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Author Topic: Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1917 A.C. Cold Season (COMPLETE)  (Read 78744 times)

Man of Paper

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Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1914 A.C. Cold Season (Strategy Phase)
« Reply #630 on: January 05, 2019, 12:16:36 pm »

Year 1914 A.C. Cold Season, Revision Phase


Thanks to the efforts of our R&D teams, engineers, technicians, and soldiers in the field, we were able to narrow down the source of the strange signal - nothing more than odd static punctuated by an occasional pop, beep, or (some swear) distant voices. Some baseless rumors that our advancements in radio technology had "pierced the veil" between the living and the dead skyrocketed in popularity when it was discovered that the signal was, in fact, coming from somewhere within the massive cemetery both forces had dug in on. As we had more manpower devoted to accomplishing this task we were also able to locate the original city plans when Abbera had first constructed the Fortress-City. An old sewer ran past the Cemetery, and a portion leading under it had been walled off. As Salvios currently held local superiority near the Cemetery the threat of their presence led to the formation of an eight-man team consisting of three riflemen, two radio technicians, Crusader von Blankenbruck, and his Squires. Their goal was to locate the source of the signal, or at least getting a clearer one.

Aren was only mildly regretting volunteering to escort the techs to the signal - the cold damp of the sewers clung to and frosted his armor, and a chill had begun to seep into his bones moreso than usual.

"Venting," he said in warning to his Squires behind him.

"Clear," came two separate voices.

The group made their way through the sewers coming across nothing but the rats pushed underground by the war until they encountered the bricked-off tunnel, which was very apparent. While the majority of the sewer walls were covered in a slick, streaky, green layer of filth, this section looked very new, almost pristine in comparison. Without a small convenient explosive readily available, the men set to using their digging tools to open up the wall. Eventually enough space was made for them all to get through, Aren included. The eight moved near-silently through this tunnel, following a few sharp turns until the smooth stone walls gave way to rough-hewn rock that guided them down a gently curving slope. The passage suddenly gave way to a massive domed chamber with a most curious centerpiece.

Aren was absolutely agape as he tried to process what he was seeing. Strange silvery metallic spike-like pillars tapered from the floor and ceiling in a circle at the center of the room arranged not unlike interlocking fangs, with one massive pillar rising from the center through the rock above. They seemed to shift, bend, and twist mercurially, and yet also stood perfectly firm and static. The surprise faded as Aren realized that of course, he had known about this the whole time...right?

The same feeling of inexplicable understanding had washed over all, eight...of them as they wordlessly went about setting up the radio within the Anomaly. Surely that's what they always called it? Once the SparkPacks were on and the radios running the technicians began receiving an endless number of mixed transmissions interrupting and overlapping one another.

fzzztttt..."-eed support! Our shroud's gone!"
...tzzzzzz..."-annalan missile on my six, I can't-"
...ksssshhh..."-and if that fucking ORACLE keeps predicting our plans-"
...ffffssttt..."-f you can hear us, there's a Faithful plastered in glorious Abberan flags on the way, but we can't figure out where it ca-"

They all knew what this was. They always had. But not the ones not here. More men? No, that wouldn't do. This place couldn't be known about. But it was, by at least eighteen, no eight, no, fuck.

Antero Sahay, clad in his Avalanche Power Armor, shook Aren, "You're slipping again," he said in a language he did not know but understood as Aren came out of his stupor. There were eight Abberans and ten Salviosi, eighteen. Good. He was back. They were trying to figure out how to prevent any nation getting it's hands on the full unbridled power of this chamber. It acted as a link across worlds, and through time itself. Unfortunately by coming in contact with endless timelines and realms the Abberans and Salviosi had made themselves a fixed constant in time and space, and as such this room needs to exist in one form or another. The cat was out of the bag.

Antero had apparently been one of the men pushing the only Sled Aren had stepped onto without bloodshed, and knew of and respected Aren's honor. He was extraordinarily bright too, and had been one of the people who came up with using th stolen Faithful to check the signal. The Salviosi had brought some explosives with them and had figured out how to best collapse this chamber and, hopefully, destroy everything within it. After they had found the raw form of this Transdimensional Metal in the walls of the cave they had set to digging out what they could. They formulated a plan to create smaller replicas of this chamber at the capital of each nation - this would ensure both sides remained equals while simultaneously denying them access to the Anomaly itself and ensuring they can make contact with the other realities.

The only issue was they had no idea when they'd come out of the cavern. The Salviosi had approached from a straight passage that let them see into the chamber and they had seen the Abberans and themselves flickering in and out of, seemingly, existence. He theorized that the chamber shifted it's contents around freely, and with a lot of luck, they might come out early enough to construct the chambers without breaking reality. But then, they had to have done it if they still existed, right?


We Investigated the Signal our radios picked up from the Ancient Monument beneath Abbera. After a thoroughly focused study it seems to allow communication between realms. We do not pretend to fully understand it, but we have made contact with other peoples embroiled in war and may be able to share information with them. Unfortunately lead scientist Doctor Aren Wagner von Blankenbruck passed away at the moment of discovery. He will be missed.

In other news, a sinkhole opened up under the mausoleum in the Cemetery. Geological surveys will be performed once the city is secured.

It is time to decide on Resource Allocation and Fortification for this season. You will also have to decide on which contacted nation to ally with, though this need not be done immediately, and should be chosen carefully - we wouldn't want to align ourselves with some other world's Salvios, would we?


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As the nations of the world can't really offer you anything I've decided to allow you to choose an alliance with a single nation from (almost) any Arms Race on the forum. There are rules to this however! Wands Race 2 is off-limits due to opsec. You can get assistance from them in the form of requisitioning designs. The first is free, but afterwards you will need to trade them a design that they can utilize! Requisitions are proposed on the Strategy Phase, and you must use a Design to convert and produce the equipment. The benefit to this is, as there is a blueprint of a working device, difficulty is often reduced for you compared to building it from scratch. However they are, as always, susceptible to rolls. You could get a fluke, or perhaps you drastically improve on the design.  If you wish to decide on an alliance immediately you will also be allowed a requisition this phase.

Keep in mind that the further the design strays from your technological level (and your reality) the harder it will become to convert. Other World War 1 era ARs will be easiest to pull from, while the original Wands Race, Ancient Arms Race, or the XCom AR would be more difficult.


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Quote from: Taricus ain't my real dad
(1) North River Crossing : Kashyyk

Resource Node:
(1) Wooded Mountain Sheep Sanctuary : Kashyyk

Whilst we debate on who to ally with, lets vote on some other stuff.


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Quote from: Taricus ain't my real dad
(2) North River Crossing : Kashyyk, D7

Resource Node:
(2) Wooded Mountain Sheep Sanctuary : Kashyyk, D7
This looks okay. I personally believe that these reports of other timelines are simply the addled ramblings of shellshocked soldiers operating in an environment filled with corpse gas.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 07:08:19 pm by Doubloon-Seven »



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Quote from: Taricus ain't my real dad
(2) North River Crossing : Kashyyk, Frostgiant

Resource Node:
(1) Wooded Mountain Sheep Sanctuary : Kashyyk
(1) Wooded mountains Ore Mine : Frostgiant

Ore gives us expensive paladin, cheap Orleans and cheap radio.
Getting Prom or k-wool this turn only makes the halberd base cheap. We'll have better effects grabbing Prom or K-wool next turn after an ore. Or a 4th cealium for expensive crusader and expensive Caliburn.


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Quote from: Taricus ain't my real dad
(3) North River Crossing : Kashyyk, Frostgiant, D7

Resource Node:
(1) Wooded Mountain Sheep Sanctuary : Kashyyk
(2) Wooded mountains Ore Mine : Frostgiant, D7
Crap. I need to remember to use Jerick's wondersheet.



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Quote from: Taricus ain't my real dad, MoP is!
(4) North River Crossing : Kashyyk, Frostgiant, D7, Doomblade

Resource Node:
(1) Wooded Mountain Sheep Sanctuary : Kashyyk
(3) Wooded mountains Ore Mine : Frostgiant, D7, Doomblade
All hail the wondersheet.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Quote from: Taricus ain't my real dad, MoP is!
(5) North River Crossing : Kashyyk, Frostgiant, D7, Doomblade, Jerick

Resource Node:
(1) Wooded Mountain Sheep Sanctuary : Kashyyk
(4) Wooded mountains Ore Mine : Frostgiant, D7, Doomblade, Jerick
Speaking of the sheet I forgot to add the Icarus to it (not that we'll be deploying that thing) but it's there, just in case we ever revise it to be useful.

Man of Paper

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Votes locked. Since no alliance was chosen you are free to continue discussing options.

Man of Paper

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Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1915 A.C. Hot Season (Design Phase)
« Reply #638 on: January 20, 2019, 04:38:56 am »

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Man of Paper

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Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1915 A.C. Hot Season (Design Phase)
« Reply #639 on: January 20, 2019, 04:39:32 am »

Year 1914 AC (After Colonization) Cold Season, Combat Phase

Abberan Advancements

With the coming of winter we began to exploit deposits of various useful Ores in the Wooded Mountains. We also began building up our defenses in the North River Crossing, bringing Entrenchment to Two(2) in anticipation of a possible Salviosi breakthrough in the city.

As a result of expanded access to Ore-related materials our armory has seen the following adjustments:

The Paladin becomes (EXPENSIVE).
The Orleans becomes (CHEAP).
The CourierMan becomes (CHEAP).

Salviosi Successes

Quote from: Design
Proposal: ASC-14 "Charybdis" Tactical Aircraft
ASC-14 Charybdis Tactical Aircraft
Rather inspired by foreign media featuring invaders from outer space, the Charybdis is reminiscent of the craft said aliens travel to earth in. A circular craft with a gravengine mounted in the centre of the craft for lift, mounted on a ring and able to 'flex' back and forth on it's mount and controlled via myomer ropes, and a second gravengine also mounted in a ring (To enable it to shift direction) and attached to several myomer cords to enable the pilot to easily change direction, these engines are powerful to afford the Charybdis an unmatched amount of manoeuvrability and speed in the air compared to anything currently fieldable by either side.

The primary weapon mounted on the Charybdis is the Scylla, mounted in a turret which overlooks the rest of the craft and houses the gun's crew and the craft's commander. The gun's potency is magnified by the agility of the craft, enabling it to strike from any more angles than what is thought feasible. A second, smaller turret is hosed in the craft's underside, directly opposite of the scylla in the top turret. Mounting our 40mm cannon in lieu of a larger cannon, and in a semi-spherical turret with a good depression to better allow it to target ground forces in strafing runs

Armoured enough on the upper and lower parts of the hull (The craft itself having no real definable front or rear) to resist the enemy's halberd rifles, and built sturdy enough that it won't crumple on the ground barring a high-speed crash, and equipped with our Ceramah radios to co-ordinate the crew and communicate between aircraft whilst in the air., making the Charybdis a relentless and tough foe for our enemies to being down. In addition, a set of six retractable landing struts to enable the craft to land without crushing the bottom turret are installed, able to brace the weight of the entire craft fairly comfortably.

Difficulty: Ludicrous
Result: 4 (6+2-4) 3 (6+1-4)

Some have said that Salvios cannot into vehicles. The Charybdis proves them...well, it flies, so they're not totally right. While we were able to design the vehicle as-planned, a number of issues have cropped up. 

First, and most apparent in the repair bays, is the weakness of the landing struts. Any horizontal movement while coming down is likely to snap them like twigs. While this issue doesn't affect in-flight combat capabilities, it does mean that the craft are down for longer repair windows, as not only do legs need to be fixed but oftentimes the bottom turret requires repairs as well. The myomers used to control the GravEngines [also fuck you guys for GavEngines and GravEngines] also, for lack of a better term, cramp up and "stall" the craft in the direction it was heading, requiring a jostling of the controls to undo and bring the machine back under full control. The Charybdis can get up to 90km/h in any direction, but needs to be significantly slowed when changing direction in order to protect the crew from injury.

The Charybdis is protected by 80mm armor top and bottom, making it at the very least resistant to most of our enemy's current arsenal. The craft requires a crew of six(Captain/Pilot, 2 Gunners, 2 Loaders, 1 Radioman/Mechanic) and can loiter for hours on end thanks to the efficiency of Gavrillium.

The Charybdis costs 8 Ore, 4 Gavrillium, 4 Caelium, and 3 Myomer, making it a (NATIONAL EFFORT).

Quote from: Revision
Proposal: ASC-14 "Charybdis" Tactical Aircraft Enhancement program (ASC-14a)
ASC-14 "Charybdis" Tactical Aircraft Enhancement program (ASC-14a)
The Charybdis is a resounding success in Salvios getting a vehicle that actually functions. Unfortunately it still has issues, the biggest of which is cost.

To ease out the logistics of feeling a fleet of these craft, the armour on the bottom of the craft is reduced to a mere 55mm, and the armour on the top side of the craft to 40mm, enabling us to use the metal needed elsewhere. Furthermore, to reduce the amount of myomer ropes needed, and improve craft function, the craft commander is no longer the pilot, and the pilot works in tandem with a co-pilot who manages the 'lifting' GravEngine, enabling the use of shorter ropes for the lifting engine. The myomer rope system for the thrust engine are reworked to eliminate the cramps that occur during flight.

Additionally, harnesses and ropes are provided (Along with the craft being fitted with the appropriate points to attach them to.), along with a new 'safety belt' on the seats of the craft to enable higher-speed manoeuvres to take place and ensure the crew gets through them unscathed. Finally, the landing struts are reinforced enough to tolerate some lateral movement on landing, thereby saving countless hours of work in the repair bays, allowing craft to be sent out more often.

Difficulty: Hard
Result: 10 (6+5-1) = Superior

The Charybdis has undergone a number of changes that have worked to improve functionality all-around. The reduced armor plating and smarter use of materials in the design has made it significantly easier to construct as well as increased speed and mobility. While this would have been an issue, by adding harnesses and protective gear we have largely negated the risk of injury to the crew during high-speed maneuvers. The smarter positioning of the engines and strategic use of myomers has led to a drop in myomer cost as well. The landing struts have been reinforced so the craft can now land reliably. Overall our Charybdis fleet is now a clear force to be reckoned with.

The Charybdis can now reach speeds of 130 km/h and costs 6 Ore, 4 Gavrillium, 3 Caelium, and 2 Myomer, making it (VERY EXPENSIVE).

(music to read to, courtesy of Salvios)

Captain Maximillian Valkria the 3rd commanded his Orleans forward and his ship flagged for the others to do likewise. They slipped forward through the frigid skies on approach to the latest front in need of fire support. The battle group of twenty ships was meant to provide advancing cover for a pocket on the front line of a flank that was suffering from an intense Salviosi push and threatened to roll up to the center. Valkria's Orleans stayed back as the rest of his ships followed the orders relayed to them to coordinate their support. The sides of the airships lit up as their Scythes opened fire on enemy infantry in the streets and buildings below.

Then Valkria saw a glimmer on the horizon. And a flash. He identified the enemy craft as some sort of metallic armed discus before a blast caught his attention. One of his ships had been hit and burst into flame. And another. Another. Each massive boom shook Valkria to his core. Whatever the enemy was fielding, it was devastating and...already past the bulk of his fleet. And when they were among the Orleans it was, well, more of the same devastation. These ships were built more for ground attack, and without a sufficient anti-air weapon, were little more than target practice for the new enemy Charybdis.

Valkria ordered a retreat of his fleet. His Orleans was the only one that survived. The rest had become the first true victims of air-to-air combat.

The Charybdis proves itself to be a sufficient aircraft in both air-to-air and air-to-ground roles. Without a reliable means of lobbing artillery onto aircraft flying at high speeds from our Orleans or any form of support the Abberan aerial advantage is lost and Salvios is once again able to almost freely transport troops in. They manage to stop and reverse the progress of Abberan forces last season thanks to the Charybdis.


Combat this season has resulted in an Abberan Defeat! Abberan control of Harren City drops back to 50%

Once again we come to you to make the difficult decisions. Our artillery has gone unused in an effort to protect the homes of our newly acquired workforce of refugees. However as the enemy has made the same decision if we decide to implement the use of artillery we may be able to make greater gains in combat within Harren City. Shall we begin using artillery in Harren City? While this decision wouldn't normally be as intense, working conditions have been less than ideal and upsetting a nice slice of our newfound population could lead to strikes and interruptions of work in Abbera...

If you cannot provide us with a breakthrough in Harren City this season then we plan on devoting resources to crossing the river on either of the flanks. While we already have the ability to cross (on very calm days) thanks to our transports, a design spent on something that could aid in this endeavor this season or next could be rewarded.

We also have a decision on possible alliances with very, ah, distant lands to make! We respect caution in this endeavor, but we shouldn't dally too long.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 01:17:47 pm by Man of Paper »


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Re: Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1915 A.C. Hot Season (Design Phase)
« Reply #640 on: January 20, 2019, 11:01:30 am »

Well. Fuck. Looks like the Salviosi had our own idea. Also, this is why I wanted the Bardiche. You need an autocannon for air defense, not a bunch of machine guns, and, at that point, an entirely unusable main cannon.



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Re: Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1915 A.C. Hot Season (Design Phase)
« Reply #641 on: January 20, 2019, 03:43:21 pm »

An alternative for the main gun would be a flak/air-burst round. Either way, we definitely need something anti-air, be it Icarus v2 or an Orleans mountable gun.


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Quote from: ARA-1914MG "Bardiche"
The Halberd has served Abbera's armies well in the fight for Harren. Yet the Salviosi still have superior firepower, at least when it comes to machine guns.

The time has come to change this.

As a machine gun, the Bardiche sports a firing mechanism in the vein of the Scythe, yet scaled up to handle the increased size of the 40mm round, now found in belts of 75 rounds. Due to the increased firing rate, we have persisted in our use of the K-Wool recoil reducing pads, despite the fact that the Bardiche is not intended to be man portable.

Instead, it rests on a wide elevated tripod, with rails so that the weapon can be racked up to aim higher than would normally be possible. On a leg of this tripod comes a small Prometheum battery, just enough to power the electrified barrel that still remains from the Halberd, now cooled by a shroud in which nodules hold D-Prometheum dust mixed into gelatin.

Indeed, not much remains, for the gravitic weight reduction of the Halberd has been stripped out, to make room for the firing mechanism and to ensure accuracy of the rounds fired.

As accessories, the standard iron sights can be screwed out and replaced with aperture sights, or a gun shield can be fitted to protect the operator.

Either this or a revised icarus with credit.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 05:20:00 pm by Doomblade187 »
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Re: Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1915 A.C. Hot Season (Design Phase)
« Reply #643 on: January 22, 2019, 11:33:19 am »

I propose that we ally with Moskurg for the following design:

Spoiler: T2 Breaker (click to show/hide)

We should go for Arstotska or Moskurg because it is the closest in tech level (and thus the easiest to translate), and we should go for the T2 Breaker for the following reasons:
- It's a tank. We don't have one yet
- The 1.6 inch cannon is almost exaclt the same size as our 40mm Halberd. It would be a simple switch
- The 30 cal coaxial mg is basically the same size as our 7.92mm Scythe. Another easy switch
- It has space for a radio. We have a radio we can just slot in
- We can change out the conventional engine for a Gavr Promethium one, as most of the rest of the work will be super easy, we can spend all our "difficulty" here, and get a tank out of it instead of just an engine

Saltvios only has small anti-armour weapons, designed for use against armoured infantry. Even a half-assed heavy tank will be impervious to pretty much everything they currently field.

I'd like to confirm the alliance before the end of this design phase, so we can then spend our design on making our own version of this tank.


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Re: Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1915 A.C. Hot Season (Design Phase)
« Reply #644 on: January 22, 2019, 08:08:26 pm »

So. Let's start the voting.

Quote from: Alliance Vote
Moskurg - T2 Breaker : (1) Kashyyk
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