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Author Topic: Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1917 A.C. Cold Season (COMPLETE)  (Read 78841 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: votes
Resource Allocation:
Resource: Ore (4): Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade, Happerry

Coniferous Forest (4): Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade, Happerry

Aran Wagner deployment:
Aran wagner to Farm (4): Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade, Happerry
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: votes
Resource Allocation:
Ore (4): Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade, Happerry
Caelium (1): Kashyyk

Coniferous Forest (5): Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade, Happerry, Kashyyk

Aran Wagner deployment:
Aran wagner to Farm (5): Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade, Happerry,

Man of Paper

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You guys look pretty decided, so I feel comfortable locking this vote and continuing to the combat phase. I think there's six of you, at least regularly, right?


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Seven regular posters I think, there's D7 and Tyrant as well as everyone already in the votebox.

Tyrant Leviathan

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I ain’t voting this round. Been working on a project of my own. So next turn of votes I pitch in.

Man of Paper

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Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1913 A.C. Hot Season (Design Phase)
« Reply #395 on: August 26, 2018, 07:44:24 pm »

Year 1912 AC (After Colonization) Cold Season, Combat Phase

Abberan Advancements

This season our engineers have expanded mining operations in the Coniferous Forest in an effort to supply the expanding fortifications, trenchworks, and bunkers. As a result, the Coniferous Forest gains an Entrenchment Level (now at 2) and a second Ore resource, bringing Abbera's total to 4 Ore.

Our expanded mining operation has yielded the following results:

Scythe is now (CHEAP).
Gorgon is now (CHEAP).
Sickle is now (CHEAP), but still restricted by Paladin Deployment, speaking of which...
Paladin Superheavy Armor is now (VERY EXPENSIVE).

Farmlands Firefight

The Farmlands is a vast flat territory with line of sight blocked only by farmhouses, the occasional town, and lines of trees and fences marking property borders. During the Cold Season consistent snowfall and frozen earth make farming near impossible, though at least roads are well-maintained, making travel fairly easy.

Aren Wagner von Blankenbruck, now Captain of the Order of the Iron Hand (GM NOTE: You may change the name of his unit if you like, but it's up to you guys to vote on it), sat in the back of the Kingmaker with three of his Paladins. They were part of a group in charge of rooting out a particularly stubborn contingent of Endicarians that had forcefully occupied a number of farms that bordered one another. Paladin Lehmann, promoted from Squire, sat at his side, both loosely holding their Sickles as they waited to dismount.

"One of my Squires scouted ahead yesterday," Lehmann reported, "The Endicarians have been expecting us for a while, so they've had some time to prepare themselves. They've dug a few defensive positions out, reinforced the nearby crossroads, and they are using trucks to ferry men and supplies from elsewhere."

"But why are they here, of all places? They've proven their cunning before, but this seems reckless," Wagner pondered, "Their numbers dwindle and yet they would openly enga-"

Wagner was cut off by a distant drumbeat that hastily revealed itself as artillery as shells began to rain down on the detachment of the Order of the Iron Hand and the accompanying infantry. With no hard cover anywhere nearby Wagner ordered the driver to charge forward into the treeline that marked the boundary of the nearest farm the Endicarians had taken over. The barrage hit a Faithful in the rear, decimating it and the men inside in a massive fireball. The deafening blasts persisted as the artillery creeped behind them, shrapnel causing a majority of the injuries and fatalities as bits of metal up to the size of a man's forearm tore through the canvas covering the trucks. As the lead Kingmaker holding the Paladins broke through the trees it was met with an earth-covered bunker not 100 meters from itself dug into the road and the accompanying machine gun fire. The driver veered off the road to avoid a burst of gunfire, tilting and curving to the right. Rounds met the side armor and a couple punched through. One struck Lehmann in the head, saved only by his helmet.

Wagner laughed and slapped Lehmann's armored leg, "Don't worry, it's good luck!"

An explosion rocked the Kingmaker and sent it into the snow. The driver turned to the men in the back.

"Dismount! Dismou-" he cried out over a series of echoing impacts before he too was shot in the head, though without a suit of armor for protection.

Wagner stood and kicked open the rear ramp, snapping the bolts and sending it into the ground. The battlefield was chaos. The column had hit a pocket of resistance that they absolutely did not expect. A half dozen machine guns were wreaking havoc on the Abberans, who were only now just beginning to fight back in earnest. The guns mounted on the vehicles provided at least some suppressive fire for the infantry as they deployed Wickermen to give them some cover. Wagner, Lehmann, Braun, and Franke charged out of their crippled vehicle and began unleashing a torrent of hell from their Sickles. The Faithful housing their Squires pulled up using the Kingmaker as cover and they soon provided increased firepower using both the vehicles and the Paladins themselves as cover while they tried to advance through the plumes of Wickerman smoke.

Aren turned to one of his Squires, "Get to a CourierMan! We are mired in shit unless we get some heavy ordinance on these overreaching pricks! This position is ours, but I want everything else dead before we get there! GO!"

The Squire ran off and Aren returned to advancing through smoke in an attempt to come up on a sandbag fortification some Endicarians were firing from. Four pairs of heavy feet crushed snow beneath them as the Paladins charged the enemy position with the Squires providing covering fire for them. One Endicarian decided not to blind-fire and popped out of cover only to have his nose blown through the back of his skull, convincing the rest to stay down. Aren had a specialized clip added onto his armor to hold his Sickle in situations like these where the Draco he had hooked onto his back would prove to be more effective. The Draco was in his hands when he mantled over the sandbags and accidentally kicked an Endicarian in the head. The Draco blasted forth once into the torso of another Endicarian before Aren began swinging it's spike at the rest of the terrified squad, swinging upwards with it at one point and getting an Endicaran up through the chin, lifting him to his tippy-toes, though he had died immediately. The other three Paladins began stomping slowly forward firing their Sickles in converging arcs while Aren cleaned up his position. Braun advanced a little too far to the left of the group and wound up with a grenade going off just behind him. The blast ruined his backplate and the battery powering his armor, trapping him in his suit as he struggled to move the weight. His Squires tried to reach him but Endicarian gunfire prevented their approach.

"Get to Braun!" Wagner ordered. The three Paladins endured more gunfire as they moved to aid their brother. When they got to him they heard laughter.

"I'm stuck here and the fuckers still can't get me!" he belted out as the three Paladins formed a wall in front of him for the Squires to get behind and extract him from the suit. A somewhat steady supply of Wickerman grenades kept the smokescreen thick enough to disrupt enemy line of sight and give the Abberans cover. While Wagner stood there he observed how the battle around him was going.

The Abberan infantry was making progress against the high volume of fire thanks to their smoke cover, and the Modea proved reliable as always in outshooting the Endicarian bolt-action rifles. It was at this moment as he watched men fighting and dying that he heard an endless series of thumps echo in the distance, followed by a vibration in the ground and explosions in the distance. The barrage from the Gorgons had begun and had no end in sight.

"Finally free!" Braun shouted a few minutes later.

"Fall back to the Kingmaker and Faithful and man one of the Scythes. And don't get yourself killed," Aren ordered.

"Understood, sir," Braun nodded though disappointment managed to sneak into his tone, likely in response to the order to fall back, not to remain alive.

The three Paladins and their Squires began to move onto a bunker firing at a number of men pinned down behind their ruined Faithful. They approached from a blindspot and the Paladins dropped into the small trench leading into the bunker. One Endicarian went to exit the bunker and was cut down by a Sickle. The other men in the bunker had no time to react as Aren lobbed a Wickerman inside. It went off and painful screams erupted from inside the fortification. Lehmann was the first to go in.

"Clear!" he called out.

Another handful of bunkers were cleared in a similar manner as the Paladins moved to relieve the forces receiving the brunt of the incoming fire. Eventually the Endicarians were left fighting from a handful of foxholes and a sniper in the barn. The Paladins tasked themselves with taking out the sniper's position while the rest of the infantry focused on the Endicarians hiding in the foxholes. Rifle rounds from the sniper missed the Paladins as he panicked upon seeing them charge the barn. One round managed to hit Lehmann, who dropped to one knee with a grunt.

"I'm fine! Just a scratch!" he called to the rest of his team. His Squires used him as cover while they removed one of the leg plates to field dress the wound, The round had pierced his armor, but fragmented and only a small shard bit into his shin. It still hurt like a bitch.

The sniper took a shot at one of Lehmann's Squires but hit Lehmann's shoulder instead - without penetrating this time. By this time Wagner and Franke were more than able to accurately fire upon the sniper. Rounds shredded the wood barn giving the sniper cover and when they investigated the barn they found the sniper had somehow fallen out of the loft and onto the ground in a pool of his blood.

The battle wound down and eventually the men were able to reorganize. Aren took command of the farmhouse that was used by the Endicarians while Squires and plain infantry were sent to scout the other positions the Endicarians had occupied. Word came back that all of it was leveled and that if anyone had survived they fled the area before the scouts got there. More importantly, however, was a set of documents Wagner found that revealed the Endicarians were using the massive river flowing through Harren Island to land some men and supplies in the city to combat a small Selicate Empire presence as well as reinforce their positions on the island. A disturbing development, but one that came on the back of a solid, though somewhat costly, success.


Silence in the Swamps

The Swamps are a series of wetlands with few roads and paths going through them. Plant and animal life both work to complicate life in the sector, which would explain the lack of significant settlements. During the Cold Months the Swamps freeze over, providing solid, if slippery, ground to work with. The muddy ground also hardens, reducing the chances of someone sinking knee-deep in mud before realizing it.

The Swamps were never seen by Endicar as important, so it is fitting that their activity here was limited to observation in case Abberans came through. Which they did, and Endicar barely had the capability to react in the sector. A fireteam of Paladins attempted to aid in rooting out whatever Remnant forces resided in the Swamp,but their armor proved to be more of a hindrance than anything else.

The Endicarians here were forced to fight a guerilla war, taking one well-aimed shot before running off, or setting an explosive charge and hoping someone was close enough when it blew. There were few confirmed kills by Abberan forces, but one day the Endicarians just...stopped. It is presumed they pulled back to the Fortress-City, having stalled the advance for long enough at that point.


Mounting the Snow-Capped Mountains

The Snow-Capped mountains have peaks reaching high into the air that are covered in snow almost year-round. They consist of lines of mountains with wide valleys in between where run-off from the mountains flows into the lower lands around it. The Cold Season here is especially harsh, with blizzards and storms dominating the landscape.

Luckily, we know the Endicarians love to hide in their caves, and so our forces kept an eye out for them. Any time a cave was discovered a Paladin and his Squires led a squad into it to check for enemy presence. The Endicarians in the sector managed to avoid conflict until late in the season when they, seemingly, ran out of supplies. The Endicarians were unable to live off of the land and so had to resort to attacking the Abberans and attempting to steal their supplies. This went very, very poorly. The Abberans, realizing the Endicarian predicament, set themselves up in a nice wide valley covered in snow. A group of Endicarians attempted to assault the position but were met with cup-launched Wickermen followed by sweeping fire from the Scythes (a very fitting name in this circumstance). The Endicarians coming down the mountain were now forced to run headlong into devastating fire or run upslope and be shot in the back. Eventually the Endicarians fell or fled, and soon their presence in the Snow-Capped Mountains faded away.


Thanks to exemplary efforts all around we have taken back the middle third of our half of Harren Island. We will continue our advance forward to the North Peaks and Plains in the Hot Season, but first we should capitalize on an advancement recently made elsewhere in the world. The "aeroplane" has potential as a future weapon of war, though many are skeptic. This Design Phase we give you two Designs to work on with requests for each: we ask that one design be an aircraft while the other is a large emplaced weapon. The construction of our first aircraft should give us the ability to check on our opponents and get an idea of their forces and plans, granting one Espionage Credit with Special Rules that will be covered in the Revision Phase if you decide to construct such a vehicle. The creation of a large emplacement meant to be added to our fortifications will grant you one extra Revision in the Revision Phase. The emplacement designed this turn will also be subject to special rules: cost will only be calculated by the variety of resources used (1-2 for Cheap, +1 for each level after that) and will be deployed in any sector with an Entrenchment of 1 or more.

Enemy activity in Harren City concerns us, but for now we must focus on more pressing matters. Good luck, ARES.

News from Salvios mentions erratic behavior and an appreciation for winter recreation.


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« Last Edit: August 31, 2018, 03:42:11 am by Man of Paper »


  • Bay Watcher
  • You fool. You absolute buffoon.
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So. That went pretty well. Not so sure about the weapon emplacement, but I have got a few airship ideas. What I'm not sure about is if we should try to use Promethium, and if we do, if we decide to burn it or attempt to create electricity piezoelectrically.


Tyrant Leviathan

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Well shit. My first idea with RED System is Man portable, as no intention of making them huge.

As for air craft can think of things. Maybe a design tomorrow or something.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2018, 08:59:22 pm by Tyrant Leviathan »


  • Bay Watcher
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Ok so, The emplacement only costs 2, due to being made of only promethium (for the Rime shells, can be repurposed for any other big gun.) and ore.
So this massive gun, would actually be cheap. We need to abuse this Cost special rule as much as we can.
So ya, Cheap 420mm artillery gun that can fire Depleted promethium shells.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2018, 10:49:36 pm by frostgiant »


  • Bay Watcher
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Okay, apparently I'm dumb. We already use the vise and Promethium is flatly better.

Edited: Reduced the weapons cost.
Edit 2: Apparently guns aren't well liked here :P
Edit 3: Doomblade has good ideas, who would have thought.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2018, 10:16:11 pm by Doubloon-Seven »



  • Bay Watcher
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RSN is royal skie navy, with Cor being corvvete (because the airforce is kinda its own branch)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2018, 02:23:19 pm by frostgiant »


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm, the Orleans is nice, but should  carry a gorgon. Also, its design  should  improve the  promethium generator. I would  support  it sans gorgon if the improved generator was added.

I slightly  prefer the hydra, however it needs  redundant propellers, added turbines, and less gunnery.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm, the Orleans is nice, but should  carry a gorgon. Also, its design  should  improve the  promethium generator. I would  support  it sans gorgon if the improved generator was added.

I slightly  prefer the hydra, however it needs  redundant propellers, added turbines, and less gunnery.

The problem I have with the Gorgon is that its on a 30 meters airship, and caelium reduces the effective mass it has to fight against recoil while in the sky. Plus a Gorgon is pretty pricey and I was trying to have the orleans stay relatively cheap for our first armoured airship.
How do we improve the Promethium pizoelectric generator?


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm, the Orleans is nice, but should  carry a gorgon. Also, its design  should  improve the  promethium generator. I would  support  it sans gorgon if the improved generator was added.

I slightly  prefer the hydra, however it needs  redundant propellers, added turbines, and less gunnery.

The problem I have with the Gorgon is that its on a 30 meters airship, and caelium reduces the effective mass it has to fight against recoil while in the sky. Plus a Gorgon is pretty pricey and I was trying to have the orleans stay relatively cheap for our first armoured airship.
How do we improve the Promethium pizoelectric generator?
Current thought is that we're not capturing  all the energy. Methinks  we should add a set of coils around  the crystal  that it can induce  a current  in.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Big Bertha's be damned what our emplacement design should be is something utterly insane and excessive;
So this...thing if we were to make it would it only be expensive under the emplacement rules. I may have taken leave of my senses here...
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