You finally made it. After all this time, you can finally have a younger stronger body. The only problem is you can't tell anybody that would tweet or otherwise post about it on social media. The government would have a field day with it. With what you may ask. *whispers* A cloning machine with a mind transfer. Now to transfer my mind to that of a stronger, younger me.
2 hours later . . .
I did it, now to stage the death of my older self.
2 days later . . .
Ok now I am ready for my final goal, my master plan, my- huh what was I going to do now that I can live forever?
This will work sort of like my last Clone game except I will not give you options unless you get stuck. Want to forgo making a clone army, ok. Sell your work to the highest bidder and live off the proceeds, alright. Be a recluse with clones to serve you day and night, go for it. This world is yours to command the direction it goes.
I will up date this on a bi-daily to daily basis.
If you have any question about the mechanics or anything else about the game feel free to ask them and I will try to answer them if I can.
The date is Jan 1, 2020. The location, a lab you set up over the years in Western Washington USA, Southwest of Seattle, on the outskirts of Pe Ell.
Your birth date: Sep 6, 1974
Your Name: Robert Bumaro
Any family: All deceased
PS Please note that this is not an actual representation of Southwest Washington.
Local Area:
each 'sq' is ~1Km2
B=Base/Lab/Home(whatever you want to call it)
C=Clear-Cut(will tun into forest in 20years)
t=tree farm
1:10 planks
1:5 Bio-Matter
1:100 money(buying them)
1:1 Wood
The date: Week 12, 2020 (Mar)(Spring)
Base Stats:
Lab: Cloning setups: 1; grow 4 clones in one month
Ration Masher: 1; creates 100 rations from 1 bio-matter
Shed: level 1; each level doubles your Stockpiles
Barracks: level 1; each level houses 30 clones.
Printing Machine: 1; each print 1 of something a day/week(depending on what it is) for materials
instinct-level zombies: 2/?
Bio-Matter 90.2/200
Wood 18/200 (each 'unit' is worth ~ 5 Bio-Matter and/or ~10 planks)(one tree gives, on average, 12 'units')
Planks 31.9/200
Materials 10/200 (each 'unit' is gotten from eveything else)
Rations: ~ 1 year's worth (clones only need 1 a day)(did I mention you are a clone)
100 disguises
$3,357.50 money
Clones: 4; 2 out 'working'
Housing: 5/40
Person Stats:
Suspicion: level 1.5(people give you a second look + a stare)
Wood cutting: level 3: 1/14
Construction: level 1: 3/10
What do you want to do?