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Author Topic: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread  (Read 4147 times)


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2018, 05:03:30 pm »

Slip Joints
Obviously, the fault in the Golem is one of mechanical wear. Wear, of course, if most common around the joints of a creature, and the armor ends up taking the brunt of the damage. This can be reduced with some padding, in the form of leather bags mounted on the insides of joints, filled with corn starch-infused armor. This reduces stress on the joints, allows a wider range of movements in the Golems, and due to the fact that corn starched mixed with water is a non-newtonian fluid, does not compromise armor in the joints!



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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2018, 05:07:57 pm »

Internal Metallurgy Smith: The extraction pit while very efficient at collecting stone and other useful material can also be the place where we craft the hardened iron and steel that forms our armies; by placing a metalsmith right near the entrance to the pit, we can also form metals for our army near the excavation, that is than transported back for the creation of equipment and machines for war

The Pike: The defining weapon of infantry soldiers, in which a pointed steel or iron head is placed atop a elongated wooden shaft so that you can stab a creature while your ten feet from him, as well as being great for infantry formation; as who likes running into a wall of iron heads pointed against you?

Quote from: RisenBox
Slip Joints: (1): SC
Internal Metallurgy Smith: (1): SC
The Pike: (1): SC


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #32 on: July 29, 2018, 05:20:25 pm »

Quote from: RisenBox
Slip Joints: (2): SC, Failbird
Internal Metallurgy Smith: (2): SC, Failbird
The Pike: (2): SC, Failbird
Nothing else to contribute really.


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #33 on: July 29, 2018, 05:21:33 pm »

Quote from: RisenBox
Slip Joints: (3): SC, Failbird, Doubloon
Internal Metallurgy Smith: (3): SC, Failbird, Doubloon
The Pike: (3): SC, Failbird, Doubloon
A few augmentations, here and there. Good turn.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 05:47:10 pm by Doubloon-Seven »



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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #34 on: July 29, 2018, 08:28:01 pm »

I fully understand how we won't be making any designs next turn, but I have been inspired, and want to get these designs written out before they leak out of my brain. You can discuss them all you want, but if you do it on discord then I won't be able to see it until tomorrow.

Design - Carrion Host
Carrion Crawlers, wretched, oversized maggot-esque pests that can be found damn near anywhere you can find corpses en-masse. Notable for their insatiable appetite for flesh, especially rotten, and their ability to breed like wildfire. They are a bane to necromancers everywhere, and our enemies are far from an exception. Yet Carrion Crawlers cannot survive long without flesh. The challenge then, is how to get them there. The answer should be obvious, give them a meal for a ride. Simply put, the Carrion Host, or this initial conception of it at least, is a zombie that has been purposefully infested with a few Carrion Crawlers, and allowed to sit until a large store of eggs has been built up. These specific zombies will be made to be fast and meaty, to rush into the enemy lines and unleash its writhing, hungry payload upon our foes. Just remember, we control the Host, not the parasites, and they will not hesitate to strip the flesh from our own forces if not used carefully.

Design - Lifeblood (working name)
Experimenting with plants for our gardens has already proven itself useful from their increased output of Necrotic Fluid. However it has also provided a further, unforeseen benefit. One of the plants we tested, a strange, subterranean, blue-glowing flower shaped like a butterfly. When used in place of the normal ingredients to make Necrotic Fluid, it makes something different. Something viscous, blue, and glowing. A short bout of testing showed it to be unable to perform the tasks that Necrotic Fluid is used for, thus it was discarded  but further research has turned up something very interesting. This fluid, which we have termed Lifeblood, may not be Necrotic Fluid, but when the two are used in tandem Lifeblood not only boosts the effects of the Necrotic Fluid, but seems to strengthen the zombie, slowly heal it for as long as the Lifeblood flows through its veins, and give its eyes a striking blue glow. There is one main flaw to Lifeblood however, it cannot be used on something without proper flesh and veins.


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #35 on: July 29, 2018, 10:41:18 pm »

Here’s the revision I believe we need for next turn

Iron Teethed Bats; Combat Infantry Shields; Golem Durability Revision; Garden of Charon Zombie Increase (Maybe?)

Now here’s an idea to utilize our Special Corpses

Druid of Pestilence: Like a death knight, the Druid of the Death are corrupted and the risen corpses of powerful warriors, but instead of being a twisted paladin it is instead a priest of the Old Faith that wielded the powers of nature from moonlight and plantlike growth for defending nature against all manner of threats. But now, they are risen and see life in a different perspective, it matters not that they protect the course of nature as they see that the circle of life is for no fruition. They realized the failed Old Faith teaching of the precarious balance between life and death, they come to understand: there IS no balance. Death always wins in the end.
By wielding the power of necromancy and the Old Faith of druidism arts, they wield a twisted art of druidcraft allowing for plagues and the spread of insect swarms to defile life.
-Can wild shape into two undead animals, rather instead of a panther and bear, it is either
Frost Widow; an aggressive and venomous vermin of the cold north the size of a man, can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings. As well as restraining prey by spurting out thick spider silk webbing. Physical Form
Scarab Beetle; a thick chitinous armored roach with the capability of burrowing, is around the size of a shire horse; is rather difficult to wound or even kill. Physical Form
-Through magical and corrupted spell-casting of the Old Faith with necromancy can spew forth a plague of locusts that swarm a small piece of area, thousands of insects that chew and devour all-things in its path.
-An aura of intoxicating and noxious pestilence of poisonous gas surrounds them when they are risen and in their humanoid form, burning the skin off flesh and bone alike.
The manner we acquire druids is from the fallen heroic priest that the necromancy corrupts, could be from barbaric human sages to elven guardian corpses; and which the risen corpses are given robes and a shillelagh (a wooden walking stick)

(Note the power level of a Druid can be lowered, but when special corpses can make horrific mage-lichs, flaming bone giants, and monoliths that shoot evil destructive laser beams, this is actually a rather minor special unit to me)


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2018, 12:20:22 pm »

Turn -1

Revision phase

Revision: Slip joints
Slip Joints

Obviously, the fault in the Golem is one of mechanical wear. Wear, of course, if most common around the joints of a creature, and the armor ends up taking the brunt of the damage. This can be reduced with some padding, in the form of leather bags mounted on the insides of joints, filled with corn starch-infused armor. This reduces stress on the joints, allows a wider range of movements in the Golems, and due to the fact that corn starched mixed with water is a non-newtonian fluid, does not compromise armor in the joints!

2d6-1=> [6]

The new slip joints are a partial success, with the oobleck sacks helping to slow the degeneration of the golems limbs.
While the oobleck joints do not address the problems of degeneration along the rest of the body, such as the front torso, the outer parts of the joints and any other par. It does allow the golem to turn and bend much more effectively as long as it doesn’t attempt to move too quickly (else the oobleck solution hardens and begins to lock up.

This means while the Degeneration problem is still existent, and the Golem is still unable to move very fast (in this case, because of its limbs locking up in the oobleck) and the weight of its body It is much more Fluid in its movements and the inside joints are far more reliable.
No longer is the golem a Stumbling and awkward creature, instead just a lumbering one.

A rather slow moving creation, due to heavy mass of its unliving clay body. Due to the necromancers inability to manipulate the clay of its body, stuck only to the flesh mixed within, it is slowly reducing down to clay dust as it moves, although this has been lessened on the inside of the joints due to a recent change. It packs a rather mean punch and, when freshly made, can take quite the hit as well. While they are quite slow, they are much smoother in movement, much less jerking and stumbling, than a standard zombie, and are capable of breaking stone with a solid punch.

150 Corpses, 50 necrotic fluids, 300 Non-Metals

Revision: Internal metallurgy Smith
Internal Metallurgy Smith: The extraction pit while very efficient at collecting stone and other useful material can also be the place where we craft the hardened iron and steel that forms our armies; by placing a metalsmith right near the entrance to the pit, we can also form metals for our army near the excavation, that is than transported back for the creation of equipment and machines for war


The plan was to create a smithy right outside the expanse of the excavation pit, in order to allow the smiting of ore into its more workable directly at the location of the pit.
This Idea was a good beginning, but it ran into the problems that plague all constructions. Materials and money.
When it comes down to it, even the most minimal of smithy’s require quite a bit of equipment in order to break down and process all of the ore that enters its walls, which can be quite pricey, This is without even considering the cost of the tools used to actually shape the weapons of war such a smithy would require.
This isn’t even considering the required coal to heat the forge or the regular replacement tools that they must create.

Many of the Designers of the pit have managed to cut some corners, but right now they believe it is more of a space-saving measure than anything economical.

Layered excavation pit (W/Smithy)


A similar concept to the previous excavation pit, proving that the faults of the last project obviously lay on the project leads. As it is now the excavation pit is capable of bring up a prodigious amount of material, using its zombie-powered mine carts to quickly remove stone from the Pit. The Edition of a metallurgy Smith on the lip of the Pit. Unfortunately, it has run into cost issues, even with as much corner cutting as possible. The smithy still requires quite a few specialized tools. As such the Costs associated have jumped.

+250 Non-metal/turn  +75 Metal/Turn

350 metals, 400 non-metals, 250 corpses

(This will not replace the excavation pit, It will be a separate building on the List. You can still build the previous version because I am not a sadist…)

Revision: Pike

The Pike:  A Defining infantry weapon, in which a pointed steel or iron head is placed atop an elongated wooden shaft so that you can stab a creature while your ten feet from him, as well as being great for infantry formation; as who likes running into a wall of iron heads pointed against you?

2d4+2=. [6]

The pike, a common weapon used for the slaying of man and those like them. The long reach of the pike allows them to fight back many a form of god-fearing creature.
 Unfortunately, many a creature are there that are more then willing to throw themselves upon the pike, tying them down or ignoring strikes that would be as pinpricks to such creatures.

But although many are the creatures that lack fear of such weaponry, A hundred bristling Spikes may reap their deadly toll upon them regardless.

People have been putting metal on sticks for as long as they have had metal, while they aren’t truly special in any way, your necromancers have managed to figure out the creation of some types of polearms that you can give to your undead.


A 5-meter long war spear, designed to be used in concert with many others to provide a wall of bristling metal to any form of attackers. While there are being that will either throw themselves upon this wall without fear, tying down the pike, or ignore such strikes as mere bug bites, The ability to engage from such a distance cannot be Ignored.
100 non-Metals  50 Metals


2 meters long, shorter than the pike and more maneuverable in the hands of a skilled user. Typically used in the hands of those with shields over the hands of very skilled weapon masters.
50 Non-metals 25 Metals



A pole with a crescent axe on the head, about 1.8 to 2 meters long. Able to bring down heavy force and splitting power, similar to an axe form a greater distance.

50 non-metals, 50 Metals

(For weapons gained through revisions, As long as you don’t roll a 2 I will generally give you a few weapons that are related to the weapon that you are trying to obtain (in this case, a spear the pike and the bardiche) The other way to gain normal weapons is to detail that you want a particular construct to wield it (IE I want my Warcraft-esquse abomination to have a cleaver, or my spectral centaur to have a lance) While a may lead to a bad roll not giving it to you. Special weapons (IE magic weapons and such (Swords that is on fire, Crossbow with ice arrows. Halberd that can fire waves of acid) require their own design depending on complexity. )

Spoiler:  Projects (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Resources (click to show/hide)

It is now the Production Phase of Turn -1.
The tactics phase will once again be skipped due to a lack of combat.


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #37 on: August 12, 2018, 12:41:06 pm »

I've got several designs in my head we could use, some more... horrific then others.
Quote from: Design: Ghoul
Not truly undead in the normal sense- rather Ghouls are humans, criminals and volinteers in this case, changed by the repeated consumption of necromantically Animated meats, They are changed in that they start to rot, their nails and fangs grow quite sharp, and they gain an uncontrollable urge to consume undead flesh. Do to a combination of these factors and the fact that some few remain sentient after this it has been concluded that they may make a decent- if unstable addition to our troops.
Quote from: Design: Undead ooze
A mass of ground up flesh and bones with spare organs thrown in only because they were available, The advantages of these is in how hard they are to damage- easily taking even the most devastating hits only to gather back into a single lump yet once more, they may not be very good at harming other undead beings- but most standard weapons will nearly always fail to harm them.
Quote from: Design: Auto Crossbow
An animated collection of bones and sinew standing upon a tripod base- while not innately capable at moving towards combat- they are capable of shooting off arrows towards attacking opponents autonomously or being carried into combat by a larger creation.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2018, 01:18:58 pm »

So, we want to do what we did last turn but with corpses and fluid, right?

Spoiler: Plan Doubloon (click to show/hide)

That should be all we can do for the time being.

Quote from: Votes
Plan Doubloon: (1) D7



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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #39 on: August 12, 2018, 01:33:46 pm »

That ghoul design is pretty much exactly my(unposted) Wendigo idea, except with less flavor text.

Also, because we are getting 11 dice next turn according to Frostgiant on the discord, here's our project situation, and what I think would be the best way to invest dice to have as much of our stuff ready by turn one as we can

Quote from: investment plan
If we do not spend any dice progressing our projects, then by the end of turn 0s design phase:
  • Garden of Charon will have finished on its own
  • Skeletons will be at 6/10
  • Fel Bats will be at 2/8
  • Excavation Pits will be at 2/10
  • And Golems will be at 1/9

1 die to Skeletons = 50% chance they will be finished on turn 0, 100% chance they will be ready for turn 1
2 dice to Fel Bats = 72% chance they will be finished on turn 0, 91% chance they will be ready for turn 1

8 dice meaning two designs and two revisions

Alternatively, instead of doing 2 designs, we spend two dice on both of the other projects as well, meaning;
2 dice to Excavation Pits = 42% chance they will be finished on turn 0, 72% chance they will be ready for turn 1
2 dice to Golems = 42% chance they will be finished on turn 0, 58% chance they will be ready for turn 1

this would still leave us with enough dice for 1 design and a revision, and assumes we don't rush anything, which would give us an even higher chance to have things ready, but would leave us with a chance that things go wrong.

Sure I can go for that production plan
Quote from: Votes
Plan Doubloon: (2) D7, Failbird
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 01:40:47 pm by Failbird105 »


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2018, 01:51:37 pm »

Quote from: Votes
Plan Doubloon: (3) D7, Failbird, Crazyabe
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #41 on: August 19, 2018, 11:17:00 am »

Turn -1

Production phase

Building Necromantic brewer in Ward [Not specified]  placed in ward  13

Building Necromantic brewer in Ward [Not specified]  placed in ward  12

Building Moratorium in Ward [Not specified] placed in ward 11

450 Necrotic fluid
1000 Corpses
0 Metal
100 Non-metal
260 Special corpses

New Income:
+250 necrotic fluid/turn
+400 corpses
+300 metal
+800 non-metal
+10 special corpses

Tactics phase skipped do to a lack of combat and units.

End of Turn -1

Adding income:
700 necrotic fluid
1400 corpses
300 metal
900 non-metal
270 special corpses

It is now Turn 0
 Design phase

Due to a lack of Complaints or arguments agaist the changes laid out in the core thread, the following changes will be implemented.
1. Projects no longer have a cost for advancing with dice. Projects still cost 3 dice to start but their will no longer be a cost roll.
2. Shaft mines have now been renamed Worn-out blacksmiths.
3. The [Quarry’s] Income will be reduced to 150 due to being to powerful for a basic building.

Due to the GM forgetting to apply difficulty modifiers for the last couple turns, both teams will be compensated with an extra Die this turn.
Both teams have 11 dice for Turn 0 Design Phase
Combat begins on the bottom of turn 1.

Spoiler:  Projects (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Resources (click to show/hide)


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #42 on: August 19, 2018, 11:48:38 am »

Alright, here's an option for how to invest our dice.
Quote from: investment plan A
  • Skeletons - 6/10: invest 1 die; 4+(50% chance) = completed immediately, 3-(50% chance) = completed next turn. 100% chance they will be ready on turn one.
  • Fel Bats - 2/8: invest 2 dice; 6+(72% chance) = completed immediately, 4-5(19% chance) = completed next turn, 3- = not completed next turn. 91% chance they will be ready on turn one.
  • Excavation Pits - 2/10: invest 2 dice; 8+(42% chance) = completed immediately, 6-7(31% chance) = completed next turn. 72% chance they will be ready on turn one.
  • And Golems - 1/9: invest 2 dice; 8+(42% chance) = completed immediately, 7(17% chance) = completed next turn, 6-(42% chance) = not completed next turn. 58% chance they will be ready on turn one.
4 dice remaining to be put towards a design and revision.

Let's have this too
Quote from: botevox
Dice investment
Investment Plan A (1):Failbird


« Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 12:36:46 pm by Failbird105 »


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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #43 on: August 19, 2018, 02:14:19 pm »

I'm a fan.

Quote from: Design
Problem-Solver's Spellweave
Let's be frank. The undead are stupid bonebags running around with thinks to bash each other wish. We need them to work together if the Vigil is to succeed. The Problem-Solver's Spellweave is designed as a replacement for our current standard reanimation ones. With all the basic functionality of the old spellweave (as in, zombies not being dead), we have added the ability to traverse rubble and use ladders. Furthermore, by linking several spellweaves together, we can deploy simple formations rather than just a deathblob.

Quote from: Voting
Die Investing:
Investment Plan A: (2) Failbird, D7

Problem-Solver's Spellweave: (1) D7



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Re: Necro arms race -Eidolon Vigil thread
« Reply #44 on: August 19, 2018, 02:40:44 pm »

I can dig it.
Quote from: Voting
Die Investing:
Investment Plan A: (2) Failbird, D7

Problem-Solver's Spellweave: (2) D7, Failbird
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