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A cold forest
An ordinary plain anywhere on the map
Right beside a mountain

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Author Topic: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)  (Read 17898 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #75 on: June 05, 2018, 04:52:07 am »

Zese valls make no sense. Vhy vould you idiots build stairs on the outside? Isn't the vall supposed to stop the enemy?

I HAF DECIDED I VILL TOLERATE THIS NONSENSE NO LONGER! All construction on the valls is to cease immediately. Ve are better than this! Ve vill defend ourselves vith dvarven strength, heavy silver und sharp steel!
Vot do you mean ve haf no steel? Oh for the love of-
Fine, you VORTHLESS DOGS! Go collect some cassiterite. Ve vill defend ourselves vit dvarven strength, heavy silver und slightly-less-sharp-but-still-pretty-sharp bronze!
I vant another smithery set up immediately. A proper one, vit lots of smelters und forges. Vot are you doing there anyvay, comicraider?




Who needs valls anyvay? Look to the terrain: the mountain itself can protect us! All ve need is a vee bit of landscaping, following the natural contours of the mountain, to surround ourselves vit unscalable cliffs for invaders to throw themselves against in vain...

Ve vill also set up multiple barracks for those dvarves who already have arms, und ve vill start instilling discipline in them, for the glory of the mountainhomes! In time, every dvarf of Mountainbreed vill train in the arts of combat and martial prowess, und no army of any size vill ever be able to conquer us! For now, we will start with 30: an axe squad, a hammer squad and a spear squad.

As I could have predicted, ze peace did not last long.

Good thing I am here to provide DISCIPLINE, or who knows vhere our only trained axedvarves vould have been vhen this happened? Probably drinking their fat faces off in the dining hall. But vit me here to keep them in line, they are hard at vork training are in the arts of BLOODSHED.

OOC: This should be interesting. Our dwarves have axes and some even have armour, but they're not nearly as well trained as I'd like them to be. Three of them are unarmored complete rookies, including 'Billy'...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #76 on: June 05, 2018, 06:11:45 am »

Making the cliffs into defenses is actually a very good idea. Glad I thought of it...
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
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Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #77 on: June 05, 2018, 06:19:51 am »

Meanwhile, I'm safely mining around, hey, when we get there, I want to be the miner to tap Hell!
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #78 on: June 05, 2018, 10:31:44 am »

Zese valls make no sense. Vhy vould you idiots build stairs on the outside? Isn't the vall supposed to stop the enemy?
These are called scaffolding, ma'am! Main purpose is to allow escape for any idiot who bricks himself in. Maybe allows for faster construction, but I'm not sure about it.

OOC: This should be interesting. Our dwarves have axes and some even have armour, but they're not nearly as well trained as I'd like them to be. Three of them are unarmored complete rookies, including 'Billy'...
Kaemurl is somewhat skilled and I made sure she is armed. I've seen cyclops die to a single caravan guard, maybe we could see an ettin die to a single fortress guard? ;)


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #79 on: June 05, 2018, 02:48:09 pm »

OOC: This should be interesting. Our dwarves have axes and some even have armour, but they're not nearly as well trained as I'd like them to be. Three of them are unarmored complete rookies, including 'Billy'...
Kaemurl is somewhat skilled and I made sure she is armed. I've seen cyclops die to a single caravan guard, maybe we could see an ettin die to a single fortress guard? ;)

I invested some points in Kaemurl on embark, I wanted him to be our first military leader or something like that...
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #80 on: June 05, 2018, 03:10:29 pm »

That is someone else. Kaemurl migrated as competent macedwarf. He was in middle of some mercenary work when headed to our fort, he kept his occupation as mercenary. I then made him a silver mace, had him equip officer's bismuth bronze armour (normal bronze for ordinary militia) and appointed him as captain of the guard and hammerer. He then gave birth to a baby and I learned he is actually she.


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #81 on: June 05, 2018, 03:20:55 pm »

That is someone else. Kaemurl migrated as competent macedwarf. He was in middle of some mercenary work when headed to our fort, he kept his occupation as mercenary. I then made him a silver mace, had him equip officer's bismuth bronze armour (normal bronze for ordinary militia) and appointed him as captain of the guard and hammerer. He then gave birth to a baby and I learned he is actually she.

I was acctually thinking on JumpStake, my bad!
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!

Caesar Josephus

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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #82 on: June 05, 2018, 07:21:04 pm »

We should build a wall and dig trenches. Double defense!
"What could possibly go wrong?" - Quill18

I would be careful... Kamatec may seem jovial, but he secretly leads an endless legion of Lawyers.


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #83 on: June 05, 2018, 08:54:18 pm »

This actually gives me an idea, not with trenches, but something else to build upon the existing walls, while maintaining Dwarven superiority...

Caesar Josephus

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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #84 on: June 05, 2018, 09:06:07 pm »

I'm excited!   :o :D
"What could possibly go wrong?" - Quill18

I would be careful... Kamatec may seem jovial, but he secretly leads an endless legion of Lawyers.


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #85 on: June 05, 2018, 09:30:32 pm »

We should build a wall and dig trenches. Double defense!
I'll probably end up lining some of the shorter ditches with walls to increase their height. I kind of like the idea of continually building up the city walls until they're all the same height as northern ones, then completely filling up the space between them with buildings atop buildings 'Anor Londo' style. But that will have to be left to future overseers.
I'm focusing primarily on our militia for defense this turn: the ditches are simply a secondary measure to help slow down and break up goblin sieges. I'm aiming to leave Mountainbreed with a full time army of 50 armed and armoured wardwarves (10 mace, 10 hammer, 10 sword, 10 spear and 10 axe).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #86 on: June 06, 2018, 04:34:58 am »

'Billy', an untrained unarmoured recruit, vas the first on the scene due to being able to run faster without armour. He held the line, as a brave dvarf should, trying desperately to keep the beast in position until the axedvarves who actually had axes could arrive. I think he even did some damage: I svear I heard the beasts right neck crack.

Billy's luck doesn't hold out and the Ettin pummels the poor dvarf for a bit. For a moment I feel a brush of fear, tempered only by IRON SELF-DISCIPLINE.

But at last the axedvarves Kubuk, Cerol and Astesh arrive, and the fight turns in their favor. Armed vit steel, the beast has little chance against them: the three dvarves hack away at it's body and heads for hours until it finally bleeds out.

Astesh gets the kill. So ends Mab Penasushsath the Pregnancy of Pantomiming, in BLOOD, PAIN UND DEATH!

Ze elves arrived. I traded them a pathetic gold scepter and ring in exchange for fruit und a few animals. Nothing combat vorthy: a bull, a barn owl, a goose, a goat, an echidna und a bushtit.

Hopefully zese tree lovers never find out vhat ve do in ze vood burning vorkshop in order to make refined gold. Zey vould lose. their. shit.

In ze interests of sustainability und also not starving to death, I am allowing a few specialist farm dvarves to vork on establishing a farming und kitchen complex. I do not consider zis nearly as import as training und constructing defenses, but I am feeling generous in light of our victory over the ettin. I vill graciously allow our dvarves to eat something fresher than trade food, even though they are still PATHETIC HYBRID CHILDREN OV VEASEL UND VORM.

Vell, zis is embarassing for all Mountainbreed. Our only vater source, a tiny stagnant pool, vas in the vay of our magnificent trenches. So... ve destroyed it.

Vell, every mistake is an opportunity. Ve vill find the caverns!

[2 minutes later]

Ve found the caverns! Und they're dry. Zat is unfortunate.

Oh vell. Ve vill vall the place off und continue downvards. At least this gives me something to do vith Eral's stupid pet kitten. Keep me up all night vith your bloody mewling, vould you? THIS IS VOT YOU GET! I hope a giant cave spider eats you, you PITIFULLY ADORABLE LUMP!!!

Zat's more like it!

Unfortunately, ve pierced the cavern at vhat appears to be it's highest point, far far above the underground lake. It vill take some doing to reach the vater. But vith that said, mining is vun of the few non-military labors I am still allowing zese fools to do, so it should be qvite possible to establish vater access for the occasional hospital use.

Solon, you are a PATHETIC LOUSE, und not deserving of the title "dvarf"! You should be proud, not horrified! Zis is vhat Mountainbreed has wrought. Death, upon our enemies! Blood, gore, and- oh... oh, it does vhiff a bit, doesn't it? Urgh. Perhaps Kametec shouldn't haf built the refuse dump in the middle of town?

Oh vell. Regardless, you should be more like Kaemurl. Look at this magnificent specimen of dvarven martial prowess!

I'm not convinced ze martial trance und acrobatics vere necessary against a bunch of dogs, but it vas certainly impressive to vatch! Bravo Kaemurl on zis magificent display of overkill!

In fact, I am inspired! Our veapons stand ready: ve vill all join the hunt!

« Last Edit: June 06, 2018, 05:11:51 am by QuQuasar »


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #87 on: June 06, 2018, 06:14:57 am »

Poor kitten...
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #88 on: June 06, 2018, 09:30:58 am »

I'm all for using cats as food but not killing pets xD its like you want a tantrum spiral

Caesar Josephus

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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #89 on: June 06, 2018, 03:10:35 pm »

It's seems that all the overseers have their perks. Ququasaris is militaristic; comicraider and kamatec are practical.
What's next? Obsession with cats? Atom smashers? Mass production of mugs?!?
"What could possibly go wrong?" - Quill18

I would be careful... Kamatec may seem jovial, but he secretly leads an endless legion of Lawyers.
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