A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...Discord server.Age of Rebellion is a tabletop game system by Fantasy Flight Games, set in the Star Wars universe. Players join the Rebel Alliance in the struggle against the Galactic Empire, gaining resources and allies, engaging in dogfights and shoot-outs, and every once in a while even discovering immense potential hidden within themselves.
This game will be run primarily on Discord, in a play-by-post fashion. In other words there will not be set dates and times for play; rather, people can post when they're available. I'm hoping this will allow things to move a bit more smoothly and avoid the common problem where one or more players have frequent scheduling issues.
When does this take place?At the start of the game, the Battle of Yavin took place eight standard months ago. For reference, the events of The Empire Strikes Back take place roughly 3 years after the BoY.
Who are the players?Regardless of previous experience, the players are fresh new recruits to the Rebel Alliance. They have joined up with a small but determined cell that is operating in and around the
Arkanis Sector.
At the start of the game, players are serving aboard a rebel corvette on a supply run.
Character Creation- Five active characters MAX. Additional characters can be waitlisted.
- All careers from Age of Rebellion are allowed.
- Careers from Edge of the Empire may be allowed, with GM permission. If you use one of these careers, do not use the Obligation system.
- No character is allowed to have Force sensitivity at character creation.
- All species are allowed, with the following exceptions:
Corellian or Mandalorian Humans (you can be a human from those societies, but use the default Human species)
Chiss (not actually banned, but their rarity in the greater galaxy and the fact that they're actually on decent terms with the Empire means that a prospective Chiss player would need a very convincing backstory). - Every player starts with 10 Duty.
- Do not choose anything from the Rebellion Resources section. You will not be starting with any of those. As compensation, every character may choose 1000 credits worth of gear to start with as opposed to the normal 500.
- I highly recommend that the lion share of your starting XP go towards improving your characteristics. Once your character is finalized, you can no longer spend XP to improve those.
- Character sheets may be done in plain text or by using the Mythweavers EotE sheet. Either way, they must be posted here if you want to be considered.
Available XP:
Current Duty:
Wound Threshold:
Strain Threshold:
Critical Injuries:
Trained Skills (Characteristic): Rank
Talent (Rank)
Good luck, have fun, and may the Force be with you all!
Current Party:6U-DY (Criptfiend)Halu Anqual (CrimsonEon)Leraye Atar (Culise)Shume Tik (King Murdoc)Tala Minara (Twinwolf)Waitlist:Lissa Jakin (Kashyyk)IG-155 (randomgenericusername)Ra'seca (Kansa)Tiiona Kilis (TricMagic)Valtax Klaar (hector13)Zrischke (Unlurking Sentinel)