I looked at my little dwarven buddies' profiles, and it struck me. They are individuals. Unique creations with independent motivations and dreams and fears that are united by the common threads of drink and industry. And so are we. If supposedly we are Armok, creating and destroying worlds and lives for fun, then what if all of us have an Armok looking down on us? If we look at the dwarves as silly puppets designed for our entertainment, then how does God (or whatever you wanna call him/her/it) look at us?? Our dwarves could be fully sentient and we'd have no way of knowing because we see them as stupid randomly-generated toys...
You could argue that God
does view us the same way and that he cares about us as much as we care about the dwarves. Not much.
You could also think I'm reading too much into this and that it's just a game.
When you stop to think that we are the Creators of each of our worlds, it makes you wonder how similar the Creator of our world is to us. Does it have similar motivations? Does it eat and drink and sleep and age and die? The mortal cannot comprehend the eternal, but in the eyes of the dwarves we
ARE eternal, and thus able to see the world through the eyes of God. Opens up new philosophical viewpoints.
Is our god the only god? Are there more like Him each with their own worlds and projects?
Is "divine inspiration" simply God hitting b-s?
This would mean Heaven is a separate dimension that we can't comprehend as existing, yet when our dwarves die, where do they go? Their bodies are left behind, and their "souls" get recycled back into the memory. Is that all that waits for us?
Are all the amazing things that happened throughout human history stored in the Creator's legend browser, never to be explored?
Does anything we do matter? Or are we just stupid little dwarves running around making foolish demands and mandates?
Just a thought