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Author Topic: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 1: I don't feel so good [8/12]  (Read 3642 times)


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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 0: The Weird Dawn [7/12]
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2018, 09:46:14 pm »

Cataclypse glows brightly and talk about himself to the Archons. He calls them out for acting like ruffians, and suggest that they just sit there and talk with him.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 0: The Weird Dawn [7/12]
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2018, 11:59:19 pm »

Yggdrasil proclaimed the Kingdom of Yun immune to fire! (-1A, 0A left) Rebuilding efforts started in earnest after this edict.

Yggdrasil also created red blood cells around the Core which could possibly be Places, Persons, or Artifacts due to tier restrictions. I forgot which they were. Finally, Yggdrasil boosted the fire demon's flames so long as it stays in fire, effectively reducing the damage from Búri's attack.

Round 2 of the Conflict for the Mantle of Light

The Astrima continue their assault on Búri, landing a good solid hit! (Hurt: Búri) Búri furiously counters, sending them sprawling! (Hurt: Astrima) Sensing an opening, the fire demon aims a stream of flame at the Astrima, but they manage to evade.

The pack of ice wolves back off and lunge at Cataclypse, only for him to vanish and reappear before the Archons, offering to talk instead of fighting. Cataclypse's radiance and soothing words induce them to agree, and they listen in spite of the ferocious wolves. The Archons attempt to refute Cataclypse's arguments in order to continue on their search, but Cataclypse flatters them into staying a little while longer.

Yggdrasil continues napping. Being a young Titan sure is hard work!

Active Conflicts:

Non-lethal Conflict in Yggdrasil-Etrian Labyrinth for Overtitan of Light (Started Turn 0)
Team A
Team 1
Team א
(2) Búri (Agg, Buff: +1LMS, Hurt: -1LMS)(4) Cataclypse (Def)(6) Yggdrasil (Tur)
(1) 7 Astrima (Agg, Oraprism: +1L, Hurt: -1LMS))(5) Aurtui+Iniyusei (Neu)
(7) Fire demon (Ber) (Hurt: -1LMS, Blessing: +1M)
(3) Ice wolves (Agg)

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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 0: The Weird Dawn [7/12]
« Reply #32 on: July 02, 2018, 12:26:13 am »

Cataclypse conjures enough meat and sustenance for the wolves to be sated, and then compels them to sit too. AN empty stomach is a deaf one after all!

He then speaks with the Archons, commanding their diplomatic skills and civilized behavior.
"I would expect no less of noble and powerful beings such as yourselves, truly I am most pleased. It would seem that both of you are seekers of a Mantle, but let me tell you truthfully: no such Mantle exists yet within this labyrinth, at least not physically. My light doesn't lie, and only unveils. What we Titans vie over is a metaphorical Mantle, a representation of power. A grand game is taking place to see who will be the most worthy to uphold the Light of Guidance in the Universe.

To the two of you, noble souls, is it truly absolute power you seek? Why do you truly quest? For yourselves, or for your people? Just as we speak, the Kingdom of Yun got damaged by this violent game, and more damage is expected to take place as the conflict escalates... Your lord and maker, Yggdrassil, is protecting them... for now.

I ask again of you. Who do you think most need you? Your maker in his quest of power, or your people caught in this terrible game? The wish I have is but simple, all I wish is for my radiance to cast away the doubts in your hearts, and make you stronger and more determined than ever. Seek your hearts, and grab ahold of your own truth."

Then he just shines brightly when in need of emphasis.

(Cataclypse still has 3 Basic actions left)
« Last Edit: July 02, 2018, 05:47:46 am by Nakéen »

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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 0: The Weird Dawn [7/12]
« Reply #33 on: July 02, 2018, 05:12:43 am »

Búri cringes at the hit and shouts: "Cataclypse! A three-way fight is an unpredictable thing; let's work together to overcome this... other while we can. I might even be willing to commit to a compromise when that is achieved."


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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 0: The Weird Dawn [7/12]
« Reply #34 on: July 02, 2018, 06:01:11 am »

Cataclypse nodded at Búri.
"Such a suggestion coming from you is most surprising! I trust that the combined powers of my allies and mine will be able to overcome this sleeping Titan, but some help that would end the whole ordeal quicker is not out of consideration. I offer my help in exchange of your oath of fealty. That way surely the contest will soon end, and as my first vassal, you will be granted great privileges. Among them my trust, if you would be so kind to give me yours."


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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 0: The Weird Dawn [7/12]
« Reply #35 on: July 02, 2018, 06:59:10 am »

Note: All monsters of Yggdrasil-Etrian Labyrinth are tied to my Light. They cannot be reasoned with. They only follow their orders.

The Ice Wolves attack the party of two Archons and cataclypse. Should the Archons win, each will receive a boost to one random stat. Should they kill Fenir in one turn, they will receive it's cloak to turn into a ice-resistance item, and the Skolls will scatter.

Red Corpuscles finish forming this turn.
Also, they are servants. And when hurt, their attacks have a chance of instantly killing anything less than a true titan.
Basically, Roll a six sided die, where a light level of 5 requires a 1 to kill. Each level lower adds 1 to the dice. Level 6 and above are immune.
This only applies on hit, but it doesn't matter if they can't deal damage. You need to kill them in one round.
Inalienable-Flux upgrades to Major Servent of Yggdrasil.(The Artifact, not the Titan. These Corpuscles remain at the core, and cannot leave it.)

Inalienable becomes Minor. At the Core, a seed is planted. It will gain 1 EP per turn towards it's growth.
Time limit created, 15 turns until completion.(Tied to artifact, Major and above effects of other Titans in the Labyrinth add 1 EP to growth.)

Location Inalienable-Flux Minor: Snow begins to fall past the current Titans location. Next Stratum, Icy Groves, has been created.

Current location of battle is named Autumn Forest. The flames will not spread beyond this Stratum.
The Flames grow stronger in response, and the Artifact adapts to the endless flame. Heat has increased.

Yggdrasil continues it's slumber.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2018, 07:33:39 am by TricMagic »


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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 0: The Weird Dawn [7/12]
« Reply #36 on: July 02, 2018, 02:48:26 pm »

Inaleniable +3: In light of the knowledge that these pitiful wolves were merely soulless tools, Cataclypse projected a blinding light on the Ice Wolves to purge away the influence of Yggdrassil from them.
"Sit! Your kin shall now be free, its will bound only to its own. Now roam, proud beasts!"


Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 0: The Weird Dawn [7/12]
« Reply #37 on: July 03, 2018, 06:30:33 am »

Cataclypse blessed the ice wolves with true free will (-1A), and they scattered in search of edible, delicious prey.

Yggdrasil continued sleepcreating, resulting in 8 Red Corpuscles by the Core--Get it? Corpuscles? Core-puscles? :P

Yggdrasil also planted a seed scheduled to receive 1E every turn. Unfortunately, the universe conspired to prevent Essence from being stockpile-able in this manner...

In other news, a snowy layer emerged from the hunting grounds of the ice wolves through Yggdrasil's gentle care. This was balanced out by more fire elsewhere. Someone should have sung about this or something.

((Turn update when I get a chance to post, e.g. when the lab slows down. Changes staged for Turn 1 have been posted on OOC.))

Round 3 of the Conflict for the Mantle of Light

Notified of the current state of truce with Búri, the Astrima and Búri deliver furious blows onto the fire demon. (Fire Demon: Injured) (Fire Demon: Maimed) A severed arm flies off in an arc, leaving a trail of fire! The fire demon offers a surrender with the tiny dollop of free will it possesses even as a Servant.

I forgot how it went next. Did the Fire Demon surrender or did it make an attempt at attacking Búri and the Astrima? Would they have accepted the surrender if it was indeed offered?

Decision: Yggdrasil: Have fire demon continue to extend surrender offer? [Yes: Surrender; No: Attack]

Decision: Cataclypse, Búri: Accept surrender offer? [Y/N]

The ice wolves run off as a pack, searching for actual prey. Cataclypse calmly reminds the Archons that the Mantle is a title rather than a fashionable cloak and that their homelands are only temporarily safe. The wolves, for example, could be rampaging in their kingdoms, after all...

The Archons forfeit the challenge and go home in peace.

Yggdrasil continues sleeping. Were this still a Brawl, the Destinies would begin suspecting Yggdrasil of forfeiting by losing interest.

Active Conflicts:

Non-lethal Conflict in Yggdrasil-Etrian Labyrinth for Overtitan of Light (Started Turn 0)
Team A
Team 1
Team א
(2) Búri (Agg, Buff: +1LMS, Hurt: -1LMS)(4) Cataclypse (Def)(6) Yggdrasil (Tur)
(1) 7 Astrima (Agg, Oraprism: +1L, Hurt: -1LMS))(5) Aurtui+Iniyusei (Neu) Conceded
(7) Fire demon (Ber) (Maimed: -3LMS, Blessing: +1M)
(3) Ice wolves (Agg) Left to hunt

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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 0: The Weird Dawn [7/12]
« Reply #38 on: July 03, 2018, 11:07:43 am »

Inalienable-boosted by 3.The core begins to shift. White blood cells begin to form around the core's center.

Leukocytes form around the area of the Core.
Also, they are servants. And when hurt, their attacks have a chance of petrifying anything..
Basically, Roll a six sided die, where a light level of 5 requires a 1 to turn something to stone. Each level lower adds 1 to the dice. Level 6 and above are immune.
This only applies on hit, but it doesn't matter if they can't deal damage. You need to kill them quickly before you're trapped.
Inalienable-Flux upgrades to Major Servent of Yggdrasil.(The Artifact, not the Titan. These Leukocytes remain at the core, and cannot leave it.)

Location Inalienable-Flux Minor: Water gathers and begins to twist the Artifact. Another stratum forms at the 3rd sphere next to the Icy Groves. Azure Raniforest has been created, a world of strange stonelink trees, dripping water, and huge, floor-spanning lakes on the lowest 2 floors.

Inalienable +3 becomes Major: A new Servant is formed on floor 3 of 5 in the Azure Rainforest. The Queen Ant begins producing Servants.

Note, no towns exist past the Second Stratums currently.

First Stratums: Emerald Grove- Cataclypse is currently here
Second Stratums: Autumn Falls- (Búri is currently here, 7 Astrima are here, Flame Demon is here)
Third Stratums: Icy Groves-(Fenir's Pack is currently here), Azure Rainforest-(Queen Ant is currently here, [Minor]Servants being produced)

Stratum structure, 5 floors to each stratum.(Given the titans they're try to blow through, but finding there way to the 4F of Azure Rainforest requires going past the Guardian)

Cataclypse can go to Autumn Falls or skip to Azure Rainforest. Búri will end up in Icy Groves. Note: Fenir's pack is resistant to Ice.

Core is in 6th Stratum, the Last. Since no second stratum has been created to connect to Emerald Grove, Azure Rainforest is accessible.

Yggdrasil slumbers at the Core. He sleeps within the seed. The seed has used 1 EP to sprout.(Upgrade to next tier-Major=2EP)
The seed is now protecting Yggdrasil.(In both senses, next upgrade, 2 EP, or 1 major action on the part of an enemy Titan)

Named: The World Tree Sprout

The Frame Demon Deeply Inhales, as if catching her breath. She stands proudly, unafraid, and awaits your judgement.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 11:12:54 am by TricMagic »

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 1: The Weird Dawn [8/12]
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2018, 03:37:28 pm »

Turn 1: I don't feel so good

Flux storms are upon you! Shrapnel from half-formed worlds and proclamations fly every which way!

The Sandcastle is flattened (Sandcastle: Dead)! Sorra is mildly annoyed at having to recreate it.

Yun's fire protections were undone! (Proclamation against Fire: Dead)

The storehouses of Yun were struck by an unusually-large-meteor shower! (Yun: Injured) Iniyusei was struck by some debris.(Iniyusei: Hurt)

Boku has fallen victim to marauding wolves! (Boku: Dead)

Sussain is flooded! (Sussain: Maimed) Deadly diseases spread among its people. Aurtui is bedridden and seriously sick. (Aurtui: Injured)

The ice wolves are ill and have fallen back (Ice Wolves: Injured)

A Cosmic Gate's surface has been scratched up by a random sandstorm (Cosmic Gates: Healthy)

Nothing happens to the Corpuscles (Corpuscles: Healthy)

The *Outer Mirrors are mostly shattered! Sorra fumes at her workload just like the Destinies like to do. (*Outer Mirrors: Maimed)

The Flux Storms calm down somewhat.

At this point, Lucida went a bit crazy with her shears and continued by severing the threads of everything Yggdrasil tried to create despite my loud protests.
"Snip. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Good times. It gets even better, though."
"I still refuse to believe Yggdrasil wanted to destroy the universe that badly"
"Who can know the mind of a Flux-drunk Titan?"

Anyway, Gagante, the Titan of Joy and Chaos, turned up at this time

The fight for my Mantle blew up quite a bit, literally! We could have handled it a bit more smoothly, but I think we did pretty well! Especially for the first fight on this iteration of the universe. It tapered down somewhat as the Turn drew to a close and combatants started exiting for various reasons. Unfortunately, no clear winner came out of that fight yet, and all the primary participants continued duking it out even as the Flux Storms raged. And since it was Lethal, it couldn't really end until there was an explicit winner unless everyone wanted to de-escalate to Brawl?

The current Flux level is Extreme

Round 4 of the Conflict for the Mantle of Light

"I remember a bizarre green goat of Chance turned up and distracted us."
Indeed! These results look like one of us tossed a coin. Would the berserk demon have even surrendered? Wouldn't Búri and Cataclypse have been more honorable? Curse that goat! Anyway, the Fire Demon did continue to offer its surrender, but Búri and Cataclypse refused it! Oh evil deed!

The Astrima loosed one final barrage, slaying the Fire Demon! At least he went down fighting, I guess.

The Conflict has escalated to Lethal

Lucida was merciful. No damage resulted from this.

Lacking anyone else to fight, Cataclypse, Búri, and the Astrima continued their search and stumbled upon the sleeping Yggdrasil!

Active Conflicts:

Lethal Conflict in Yggdrasil-Etrian Labyrinth for Overtitan of Light (Started Turn 0)
Team A
Team 1
Team א
(2) Búri (Agg, Buff: +1LMS)(4) Cataclypse (Def)(6) Yggdrasil (Tur)
(1) 7 Astrima (Agg, Oraprism: +1L)(7) Fire demon (Ber) (Dead, Blessing: +1M) Died in a fire

Overtitans: (6E, 3A)
Overtitan of Light: (contested)
Overtitan of Might: Aktur Nubidduf (crazyabe)
Overtitan of Sight: Providento (Shadowclaw777)

Titans: (6E, 3A)
Búri (Maximum Spin)
Cataclypse (Nakéen)
Crani (Stirk)
Gagante (Detoxicated)
Paradox (darkwarlock3)
Providento (Shadowclaw777)
Yggdrasil (TricMagic)

Gods: (2E, 1A)
Sorra, Goddess of Craft and Battle (major), vassal to Crani (Loyal)
Alphorus the First, Radiant Leader of the Astrima, Bearer of the Oraprism, vassal to Cataclypse (Loyal)
Other Astrima, Gods of the Stars, All-Seeing Stewards, vassals to Cataclypse (Loyal)

Active effects:
Tapestry progress: Good
  • Extreme Flux: Where Flux provides free tier upgrades, it provides 3 tiers instead of 2
  • Newborn Titans: All Titans receive the income of an Overtitan (6E instead of 2E)
  • Unlimited Powah: Wounds/Titanic Deaths are healed at the start of an Extreme+ Flux turn
  • Flux Storms: All creations, named or not, vanish at the start of the next Turn
  • Unripe Mantles: Being an Overtitan provides no bonuses to income or attributes

Estimated Turn duration: 48h

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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 0: The Weird Dawn [7/12]
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2018, 03:43:49 pm »

Cataclypse accepts the Demon's surrender!

Afterward, he considers the state of the conflict, and starts thinking the end still seems quite far.
"By my light! This titanic fellow is attempting to hole itself. Time to take a more direct stance!"

Cataclypse telepprted to the Astrima's location, if his titanic self was of course able to.

Then he greeted Búri, and commended the Astrima for the battle.
"The Archons have been removed from the game in a peaceful manner, and this Fire Guardian has been bested. Now only remains their master, after which this conflict will soon be over! Let us move with haste, to the Core! (also you are all immune to status effects and other non Cosmic powers, right?)"

Basic+3: Cataclypse opened a direct path to the Core, not feeling like walking all those stairs.

If that succeeded, he confronted Yggdrassil.
"Here we are, Yggdrassil. Now yield peacefully, lest the escalation of this conflict will lead to a great tragedy!"

If that didn't succeed, Cataclypse begrundgingly floated through the Stratums, waving the card of "It's okay I'm a Titan and I know the boss. Just let me through as I have an important meeting with the execs, oh, and here is my card... What you weren't aware? Don't worry, mistakes happen. Nothing worthy of a smiting ahaha!". Against non intelligent entities, Cataclypse merely kept on floating as long as he wasn't wounded by their attempts.


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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 1: The Weird Dawn [8/12]
« Reply #41 on: July 03, 2018, 03:44:22 pm »

A new reply! Previous post invalid then!


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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 1: The Weird Dawn [8/12]
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2018, 03:51:54 pm »

"You know, just skipping the Trials I was placing in front of you is poor play."

"Not only that, but your action of freeing the wolves from their programming set them loose upon Boku. This fledgling kingdom is no more."

"Know that people shall forever see you as Apocalypse, the death of a Kingdom."

[Roleplay time.]


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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 1: The Weird Dawn [8/12]
« Reply #43 on: July 03, 2018, 03:53:29 pm »

Because of cosmic ninjas, stuff didn't happen as well as Cataclypse hoped. Oh well, sometimes, people explodes into gore after all. Such is life.

Cataclypse confronted Yggdrassil and Búri!
"The three of us are finally gathered! Sorry for that little accident with the Demon, stuff happened and well, dead Demon. I propose that we cease hostilities now, and end this contest in a civilized manner. Yggdrassil, while I do not doubt your powers, I consider that you lost the game! No all that is left is for you, Búri, to honor your promise. I hope you would be so kind as to honor me with your vassalization?"

Maximum Spin

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Re: Day-eties 2: Age of the Titans IC: Turn 1: The Weird Dawn [8/12]
« Reply #44 on: July 03, 2018, 03:53:38 pm »

Time, I think, to take this directly to Yggdrasil. With ice-murdering. Violence!
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