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Author Topic: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star  (Read 155039 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1140 on: January 04, 2020, 02:27:56 pm »

((I've found that generally advice like what we got comes for a reason. In this case I suspect that roles are based less on skills than on personalities. toss in the comment about bonding with the ship and I'm suspicious that our actual stats are going to have little relevance to our effectiveness at our roles.))
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1141 on: January 04, 2020, 02:58:51 pm »

((Well.. that sounds like it would suck.  Don't think Freddie would go on this mission at all if he's supposed to be the spaceship instead of being himself.

If that's the case, Oz, where we're bonded to the spaceship and not actually doing things, then I'd like another option.  That's not a fun mission from either mine or Freddie's point of view.. I don't get to see what I just spent that boon and two stat points on, for instance, and Freddie wouldn't get to be a dragon, which is his main joy in life.))

((What I suspect the actual answer is going to be is that the ship will be a good tool and allow for everyone to contribute, making up for not being able to live in space, not being able to fly naturally, needing protection from the elements, and 'bonding' will mean everything runs off your stats, even if you don't normally have the ability to do certain things.  That's pretty good design.  It also leaves me out in the cold, having spent my points on things like movement, size, and defenses, which are all irrelevant when locked inside a building.))

((There will be a good solution, but stuffing the dragon inside a spaceship isn't it.))

((IC wise, well, this isn't a mission really supporting his goal, this is the other plan, and he'll be spending weeks or months in an enclosed space where he doesn't get to have any fun.))

((Mmm, a good tantrum could be fun.  If they make him, he'll get over it quickly enough to contribute, but might want some revenge when he comes back.  Shouldn't slow things down too much.))
« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 04:56:52 pm by Devastator »


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1142 on: January 04, 2020, 05:09:26 pm »

“I like my role”
Enter the ship and look inside the various rooms
The smallest member of the team flies off straightaway, following another pixie, who identifies three main entry and exit points to the ship. First is the cargo bay at the back, where much of the loading of supplies is happening. She gets a look inside as her guide continues flying upward, around the curve of the bulk of the ship toward the top. The cargo bay is massive, and looks to be the majority of the body of the ship. There is a large platform in the center with three curved horns reaching up from it like talons clutching at the air. The platform must be two hundred feet across or more, with each of the three talons rising nearly as high, nearly brushing the ribbed ceiling of the room.

You fly on upward to the second entrance: a structure on the top of the ship, toward the front. The structure is low and wide and round, like a coin or a cookie perched on the back of the beetle. The shell of the beetle splits from this structure backward, and out and down along the sides. You enter the structure and are met by a few technicians in dark goggles and tan overcoats, big dirty boots and worn leather gloves. They explain that this is effectively a control area for the cargo, life support, and other internal functions of the ship. There are living areas here as well, and you spy a brightly lit garden, practically overgrown with vegetation.

The third entrance  is behind and below the head of the beetle. This opens into the main hallway of what seems like an entire flying city, from your diminutive perspective. Here are more residential spaces, a large medical suite which seems stocked for a variety of species, and a storage room stuffed full of mannequins. The front end of the hallway ends in an elaborate set of airlocks, which lead into the head of the beetle, where you are advised to wait for the others before entering, so that everyone can tour together and have certain processes explained to them. They say they won't stop you if you do want to go in without the others though.

The fart cloud formerly known as Vladen rumbled for a bit with a low hum as he was referred to as oathbreaker
"I shall accept this role and I shall refrain  from puppeting or consuming any of these dignitaries... At least so long as they are not causing any problems."
Captain Grey listens to you silently, pauses for a moment, then turns and strides over to the group of apparently Important People. A dwarf stumps up beside you and begins manipulating your mannequin's limbs, tapping on the shell, and in general being a nuisance.

(The characters are allowed to talk amongst themselves about the roles, this doesn’t have to be done OOC)
Yes, this is true.

(I'm playing a bit deliberately stupid here.)

Bonding?  That sounds bad.

They better not teach my iron ball how to eat souls without me getting a chance to see how it is done.

"What do we need a spaceship for?  I thought we were just going to a plane full of light and diamonds."

"Can I just fly out and fight myself?"

Freddie, since he's quite capable of flying on his own, is doubtful about using some kinda machine to do it for him.  Freddie might go as cargo, or with life support equipment, but isn't interested in any kinda bonding with the spaceship.

As things stand now, Freddie intends to refuse the mission.  There has to be something he can do to contribute that doesn't involve being locked inside a building for a long period of time, not to mention being made part of said building.  If he is going, they'll have to make him go.

(Also, Freddie will be a terrible weapons officer, with -2 unnatural ranged.  If possible, I'd expect him to strongly prefer just flying out and attacking in person.  Cargo handling he's probably dextrous enough to manipulate things, although the metal dragon claws might hamper him a bit, and he can certainly take care of any cargo that's causing problems.)

(Indeed, the assignments in general seem really bad.  Shouldn't Freddie be on the helm or navigating, as someone with a flight specialization and expert movement?)
"Beings from the Material Plane such as ourselves do not generally survive in the other Planes without some kind of support. However, some creatures from the Material Plane have some stronger connections to one or more other planes, and are more likely to survive in those planes unaided. You seem ot have some affinity for heat and metal, but even so, the Plane of Radiance may just cook you from the inside out if you aren't careful.

As for flying out and fighting yourself, you can do that, and I could care less whether you want to bond with the ship or not. Do it or don't, but once the bonding ceremony is done, you won't be able to change your mind. If you want to spend the whole trip flying yourself out there, well, make it happen. Or don't go. I don't care. I'm not your mother, and I am not coming on the trip to babysit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1143 on: January 04, 2020, 06:32:17 pm »

Pass.  The mission seems both dangerous and has only very limited opportunities for Freddie to contribute.  Spending his time as a passenger seems not very useful.  Bonding with the ship is both very unappealing, and doesn't add much to the functionality of the ship.  Riding without bonding would mean he still can't contribute, as he's only sort of resistant to EVAs and his main method of attack is extremely hot firebreath, in an environment where that would be of little use.

"I spent my boon to get this nice body, and it seems to be very nice.  I can fly even faster, I'm made of metal, my firebreath is hotter.. it's a lot of fun.  And I had to spend a long time getting used to it and learning how to operate it properly, time that I didn't spend learning other things.

I like it, but I don't see why you need me to go on this mission.  Fast flight, no good inside.  Metal body, still not safe enough to live there.  Hot firebreath.. in hot land, firebreath there is like rain here.

So unless there is some reason for me to go, some important reason you need me that you haven't told me, or unless you have some special reward for me going, I'm not going."

As I understand it, the project has four steps:

First, the focus needs to be created.  This is a complicated very large object made of iron with a very detailed description:
a ball of pure iron, etched in silver and studded with myriads of diamonds. Wrap the lot in gold wire, connecting pools of mercury and brass. Once created, infuse with whatever magical energies desired, place in orbit, and encapsulate the entire lot in as much pure water as possible. THere are variants, but this seems to be the consensus of the gnomes as to how to make a focus for an interplanar self contained energy source.

Then the planar links need to be established.  These are links that give attributes to the focus, and aren't portals.  Freddie knows nothing of this theory, so I'll leave worrying about this part for later.

Thirdly, the object needs to be placed in orbit or in the proper destination.  There may be other shenanigans at work here.  This part isn't solid yet.

Fourthly, the object needs to be empowered to be brought up to it's design specifications.  The inclusion of this step makes step three easier, but adds this as a complicated factor.

Right now, what comes to mind is to find out about step three, while the technicians are present and mostly available.  Find a spot to watch the launch, and try to get as much information about it as possible, as well as make sure his own project can be launched later.  I want to try and head off any later problems while I have the opportunity of an ongoing launch.

If they'll have things all sorted for this step without his assistance, great.  If he can help, find out now.  If there are no launch plans being made, make sure they have the description of what needs to go up, so they can tell Freddie what they need.

Also, who are these dignitaries?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2020, 10:56:04 am by Devastator »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1144 on: January 09, 2020, 01:42:00 am »

 Vladen looks to the dwarf then to Captain Grey and then back at the dwarf, crossing it's arms
"Why are you doing this, is this necessary?"
When ever the dwarf is done, go wander the ship and get an idea of the systems and any sensor systems available.
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1145 on: January 09, 2020, 08:58:02 am »

Wait by the air locks until everyone is ready to explore the head


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1146 on: January 09, 2020, 10:35:09 am »

explore the ship a bit


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1147 on: January 13, 2020, 12:17:59 pm »

Huh? I'm supposed to be in charge of things? be an officer? that... doesn't make sense. I'm a weapon, not a wielder.
"Um, are you sure that you want me to be in charge of stuff? I'm not a wielder."

((As a player I'm not very interested in having Gwyn in the HMRC. I'm not all that worried about having her on a spaceship in of itself, but I really don't like the idea of her being attached to one, especially as potentially permanent or semi-permanent crew. Was slow to post because putting my thoughts in order about it. Gwyn herself is loyal to her wielder, and will never ask for a change of wielder under normal circumstances, but Lenglon is totally fine with her being swapped around, and is the one concerned by this mission, especially the whole "bond to the ship" bit. besides, someone with a Weak mind combined with a -1 in int specifically seems like a really poor choice for a science officer.))
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1148 on: January 13, 2020, 01:01:15 pm »

(Well, bonding is optional, and I doubt you'll be on this spaceship for more than the one mission.  But I can understand not wanting to be in charge.  Still, couldn't someone just order Gwyn to be in charge of the boat, or to conduct the mission to the best of her ability?

Secondly, if your point of view was right, the poor stats won't matter.  I'm not sure anyone else has any decent int, either.)

(Also, HMRC?  Yeah, the mission is to go get something, but it's not an unknown anomaly, I think the star you're aiming to retrieve is just something normal for its location, you just have to go out there and get it.)

(You also don't seem to be doing it as part of an attempt to destroy a universe, like in ER.  If anything, it seems to be the opposite.)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 01:06:32 pm by Devastator »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1149 on: January 13, 2020, 01:05:58 pm »

Huh? I'm supposed to be in charge of things? be an officer? that... doesn't make sense. I'm a weapon, not a wielder.
"Um, are you sure that you want me to be in charge of stuff? I'm not a wielder."

((As a player I'm not very interested in having Gwyn in the HMRC. I'm not all that worried about having her on a spaceship in of itself, but I really don't like the idea of her being attached to one, especially as potentially permanent or semi-permanent crew. Was slow to post because putting my thoughts in order about it. Gwyn herself is loyal to her wielder, and will never ask for a change of wielder under normal circumstances, but Lenglon is totally fine with her being swapped around, and is the one concerned by this mission, especially the whole "bond to the ship" bit. besides, someone with a Weak mind combined with a -1 in int specifically seems like a really poor choice for a science officer.))

”Well, they might have their reasons for that, but if you really aren’t up for it then we can have that ghoul guy do it instead. Yeah I forgot his name.”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1150 on: January 13, 2020, 04:29:09 pm »

"I am not a ghoul any more...And it's Vladen...I suppose we could modify this ship like the puppet I control. A means for greater control."
« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 05:40:38 pm by spazyak »
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1151 on: January 13, 2020, 09:06:26 pm »

Pass.  The mission seems both dangerous and has only very limited opportunities for Freddie to contribute.  Spending his time as a passenger seems not very useful.  Bonding with the ship is both very unappealing, and doesn't add much to the functionality of the ship.  Riding without bonding would mean he still can't contribute, as he's only sort of resistant to EVAs and his main method of attack is extremely hot firebreath, in an environment where that would be of little use.

"I spent my boon to get this nice body, and it seems to be very nice.  I can fly even faster, I'm made of metal, my firebreath is hotter.. it's a lot of fun.  And I had to spend a long time getting used to it and learning how to operate it properly, time that I didn't spend learning other things.

I like it, but I don't see why you need me to go on this mission.  Fast flight, no good inside.  Metal body, still not safe enough to live there.  Hot firebreath.. in hot land, firebreath there is like rain here.

So unless there is some reason for me to go, some important reason you need me that you haven't told me, or unless you have some special reward for me going, I'm not going."

As I understand it, the project has four steps:

First, the focus needs to be created.  This is a complicated very large object made of iron with a very detailed description:
a ball of pure iron, etched in silver and studded with myriads of diamonds. Wrap the lot in gold wire, connecting pools of mercury and brass. Once created, infuse with whatever magical energies desired, place in orbit, and encapsulate the entire lot in as much pure water as possible. THere are variants, but this seems to be the consensus of the gnomes as to how to make a focus for an interplanar self contained energy source.

Then the planar links need to be established.  These are links that give attributes to the focus, and aren't portals.  Freddie knows nothing of this theory, so I'll leave worrying about this part for later.

Thirdly, the object needs to be placed in orbit or in the proper destination.  There may be other shenanigans at work here.  This part isn't solid yet.

Fourthly, the object needs to be empowered to be brought up to it's design specifications.  The inclusion of this step makes step three easier, but adds this as a complicated factor.

Right now, what comes to mind is to find out about step three, while the technicians are present and mostly available.  Find a spot to watch the launch, and try to get as much information about it as possible, as well as make sure his own project can be launched later.  I want to try and head off any later problems while I have the opportunity of an ongoing launch.

If they'll have things all sorted for this step without his assistance, great.  If he can help, find out now.  If there are no launch plans being made, make sure they have the description of what needs to go up, so they can tell Freddie what they need.

Also, who are these dignitaries?

Alright, you fly across the canyon and take up a perch on the wall dividing the Omega Plateau from the imported city. You have a clear view of the inner plateau and the space ship, to watch the launch.

No one has told you who these dignitaries are.

Vladen looks to the dwarf then to Captain Grey and then back at the dwarf, crossing it's arms
"Why are you doing this, is this necessary?"
When ever the dwarf is done, go wander the ship and get an idea of the systems and any sensor systems available.
"Yes." the dwarf answers laconically. He finishes his ... whatever he was doing, and goes off elsewhere without another word.
(3) you get a vague notion of the layout of the ship, but learn little of use except how to navigate from major point to major point. The command deck is in the head of the ship.

explore the ship a bit
(6) you find a miniature mountain jungle along one sloping corridor Birdsound and the smell of water over rocks, dirt, and leaves hits you like a big "Welcome Home" sign.

Huh? I'm supposed to be in charge of things? be an officer? that... doesn't make sense. I'm a weapon, not a wielder.
"Um, are you sure that you want me to be in charge of stuff? I'm not a wielder."

((As a player I'm not very interested in having Gwyn in the HMRC. I'm not all that worried about having her on a spaceship in of itself, but I really don't like the idea of her being attached to one, especially as potentially permanent or semi-permanent crew. Was slow to post because putting my thoughts in order about it. Gwyn herself is loyal to her wielder, and will never ask for a change of wielder under normal circumstances, but Lenglon is totally fine with her being swapped around, and is the one concerned by this mission, especially the whole "bond to the ship" bit. besides, someone with a Weak mind combined with a -1 in int specifically seems like a really poor choice for a science officer.))
"In charge? It's more of a minor responsibility than a matter of control. The Science officer's task is to observe and study the place you are going and any items or beings encountered on the journey. Of course, it was only a suggestion, to help shape and direct your efforts. If you lot feel you can each serve better in other ways, do so. perhaps you would prefer to be the weapon interface expert? It seems as if that role is open, as the dragon has decided to opt out."

Wait by the air locks until everyone is ready to explore the head
Waiting for contrarians intensifies.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1152 on: January 13, 2020, 09:10:03 pm »

Ex-lore the head


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1153 on: January 13, 2020, 09:26:27 pm »

Hey guys. There are lots of NPCs around right now who know as much as anyone about what's going on and how the ship works and all that. Ask around, especially concerning those sticking points you are bringing up in OOC. I'm not trying to trap you or anything. I made a big, fun spaceship to throw you into a new adventure with, not a doom machine to suck your souls and talents out until you Have No Mouths But You Must Scream. If you feel I am making the game unfun, well, it's had a good run and the last thing I want is a miserable game experience.

Ex-lore the head
The airlock cycles and you pass through into a semicircular landing with a short flight of stairs going up and down. Teh upstairs take you to a wide, hemispherical room, lushly carpetted in deep blue, with a few duty stations near the center. The dome of the ship's head makes up the exterior wall, and is quite translucent, giving a wide view of the plateau. the canyon, and the wall beyond. You are high enough up that you can see over the wall into the town, though not much, as the curve of the planetoid hides most things from your view. looking up, you can see, not the pale blue of the Omega Sky, but an inky blackness - a stark nothingness. You draw your eyes back down and cross the platform. You notice that the floor stops a dozen yards short of the outer wall. You look down and see distorted reflections in the glasslike wall. You fly out and down and see a couple of floor underneath - one that looks entirely filled wiht mechanical bits, and the last floor which is another circular room with a clear glass floor giving you a nearly unobstructed view below, and a ringlike couch on which you can sit facing inward or facing outward.
The only other point of interest is that the four antennae that you saw outside the ship actually pass through the shell of the head and meet in the middle - they are one large X shaped piece. Several pieces of equipment are hooked up to them at this centerpoint, on the floor immediately below the command room.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Revenant: Catch A Falling Star
« Reply #1154 on: January 13, 2020, 09:40:55 pm »

Go talk to the NPCs about my future space launch while waiting for the actual launch.  If they're too busy, just listen in while waiting for the launch to occur.  The dignitaries might know if the workers are too busy.
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