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Author Topic: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)  (Read 17542 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #105 on: June 13, 2018, 10:34:08 pm »

Ve solved the mystery of the missing corpses. GPeters corpse vas found on the ground just outside the barracks. I guess some DISGUSTING FOOL decided he'd had enough hauling corpses for vun day und left GPeter to rot.

Luckily, Tosid vas already on it by the time I found it.

GPeter is now interred for good in her gold tomb. Ve vill mourn her, und alvays remember the important things, like her love of backpacks.

Summer creeps avay vit it's tail betveen it's legs in ze face of Autumn's chill breeze, und ve continue vork. Ze militia are vonce again training hard, und are now vorthy ov being called something vaguely resembling a militia. At ze very least, they are no longer all recruits.

I vonder how the cavekitten did exploring the caverns?

Still, alive, huh? Und now a cavecat. Und the caverns are almost entirely explored, too.

You know vot? You've earned it, little vun. You may come back up.

Progress continues slowly. Vit half the fortress training for battle, construction vork is slow, but steady. Ve vill get there eventually.

The outpost liason is here, vit an offer.

I considered it for a vhile and eventually came to the conclusion that the dvarf most skilled in martial prowess should lead us from the front. Congratulations, Baron Speciesunknown!

Zere vas some other papervork. I requested steel und the ores vith vitch to make steel. In return the mountainhomes requested toys und plants. PATHETIC.

I traded the dwarven caravan some meltable steel and iron knicknacks, plus a variety of raw food, in exchange for the useless bronze crown Olon made. Zey told me it vas "a great treasure" and that they respected this was "no mere trade". Funny how it's a priceless artifact now that the trade is complete. Didn't seem that vay vhen we were spending hours haggling about it's vorth und throwing in a bit of free food on the side to finalize the deal.

"Here's your glorious crown, vould you like fries vit that?"

The caravan is leaving along the highway we've been working on.

Ah, excellent! A test of our mettle. All sqvads, advance!

The sword sqvad vill be the first on the scene, but probably not in time to save Deler, a brewer, and Adil, a fishery worker. Ve vill haf to see how fast they can run.

Luckily, our dvarves are not the only vun's at the gate. A few stragglers from the dvarven caravan are still in the area. A female macedvarf by the name of Kadol bravely turns to defend our fleeing citizens. Vith luck, she vill be able to hold the beast until ve can arrive.

Battle is joined! Kadol shows off her expertise with the mace, und it is immediately clear that our dvarves still haf much to learn. Even our most skilled Macedvarf, Kaemurl, could not have matched her blow for blow. Not by a long shot.

In spite of her skill, her veapon is bronze: a poor material for a mace. Incapable of defeating the beast vith it, she nonetheless doles out a swift and terrifying series of hits, receiving only slight bruises in return. She is certainly formidable, but the Minotaur is many times her size: one solid hit is all it would take to kill her. Thankfully, she can no doubt hear the shouts of the sword sqvad approaching and knows she does not have to hold out forever.

The frontrunner, a female swordsdwarf who is also named Kadol arrives to help back up Mercenary Kadol.

The minotaur promptly grabs swordsdwarf Kadol by the sock and lifts her over his head, presumably to use as a blunt force veapon against Mercenary Kadol. This proves to be an error, as our Kadol uses the extra height to sink her sword up to the hilt into the beasts throat. The minotaur is unfazed, und casually informs everyone that he has improved his fighting.

Kadol takes advantage of the momentary confusion to crush the beasts hand, causing it to collapse in pain.

All the other dwarves fall on the beast in a flurry of slashing and stabbing, and it is Imic who swoops at the last moment to claim the final blow, separating the beast's head from it's shoulders.

Vith the beast dead, all is vell. Ve say goodbye to the caravan and Deler profusely thanks the mercenary Kadol Bluntnet for saving his life. She says she vos just doing her job, but nonetheless leaves here a hero of Mountainbreed.

It's finally time to ensure our vater supply vonce and for all. Zefon does the honours.

Run, Zefon, you PITEOUS PIG CHILD!

In moments, the reservoir fills. All that is left is to pull the lever to close the floor bars, und ve vill have safe access to the clean, deep vaters.

Start of vinter:

« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 10:01:19 pm by QuQuasar »


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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #106 on: June 14, 2018, 06:20:41 am »

That macedwarf would have been a fine addition to the town...
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #107 on: June 14, 2018, 04:22:09 pm »

if i might, could i be dorfed? as a militiadwarf who dreams of becoming Legendary in the use of the human weapon knows as the whip.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #108 on: June 14, 2018, 10:42:49 pm »

This place is shaping up to look real impressive. Dorf me as Bearskie.

Legendary Cheesemaker

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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #109 on: June 15, 2018, 04:12:22 pm »

Would you take a 10th overseer?

Also, if it's acceptable, could I be dorfed as a craftsdwarf (mason, carpenter, cheesemaker, etc)? Since the name is a bit long, perhaps just a cheesy joke name (I.e. "Big Cheese" or smth silly like that)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 04:16:05 pm by Legendary Cheesemaker »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #110 on: June 15, 2018, 08:14:51 pm »

Alrighty then, time to finish up this turn. First things first, meet our new dwarves:

Snowyscales. We don't have a whip on site, so I've armed you with a flail for now and put you in charge of an any-weapon squad. Is completely convinced of his own worthlessness.

Bearskie. Skilled Hammerdwarf. I pulled you from the hammer-squad and put you in charge of a second hammer-squad. Considers working hard to be abject idiocy.

Spoiler: Bearskie (click to show/hide)

Big Cheese. Our legendary mason, creator of Shagogakith "The Static Wrath", a granite quern. Personally would just as soon have nature and the great outdoors burned to ashes and converted into a great mining pit.

Spoiler: Big Cheese (click to show/hide)

Deler's near fatal run in vith the minotaur convinced me that ve need to further expand the military. If Kadol had not been there, our PATHETIC, UNDISCIPLINED SWORDDVARVES vould not haf made it in time, und our best brewer vould haf been gored to death, or votever it is minotaurs do to their victims.

Some might say a militia of 80 in a fortress of 109 vos overkill. Those people are PITIFUL FOOLS. Zere is no such thing as overkill vhen it comes to the military.

Deler (not Brewer Deler, another Deler) started screaming madly about a clothiers shop in the middle of the dining hall. Ve built him von, and he claimed it and immediately started screaming madly about silk cloth.

Vell, that's not too difficult. Ve vill open the caverns briefly. Nobody hear knows how to veave, but ve can learn.

Deler claims the silk cloth and continues screaming madly vhile ve collect more thread. Vonce he has two units, construction on his masterpiece begins.

It's exactly as much a pile of VORTHLESS SPIDERDUNG as expected.

The remainder of the year passed uneventfully. Ve vorked on ze southern border, constructing granite und orthoclase valls atop the cliffs ve had dug to protect ourselves.

Ve also built a bronze drawbridge, und installed the lever for it in the new dining hall.

Speaking of vich, Mountainbreed is now self-sustaining. Ze food production area vos a GLORIOUS SUCCESS.

But not nearly as glorious as my true legacy as overseer! SIXTY DISCIPLINED DVARVES, trained in the NOBLE ARTS OF BLOODSHED. Zey vill fight und die upon the battlefield vit no remorse, nor regret for the lives they must take in defense of their home! They vill instill FEAR UND PAIN, in Mountainbreeds enemies! A glorious army, bringing death und destruction forevermore!

Spring is here, und I must now turn over the overseership to some cowardly, veak, pathetic dvarf. Vit hope, the armies of Mountainbreed vill sustain themselves vitout my iron vill guiding them to glory. Ve can but hope!

Save file is here:

A few out of character notes:

* This character came out a lot more sane than I was expecting her to. I was planning to completely cripple construction/production work and draft, arm and armour every dwarf of the fortress, but there was too much still to do. Regardless, I did manage to get weapons into the hands of 80 dwarves, 50-60 of them are trained and 20-30 are decently armoured, so not a bad result.

* Both entrances are way too close to the border. A siege or titan spawning at either one would be inside the walls before we realized what had happened.

* Our only brewer is barely proficient, so while we haven't actually had any drinks shortages yet, we're not in a comfortable position booze-wise. Got plenty of food, though.

* The place is horrendously inefficient. That's mostly my fault: I turned all our haulers into recruits and as a result had to delete a bunch of stockpile links to get anything done.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 09:01:59 pm by QuQuasar »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #111 on: June 16, 2018, 08:29:39 am »


Did anyone else read QuQuazar's character in Hitler's shouting speech voice? Makes it extra entertaining.

I can't remember, has my dog's character sheet been posted yet? I'd love to see if I'll mandate something useful like weapons or shields or armor or if it'll be 'make me fifteen bismuth bronze amulets, bitch!'
DF Veterans- n. - One who has lost one or more forts due to a stupid oversight.

Morality is relative,/Puppies are cheap,/Dwarves are zealots of,/A place that creeps and leaks,/where oversears send them to die,/so we may feast on their on their sorrow,/as we chew on their marrow
Just never forget,/That Bloodyhells is always a threat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #112 on: June 16, 2018, 10:00:16 am »

what version of DF is this in anyways? only i tried downloading the save so i could go poke about in legends, and it wouldn't show up


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #113 on: June 16, 2018, 11:38:06 am »

what version of DF is this in anyways? only i tried downloading the save so i could go poke about in legends, and it wouldn't show up

When I passed the save to Quasar, It was on 44.10, I don't know about It anymore...

Would you take a 10th overseer?

Also, if it's acceptable, could I be dorfed as a craftsdwarf (mason, carpenter, cheesemaker, etc)? Since the name is a bit long, perhaps just a cheesy joke name (I.e. "Big Cheese" or smth silly like that)

If we survive until there...
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #114 on: June 16, 2018, 05:22:21 pm »

ah, that'll be it then. i'm still on 44.09.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #115 on: June 16, 2018, 06:00:34 pm »

Ah, think my turn's next up on the list.

It's late as hell for me, I'll re-read all the posts to get myself up to speed and start it tomorrow :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #116 on: June 17, 2018, 09:03:37 pm »

If there isn't one by the time of my turn, I'm gonna build a temple for the dorfs to praise armok the most popular god and seriously neglect and shun everydorf who doesn't.
He is quite portly, for a human. His hair is extremely long. His hazel eyes are always half-closed. His nose bridge is convex. His chin has a slight cleft. His nose is slightly hooked.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #117 on: June 18, 2018, 09:27:52 am »

Grander surface structures aren't my forte, so I'll primarily be building shitty overflow housing for "low-priority" citizens and non-dwarven visitors outside the main walls to act like meatshields while I get other stuff underway, I'll figure out which god is most popular and put the others' temples outside in the ghetto xD


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #118 on: June 18, 2018, 10:07:01 am »

Good idea for the ghetto. Design it so the baddies have to go through all the visitor's rooms and fight them all. >: D
DF Veterans- n. - One who has lost one or more forts due to a stupid oversight.

Morality is relative,/Puppies are cheap,/Dwarves are zealots of,/A place that creeps and leaks,/where oversears send them to die,/so we may feast on their on their sorrow,/as we chew on their marrow
Just never forget,/That Bloodyhells is always a threat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MountainBreed - Dwarf Town - Sucession Game (Players needed!)
« Reply #119 on: June 25, 2018, 08:14:44 pm »

Hello the town! It's been a week, how goes Mountainbreed?
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