I've been playing recently in worlds with legends hidden, and experimenting with what does and doesn't cause legends to be revealed. At the moment, there are some pretty strange quirks with the system, and quite a few things that don't act like I would expect. Similarly, the rules for what a fortress/adventurer does or does not know (particularly after the last few updates) can also be unintuitive or surprising.
Specifically, what's in Legends Mode, what the player character/fortress knows, and what the player could actually know/deduce given the information in the game rarely align.
As I keep finding more and more of these and they seem to be related, I've compiled a list of all the things I've found, sorted by mode:
LEGENDS (Reveal All Legends off): - You start out knowing a large number of, perhaps all of, the generated gods of the world. (Unsure if intended)They do count towards the "Historical Figures Discovered" tally. All contain information on the gods civilization, appearance, and associated spheres. Some of them contain the "you're still missing information" messages, like "an intriguing puzzle to the learned" or "a few issues still trouble scholars", but most do not. None of them appear to include information on associated events, which is probably why some of them have those messages.
- When exporting Legends XML, it includes events/histfigs/whatever that have not been discovered yet. (Likely intended, but probably should have an option to not include.)This occurs both with the vanilla functionality and with DFHack's
exportlegends command.
- A bunch of events are recorded in the events screen despite reveal events being off. Events list displays strange behavior. (Bugs definitely present)They do not seem to count towards the <events>/<all events> tally.
They seem to be exclusively violent -- battles, wars, rampages, pillagings, and duels. The list also includes things like poetry recitals, festivals, competitions, etc. I had just forgotten to press
[p]. They only seem to be events with sub-events -- that is ones that you can view and are in yellow or brown text.
Events discovered in Adventurer Mode or from engravings in Fortress Mode are added in seemingly at random within this list -- for example, the founding of a fortress in year 52 is placed between years 3 and 4. These new events are always in order with respect to other, and seem to approach the correct order wrt to the original worldgen events as you add more of them.
(TODO: Make sure that is the case by adding lots of events) - Events that occur in your fortress during Fortress Mode or told to your leader during Outpost Liaison meetings are not added to the Legends list (Unsure if intended).Only things that are engraved are.
(TODO: Test if they're added whether or not you view the engraving, whether or not statues/figurines/decorations etc. count as well.) This would make sense if Legends Mode was meant to represent future archeologists looking back at the distance past, with only access to permanent things, but certain events discovered in Adventurer Mode are added to Legends Mode, and those don't have any in-game permanent record. If Legends Mode is supposed to represent all the information the
player has discovered, then Fortress events seem like they should be included.
- Not all events from Adventurer Mode are included, and occasionally adventurers aren't either. (Unsure what is/isn't bug)I've only done a small amount of testing on this one,
but it seems that Adventurer knowledge will only be stored if that Adventurer becomes a histfig, even if some of that knowledge would be otherwise important enough to be stored on its own. Adventurers are supposed to be histfigs by default, although that does not always seem to be the case.
Test cases:
- Talked to lady, killed lady then was killed by guards. Guards, lady, and adventurer were added to Legends, as well as an event detailing the town's founding.
- Immediately retired. No changes to Legends, and adventurer was not added.
- Asked lady about structure I was in, then immediately retired. Neither adventurer nor lady were added to histfig list, event describing structure's founding was not added to event list, structure was not added to structure list.
- Generated a new world, then repeated first experiment -- asked lord about surrounding site, then killed him and let myself get killed by the guards. Lord and adventurer were added to Legends, but the guards were not. Structure, group, and region were all added to relevant categories but civilization was not. The Lord's ascension to lordship was added to the events list, and (according to the tally), five other events, but I couldn't distinguish those other events from the ones that were revealed by default.
FORTRESS MODE: - Fortresses seem to have knowledge of the location of all artifacts by default (Likely unintended).Not only does this kind of make the Liaison rumor system kind of pointless, it also gives away things like the location and existence of necromancer slabs, and even the
location and full text of demon-binding slabs.
- Knowledge of things is really, really screwyTalking to somebody doesn't guarantee knowledge of them (even just knowledge that they exist). A person mentioning another person or a place doesn't guarantee you'll know about them -- for example "Lon Bridgeclaw last held the artifact Uristkel in Whisperedwinds" will tell you that Uristkel was rumored to be in Whisperedwinds, but it probably won't tell put Lon Bridgeclaw in your list of people or Whisperedwinds in your list of known places.
(TODO: Rigorous testing to produce a list of what does and doesn't give you knowledge of things and to verify the above statements)If people could contribute to this list by testing things or mentioning other issues, I'd appreciate it. Linking related bug reports or threads would also be helpful.