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Author Topic: CULT  (Read 73102 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2018, 10:53:52 am »

As the group has been chatting amongst themselves, Lance has stayed stationary, chuckling at the sheer absurdity of what just happened. Now, only just regaining his bearings, Lance stands and joins the conversation.

"We talking about where keep our... God I guess? Since it's a scholar, then probably scholar stuff likes books and pens and stuff. Maybe we can put it in like, a hollowed out notebook are something."

Spoiler: Lance Robbins (click to show/hide)
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2018, 12:00:05 pm »

Much like Lance, Alex had spent much of the conversation still and silent, though for a different reason: something was bothering him. Eventually, he worked out what it was: For the first time since Grenada the pain in his leg was gone. He decided to keep this to himself, for now, until he had had the time to process it properly. In the meantime:

"A bookshop sounds like it might be a good place for now; though buying one wholesale may be a little too expensive. O'Malley may have the right idea; we could just fix up an abandoned store. That should make it easier to find a suitable building and location, as well."

Spend one point of Favour to increase Speed by one.
Spoiler: Alex Sill (click to show/hide)
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #47 on: August 24, 2018, 12:21:25 pm »

At the exact same time, a man that had fallen asleep woke up and decided to try to join the conversation. Since he hadn't payed attention to what was going on, he decided to try with a greeting.

"Oh, hello! ...What did I miss?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #48 on: August 24, 2018, 12:55:05 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Welcome. Make sure to keep that stuff in spoilers from now on.

"Whatevs. But if we choose some dump in the middle of nowhere, at least make sure it's near like a bus stop or something. I can't walk for like a day whenever I gotta jet. Otherwise I'll be mighty cross with ya."

"Anyway, how about anyone who wants to stays here, the rest go find some place, get back together here in half an hour to look at our options? You down with that?"

((80's slang is so much fun.))

Find a payphone or a phone in some convenience store or coffee place I could use. Make some phone calls to some people I know, use my connections.

Anybody know of a place we could rent cheap-like and turn into a temple? Preferably an isolated office or a bookstore with a basement? Or some place with a basement we could turn into a bookstore? If asked, say it's for a film I'm making. I predict it's going to be a CULT classic!

EDIT: Wait a second! Even better idea! Search for a bar or club to rent! If our rituals make tons of strange noise and attract all sorts of weird stuff, nobody is going to suspect a club, because that already do that without cults being involved!

Once done, get back to the abandoned house and give everyone the places I found.

EDIT2: Can we assume we have exchanged some info and can contact each other if need be? Because some people are already talking about moving away and we haven't even decided when our next meeting is going to be.

Spoiler: Helen "The Recorder" (click to show/hide)
You walk outside. The morning is chilly, cloudy, the salty sea smelling air blowing in. This building is the remnants of some sort of community center or something like it; shell of concrete sitting in the middle of a failed suburb on the edge of Monterey, California. The road is paved but covered in pale sand from lack of use and there are patches of cleared land in otherwise wild scrub and grass, the footprints of houses that never came to be. There are no phones here, not even a power line, so you walk down the street. You hop a fence, cross the south boundary road, hop another fence, and cross the island of undeveloped land until you hit a dirt road that leads you to a paved one. From there, you get to a payphone; its a about a mile and a half walk in all. That building really is isolated, you suppose.
You slip in a dollar worth of quarters (-$1) and call up a realtor friend. You ask about both libraries and bars/clubs, doing so in a way you think won't raise any suspicion. She's a little confused as to why you're calling at 6am but after some reassurances she looks things up for you. You can hear her tapping away on a keyboard for a while before she tells you about three properties. One is a used bookstore; the company is changing locations and moving out of the building so nothing is being left behind. The second is a nude club called "The Library". She doesn't really go into any detail other than that the old owner is going to jail for something and that the place is selling for cheap. And the last is a section of basement property connected to the CSU Science building. Apparently they're renting out space to private groups in order to fund some sort of science program.

You thank her and then head back to the abandoned building and tell everyone still hanging around about what you uncovered.

(We'll assume everyone knows everyone's phones and addresses.)

"My husband will be home in a few hours so I can go with you Helen. I need to go pick up some things anyway," Alexis said as she stood up.

Accompany Helen and help her obtain the building. Also, shop for some spices and veggies for tonight's dinner.
You follow Helen and, while she makes her calls, You wander away to look for someplace to get food. The area isn't exactly residential; there's no grocery store for miles so you stop at a 7-11 on the corner not far from the payphone and buy what you can. They have some fruit, but otherwise there's nothing but junk food and gas station fare like hotdogs.  You get enough snacks to work as a meal and head back to Helen, the both of you returning together. (-$35)

((Remember to post your character sheet -spoilered- with your actions))

Walton looks at Helen, clearly nonplussed about her "sick burn".

"The last time I ate someone's shorts, it was because Charlie had us half-delirious from hunger and the dead guy's shorts were the only thing that looked halfway edible. But suit yourself, you'll have no more comments from me."

Walton will contact his connections either at work as a city official or with his old war buddies to see if there are any abandoned or currently empy museums/military bases/hospitals/psych wards/libraries/bookstores or other such places nearby, preferably on the edge of town. Focus on those that are supposed to be haunted or otherwise have a mysterious past first.

Once that's done, regardless of outcome, go back to the abandoned house and my cult buddies.

Spoiler: Walton J. Murphy (click to show/hide)
You follow Helen and use the phone once she and Alexis have left. [4] (-$1) You call up some friends from the VA and ask them about abandoned places that fit your need. None of them can think of anything in town but one does say that there's an old church just outside of Soledad,  up the road maybe 30 miles from here.  Been abandoned for years, fairly good size and rumored to be haunted or the house of satanists or something like that.

You return to the abandoned building with the rest.

"A nightclub is a silly idea. Haven't you paid attention to the visions at all? If you're going to search for a place, then please consult the visions."

Draw the sigil of the Scholar in Red in my notebook, and also draw some schematics of the visions.

Once I'm finished drawing, search for some bookstores near the town centre and inquire about how much it would cost to buy the store. Also ask them about any wishes or dreams of theirs that I could possibly fulfill with the help of my contacts, asking ownership of the store in return.

Return to the abandoned house after I've found a bookstore that can be acquired with either money or with the help of my contacts.

Spoiler: Richard Reed (click to show/hide)
You scribble down the sigil in your notebook along with your impression of the visions. That done you head out and walk along the boundary road till you find  a bus stop. You take the bus into town (-$3) and wander around the old town. There are several bookstores here, all of them packed into white adobe style buildings. Each one is similar; thin, long rooms absolutely packed to bursting with books. The shelves are completely full, there are piles of books on the ground, atop tables, and even more stuffed into claustrophobic second stories. There's little in the way of unused space; no back rooms or basements as far as you can tell.

You insinuate yourself with several of the shop owners, posing as a customer and speaking with them, slowly guiding the conversation towards their business and their hopes for it, and their life in general. After examining several you come across a shop called "The Serpent's Word" which has a Caduceus as their logo. Its a new age shop selling all manner of metaphysical books, incense, crystals, Tarot cards, and so forth. A dabbler's shop, for aging hippies and wiccans. An older woman runs it, her hair a mess of curly blond and her clothing an equal mess of dyed hemp with a purple shawl with star and moon patterns over her shoulders. She is particularly receptive and when you mention buying her shop to set up a headquarters for your religious commune she seems quite interested. She doesn't want to sell her shop, per say, but she wants to know more about the cult. You can sense that she is grasping for some new truth, something more than what she's seen.  If you can get her into the fold, you might be able to use the shop for free. Maybe even have her give money.

You take a card from her with the shop's number and return to the abandoned building.

"If the visions point to a temple the scholar desires, then my choice is an archive of some kind. It fulfills the spirit of the request, and will provide us with unfettered access to all the information we could need."

Go to the library and apply to be an archivist, claiming it was always my passion before I went into writing.

Spoiler: Ex-Writer (click to show/hide)
You take the bus into town like Richard (-$3) and head over to the nearest public library. You ask right at the front counter to be an archivist and they turn you down. However, the man working the desk seems to recognize you and tells you that the university library might have a position open.  You head over there (-$3) and try again.  [3] Again you ask right at the front desk and again they turn you down, at least as an archivist. The young woman at the desk seems to second guess her refusal after a moment and tells you that while there's no archivist job open, there is a job available as a part time librarian.

We don't need a bookstore, we can just find books for cheap.  You guys can work on a location, I'll start getting the props.

This abandoned building will do fine as a storage place, until you guys find a better spot.

Go check the newspaper for estate sales.. those are often good spots to find books.  Get a couple of cardboard boxes to fill with books, and then cab back to the abandoned building to leave the books inside there.

Spoiler: Dr. O'Malley (click to show/hide)
You pedal into town and buy a newspaper (-$1), scanning through it for information on estate sales and yard sales.  You pedal around town for several hours, hitting up any sale you can find as well as the public libraries, snatching up the used books they sell for a few cents each. You spend 30 bucks filling four cardboard boxes with books  and on two bungee cords to strap them in on the little carrying platform over your back wheel. The ride back is significantly slower and more difficult but you make it, wheezing and sweating.

Realize that we should all get on a plane to a jungle, and find a temple to use as our base
”we should go to a jungle and find a temple, then use that as a base. I think the amazon would work. Ha ha, just messing with ya.”
Ask the Scholar in Red what gender it is, and where it would like to go.
You ask empty air your questions and get no response. You ask the Eye the same question and get no response.  It seems the Scholar is difficult to reach.

Much like Lance, Alex had spent much of the conversation still and silent, though for a different reason: something was bothering him. Eventually, he worked out what it was: For the first time since Grenada the pain in his leg was gone. He decided to keep this to himself, for now, until he had had the time to process it properly. In the meantime:

"A bookshop sounds like it might be a good place for now; though buying one wholesale may be a little too expensive. O'Malley may have the right idea; we could just fix up an abandoned store. That should make it easier to find a suitable building and location, as well."

Spend one point of Favour to increase Speed by one.
Spoiler: Alex Sill (click to show/hide)
You close your eyes and in your mind, you silently will the Scholar to grant you speed. You feel it subtly, a change in your flesh. You can breathe a little easier and your limbs feel just a bit lighter, more responsive, easier to move.

Because many people's actions took hours and everyone returned to the abandoned building, I'm going to call an end to the first day. Everyone eats their dinner of gas station junk food and then spends the night in the abandoned building. They awaken at dawn, chilly and a bit sore, but rested and ready to go.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #49 on: August 24, 2018, 01:02:15 pm »

"Good morning, friends. How has everyone's search gone? I didn't find anything too interesting, but my bud from back when told me about an abandoned church about 30 miles from here. He says it's pretty sizeable, and it's rumoured to be some kind of haunted house of satanists or whatever."

He yawns

"Even if we don't use it right now, it can't hurt to have a few secondary locations on standby just in case we need to relocate someday."


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #50 on: August 24, 2018, 01:16:18 pm »

"Wait, weren't we suppose to go looking hideouts that today?"
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 02:06:41 pm by Yottawhat »
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


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« Reply #51 on: August 24, 2018, 01:32:10 pm »

Richard took a moment to stretch his limbs after an uncomfortable night. "I found a few bookstores in town, unfortunately they all seem rather unsuitable for our uses, completely cramped with books and no basement or backroom in sight. I did however find an impressionable old lady who's running a new age shop, tarot cards, crystals, metaphysical books that sort of thing.

While she's not willing to part with the store, she was very receptive about our cult and wishes to learn about it, she may make an excellent convert and I think she'd be willing to let us use her shop as a head quarter and mayhaps even provide us with money.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #52 on: August 24, 2018, 01:32:56 pm »

"We should go for the abandoned church. Plenty of room, less expectations than a book shop."

Walk up to the orb and pick it up. Examine it and put it in my bag for safekeeping.
Use a point of Favor to increase my Endurance.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #53 on: August 24, 2018, 01:39:14 pm »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #54 on: August 24, 2018, 01:59:21 pm »

One is a used bookstore; the company is changing locations and moving out of the building so nothing is being left behind.

The second is a nude club called "The Library". She doesn't really go into any detail other than that the old owner is going to jail for something and that the place is selling for cheap.

And the last is a section of basement property connected to the CSU Science building. Apparently they're renting out space to private groups in order to fund some sort of science program.

there's an old church just outside of Soledad,  up the road maybe 30 miles from here.  Been abandoned for years, fairly good size and rumored to be haunted or the house of satanists or something like that.

several bookstores here, all of them packed into white adobe style buildings. Each one is similar; thin, long rooms absolutely packed to bursting with books. The shelves are completely full, there are piles of books on the ground, atop tables, and even more stuffed into claustrophobic second stories. There's little in the way of unused space; no back rooms or basements as far as you can tell. ... A dabbler's shop, for aging hippies and wiccans. An older woman runs it, her hair a mess of curly blond and her clothing an equal mess of dyed hemp with a purple shawl with star and moon patterns over her shoulders. She is particularly receptive and when you mention buying her shop to set up a headquarters for your religious commune she seems quite interested. She doesn't want to sell her shop, per say, but she wants to know more about the cult. You can sense that she is grasping for some new truth, something more than what she's seen.  If you can get her into the fold, you might be able to use the shop for free. Maybe even have her give money.
"So, doesn't that nude club sound like the bomb or what? When are we moving in?"
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 02:03:41 pm by Parisbre56 »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #55 on: August 24, 2018, 02:06:20 pm »

Go to my house, grab loads of sleeping bags and a microwave, and grab a frozen pizza.
Also, grab the large(super big!) rechargeable battery pack that's in my garage.

“I got the food!”

Spoiler: Robert o'conner (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 02:15:21 pm by Leodanny »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #56 on: August 24, 2018, 02:10:00 pm »

"Shiiit, we can get a night club as our hideout? I'm down with that."

Go to my house, grab loads of sleeping bags and a microwave, and grab a frozen pizza.
“I got the food!”

((I'm pretty sure this abandoned building doesn't have electricity.))
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #57 on: August 24, 2018, 02:13:11 pm »

"Lads, try to remember that we're primarely looking for a place of worship for the Scholar. While a nude club is fine and dandy, I don't think it really meshes will with our Patron."

He notices Ailn go for the orb.

"Oy you, what're you planning on doing with that? We haven't even decided on where to take it yet."
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 02:14:53 pm by Pancaek »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #58 on: August 24, 2018, 02:14:02 pm »

it does now!


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« Reply #59 on: August 24, 2018, 02:19:03 pm »

"The nudeclub would be an asset, but not as a place of worship. Now the church sounds more promising, but there's the issue of distance, 30 miles is quite a long distance on foot and I'm not looking forward to walking there every day."
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