This is a total conversion to the Warhammer Fantasy universe (before Age of Sigmar).
It currently comes complete with 8 playable civs, many new creatures, throwing weapons, guns/gunpowder, and some other surprises i'll leave for you to discover.
Virtually unchanged from their vanilla counterparts, aside from gaining access to black powder firearms.
Humans, now with Steel and Guns.
Your standard elves, havn't changed too much here either.
The new evil biome race, they have access to throwing weapons, and a variety of chaos creatures, including skinwolves, which can learn a trade and join your military.
Skulking filth! Drive them out! The kobold replacements, filthy ratmen that have a unique ore/metal called warpstone, that they can make guns/weapons out of. They spawn in hidden caves, so will not appear on your neighbours screen when selecting a civ (just like kobolds)
A race of satyr-like people, who come in three different castes, many positions in the tribe cannot be filled by the most common caste, the ungor, so leadership will have to be
protected, although they are also much stronger than your ungors.
Orks and Goblins, similar to beastmen in playstyle, but big angry green men. Only a few positions can be held by goblins, however they have higher mental stats than orks, so are great for craftsorks.
Orks who have abandoned metalworking, etc. and only use stone-age technology.
Many thanks to:Jake for his fantastic
Black Powder Firearms Mod which I am using for the firearms in this mod.
Random_Dragon for the stone age materials and code from
Kobold Kamp which forms the basis for the Savage Orks, and much of the Skaven Entity
Installation Instructions:
Comes as a complete package, so just unzip the file, and you're done.
Warhammer FortressThis is a beta build, so please let me know if anything seems lore-breaking or just plain weird
Upcoming Roadmap- Bretonnia
- Balance and tweaking
- V1.0
- Bugfixes etc. for V1.0
- Magic? (May be pushed back to after V2.0, we'll see.)
- Begin working towards V2.0(The New World update)
Disclaimer: All rights owned by Games Workshop.
I am not making any profit off of this, I'm just a fan making this for the love.