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Author Topic: CULT  (Read 73105 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shining
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« Reply #315 on: November 19, 2018, 02:47:09 pm »

Poke Sean.

"Hey. What now? Want me to just give you some cash or do you need help buying things?"


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #316 on: November 19, 2018, 03:34:32 pm »

"Well, we can do that right now, actually, if you're willing to help."

Order and arrange for the delivery of the darkroom equipment with Ailn's money.  Only thing to add to the stuff is some peroxide to clean up blood.  If possible, set the stuff up too.

"Just gotta make sure nobody does anything stupid in front of outsiders."

Spoiler: Sean O'Malley (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #317 on: November 21, 2018, 12:34:58 pm »

Call the cult's University Lab while they are preparing to interrogate him. If someone picks up:
: I've got a captured cultist of Flux being interrogated by an unknown group at <location>. I'm gonna call the police on them. If you have objections or suggestions, spit 'em out quick-like. :

Then shoot a quick prayer to the Scholar and call 911, give them my name and tell them I saw a crazy man holding a gun and using it to threaten people and that I'm afraid he's going to hurt himself or someone else. Tell them he went into the room next to mine. Or whatever it takes to get them to come.

Then back to eavesdropping and taking notes. If it sounds like they're going to badly hurt the captured person, run and knock on their door. Try to stall them until the police arrives.

((Going to edit this action if anybody answers and has a better suggestion.))

Spoiler: Helen "The Recorder" (click to show/hide)
You call 911 and tell them a convincing story about a dangerous man going into the room next to yours. They say they're sending help and to evacuate the building if you have the opportunity to do so. You realize, as soon as you hang up, that getting caught up in this might be potentially dangerous for you and the rest of the cult so you listen in for maybe a minute more before fleeing back out to your car and waiting. The hotel is one of those ones with the doors to the rooms all facing outside so you have a clear view when the cops eventually come. There are 4 of them, two cars worth, and they advance silently up to the room. One knocks and a moment later the door opens. After a few seconds of talk the cops push their way in and there is a lot of shouting. No gunfire though.

Try to find synonyms and other possible interpretations for the part about "Perfect" beings. Continue with the translation.

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The exact word is "vollkommen" and "vollkommensten", which according to the translation dictionary means either "Perfect", "Most perfect" or "Ideal"

Travel to a nearby restaurant and eat there. While I'm travelling to the restaurant, keep an eye out for any homeless people, especially for troublemakers who wouldn't be missed.
Spoiler: Richard Reed (click to show/hide)
You steer clear of the area near the beach and instead get a burger further inland [5 bucks]. On the way you spy several homeless people, though none that are rioting or causing obvious trouble. There's actually a small camp of them out near the abandoned building this all started in. You'd have to observe them a while to see who wouldn't be missed, but chances are even if they're missed, the police aren't gonna look too hard for a homeless person.

"Hah, doesn't surprise me Charlie would be diddling dogs. Say, Bobby, would ya mind giving me a few of these? Or selling, if that's more agreeable."

Ask Bobby if he'd gift me the head with the tattoo and however many other heads he's willing to lose. Alternatively, how much money he wants for them.

Spoiler: Walton J. Murphy (click to show/hide)
You ask about the tattoo'd head and the others and he says he'd be willing to part with the tattoo'd one for 300 bucks but he doesn't want to lose too many. He talks about them in the same way someone talks about a set of baseball cards.

Crying out in pain, Alexis quickly fetched a first aid kit and dressed her wound. Cursing under her breath, she glared at the toad still bound to the dissection table. The nerve of the cretin! Don't it know that it get to be a part of a wonderful procedure rather than being strangled or envenomed by a snake? The ungrateful amphibian has really done it now!

Before attempting to vivisect the toad again, conduct a side study on its response to pain at getting its limbs sliced off. Surely it's only a scientific study and definitely not an act of vengeance. If all else fails, give up for now and go see what the others are up to. Visiting Helen would be a good start.

You manage to kill the frog. You don't do it in the way the scholar likes, so you don't get any favor out of it, but the messy and violent way you kill it is extremely satisfying considering everything that has happened up to this point.

Maybe a bit too satisfying. You feel an almost sexual level of enjoyment from it. You quickly write it off as just being a transitory relief from all the annoyance up to that.

Poke Sean.

"Hey. What now? Want me to just give you some cash or do you need help buying things?"
Hey now.

The rating for this game says Violence but nothing about sexual scenes.

"Well, we can do that right now, actually, if you're willing to help."

Order and arrange for the delivery of the darkroom equipment with Ailn's money.  Only thing to add to the stuff is some peroxide to clean up blood.  If possible, set the stuff up too.

"Just gotta make sure nobody does anything stupid in front of outsiders."

Spoiler: Sean O'Malley (click to show/hide)
I forget the cost breakdown I gave you but I'll assume you buy everything you can afford and that its coming in soon.

Its afternoon.


  • Guest
« Reply #318 on: November 21, 2018, 03:11:15 pm »

See if I can find some homeless people who prefer to hang out by themselves. Return to the university basement and have one of my contacts supply me with sedatives.
Spoiler: Richard Reed (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • parisbre56 Discord
« Reply #319 on: November 22, 2018, 12:48:16 pm »

Record everything!

Hopefully I'll get to record their faces as they leave.
Or scenes of violent cult warfare I can later sell to the highest bidder.
Or cops getting bribed or mind controlled.
Or some weird demon being summoned.
Or some other interesting thing.

Spoiler: Helen "The Recorder" (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shining
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« Reply #320 on: November 22, 2018, 01:02:05 pm »

I just gave Sean $1500. I'll let Dev figure out how much his shit costed.

Now, Going to return to the temple because it makes me feel warm and safe. Do research on good fishing spots!
...There are places to fish around here, right? Can never tell with these insane west coast places.
Ideally I want to find a fishing place in my range, and that's probably unlikely to happen unless I have access to a car. So check if I own a car real quick. Possessions roll.

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  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #321 on: November 22, 2018, 02:50:21 pm »

Just keep translating the rest of the text.

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The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #322 on: November 22, 2018, 04:02:05 pm »

It was $475.  Bumping it up to $550 for the fabric walls, peroxide, miscellaneous stuff and delivery costs.

If I can develop all my pictures, do so now and give the eye a good view.  If I can't, I'll take it easy tonight.  Do two things:

Buy a local roadmap and see if the eye likes any locations in the city or near the city.  Also, hit the books and try to discover what kind of moth I found.

Spoiler: Sean O'Malley (click to show/hide)

Sir Elventide

  • Bay Watcher
  • The sword cuts with finality when guided by wisdom
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« Reply #323 on: November 23, 2018, 12:53:58 pm »

"Hah... hah..."

The brutal death of the annoying frog felt ecstatic to Alexis, even more so than she'd expected. In fact, she felt her good hand drift downward pass her navel before she caught herself and quickly withdrew it. Looking at the mangled remains of the hapless amphibian, Alexis resisted the urge to lick its innards before dispose of it. Cleaning up, Alexis went over to the nearby sink and splashed some water onto her face. It wasn't the frog's fault for any of this, she reasoned. Just like any other living thing it didn't want to die and thus struggled as she would've done had she been in its position.

Drying her fact, Alexis reflected back on the strange pleasure she derived from killing the frog, knowing that such things cannot be normal. Could her proximity with this cult and the Scholar in Red caused this to happen to her or was this always present in her heart and this had only provided an outlet that she'd never had. What would her husband think? What would her parents think? After all, her father did chastised her for cutting apart that mouse when she was a kid after all even though she'd felt good about it.

Shaking the thoughts out of her head, Alexis made sure her wound was well bandaged before:

Meeting up with Helen to see what she was up to.



  • Bay Watcher
  • Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence
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« Reply #324 on: November 26, 2018, 03:35:36 pm »

"Dang it Bobby, you're breaking my balls here. 300$ for this shrunken dog fucker? Come on man, remember who pulled your shrapnel filled ass off of Hamburger Hill. How'sa bout 150$ for the tattoo'd one?"

Haggle with Bobby. Try for 150$ for the tattoo'd head. I'm willing to go up to 225. Remind him who pulled his shrapnel filled ass off of Hamburger Hill in '68.

Spoiler: Walton J. Murphy (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #325 on: November 27, 2018, 12:17:50 pm »

Buy a cheap street map of the city and a pen, and mark the affected roads on it. Gossip with people, listen to the news etc to find out if any other groups of hydrants have flooded.

Spoiler: Alexander Sill (click to show/hide)
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #326 on: November 29, 2018, 01:52:54 pm »

See if I can find some homeless people who prefer to hang out by themselves. Return to the university basement and have one of my contacts supply me with sedatives.
Spoiler: Richard Reed (click to show/hide)
You manage to find some homeless people that like to hang out alone...the only problem is that you seem to make too good of a connection with one of them and he won't leave you alone. He follows you straight back to your car and as you get in, he gets into the passenger seat.

Record everything!

Hopefully I'll get to record their faces as they leave.
Or scenes of violent cult warfare I can later sell to the highest bidder.
Or cops getting bribed or mind controlled.
Or some weird demon being summoned.
Or some other interesting thing.

Spoiler: Helen "The Recorder" (click to show/hide)
You get your camera up to the window and film everything in a rather obvious way. For several minutes nothing happens and then more cop cars show up. Then an ambulance. The members of the group are lead out in hand cuffs and carted away in cop cars while their victim is carried out on a stretcher and to the ambulance. Its a pretty calm affair, with all the members of the group coming out without any obvious struggle. Most keep their heads down; which doesn't completely block their face but does make it somewhat harder to identify them. You get video of everyone involved, making sure to get as good of a look at their faces as possible.

I just gave Sean $1500. I'll let Dev figure out how much his shit costed.

Now, Going to return to the temple because it makes me feel warm and safe. Do research on good fishing spots!
...There are places to fish around here, right? Can never tell with these insane west coast places.
Ideally I want to find a fishing place in my range, and that's probably unlikely to happen unless I have access to a car. So check if I own a car real quick. Possessions roll.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Are you looking for open ocean fishing, shore fishing, lake fishing, river fishing, or something else? Shore fishing is closest and easiest assuming you wanna do the ocean instead of a lake. If you take CA-1 down to Garrapata State park there are both rivers and a good shore fishing area. And luckily you do have a car. A Chevrolet Camaro in bumblebee black and yellow.

Just keep translating the rest of the text.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Alright, I'm gonna say you've spent enough time to get it done.

It was $475.  Bumping it up to $550 for the fabric walls, peroxide, miscellaneous stuff and delivery costs.

If I can develop all my pictures, do so now and give the eye a good view.  If I can't, I'll take it easy tonight.  Do two things:

Buy a local roadmap and see if the eye likes any locations in the city or near the city.  Also, hit the books and try to discover what kind of moth I found.

Spoiler: Sean O'Malley (click to show/hide)
Fair enough. Its not gonna be delivered for a day so you wanna wait on developing the pictures or go turn them in to a 1 hour photo place? Considering the nature of them it might or might not be acceptable depending on your cover story.

You buy a road map and show it to the eye, pointing at different places, mostly at random. The church that the group investigated before delivers a tingle, as does Garrapata State Park and the Big Sur area. Not sure why.

[11] You realize that searching for this thing's species on your own is the hard way to go about it, so you just find the nearest professor with a "Lepidoptery" credit and ask them. You are informed that it is a Luna moth. Should have seen that coming.

"Hah... hah..."

The brutal death of the annoying frog felt ecstatic to Alexis, even more so than she'd expected. In fact, she felt her good hand drift downward pass her navel before she caught herself and quickly withdrew it. Looking at the mangled remains of the hapless amphibian, Alexis resisted the urge to lick its innards before dispose of it. Cleaning up, Alexis went over to the nearby sink and splashed some water onto her face. It wasn't the frog's fault for any of this, she reasoned. Just like any other living thing it didn't want to die and thus struggled as she would've done had she been in its position.

Drying her fact, Alexis reflected back on the strange pleasure she derived from killing the frog, knowing that such things cannot be normal. Could her proximity with this cult and the Scholar in Red caused this to happen to her or was this always present in her heart and this had only provided an outlet that she'd never had. What would her husband think? What would her parents think? After all, her father did chastised her for cutting apart that mouse when she was a kid after all even though she'd felt good about it.

Shaking the thoughts out of her head, Alexis made sure her wound was well bandaged before:

Meeting up with Helen to see what she was up to.

I'll assume you somehow know where she is and can find her in the parking lot.

"Dang it Bobby, you're breaking my balls here. 300$ for this shrunken dog fucker? Come on man, remember who pulled your shrapnel filled ass off of Hamburger Hill. How'sa bout 150$ for the tattoo'd one?"

Haggle with Bobby. Try for 150$ for the tattoo'd head. I'm willing to go up to 225. Remind him who pulled his shrapnel filled ass off of Hamburger Hill in '68.

Spoiler: Walton J. Murphy (click to show/hide)
You settle on 200 after a lot of haggling. Bobby doesn't know how to haggle. His price keeps going down and then back up. Its mostly just a process of randomly getting him to offer something and then jumping on it when a good price comes up.

Buy a cheap street map of the city and a pen, and mark the affected roads on it. Gossip with people, listen to the news etc to find out if any other groups of hydrants have flooded.

Spoiler: Alexander Sill (click to show/hide)
You use the map, news reports, and gossip to figure out the effected streets and areas. Much of the shore area is damaged in some way, and there's a sort of "Ground Zero" for the effect out near the beach, with the damage lessening as you go out from that point.


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« Reply #327 on: November 29, 2018, 03:21:44 pm »

((I have a car?))

Invite him to stay the night in exchange for doing some chores, also make some vague promises of giving him more work if he does a good job. Then head back to the university basement and have my new unexpected guest clean it up, make sure that the orb is well hidden from him, and procure sedatives from one of my contacts.
Spoiler: Richard Reed (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #328 on: November 30, 2018, 06:43:19 am »

Read it. What information and knowledge can I get from the now translated book? Were my efforts worth the time lost?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • parisbre56 Discord
« Reply #329 on: December 01, 2018, 11:01:16 am »

"There's only one word to describe this sort of success: Bulk ace! ... Wait, maybe those are two words."
Helen waved her hand dismissively.
"Anyway, I'd call this mission beyond successful! I've got footage I can sell to the detective that hired me, I got footage I can sell to the news stations, I've got footage that could be useful to the cult, I saved another life and I thwarted an Evil plan... With the help of the brave men and women of our police force, of course. So! I'm gonna go pay up and then tail the ambulance to see what I can learn from that guy, see if there's anything I can do to help. Us cultists got to stick together, am I right? Wanna come with? They said she knows about Flux and the wave that hit last night. Or are you going to tail those guys to the police station? I mean, if you find out where they take them, maybe we could go there tomorrow and... I dunno, like, pretend we're their lawyers or something? Or maybe you could take the tape from this camera and make a few copies for me? Take one of them to the temple to show the rest?"

Pay the hotel and thank them for their wonderful accommodations. Then tail the ambulance to find out where they take the hostage. He probably won't be allowed any visitors for the time being but I could follow him in and then stick close to the officer accompanying him to learn the hostage's name. Then I could use that to pretend I'm a worried acquaintance and learn more about his health and when I could visit him.

((Let's see if my luck continues!
Might edit action based on Sir Elventide.))

Spoiler: Helen "The Recorder" (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 11:05:28 am by Parisbre56 »
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