I don't know what you're talking about, Madman. It's been Jump 1 since immediately after the production phase ended, and nothing else happened.
So I got two things to say. First is that we're currently waiting on ESI to finish up voting in order to move onto the Revision phase. Second is something more important:
Should the resource system be simplified? The new system would be something like this:
- You have Gaseous (used for fuel and lots of general "upkeep" stuff), Metallics (Used for construction & ammunition), and Rare Elements, representing harder-to-extract resources that can be used for nicer functional stuff. Plastics would still exist, though it's a minor resource regardless. The resources can be used for things other than their stated purpose here, but stated purpose would be most of its use.
- Uranics and Noble Gases would be absorbed into Rare Elements (though NG would also have a role in Gaseous). Hydrogen into Gaseous, and Metals/Non-Metals into Metallics. You'd have something around 1,500 Metallics, 1,000 Gaseous, and 500 Rare Elements.
- Projects only cost dice to progress (and thus the "Cost" roll would be invalidated in existing projects and removed from future projects).
It's pretty similar; just simplified a bit and with stuff abstracted/differentiated. Please post feedback here, but if you have any feedback that relates to what you feel is sensitive information about your side (like "But this hurts the Mega Death Beam project!"), feel free to PM me (or DM me on Discord; either works) about it.
If this change goes through, it'll go through immediately with the design update and all existing things will be adapted to fit with the new system. If it doesn't, then it well, doesn't.