The highest class of demon are the dikrohir. They are too stupid to have any way of escaping to the surface and are therefore completely harmless despite their immense size, array of powers and infinite bloodthirst. Some occultists engage in futile attempts to summon them up for weaponization or exotic goods.
The next class beneath them is the kulurrohir or "bogeymen" as the commoners say. For those of you who do nothing like adventuring I will tell you that they are as easy to invoke as they are to banish, for any idiot can do it by simply staying out and alone and then returning inside. They are a lethal annoyance and nothing else.
Further below these bothersome imps are the aborohir. All of you will likely understand that I mean goblins, but other many other names exist thanks to their worldly presence. Peasants will call them small-trolls, dwarvish humor knows them as bucks and some other philosophers will entitle them to be "hellves" in much the same way that dwarf is a portmanteau of dwarf and elf. Though useless from an occult standpoint, enterprizing slavers value them for their almost nonexistent needs and commission elaborate machines to secretly exploit their intelligence. Purity Theory holds that this is because demons are so evil that they have no body-soul duality.
At the bottom are the kastrolrohir, a focal point of many conspiracy allegations aimed at unpopular institutions. What is known is that the goblins are always heralds of their presence-that is the basis of their pagan beliefs! These entities combine the most dangerous aspects of all types above them and fixed to the world like a spear in the ground. Pages upon pages of hack literature talks about how they could be divined, commanded, killed or every other act that you do upon a magical beast. Such writings are the hallmark of a worthless philosopher. Words and symbols have no meaning when dealing upon demons, for they are beings of pure force.