The fortress was created in early 0.44.X, left in hibernation with 0.44.05 due to a nemesis loading crash, and resumed with 0.44.12, so it has never seen the 0.44.10 issues. The save was found to be corrupted yesterday (ironically, army commander loading just ate all the memory in what probably was a circular dependency issue, and my squad raiding didn't even work with that fortress due to the dead civ bug). The save has seen more play with 0.44.12 than the earlier versions, though.
As far as I understand the effect of seeing dead enemies was reduced in general, but apparently a single session (probably 5 gobbos in my case) can still be enough to break the sensitive ones. I've had at least one dorf I took off corpse hauling duty due to stress, and the bugger decided to follow the expedition leader (or mayor) into the execution chamber to meet for a crying session as he was hauling corpses. I didn't see any direct effect of that, though, and that dorf has recovered.
My defunct fortress also had a baby that was a bit stressed at witnessing death when its mother participated in eliminating another camper band (they all chose the same location in the same entrance tunnel, for some reason) in the second latest siege recently, but now I won't see how that would affect it in the longer term.