Turn 3: GP Event~
It's Raining Manna! But some tribes are still struggling.
Ooo looked upon the land, and called developments good. Still, he did wish to help out.
And so, Ooo shaped his power, and sent starlight raining down.It's Raining Manna! All Civs gain 1 addition food when foraging this turn.
In addition, G-9 now has the Manna Shower effect until Turn 10.(+1 food for each worker foraging at the tile, small chances of additional food gathered through this effect.)
God Actions:
Sagan infuses B-1 with Bog Iron, turning it into a special tile. Despite this, it still looks fairly normal right now.
Ooo, spends 1 FP to create Plains at C-9.
Blarg creates more Swamps and Mangroves at A, B, C, and D 2.
The God of Magic Slumbers Still.All Gods gain 1 FP.
Civ Actions:
Pusillanimous Summation
1 worker prays to
Ooo is intrigued by this offering. +3 FP.
3 workers forage at G-9.
It's Raining Manna! 12 Food Collected. Praise
1 worker researches Pottery
Metal Claws
2 workers are born.
3 workers forage at J2. they manage to find 3 food. 1 worker nearly falls to their death.
It's Raining Manna! 3 food was found back near camp.
2 workers research primitive tool making
3 workers forage for food at G-6, and collect 2 food.
It's Raining Manna! 3 food collected.
2 workers research primitive tool making.
Shashame Tribe
2 Workers forage for food at C1. 4 food gathered.
2 Workers forage for food at B1. 3 food gathered.
It's Raining Manna! 4 food collected.
1 Worker researches Wetland Survival. He nearly gets sucked in by Swampland!
Apparently, there is a difference between the different Wetlands.
Blarg is amused, as is
Sagan. +1 FP each.
1 worker is born.
The Stonejaws
2 workers forage on tile F5. They gathered 4 food.
It's Raining Manna! 2 food collected.
3 workers research Geophagia.
Blarg watches the
Shashame with interest. +1 FP to
BlargSagan notes that the amount of Food the can be gathered is reduced from foraging in the same tile twice in a row. +1 FP to
SaganMaut watches the struggle of the
Iron Claws. +1 FP.
Blarg, God of Wetlands: 1 GP, 3 FP.
Sagan, God of Science: 3 FP.
Trasym, God of Magic: 6 FP.
Ooo, God of Divination: 4 FP.
Maut, God of Death: 6 FP.
5 workers
10 primitive houses
9 food{5 collected, 5 eaten}
Tech Section
Simple Magic: 1/?
Primitive Tool Making: 4/6
Pusillanimous Summation
5 workers
10 primitive houses
15 food{12 collected, 5 eaten}
Tech Section
Mad Strain: 1/3
Pottery:: 3/?
Iron Claws
7 workers{2 born this turn}
10 primitive houses
4 food{6 collected, 5 eaten, 6 used}
Tech Section
Metallic Ingenuity: 1/?
Primitive Tool Making: 4/6
The Stonejaws
5 workers
10 primitive houses
13 food{6 collected, 5 eaten}
Tech Section
Geophagia: 4/?
Shashame Tribe
6 workers{1 born this turn}
10 primitive houses
16 food{11 gathered, 5 eaten, 3 used}
Tech Section
Agile Movement: 1/?
Wetland Survival: Stalled. Requires 3 different Survival Techs of the Wetland Category.
A-1: Swamp
A-3: Mangroves
J-2: Mountainous Ore Deposit
F-5: Rocky Ore Deposit
G-5: Glacier
G-8: Red Sands Desert
G-9: Desert Oasis{Mana Shower Effect}
C-9: Plains.
B-1: Bog Iron Deposit in the Swamp.