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Author Topic: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!  (Read 3943 times)


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Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« on: June 30, 2018, 06:54:31 am »

Dwarf Fortress – Earth 100AD – Populate The Earth!

This story has come to a close.

The Earth. 100 Years AD (After Dwarf).

The firstborne generation of planet earth are beginning to fade into mortality, their sons and daughters inheriting a vast and virgin land rich in minerals with horizons that seem to stretch endlessly in all directions.

No longer the wandering noble savages of yesteryear, they have formed into distinct civilizations based upon racial lines and common values, staking territories, drawing up charters and choosing their leaders, as well as their enemies. It has been one hundred years since the scholars first chartered the beginnings of history; the first of the permanent settlements of the various races that inhabit this young and diverse planet.


Humanity’s ambition has treated it well over the last hundred years, a species boasting nine thousand men and women, making them the dominant race on the planet. Their wooden hamlets sprout amongst the riverbanks of Asia, the middle east and Russia, where food is plentiful and the climates warm. Their confidence has even led them to the cursed lands of South America, where it is rumoured blood rains from the sky and malformed beasts skulk the jungles. Do they seek to purge the tropics of terrors? Or do they seek another prize?


The cursed lands spreads wide through western plains of North America, where menacing towers and trenches scar the terrible plains of the Goblin hordes who revel in their vile surroundings. Great dark pillars, like sentry towers for the demons themselves, have been found sparsely spread across the Great American Plains. Nobody is certain how they were constructed, and fewer still know what is inside them. they have a central tower in Brazil, home to well over a thousand of them, known as Goryfly, which flies under the dark banner of "The Influence of Midnight".


In the untamed jungles of the Amazon, thick with life and humidity, lay the undisputed realm of the Elves. Travellers tell story of over a thousand congregated at their capital, the treetop kingdom of FancyStorms. Spreading in unbridled harmony with the jungle, they prowl the rainforest in silence, reviling the conceptions of construct and routine, some spreading as far down as Chile, following the contours of the South Pacific Ocean, battling the evils in Brazil. In the virgin expanses of Western Europe, you may catch a glimpse of an elf deep within the woodlands, where the nights are quieter and goblins are but a distant memory. In the well-developed Humanlands of Eastern Europe, they fight defensive campagins against two human powers: The Confederacy of Judging and the Realms of Sun. The battles are not faring well for them.


Deep under the unconquerable mountains of China lie the mountainhomes of the reclusive Dwarves, who feast on mushrooms behind vast drawbridges raising toasts to Armok, God of Blood, sharing their borders with Humans. There are two known civilizations: The Ponderous Room and The Armoured Boats overlap frequently in history and territory, and nobody is quite sure where the split between their two cultures emerged.


And there are those who never developed beyond their primal ancestors, instead lurking in the mysterious tombs and caves in tents of crude leather and twigs, skulking the outskirts of the newly civilized world. Of these we call the Kobolds, tied to the coastline and archipelagos in tribes of less than two hundred, as if they were being pushed off the edge of the world itself. They mutter incomprehensibly, and make do with what misfortune may offer them on the outskirts.

The history of the planet is young, and great changes are already underway in recent history. Scholars continue to learn more details, adding them to their archives as travelling wise men share these stories with the greater world. Which of these races will rise to supremacy? Are the victors of this century to be the victors of the next? Can the determination of Fortress Overseers change the landscape of history? Only time will tell.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 05:44:52 am by DakkaDakka »
I wanted to do a cute village in the wood and ended up with a dystopian dictatorship


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2018, 06:55:32 am »

Welcome to Earth, 100AD.


This is a legacy game played upon a small version of Earth. The concept is to create an interesting and unique history. Much of the world is uncolonised, and our current efforts at shaping the world are around Europe. However, the world is yours to do with as you wish. All races are playable. Other than that, the world is Vanilla, on 0.44.10.

All modes are fine to play. There's a lot we don't know about how Earth looks on the small scale. Adventurers may wish to travel to these lands and find things out, adding them to the overall understanding of the planet and further documenting what the world looks like.

The rules are loose, and all empires are available to be played. If you are to lay siege to a player's town, a canonical reason based on the Legends is required, and contact the player who you intend to wage war with beforehand. Each player will have at most one week to do with the world as they wish before it is passed on to the next player.

If you wish to partake in the legacy game, please request the file from whoever has the current save via direct message, or contact myself if there is no response from the current holder.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 06:50:04 am by DakkaDakka »
I wanted to do a cute village in the wood and ended up with a dystopian dictatorship


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2018, 06:56:33 am »

Chapter One: AngelLand – GearedSpread
A tale of optimism, pessimism, exodus and criminality.


In the year 100AD, The Realms of Sun sent out an expedition to colonise the virgin lands of Europe. The group called themselves, and the realm they were settling,  "AngelLand", and named their first settlement GearedSpread, being both far spread from from their homelands and their intentions to form an industrial power, wealthy and numerous in exports. On a small island to the northwest of the continent, Lady Furireme sits at the throne of GearedSpread, surrounded by natural moats and rivers in a secure keep. Under her rule, the young town grew to a population of over a hundred and fifty humans. 

The scholars are unclear on why, but it would appear a sect within the first colonists became attached to a Black Bear Woman. Orthodox understandings are that they saw something majestic in a being at one with nature, in isolation from anything else, and saw a resemblance in themselves, embodying it as a sort of "spirit guide" that brought good fortune and ease to those who looked upon it. Tragically, whether through the hazards and pitfalls of nature, or the spear of the settlement militia, The Black Bear Woman was struck down early in the settlement's history. Upon this day, the adorers gave name to themselves; "The Cult of the Black Bear Woman".

This was seen by those who had grown attached as a terrible omen; and the news that followed matched their pessimism. Early famines brought about by large migrant waves stretched food resources. Lady Furieme's mandate of the construction of a vast stone keep drew resources away from the construction of libraries and temples. They became bitter, haggard men. Some were drawn into an endless introspection, where they starved themselves of food as tests of endurance, often leading in fatal results. Others saw the time for introspection as over, and saw fit to terrorise the people of the town. There are records of children as young as three being involved within this sinister cult.

At the point of establishment of an offical office of law,  with Majistrate Adecaelaz opening his office to the public, peasants rushed to the newly appointed Sherriff. The list of crimes grew to a hundred, then a hundred more, until the scribes ran out of ink and sheets sufficient to maintain the record. The Gaolers complained of the lack of cells. The hammerers complained of tired arms. And Lady Furierme complained of hearing complaints so often. 

An asylum was constructed for those too fargone to function. As the doors were to be opened, a final decree was issued to the cult of the Bear Woman. They could leave the town with their knapsacks over their shoulders, or they could stay within the confines of the Asylum forever.

Many members of the cult decided to leave. Not just cultists, but others who had felt wronged by Lady Furierme. Haggard from stress, they left in great wagon trails for other kingdoms, to become another Lord's burden. Most recent records since "The Great Exile" of 104AD record the population of the town declining to around 80 citizens. Some of them caught wind of a secondary settlement, being established to the SouthEast in the region of Artois, at Dunkirk, some seeking a more promising life elsewhere on the continent, others seeking nothing more than to continue their vengeance against the world that had wronged them.


« Last Edit: July 04, 2018, 05:00:01 pm by DakkaDakka »
I wanted to do a cute village in the wood and ended up with a dystopian dictatorship


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2018, 08:55:41 am »

Interesting, this is using All Race Playable, yes? Did you make sure all races have appropriate tools and professions?


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2018, 11:13:09 am »

I'm DEEPLY intrigued. Here's hoping Australia is Evil biome, only way the wildlife will be accurate xD

How did you get the map by the way?


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2018, 07:58:11 pm »

The wildlife of Australia seems more savage to me, it's the fire tornadoes that make it an evil biome.


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2018, 08:51:57 pm »

Sign me up for Elves. There are trees to be saved!!
"Should we call a beak dog a gobbo doggo?" - Relevant_-_-Username


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2018, 09:35:40 am »

As we discussed by pm, my game is finished, you got the save, and I'm writing a short report tonight o/


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2018, 09:42:33 am »

As a Brazilian, I want to play as the gobbos, sign me up!
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 09:47:19 am by GPeter »
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2018, 02:41:11 pm »

Chapter two

Ase, god of birth, I feel I can commune with you as the church is now empty. As time runs by and soon it will be full again, I shall make my prayer quick. I need to thank you for my son, as it is the light of my day, and only by your miracles he survived in this place.

You know your servent well. I've been praying to you day and night, ever since the Black Bear cult shown its head back in Agopos. I was praying that my friends and loved ones be safe from their insanity, and in your infinite mercy you saved a handful of them. To some extent. I mean who am I to criticize, being a god is probably very hard, so I shall not rub the ineffectiveness of my prayers onto your face. I am sure your days are very busy anyway, and you rule over birth, not mental hygiene. But seriously did you really had to let this much of them down ?

Nervous is dead, On is dead, Fineplank, Thratpin, Tekud, Ishes... My friends, almost all of them, now rest in the soil, finally free from all the trials we had to endure.

I am by no mean an innocent man. You saw the events unfold and you know how ruthless I have been. Now before you judge your servent and blight his soul like you blighted his life, please hear him out, and maybe in your infinite mercy you will find the kindness in your heart to forgive him.

Back in Agopos, the Black Bears caused much hardship. Hollowed husk they were - all of them, rovering in bands, trashing the city and assaulting its good people, insanity in their empty eyes. The day they left, we were relieved of a burden. No more fights in the streets, no more executions, no more riots. They took with them every single disapointed souls, and the good people of Agopos, in which I count myself incidentely, were relieved.

It took me a few years and very dire news from the continent to understand what was going on. What they started in Agopos, they were to carry it on to Adorana - the newly founded city. I knew I had to go and end their cult once and for all.

And yeah I know what you will say. My wife was throwing every single piece of silverware at my face because of my liaison with Athis, that Athis who just got married to a man that would beat me to a pulp, and my own son was to be born soon. But believe me my heart is pure ; I didn't moved because of petty personnal domestic affairs, no no : I moved out of pure hatred for the Black Bears.


When I arrived at Adorana, things already had started, so I shall tell you that story as it was told to me. You'll find it credible enough - I sure did. And not to snitch but the one who told me was the militia captain, Ricgo, so if he's lying take it with him, I've suffered enough already okay.

Adorana 'Dunequiet' was founded in 104, as a small outpost in order to prepare the colonization of the continent. That small group of friends wanted to create a sort of inn, for the travellers to regroup on it, and act as a stepping stone to move and create more villages in the area.

That was a simple goal. They were kept fed by local farming, and by trading with local friendly elves of the Canyon of Ropes, who settled further to the east.

It was- I've been told, a time of excitement and novelty. They were led by a young woman, Lide, and things were going well. Lide found love in one of her friends, a young man her age, and Ricgo, my trusted commender to this day, to a woman named Xiza. Adorable love stories started to bloom in that pristine seaside land, the future was bright, and everything was fine.

Then the Black Bears arrived. They arrived one year after the fundation of Adorana, in the summer of year 105 AD. People of Adorana had no idea who they were, and welcomed them with open arms. They built houses for them, and the village continued to expend.

As Ricgo told me, suspiscion started to arise fairly soon, but went ignored. Sure, some of the Black Bears seemed strange. Their eyes were empty, devoid of life, but Lide convinced her friends that whatever hardship they had to endure before, they could start anew in Adorana and find the happiness they could not find in Agopos.

What a fool she was.


As the village continued to expend, the first incidents started to happen. The trade depot that was meant to trade with the elves was ransacked during the night. The culprit was never found. Once again, Lide conviced her friends that it was not a big deal, and they rebuilt a better one soon enough. Forgiving, but increasingly suspiscious, they started to organize patrols in the streets, and Lide took upon herself to represent justice.

The beatdowns started to happen. The first were ignored, but soon enough they were so overwhelming that Lide was pressed into action. Perpetrators received a couple of lashes each and went on their merry ways. If I was here, I could have told them how futile this was.

By 106, the founders of Adorana were nothing but a minority in their own town. The Black Bears had overtaken it - and at this time it was already too late.

As she was patrolling the streets, Lide was ambushed by Artlumbered, one of the Black Bears, and strangled to death. Rel, one of the carpenters of Agopos, seing the scene, jumped on her attacker and slain him in return, but it was already too late. Soon after, Xiza was injured in another fight, and could not drink or eat due to her wounds. She died a very slow death.
With the death of Lide and Xiza, who were the heart of the village, civil war was now inevitable.


To make matters worse, feeling the time of the Black Bears had come, a man nicknamed "Glum" seized power and mendated the construction of a stone keep to make his reign permanent.  He was ruthless and cruel, with cultist and citizen alike, but managed to hide his ties to the cult for quite a time, and people accepted his rule.

"Black Berserkers" was now the name used by the people of Adorana to describe the husks we had to fight back in Agopos. Some of them went periodically insane and would attack everything, living or not, in an access of indescriptible rage. But at this point, the militia was armed and patrolled the streets. Soon they would have to clean up a lot of blood.

In the militia under Ricgo's command, there was a mercenary by the name of Quanum. She was old and very experienced, and she insisted to wash blood with blood from the very beggining. While she was denied, with Lide and Xiza burried under the ground, she was named hearthcaptain and would systematically judge and execute Black Bears as soon as one of them was discovered.

In 108, the after a beast attack that took the life of yet another citizen, I decided to take the boat and to move to Adorana myself. I was but a man, but I have faced the Bears before, and I had but one goal : to end in Adorana what started in Agopos.


When I told Ricgo and Quanum of the past of their lord, they were speechless. I knew they wanted not to trust me, as I could very well be a Berserker myself - and for that I do not blame them. However, Quanum was a bounty hunter for most of her life, and her suspiscion was risen. She started to watch over her lord very quietly, but very diligently.

In the meantime, steps were made to reduce the influence of the cult over the population. That church was made, the tavern, the hospital. We tried everything we could to prevent more outbursts, and to some extent, we succeeded. Slowly, very slowly but surely, people started to leave the cult. The "Black bear woman" would not come that often into conversations. The seeds of hope were to bloom into people's hearts once again.

After Quanum witnessed Lord Glum attack his servents, biting them like a bear would, she came to me and apologized. Now we knew we had to do something - three of us were determined to. Myself, Hearthcaptain Quanum and Commander Ricgo.

The fight against the berserkers had gone long enough, and the army was ready to follow us. We stormed into the castle. The servents did not try to stop us. Lord Glum was confronted about his evil deeds, and promptly executed with the iron hand of justice holding a sword out of the same iron (pardon me, Ase, for this aweful metaphore).

Berserkers riotted in the streets for a while after that, but their attempts were crushed mercilessly. None can be proud of that... but soon, order was reestablished. We conducted a meeting to decide who would replace Glum as a lord. Ricgo, who was now the most powerful man in the village, was left with that choice.

"I was wrong about you" he told me. "You're a clever man, and we should have act long before".

I cannot blame him to have been a bit long to trust me, especially after everything that happened in Agopos and Adorana.

"If you feel your head is stiff enough for the weight of a crown, you can have it for now."


I am not a vain man. I came here to solve a problem before it grows out of control But I am also not a man to refuse a heartfelt gift, so I accepted, and took residence into the white stone castle.

Today, peace came back to Adorana. It is now a peaceful town in the woods, famed for its textile industry, its commerce with the elves and its beatiful shore.

Time will go by. The waves of the north sea will wash away the blood that was spilt on the sand. Dead men will become great trees, and people will forget the cult of the Black Bear Woman - hopefully forever.


Ase, you're the god of birth but you're definitely not the god of quiet children. I have to leave you now, or the cries of my son will make my eardrums explode. I shall pray to you, over and over, because you deserve it and not because I'm bored as a nobleman.

I am your servitor to the day I die. I'm not in a rush, by the way.


King Zultan

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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2018, 04:11:14 am »

The premise of this looks interesting, PTW.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2018, 07:41:06 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nothing is going to cut our forests.

The winter is harsh! Two elves from Euphoria have died after falling out of a tree. It seems the snow is too heavy. We must try sleeping closer to the trunk.

Oof! Eri Watersong dodged off a cliff, and has not been seen since. Will the elves ever be able to attain metal weaponry?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Goblin squads from Squareghouls are consistently corrupting the save file.
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If I go near Tinrinse on a completely fresh install then the client closes with no error message. I forfeit my turn due to inability to load zones on Vanilla tileset.

Edit: NEVERMIND! I had to scroll down in Dropbox to download all of the files because nothing after unit-999.dat was getting downloaded! I was missing a quarter of the files. *croaks delightedly*
And I've changed my data/init/init.txt from [PRINT_MODE:2D] to [PRINT_MODE:TWBT]

Ari has found a stash of metal weaponry. Never again will they be used to chop innocent trees!

Got ambushed by a troll army with two crossbowmen! Shot in the eye and leg. And she lived happily ever after; retire adventurer working as intended!

Lots of dead goblins now.

I've found the imprisoned military general of the Whiskers of Euphoria! She falls asleep whenever I talk to her. What've they done?!

... I have stolen all the axes  :D

Finding that tome was worth it!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oops! The elves of Threecities are starving! Gaddafi must bring a backpack full of water to empty the spinach barrel to fill it with water so that the plebeians of The Canyon of Rope may drink! Life is, in a word, water. Next time I embark I will remember to bring items and seeds.

... Gaddafi can't swim!!! Threecities is doomed  :-X It was inevitable. No... *climbs into tree drooping over river*
"Do not give up. Do not despair. The forests govern themselves!"

... The water disappeared! But nobody is thirsty. Makes sense. Time to brew fruit juice and wait for merchants to save us! I hope they like apricots. Wait. I need a trade depot too?  :o AT LEAST WE HAVE 18 UNICORNS! Search every apricot - we must find seeds! Apricot, apple, almond, peach. The Canyon of Rope shall thrive again! We are saved by apricots! All you need are apricots, wagon wood, and Jamahiriya democracy!

... We found a unicorn starved to death in a tree. Whoops. It climbed up there and couldn't get down. We must learn to respect trees.

There is an ogress terrorizing Bristlemirth. I took all of the refugees to Waxcobalt but they just returned to Bristlemirth. Well they're all well-armed now.
I need to find an ancient vault to defeat the Bull Demon Gilafi in Blacksandaled.
The name of the vault is
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Yikes!! Avoided getting frozen in a block of ice by two turns! Why do the humans of The North Councils of Toastsyawned own a slave named Age Udaopte?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Bah!! He can freeze to death for all I care! Maybe I should rescue him only to drown him in freezing water? Bahaha it was a JOKE! I jest  ;D

Ah buffalo named Pridereins has conquered our forest retreat Pointedfealty. Seems like everyone wants this town.

Maybe someone at the dark fortress knows something about this vault.

Jackpot! Oops - I forgot to ask them about a certain vault. Oh well, free sword exp.

These trolls have bad eyesight!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Loyalty cascaaaade! Now that the torturer is dead, the beak dogs gobbo doggos are free to bite their masters.

The Elves have obtained a codex, and nobody knows what's in it.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

note to self: don't die to bogeymen
« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 10:55:33 pm by FakerFangirl »
"Should we call a beak dog a gobbo doggo?" - Relevant_-_-Username


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2018, 05:57:42 pm »

That post was a rollercoster of  horror and joy and I'm happy it ended well

Good luck elf friend ! If you need metals we can always trade some for tame animals


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2018, 06:22:42 am »

So, let me see if I got this right. I'm supposed to take the save, mod the gobbos to be playable and play as them in a fortress an then adventurer? Or I can choose one of them?
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


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Re: Earth Legacy Game - 100AD - Populate The Earth!
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2018, 06:26:53 am »

No no, the gobbos are already modded in. You don't need to mod anything. You grab the save, you play, and you give an account of your game. Id advise against modifying anything, and if you do it needs to be approved by DakkaDakka, as it creates crashes.

We're waiting for FakerFanGirl as of now
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