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Author Topic: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.  (Read 12568 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #120 on: June 22, 2018, 04:20:44 pm »

Dr. Diablito:  At F6, find a stick or a rock to use as a very crude digging tool.  Dig into the ground looking for roots, tubers, grubs or worms; anything that appears edible.  If something is found, take a small taste to test for toxicity.

Research: Herbalism


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #121 on: June 22, 2018, 04:31:47 pm »

#//"Star, I have found some flowers on the other side of the river. If you feel you need access to that area let me know. I wouldn't recommend it unless you see value in these specific flowers however."

#//"I have noticed that a one difficulty technology can take over 18 units of science to finish. I recommend not simultaneously researching a two difficulty or harder technology at the same time as other technologies if you have made less than 20 research points worth of progress in it."

Bernard introduces four units of food to his mouth, then travels back to the northern side of the river along with the stuff he collected.

Bernard moves from F7 to F5
Bernard forages for resources in general at F5
Free Research: Research continues on Gathering Tools

Spoiler: Nitpicks (click to show/hide)
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #122 on: June 22, 2018, 04:42:30 pm »

The person working on Gathering Tools according to the science spoiler is "Stone"
I think the problem there is two different meanings of parentheses - I think the technology is "Gathering Tools (Stone)", as in, stone gathering tools. If I'm right, it may be prudent to change one or the other meaning to a different form, like "Gathering Tools: Stone" or using [square brackets] for a character name.

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #123 on: June 22, 2018, 08:40:50 pm »

The person working on Gathering Tools according to the science spoiler is "Stone"
I think the problem there is two different meanings of parentheses - I think the technology is "Gathering Tools (Stone)", as in, stone gathering tools. If I'm right, it may be prudent to change one or the other meaning to a different form, like "Gathering Tools: Stone" or using [square brackets] for a character name.
Starting on the next update I will switch to square brackets for the character name.

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #124 on: June 23, 2018, 07:06:59 pm »

Tex: Your action does not have a research action.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #125 on: June 23, 2018, 07:10:32 pm »

Hua... of course it doesn't..

In the name of Life in this world, Research or Die.

Can you research on a turn you rest?

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #126 on: June 23, 2018, 08:22:19 pm »

GridLand Survival 3: Year 1, Turn 5(Summer)

#Tip 1# Many food items can spoil. Preserved food such as the mystery food will never spoil. Nuts usually last a while as well. Somethings spoil from heat, while others will spoil from moisture.
You can research buildings to protect certain types of food from different hazards. Some non-edible items can spoil as well. But they tend to spoil slower.
#Tip 2# I suggest that someone start researching fire and some of it's applications soon because you are going to need it.
#Tip 3# You should probably save some of your mystery food for the likely possibility that everything falls apart.
If you want to eat something in particular specify it.
#Tip 4# You may declare a particular food item safe. If you do so you will default to eating that food.
#Tip 5# Use your research actions.

The air is getting drier and the temperature is getting hotter. It is very comfortable right now but it will probably not last. However as summer has started there will likely be more fruit and less flowers as it progresses.


Bernard(Supernerd)You move to F5.
You notice that when you return to bring your items to the stockpile that some of the grass seeds are covered in a blue mold. A few had green mushrooms growing from them.

You forage for resources in F5.
You find 2 shiny opaque black stones(item). You find 3 small, white, flaky stones(item). You find 1 rough speckled stone(item). You find 1 small, pointy, cloudy, white crystal(item). You find two small red stones(item). 
You find 2 multi stemmed plants(unit). You find 2 dull orange-yellow stones. You find 4 light, large, bubble filled, red Stones. 

You continue your research with gathering tools. You make 5 progress. 3 points are excess because there was only 2 points left in the tech.

Dr. Diablito(Zazmio): You pick up a brown rock.(1 item) You also collect one lightly colored stick.(1 item)
You dig in the ground with the rock. You find some green and yellow grubs.(2 units) You also find some earthworms.(1 unit) You find some small, thick, knobby roots. These roots have multiple stems growing from each one. These roots smell nice. These plants have some green hand sized buds but none have turned to flowers.You collect 2 of these plants and their roots. 
You find some needle shaped purple roots in the east. They are attached to tiny shoots with tiny leaves.(4 units). You also notice that some of the trees near the border of F6 and E6 have yellow colored fruit on them. You decide to pick one fruit(unit) after you spot a small four legged tree dwelling creature eat one. The fruit smells sweet.   
You noticed that there seems to be easier to dig up roots that are still big enough to be relevent in the northeast of the tile. You noticed some of these same plants in F5, and E6, you think you might see some diagonally in E5 as well.
These plants are plentiful.

You begin continue the research on Herbalism. You make 8 progress.   

Texcoco(Maximum Spin):
You remain in E6.
The tree branch is rooting but it's roots are small. The tree branch is neither thick nor thin. It is fairly light but not extremely so. It is forked and of decent length it came from a brach lower down on a medium-small sized tree.

You passively observe that the number of grass sprites is decreasing. You note that the number of water sprites have decreased. You can see that the number of fungi sprites is increasing. You can see the number of death sprites have slightly fallen.
You noticed some brown tinted stone sprites enter the area from the northwest. You notice some regular stone sprites enter from the north and northeast. You also notice some of the fungi sprites are travelling to the west. 

Jaynie Morgan(0cra_tr0per):You forage in F6 for edible food and seeds for edible food.
You gather Grass seeds 1# , 7#, 8#, and 9# you gather 1 each. You gather 2 many petalled, small, yellow flowers. You gather some mid-sized yellow flowers which grow in cluster from hand sized buds. These buds were found bunched together. You also found some taller grass towards the southeast. This taller grass has new blooming yellow flowers. These flowers have at least a hundred seeds on the inside and are larger than normal petals. These flowers have only one flower each. This "grass" has larger leaves which sprout from its central tall stem. these leaves have a slightly jagged edge. They also have a spot where they widen considerably befor they slowly taper off.     
You gather 4 of these flowers. But, these flowers are so large that you could feed one person one the seeds alone. The petals likely could feed another person. The leaves from one plant could feed two people. However, you wonder how much of it is edible. It is possible the whole thing is poisonous.

You continue research on writing and produce 3 Science points. You also research The Medicinal Properties of Flowers and produce 2 Science points.
You decide to shift your focus to carving. However you had some problems finding some thing hard or sharp enough to carve things. You waste some time on tring to find something hard enough until Bernard brings some rocks back when he does you take several of the rocks and see if you can scratch things with them.
None of them are sharp enough to cut currently so you settled on finding those which scratched wood and the cliff face and each other.

The small white flacky stone is to soft to scratch anything. One of them even crumbles in your test. It just rubs off on things you try to scratch with it. You can't use it to carve, but it could be used to mark. You thought about finding larger versions of the same stone to write on. However, because they are crumbly they might not last well.
The shiny, opaque, black Stone can scratch the small white flacky stones. It can scratch the dull orange-yellow stones. It can also scratch the red stone.   
It can't scratch the rough speckled stone or the crystal at all. It usualy chips rather than rubbing off when rubbed against something harder.
You ended up making one of these sharp accidentaly. You then tried carving with them. You were unable to force it through bark but you could put straight lines into small branches. You are concerned that these sharp stones might ingure you when you use them this concern was well founded. You ended up slicing your arm when working with it -3HP This makes this ill-suited to scratching based writing. However it has the sharpness to cut and carve wood. 
You could you notches in branches as a way of writting but it seems combersome maybe you could use the marks for something else.

The rough speckled stone can scratch the shiny, opaque, black stone. It can also scratch the red stone and the small, white, flacky stone. It can scratch the dull orange-yellow stones. It can not scratch the crystal. It rubs agianst the crystal slightly It is too cumbersome to use as a writing instrument. It is also to hard to scratch to be medium. The crystal is even more unweildy then this stone.   

The dull orange-yellow stones are easy to work with. They are soft, yet they don't break or fall apart. They don't scratch anything besides the white flacky stone. 
If you found the right size and shape of one it would be very easy to use this as a medium.
Star(TricMagic):You remain in F6.
You create farm 2#(Mixed) at F6.

You plant one seed of Grass seeds 2#, 3#, 6#, 7#, 8#, and 9#
You continue research on Mana Sensing. You make 5 progress.

You begin your descent of the northern tunnel.
You step around the spider and over the log. Then you proceed.
The air starts to feel heavier. The walls no longer have any guano. The ceiling is fairly high. You can hear clattering noises.
Then, you see that there are many sid passages much smaller than this one ahead of you. It looks like there are dozens of them. When you look up you see holes in the rock as well.
The number of passages out of your reach must number in the hundreds. You can see webs in some of the passages. You also spot a giant lizard scurry on the wall between two passages. All of these path ways branch of this wide corridor. You also see some spiders, giant bats, and five limbed creatures hanging from the ceiling in the passage ahead.
Some of the passages are over run with the blood red fungi. It grows on dead bodies. It is on some of the live bats and spiders. It also can grow on the wall. It even sprouts from some of the webs.
Most of the passages at ground level are devoid of webs. Some of them have the red mushrooms others do not. Some head upwards others downwards the slope of the wall is gentle enough that you could climb about a quarter of the way up if you wanted to.  Some even have some small cloudy crystals attached to the walls.

Do trudge ahead underneath the creatures which hang from the ceiling? Do you take a passage at ground level? Or do you climb? Do you take a passage empty, webbed or with mushrooms? Do you take one with crystals.
Do you take a passage on the left or the right? do you take one which goes down or up?

You continue your full diagnostic on your body. This will take two more turns. No one else can assist with your diagnostic.

Spoiler: Buildings (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Science (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Places (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Character List (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Communal Inventory (click to show/hide)
Total Food Consumption per turn=8.5
8-11 turns until starvation.(dependent on what gathered materials are edible.)

If I made any mistakes please point them out.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 09:43:48 pm by High tyrol »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #127 on: June 23, 2018, 08:52:02 pm »

Dr. Diablito:  I eat no mystery food this turn.  Instead, I'll eat yellow fruit.  I'll pop one green grub and then one yellow grub one green and yellow grub (one grub each, not a whole "unit") into my mouth to test toxicity.  I'll also try a tiny amount of knobby nice-smelling root and a tiny amount of purple needle root to test toxicity.  If I start to feel sick after eating anything, I'll try to induce vomiting on myself with the red flower.

Research:  Firemaking

//# "I think we should all avoid mystery food to save it for emergencies.  Our immediate priority should be determining what is safe to eat and what is not..."

GM, these are very long and detailed turns.  This must take a lot of work.  My hats off to you.

edit:  You seem to have forgotten the Science section
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 11:52:25 pm by Zazmio »

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #128 on: June 23, 2018, 09:55:43 pm »

Dr. Diablito:  I eat no mystery food this turn.  Instead, I'll eat yellow fruit.  I'll pop one green grub and then one yellow grub (one grub each, not a whole "unit") into my mouth to test toxicity.  I'll also try a tiny amount of knobby nice-smelling root and a tiny amount of purple needle root to test toxicity.  If I start to feel sick after eating anything, I'll try to induce vomiting on myself.

Research:  Firemaking

//# "I think we should all avoid mystery food to save it for emergencies.  Our immediate priority should be determining what is safe to eat and what is not..."

GM, these are very long and detailed turns.  This must take a lot of work.  My hats off to you.

edit:  You seem to have forgotten the Science section
Thank you, Apparently I forgot to put an end block on the building section so the science section was contained with in the building section.

It usually takes me at least 45 minutes in actual writing to put it together. However, I usually spend a good thirty minutes a day planning it out, brainstorming ideas and figuring out how to make this progress smoothly. So far most of the plants I have put in the game are either plants I have grown before, plants I wanted to grow, or plants that I get frustrated when they pop up in my ginger patches. The rocks are all just rocks I learned about by playing dwarf fortress with a bit of extra research to make sure I did not get anything wrong. The mushrooms are just me making stuff up because I don't know anything about mushrooms. I have a lot of interesting ideas long and mid  term But I have been struggling with figuring out how to actually implement them. My mom has helped me a bit with brainstorming. But she can't understand why I have not killed any of you off through poisoning. She though I should have killed the first player to eat something carelessly to teach everyone else a lesson. I have been mulling the idea over but I have not been able to convince myself that any of you have made a big enough mistake to warrant killing anyone off yet. 

Also to throw a bone out because everyone seems to be ignoring it. The red flower can be used to induce vomiting so it can be used to purge dangerous plants.

Note: They are grubs which are both green and yellow not two colors of grubs.     
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 09:59:44 pm by High tyrol »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #129 on: June 23, 2018, 11:04:42 pm »

(Remember, don't trust items based on whether a human can eat it or not. We are not humans. We lay eggs.)

#//"Jaynie, if you want to test the hardness of an object I recommend testing them against the Hand Sized Nuts."

#//"I think I might know what those large yellow flowers are..."

Bernard continues to gather stuff, planning to get some sticks to manufacture gathering tools with, and obviously food as well.

Bernard moves from F5 to E6
Bernard forages with an emphasis on sticks and fruit at E6
Free Research: Shelter

Dietary modification: Mark many petaled small yellow flowers as edible, and prioritize them as food, preferring to start with the ones that the petals were removed from first.
Naming action: Bernard names the Large Yellow Flower "Sunflower"
Naming action: Bernard names the Small, white, flaky Stones "Chalk"
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #130 on: June 23, 2018, 11:47:05 pm »

My mom has helped me a bit with brainstorming. But she can't understand why I have not killed any of you off through poisoning. She though I should have killed the first player to eat something carelessly to teach everyone else a lesson. I have been mulling the idea over but I have not been able to convince myself that any of you have made a big enough mistake to warrant killing anyone off yet. 

Also to throw a bone out because everyone seems to be ignoring it. The red flower can be used to induce vomiting so it can be used to purge dangerous plants.

Note: They are grubs which are both green and yellow not two colors of grubs.   
The problem is our food supply is limited and running out fast.  We don't have time to devise some way to safely test toxicity.  The only way I can think of to quickly test for it is to try small amounts.  If something is poisonous enough to kill, that's fine; I don't mind taking one for the team.

I'll edit my action with this new information in mind, thanks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #131 on: June 24, 2018, 07:04:53 am »

By edible food I mean stuff like fruits, vegetables, and nuts, not flowers or grass.

I mean, the red flowers could be used as a rather weak poison

Jaynie Morgan

Main action: Test the hardness of the stones by ramming a nut (not in that way you lardass neckbeards) against the stones and see how easily the nut's shell breaks.

Free research: All science to Writing
it's over


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #132 on: June 24, 2018, 08:02:35 am »

Does my character really still have 20 HP?


Many petaled small yellow flowers: 11
petaless small yellow flowers: 7

"I haven't tested the roots yet. Hopefully they're safe to eat."

Experiment: From the petalless flowers, take the roots and eat them in 15 minute intervals until I'm full or get sick. This should give a baseline.
Should I go through all seven, I'll start eating the stems in fifteen minute intervals, until I'm full or get sick.

Research: Mana Sensing

Excitable: Labor Boost

I'll also take a look at the first farm to see if anything(Flowers) have sprouted, but leave it to grow.
Note the color mainly, and send that info telepathically..

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #133 on: June 24, 2018, 02:04:52 pm »

Does my character really still have 20 HP?


Many petaled small yellow flowers: 11
petaless small yellow flowers: 7

"I haven't tested the roots yet. Hopefully they're safe to eat."

Experiment: From the petalless flowers, take the roots and eat them in 15 minute intervals until I'm full or get sick. This should give a baseline.
Should I go through all seven, I'll start eating the stems in fifteen minute intervals, until I'm full or get sick.

Research: Mana Sensing

Excitable: Labor Boost

I'll also take a look at the first farm to see if anything(Flowers) have sprouted, but leave it to grow.
Note the color mainly, and send that info telepathically..

Your charecter has regenerated your lost health. I was not sure how to portray that in the update so I just increased your health to reflect it.

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GridLand Survival 3: An Adventure in Trial and Error.
« Reply #134 on: June 24, 2018, 03:57:34 pm »

Tex, having received no other suggestions, tries to bring some grass sprites to the farm, invoking his shamanistic ability, and attempting to get them to follow him by taking bits of moss, plants, sod, really anything he can find that might work until some come along. Along the way he researches buckets some more, I guess.

#// "My apologies if I've overlooked anything important.
I am so

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