot..

Also, the Bamboozler upgrade is also a decent design, since it's part of a Step UP of our own. I have a revision in mind to up the Quality of our Inkantry. No matter which of the two gets picked.

Eh, also, we do have a Beat design trapped in a layer of Pixie Dust from back then..  Still, my Superweapon Design was thought through, using the Mythical Power of Electricity.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 05:46:59 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #338 on: October 27, 2018, 06:02:59 pm »

That was also using sound energy as a means of firing ink. This is sound energy for the means of using sound energy, a la the Killer Wail.

Which would make it's own interesting weapon as well perhaps.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #339 on: October 27, 2018, 07:21:15 pm »

The Pixie Dust thing was the GM going "I can replace the use of Sonic Force in that description with Pixie Dust and literally nothing would change"
The problem isn't the use of things like Antilogic or Homeopathy, but throwing them in like they're just magic words that do things just because.
To quote the GM on the superweapon design:
you actually explain what you want to use Electrolysis for, so that parts ok, but the other two keywords are just used as magic words, you just drop them in without explaining what or how they're expected to actually do.
As such, considering I can just replace them both with the words 'Pixie Dust' or 'Wizard Stuff' without meaningfully altering the design, it could use a better write up.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 07:23:57 pm by Emral282 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #340 on: October 29, 2018, 11:56:17 am »

No, really, get voting people.

Quote from: Votes
ISCC (2) TTE, TricMagic
"Smoke Out" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon (1) Emral282
Bamboozler Mark 2- Design Testing & Production (1) TricMagic

I've done the science and Anti-logic behind the creation of this Superweapon, and given Happerry hasn't downvoted it,I would assume it works.

Also, replacing the any of the components with this 'Pixie Dust', would simply cause all the reactions to break down into a mass of destructive entropy. It works off it's principles, and those have been defined.

As a side note, despite spending a bunch of time on the ISCC's designs, I like the upgrade to Mark 2 better. Though if we do the superweapon this turn, the idea behind the Mark 2 is certain to be easy next turn.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 12:02:14 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #341 on: October 31, 2018, 04:20:40 pm »

Oh yeah, I should probably vote.

"Big Smoke" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon
Our ancient ancestors from the ocean blue once used to use ink as a means to disorient and flee from predators, and with this subweapon, we can now too.  Well, maybe with less of the running away part.
Anyways, it's a cylinder canister that starts smoking as soon as it thrown, and produces a thick cloud of ink until the canister runs out of "gas".  The gas comes out of three emission holes covered by Super Sea Shell Ports that 'sheathes' the smoke with atmospheric gases and loosely binds the gas together, making a thiccer, tougher to dissipate cloud.  This oddly also makes the gas come out in a spiral pattern.
This cloud cover not only provides concealment and inks turf up, it also has a extra benefit.  Everyone knows it generally not fun to try to walk ON ground covered in the wrong color ink, and that gets even worse when you have to walk THROUGH it as well.  While it is unlikely to splat anyone by itself, any Octoling that is stuck in a ink cloud is going to have to either get out or suffer through being somewhere they move or BREATHE in effectively, making it a effective area denial (sub-)weapon.

I don't know how smoke works, but I added sea shell shenanigans to the smoke bomb anyways.

Quote from: Votes
ISCC (2) TTE, TricMagic
"Smoke Out" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon (1) Emral282
Bamboozler Mark 2- Design Testing & Production (1) TricMagic
"Big Smoke" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon (1) testmen



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #342 on: October 31, 2018, 05:04:04 pm »

Oh yeah, I should probably vote.

"Big Smoke" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon
Our ancient ancestors from the ocean blue once used to use ink as a means to disorient and flee from predators, and with this subweapon, we can now too.  Well, maybe with less of the running away part.
Anyways, it's a cylinder canister that starts smoking as soon as it thrown, and produces a thick cloud of ink until the canister runs out of "gas".  The gas comes out of three emission holes covered by Super Sea Shell Ports that 'sheathes' the smoke with atmospheric gases and loosely binds the gas together, making a thiccer, tougher to dissipate cloud.  This oddly also makes the gas come out in a spiral pattern.
This cloud cover not only provides concealment and inks turf up, it also has a extra benefit.  Everyone knows it generally not fun to try to walk ON ground covered in the wrong color ink, and that gets even worse when you have to walk THROUGH it as well.  While it is unlikely to splat anyone by itself, any Octoling that is stuck in a ink cloud is going to have to either get out or suffer through being somewhere they move or BREATHE in effectively, making it a effective area denial (sub-)weapon.

I don't know how smoke works, but I added sea shell shenanigans to the smoke bomb anyways.

Quote from: Votes
"Smoke Out" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon (1) Emral282
Bamboozler Mark 2- Design Testing & Production (1) TricMagic
"Big Smoke" Smoke Bomb - Subweapon (2) testmen, TricMagic

It's ink in smoke form. It kinda acts as a chocking gas, but the SSS ports will sheath it. Point being it has some major advantages over our current sub-weapon. And should end up working in the rain too. Building clearing as well.

SSS is a weird thing. As it uses 1 SSS, it should prove cheap, as long as we get a good roll, and it won't choke us, so we can use it as smokescreen in buildings.

We are thankfully made of ink. Suppose the Superweapon may have to wait till Fall. Since I want the full redesign on our Base weapon.

The ISCC is something that will end up coming up again though, it's a well structured Super Bombardment Weapon. And it doesn't use Pixie Dust.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 05:09:31 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #343 on: November 03, 2018, 06:50:53 am »

Design: "Big Smoke" Smoke Bomb (Hard Difficulty)
2+2-1 = 3: Buggy Mess

It only takes a week or two, a large pile of money, a room full of melted plastic fragments, and one riled up swarm of Salmonids arising from out of the earth only to be defeated by a plucky preteen and her friends (all the actual teens are in the army these days, it seems), before the "Big Smoke" Smoke Bomb is finally ready for production. Unfortunately, their are some limitations. The first working prototypes, using normal vaporized ink, found that with the ink all vaporized and spread throughout the air all those ink eating bacteria that normally clean up battle sites eventually get work... well, a lot faster. Within seconds, really. And a concealing ink cloud that lasts for around five seconds and can't even fully hide a single Inkling isn't very useful, everyone agreed.

So using special tiny coverings made from Super Sea Snail Shells, now all the ink particles are covered up and protected from those mean bacteria, at least until the coverings wear away after a minute or so. Luckily, there's also been a machine invented to do the covering bit, so unlike the first prototypes we don't have to seal up all the ink particles manually any more. Which was really boring and took way to long. However... there is one drawback. The coverings might protect the ink, but it also keeps the ink from, well, doing what ink normally does when it runs over ink of a different color. While the clouds of vaporized ink are still concealing, and will still protect somewhat against enemy shots because the enemy shots break the protective covers allowing ink to meet enemy ink... unlike how it was originally hoped the smoke bombs won't be inking turf for us, nor does it actually harm enemy lings whom find themselves within the cloud. It still is fairly uncomfortable, being described as 'like being in a cloud of itching powder', but doesn't actually deal any damage. (On the other hand, if you are attuned to a friendly ink color, it seems to feel somewhat like a relaxing bath, and some testers have claimed it has minor healing capabilities. But if so, testing didn't bring said healing abilities out enough to properly record.)

Current processes are also using up a lot of Super Sea Snails per smoke bomb, which hampers production. Still, it's a bomb that emits a concealing and protective cloud of ink that lasts for a minute or three and can be armed from any tank with just a handy dandy adapter port to properly treat ink being fed into the subweapon itself, while still being light enough to be thrown a fair distance. The designers assure you that it could be a lot worse. After all, unlike the mid-run prototypes, none of them have exploded and covered their user in boiling ink yet!

...Also, the lawyers say there's another lawsuit coming in for totally unrelated reasons.

Costs 2 Plastic and 3 Super Sea Snails, making it Expensive

Spoiler: Resources (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inkling Armory (click to show/hide)

The Revision Phase of Spring, Year 2 has begun.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inkling Research Facility - Splatoon Arms Race (Spring, Year 2)
« Reply #344 on: November 03, 2018, 08:26:26 am »

Advanced Inkantry Training:

Commander Cauldo, when he's not busy, likes to train others at the Military Inkline Camp.. He and his Squad run a week-long training exercise to make our Inkantry faster over land and in ink, more accurate, and more able to use the turf to their advantage. And when he's not there, the Instructors themselves pass down his teaching to any Inkantry that wants to take the course.

In theory, this ups our own Base Inkanty to the next level of combat. Being able to hide in trees, swim up walls and ceilings on the fly, Dipping into friendly ink to doge an attack and then counter, and generally being faster and better shooting in skirmishes, even if they are still stuck using a bamboozler. Of course, there are rumors that a new version of this weapon will be coming next season.

One more thing that should come of this is better group tactics, something our Inkantry are already known for. Hopefully it will also trickle down to the rest of our specialists.

Quote from: Vote
Advanced Inkantry Training (1) TricMagic
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 11:33:37 am by TricMagic »
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