Seth Demi-Culverin
Much like a musket, the Seth follows the principles of ballistics, but on a much larger scale. Its projectile is an eight pound iron sphere--alternately, a canister filled with musket balls--shot from the barrel of a bronze tube mounted upon a carriage which is to be pulled like a chariot for transport. The shot and powder are loaded in at the same time, with a tight linen bag containing both. To fire, the bag is pricked through a touch hole, a fuse is inserted, and the assembly is lit with a slow-match. As a safety precaution, the barrel is swabbed with a sponge in between shots. It is rifled to allow for more accurate firing.
Tactics using it are to involve mobile fire support, with the men operating it being provided horses so that the cannon can travel faster.
Seth Demi-Culverin Normal (4+3=7)Superior craftsmanshipThe Seth Demi-Culverin is a moderately heavy cannon that is crewed by five people, the loader, gunner, an officer, and two soldiers to help move the cannon when no horses are available or in battle, to offer the cannon some protection, and to fetch supplies when needed. The cannon seems to be highly reliable and easy to operate, a cycle of loading, firing, cleaning, and then loading allows it to fire quite quickly relatively speaking, allowing it to usually launch two and a half rounds out per minute in the hands of a well coordinated and trained crew. So far through the testing, the cannons all seemed to need less maintenance then we expected, possibly due to the barrel constantly being cleaned after every shot. Regardless, we haven't had any instances of the cannon bursting as it is known elsewhere yet, but it being a testing phase, we can expect that such a thing might happen in the field, abet, rarely if our results are anything to go by. Costs 2 Ore, Cheap
It is now the Revision Phase, the Pharaoh has taken some interest in your work this year, seeing how well the testing has gone.