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Author Topic: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)  (Read 17541 times)


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #90 on: June 06, 2018, 04:46:07 pm »

Poor kitten...
I'm all for using cats as food but not killing pets xD its like you want a tantrum spiral
I dunno, you throw one tiny adorable pet kitten to the giant cave spiders and everyone loses all sense of perspective.
Pet's die eventually anyway: better to get it over and done with during peacetime so it doesn't amplify a crisis later. Rip it off fast, like a bandaid. At least this way the kitten gets to be useful and reveal some of the upper caverns for us.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2018, 04:53:37 pm by QuQuasar »


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #91 on: June 06, 2018, 10:23:22 pm »

At least until said dwarf remembers it a decade from now and freaks out xD


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #92 on: June 07, 2018, 04:36:26 am »

Ve got another 20 or so dvarves. Nobody of particular skills. Fortress population now numbers 92.

For your reference: a capybara.

Urgh, vill you relax Meng? It's just a big rodent, no big deal. Stop yelling.

All zis noise over a giant rat. Fine, then! Spear sqvad, go kill the capybara.

Vait, vot?


I... I haf no vords. Two months of hard training vit the spear, und this is vot ve get? Armed dvarfs dying to a HAMSTER? VOT?!


OOC: Giant. Fucking. Hamsters. (Breadbowlites get the reference)

Und now ve need a hospital for the injured dvarves. Und vater! How's are those vellvorks coming along?

Not anyvhere near done. Unfortunate! Oh vell, ve haf few options but to allow the construction to continue und hope nobody dies of thirst before the vell is complete.

I svear, these miners haf no clue vot they are doing. I'm only designating one level for channelling at a time, but they keep collapsing sections.

Oh vell. At least nobody has been seriously injured ye-


Zefon, Asmel, you're ze closest! Do something about the bleeding! Get her to the hospital, now! Move i-

Too late. Ve lost her.

Zat's... zat's qvite a blow. GPeter vas the founding dvarf of Mountainbreed, und she died on my vatch. I've been building a graveyard, but...

... no. No, a simple grave might be enough for a dwarf who dies to a mere hamster, but it is not nearly enough for a brave founding dvarf! I vill take responsibility for her death, und ve vill build her a standalone granite mausoleum. In fact, mausoleums for all the founders!

But the biggest vun vill be for GPeter.

A graveyard is a glorious monument to the fate of us all, und it vill not do to skimp, even in the name of military prowess. You may all take time from your training to assist in it's construction.


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #93 on: June 07, 2018, 06:11:32 am »

I died to rocks and stone, It is a noble death to a dwarf!
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #94 on: June 07, 2018, 06:19:36 am »

Second only to death by alcohol poisoning.


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #95 on: June 07, 2018, 06:27:48 am »

I'd rather die piercing the earth than in battle, anyone can battle, but it isn't everyone that can open paths inside the earth itself! Too bad though... I wanted to be the miner who tapped hell :(
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #96 on: June 07, 2018, 07:28:13 am »

PTW, can someone dorf me as a hunter or military dorf?
« Last Edit: June 07, 2018, 09:12:42 am by 0cra_tr0per »
it's over


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #97 on: June 07, 2018, 07:50:25 am »

If you've been a bad dwarf, you went ahead and are the first of us to arrive there. ;D

Caesar Josephus

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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #98 on: June 07, 2018, 11:02:06 am »

I want the low down on my dwarf. If possible I want him promoted to the highest military position each time its available. And I want his stats too.
"What could possibly go wrong?" - Quill18

I would be careful... Kamatec may seem jovial, but he secretly leads an endless legion of Lawyers.


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #99 on: June 07, 2018, 11:20:39 am »

If you've been a bad dwarf, you went ahead and are the first of us to arrive there. ;D

We'll get a demon named after me and say that's me rampaging on my former friends for letting me die :)
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #100 on: June 07, 2018, 02:00:39 pm »

And it's going to be something exotic like a three eyed, rhytmically undulating ass brute. Beware of its webs!


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #101 on: June 07, 2018, 03:16:55 pm »

Can we rename forgotten beasts?
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #102 on: June 09, 2018, 08:24:27 pm »

New dwarves:

Spoiler: "Ocra Troper" (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: "Caesar Josephus" (click to show/hide)

GPeter: It's unlikely anyone will be piercing hell for many years yet. I don't think it's possible to rename forgotten beasts, and I've only heard that DFHack can rename animals: never actually done it. I can give you a new dwarf, though.

Another dvarf dead to cave in.

I don't know vot vent wrong vit the designations in that area, but clearly something did. I have cancelled them all for now. Ve vill refocus our efforts vit safety in mind.

Another capybara herd arrived. I vos vaiting for them zis time, und our axedvarves vere qvite ready to slaughter the HORRIBLE, EVIL LITTLE BEASTS.

A dvarf by the name of Olon has silently seized a metalsmiths forge. He is an adequate armoursmith, und has procured bronze for his mastervork, zo I am qvietly optimistic.

The humans arrived. Ve traded them a pile of useless gold toys for poor quality iron und bronze tools that ve can melt down, plus a pile of raw food. Can never haf too much food.

Olon, you are a useless shitbag. I hope you get eaten by a capybara.

Okay, so, qvestion...

VHY HAFN'T ANY OF YOU USELESS CHILDREN BURIED THESE DVARFS?! You're villing to loot their vorn socks but not put them to rest? Vot the hell is wrong vit you?

At least GPeter vas laid to rest. I mean, she's not vhere she vas killed. Surely...

... I'm going to have to check her coffin, aren't I? Okay, here goes...



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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #103 on: June 10, 2018, 04:14:47 pm »

I'm going to be one hell of a ghost...
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!

Caesar Josephus

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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #104 on: June 13, 2018, 12:22:03 pm »

At least we know whose fault it is when the fortress falls to ghosts this turn.
Dwarfs: Ququasar.
Ququasar (at the same time): dwarfs.
"What could possibly go wrong?" - Quill18

I would be careful... Kamatec may seem jovial, but he secretly leads an endless legion of Lawyers.
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