Pretend to be deaf, but explain that we are very good at reading lips. A learned skill by necessity, given the lack of education to teach sign language on Vlanlados. Say that we had planned to see the view of the sea from up on the con tower, and had noticed our ear aching. Thus, he decided to try to cool it down on the metal to not waste the medicine.
I'm sorry, this was too dumb to let last.
-2 Disadvantage, because it was a dumb idea!
1 4 5
The lieutenant steps outside and turns to face Nicolai.
Nicolai comes out of his corner. "Sorry. I'm deaf, but I can read lips," he says. He points to his ear. "I came up for the view. My ear, uh, it hurts. I wanted to cool it down."
"I see," says the lieutenant. He seems to soften a bit. "Not many sign language schools in Vlanlados, eh?"
"No, not many," says Nicolai.
The lieutenant turns away to go back into the bridge. "Well, hurry along now, this area's off limits," the lieutenant says, gesturing down the stairs.
"Alright, thank you," says Nicolai. He starts down the stairs.
He gets a full two steps down before the lieutenant comes out of the bridge again, walking forcefully. He takes a small air horn out of his pocket and points it at Nicolai's left ear.
"What are you-" Nicolai begins.
He turns it on at full blast.
The screeching sound pierces Nicolai's mind and leaves him stunned and disoriented. He slumps against the stairs.
"Deaf? Cool your ear down? Doesn't explain how you found the single best place to listen in to the conversations on the bridge, eh?" He pokes the gun at Nicolai. "Lemme tell you something funny. Our brig is really big, and our passenger quarters are... kinda small. So to the brig with you!"
Nicolai is now Stunned (until turn 3 end) and Deafened (until turn 4 end)