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Author Topic: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]  (Read 16897 times)


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2018, 01:18:48 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 01:21:00 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2018, 01:32:57 am »

Name: Ma'Rook (The Hands That Eat)
Class: Other
Appearance: Ma'Rook is a towering iridescent pearly humanoid. He has no lower body, instead his muscular torso and arms repeat six times, and then breaks into thousands of distended arms. He is often seen coiling around himself like a snake at rest with thousands of writhing hands protruding from beneath. Ma'Rook has no head, but instead his neck splits into three long arms. On the palm of each of these there is a single large eye. Ma'Rook will often move these around while looking at something, which comes off as disorienting and disturbing to the target of his gaze. Ma'Rook has a large maw in the chest of his first torso, his white beating heart visible in the back of his gaping hungry throat. Each of his twelve main arms have a smaller mouth in the palm of each, smaller pearly hearts can be seen beating in these as well.
Realm style: Ma'Rook's realm is viscus milky ocean dotted by black islands of flawless stone and black soft sand. A black sun crosses the sky here, draining the color of all beneath. Smooth holes connect number of unconnected areas here to other places
Spheres: days Need, Blood, Caverns, Light, Body (Under construction)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 07:19:13 am by Roboson »


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #32 on: May 22, 2018, 01:46:48 am »

Name: "I am Aiwibhttjoikuboneschwëltom!ernauocks, the One with Wings of Magenta, but you may call me Ivy if you find that too hard to pronounce."
Class: "You would call me 'Other One'."
Appearance: "To gaze upon me is to see that strict father who said you'd never amount to anything, that cool teacher who always cheered for you and pushed you on when you were about to give up, that girl who acted as if she loved whatever you did, even if it was your first time doing it and it didn't really feel that good. And in the end, you see... yourself. You cannot blame me for your own failings. If you were to see through this guise, however, you would see a little magenta-winged butterfly, flying without a care, without an aim... and no less happier for it. Maybe there's something to learn from this."
Realm Style (Optional): "A gloomy, twisted mountain of polished silver that never appears any less tall, no matter how long you climb. It is a place of endless Sisyphean struggle. Of slippery cliffs, of daring jumps, of painful falls. And you can't stop looking at yourself in the mirror-like surface. But it is not an entirely pointless struggle; maybe someday you'll reach the top and reach me. I'm afraid that day is not today."
Spheres: "Passion, Hope, and Tragedy. There's no reason not to try and do what you love, no? After all, isn't the fun in the journey?"
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2018, 01:48:25 am »

Name: Maïspapa/Païsmama, Motherland, Lord of the Harvest, Peacemaker, Corn Pope
Class: Great Creator
Description: Who measures out the harvest season? Who blesses the harvest and causes it to grow strong? Who brings forth the peace at the end of a war? The answer to all of these questions is, of course, the Païsmama/Maïspapa, who takes the form of a giant clay bull/heifer. As the Maïspapa, It brings much fertility to all who call on Its name, and as the Païsmama, It intervenes to save what It sees as Its stepchildren. The Maïspapa/Païsmama loves all mortals regardless of their creator and divine status and would love nothing more than for all the world to live as one happy (agrarian) family.
Realm style: Sprawling fields and pastures on endless plains and flooded terraces on rolling hills make up the Païsmama/Maïspapa's idyllic domain. Villages dot the landscape, and the fields are perpetually white with harvest.
Spheres: Earth, Prosperity, Agriculture, Peace, Fertility, Family, Peasants, Cows
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 02:11:27 am by Kilojoule Proton »

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2018, 02:42:43 am »

"Alright, time to do my job. We have... 13 applicants. That's a tremendous amount, and I'm really glad the 3rd option actually didn't pass."

Name: Manannan Silverhand
Class: Great Destructor
Appearance: His true form, adopted only within his realm, in visions to mortals, and generally where the needs of physical reality do not apply, is a perfectly flat pool of still water stretching off into the horizon in all directions. This is somewhat inconvenient for everyday purposes, so he is more commonly seen as a figure drawing design elements from whatever living entities he has lately seen, always with one hand or hand-analogue composed of silvery water (though not always the same hand).
Realm Style: An endless flat plane of still water with a transparent, watery humanoid figure seated floating in the centre, its head against its knees. Though this figure sometimes speaks for Manannan, it is not Manannan, and any who dare raise a hand against it will find their blows passing through nothing but ordinary water — for Manannan is (as you can probably figure out) the vast pool of water beneath instead. Although, when Manannan is not in his realm, the water is still there; it simply isn't Manannan at those times. He doesn't really know how that works and would prefer you not question it. Beings in some way native to the realm step lightly upon the surface of the pool and never sink into it, while outsiders, lacking this skill, are buoyed by platforms of ice created by the god wherever they go — and one key feature of this realm is that, though the water stretches endlessly in all directions and there is only one centre, no matter how far you may walk, you are never quite as far from the centre as you ought to be by the ordinary principles of geometry.
Spheres: Water, and spirit, which is the same thing as water, and the void between universes, which is also the same thing as those other two things.

And Manannan naturally speaks in orange, the better to stand out against the deep blue of his true form.
"Great Destructor of Water, Watery Spirit and Watery Void: Manannan Silverhand. The only Destructor... I guess that means you are in! It wouldn't be fun if there wasn't some rowdy god to spice things up mmh?"

Manannan Silverhand (Maximum Spin) is in

Name: Acter Nobody
Class: Ascendant
Appearance: He looks like someone started the bare bones of a sketch of a humanoid being, and then brought it to life. In his right hand, he carries his shovel, and the arm has metallic-looking vines growing across and between the lines that make it up, while in his left hand, he holds a book (blank blue cover, golden pages), and that arm has a slowly-shifting stream of light extending from the shoulder to the wrist. He wears an intricately-decorated black-and-gold cloak, appearing somewhere between a mage’s robes and a scientist’s lab coat.
And yes, I'm pretty sure he's gotten more intricate each time I describe him. Sue me.
Realm Style: Acter's realm doesn't look like much, really. Mostly just like a normal town, or a city if those have become common. Essentially, it looks roughly similar to the most advanced location the mortals have made, or rather, draws elements from the most advanced places and things any and all mortals have made (be they technological or arcane), but it doesn't come across as explicitly divine. However, within it, Acter can "sketch out" various objects he may want or need; they retain a "drawn" appearance, though whether that manifests as the object being wireframe, looking like it's two-dimensional, or some other look depends on a mix of the current artistic paradigms of the mortals at a given moment in time and Acter's current mood and intent.
Spheres: Improvement, in all its forms.

And I speak like this, so I should thank you all not to try to mimic it.
"Ascendant/Ascended One of Improvement: Acter Nobody. Totally not familiar looking, huh. There is a fair bit of other god-turned-mortals... I'm gonna have to think a bit."

X’arilyg, Hope’s End
Class: Other One
Appearance: X’arilyg is a giant eyeball construct that looks like a eyeball centralized on the top, with a tower adorned to the giant eyeball, and curved claws that hold the giant bulbous eyeball in place. The purple ziggurat stretches out and the limbs of X’arilyg come out, his tentacles and tendrils adorn with purple tendrils and their are a mass of them, they all end with a giant eyeball with a purple glint to them, there are eight tentacles coming from the eye-ziggurat god, finally the colossal eyeball that the ziggurat holds up is a purple eyeball with a void as its cornea, the pupil is a skinny oval-shape that has a black void to its, X’arilyg center eye is the center of gravity point and all mass consumes to his will.
Realm Style: The realm of X’arilyg is powerful and opposing, it is a plain of shadow and purple mist, with constant fungal tower structures with mounted eyeballs that all connects with roots that connect to the central part of the realm, being X’arilyg eyeball ziggurat, and the realm seems to sprawl out eternally, like growing madness. The ground is a purple surface, that changes its physic from material to another, at the whim of its own discretion or rather interval randomness.
Spheres: Insanity, Psychology, Intricacy... as they are things of the very fabrics that define dimensions, as all mortals are capable of these values and the laws of the realms allows these to exist.

”The entity referred to as X’arilyg speaks its accordance in this hue of chromatic light
"An Other One! That makes me so excited, and curious. You are in! Ahem. X'arilyg, Hope's End, Other One of Insanity, Psychology and Intricacy. Well, that's pretty straight forward. That will surely be fun, but watch out not to Strain me too much okay?"

X'arilyg, Hope's End (Shadowclaw777) is in

"Deci' is telling me to take you in... Well that's a first. Welcome aboard, Gasnareth Imrep, Great Creator of Death and Chaos! I will have some questions to ask later to you."

Gasnareth Imrep is in

"What? Favoritism? I never said I was fair."

Right. I have a sheet ready.

Name: Mistem Rithtolun
Class: Ascended One
Appearance: A grizzled, scarred dwarf, armored with light leather armor and armed with an immaculate steel axe.
Realm Style (Optional): A small dwarven outpost; freshly established. However, the outpost is not the focus of the Realm, instead a field that can be described as 'A short ways to the east' of said outpost. This field is littered with bloodspatters and fallen equipment; all the evidence of a fierce battles only without the bodies. Towards the western edge of the battlefield, littered equipment of both dwarven and goblin make reside... But to the east lies a veritable pile of goblin equipment; topped by an immaculate axe...
Spheres: Protection, Sacrifice, Last Stands
"Mistem Rithtolun... my dwarven is a bit rusty, but that Mistem means Portal? Dunno about the rest. Ahem, so Ascended One of Protection, Sacrifice and Last Stands. Mmh, that's flavorful. I need to give it more thought."

Recycled ruler in hopes of being able to do lots of stuff

Spoiler: Of might and magic (click to show/hide)

"Tachyon Everlord, Ascended One of Change, Metal and Magic. Another Ascended! "

Name: **/*****/**/*
Class: Ascended One
Appearance: A black humanoid figure reminiscent of Sasquatch with tentacles for arms.
Realm Style: A formless, gravityless plane filled with documents describing **/*****/**/*.
Spheres: Teleportation, Theft/Kidnapping, Love/Greed
"**/*****/**/*, Ascended One of Teleportation, Theft or Kidnapping and Love or Greed. Sorry if I botched your name. You don't seem really sure about your Spheres, why the slash?"

"Elmedo the Afflatus Asc... oh, another one. Of Expression, Thoughts and Talents. Mmh. A pretty one too."

Spoiler: Lifestealer (click to show/hide)
"Oh! Now that's a talkative fellow, I like this. Lifestealer will do, Awesomemest One doesn't really roll off the tongue. So you are an Ascended One of Possession, Youth and Fun right? That's quite the varied spheres, interesting. Now your... hobbies? Are a bit weird. I mean, aren't you supposed to be a GOD? Like, immortal? Well, I'm not judging but... that just seems like one weird hobby."

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
"Okay. Now I get why gods say Other Ones are weird. Mavnon, Other One of Mental Illness. I didn't know senility could actually affect immortals..."

Name: Ma'Rook (The Hands That Eat)
Class: Other
Appearance: Ma'Rook is a towering iridescent pearly humanoid. He has no lower body, instead his muscular torso and arms repeat six times, and then breaks into thousands of distended arms. He is often seen coiling around himself like a snake at rest with thousands of writhing hands protruding from beneath. Ma'Rook has no head, but instead his neck splits into three long arms. On the palm of each of these there is a single large eye. Ma'Rook will often move these around while looking at something, which comes off as disorienting and disturbing to the target of his gaze. Ma'Rook has a large maw in the chest of his first torso, his white beating heart visible in the back of his gaping hungry throat. Each of his twelve main arms have a smaller mouth in the palm of each, smaller pearly hearts can be seen beating in these as well.
Realm style: Ma'Rook's realm is (under construction)
Spheres: Need, Blood, Caverns, Light, Body (Under construction)
"Another Other One, which seems much saner than that Mavnon one. Ma'Rook the Other One of Need, Blood, Caverns, Light, Body... and potentially more? Let's just hope this one is not like Mavnon. "

Name: "I am Aiwibhttjoikuboneschwëltom!ernauocks, the One with Wings of Magenta, but you may call me Ivy if you find that too hard to pronounce."
Class: "You would call me 'Other One'."
Appearance: "To gaze upon me is to see that strict father who said you'd never amount to anything, that cool teacher who always cheered for you and pushed you on when you were about to give up, that girl who acted as if she loved whatever you did, even if it was your first time doing it and it didn't really feel that good. And in the end, you see... yourself. You cannot blame me for your own failings. If you were to see through this guise, however, you would see a little magenta-winged butterfly, flying without a care, without an aim... and no less happier for it. Maybe there's something to learn from this."
Realm Style (Optional): "A gloomy, twisted mountain of polished silver that never appears any less tall, no matter how long you climb. It is a place of endless Sisyphean struggle. Of slippery cliffs, of daring jumps, of painful falls. And you can't stop looking at yourself in the mirror-like surface. But it is not an entirely pointless struggle; maybe someday you'll reach the top and reach me. I'm afraid that day is not today."
Spheres: "Passion, Hope, and Tragedy. There's no reason not to try and do what you love, no? After all, isn't the fun in the journey?"
"Aaand one more Other One. It seems they actually come in batch. It does make sense in a way... Aiw... Ivy! Yes, Ivy the Other One of Passion, Hope and Tragedy. Mmh! I like this one!"

Name: Maïspapa/Païsmama, Lord of the Harvest, Mother of Peace, Corn Pope
Class: Great Creator
Description: Who measures out the harvest season? Who blesses the harvest and causes it to grow strong? Who brings forth the peace at the end of a war? The answer to all of these questions is, of course, the Païsmama/Maïspapa, who takes the form of a giant clay bull/heifer. As the Maïspapa, It brings much fertility to all who call on his name, and as the Païsmama, It intervenes to save what It sees as Its stepchildren. The Maïspapa/Païsmama loves all mortals regardless of their creator and divine status and would love nothing more than for all the world to live as one happy (agrarian) family.
Realm style: Sprawling fields and pastures on endless plains and flooded terraces on rolling hills make up the Païsmama/Maïspapa's idyllic domain. Villages dot the landscape, and the fields are perpetually white with harvest.
Spheres: Earth, Prosperity, Agriculture, Peace, Fertility, Family, Peasants, Cows
"And the latest, a Great Creator who arrived late. Maïspapa or Païsmama, Lord of the Harvest, Mother of etc. Sphres: Earth, Prosperit, and a bunch of other stuff. Are you sure you aren't slightly related to that Mavnon fellow?"


"Gasnareth and Manannan Silverhand are in, which complete the Destructor/Creator duo.
X'arilyg for resident Other One. There are six Ascended Ones, three Other Ones and one Great Creator left. Mmh... Six or nine. Haa. Let's get crazy. Nine it is!"

"The following gods have been hired!"

Gasnareth Imrep (crazyabe)
Manannan Silverhand (Maximum Spin)
X'arilyg (Shadowclaw777)
Aiwibhttjoikuboneschwëltom!ernauocks aka Ivy (IcyTea31)
Lifestealer (FallacyofUrist)
Tachyon Everlord (Rahx)
MPaïspmapma (Kilojoule Proton)
Ma'Rook (Roboson)
Elmedo the Afflatus (Sl4cker)

"That was hard. I wish I could have taken everyone in, but I would probably implode from the strain..."

Ema rolls a die.
"Ma'Rook, Lifestealer and Tachyon Everlord have been chosen as Major Gods. Sorry everyone else, you are Minor Gods! We may start proper soon, I just need to prepare the place for your arrival."

"Remaining Gods, don't leave the waiting room right now! There is a chance I will be able to allow you entry as Minor Gods after a few Cycles. I just need to test my limits. You are put on some waitlist in the meantime."



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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2018, 02:50:12 am »

Spoiler: RAWR (click to show/hide)
"I'M SORRY. Your sheet just kinda... flew under the table! (there is no table) To apologize, I'm letting you in as a Minor God. Sorry again, Razel."


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame)
« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2018, 02:54:37 am »

Name: X’arilyg, Hope’s End
Class: Other One
Appearance: X’arilyg is a giant eyeball construct that looks like a eyeball centralized on the top, with a tower adorned to the giant eyeball, and curved claws that hold the giant bulbous eyeball in place. The purple ziggurat stretches out and the limbs of X’arilyg come out, his tentacles and tendrils adorn with purple tendrils and their are a mass of them, they all end with a giant eyeball with a purple glint to them, there are eight tentacles coming from the eye-ziggurat god, finally the colossal eyeball that the ziggurat holds up is a purple eyeball with a void as its cornea, the pupil is a skinny oval-shape that has a black void to its, X’arilyg center eye is the center of gravity point and all mass consumes to the entity’s will.
Realm Style: The realm of X’arilyg is powerful and opposing, it is a plain of shadow and purple mist, with constant fungal tower structures with mounted eyeballs that all connects with roots that connect to the central part of the realm, being X’arilyg eyeball ziggurat, and the realm seems to sprawl out eternally, like growing madness. The ground is a purple surface, that changes its physic from material to another, at the whim of its own discretion or rather interval randomness.
Spheres: The Mind ((Also referred by Insanity to the Blissful)), Psychology, Intricacy, Progression.. as they are things of the very fabrics that define dimensions, as all mortals are capable of these values and the laws of the realms allows these to exist. This entity does not see the negative connotation that needs to apply to a dimension, it is as intricate as it necessary, all things from mortals to the physics of a realm need growth and progression attach to them, so that we all may see their journey, the mind and one’s own inverse fallacy are just development that are innately intricate and must be explored, all things must progress and the consciousness even further so...

”The entity referred to as X’arilyg speaks its accordance in this hue of chromatic light
"Hey! Your application form changed halfway! Not that it matters though."






"Yep, I'm totally going to lose my mind at some point..."
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 03:09:27 am by Nakéen »


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #37 on: May 22, 2018, 04:18:04 am »

"The universe is open everyone!"

IC Thread

Dustan Hache

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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2018, 06:57:10 am »

Name: Inanis Dominus
Class: an Other One, Alteration
Appearance: A spherical void in whatever plane he is currently interacting on, with a malleable outer shell to take more familiar shapes.
Realm Style: He is one off the only Other ones to lack a place in the Other Plane. He is an outcast, and thus frequently is found incarnated in whatever world he dwells on currently.
Spheres: Endings, Rebirth, Outcasts.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2018, 08:12:29 am »

Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #40 on: May 22, 2018, 09:50:30 am »

The slash is supposed to mean that the concepts the spheres are based on can only be adequately expressed in two words.
Roll to Multitask, seeking new players.
Yeah sorry, someone blew up a street in my state and took the internet down for multiple days with it.
This really happened. 2020 was wild.


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #41 on: May 22, 2018, 12:14:27 pm »

Name: Inanis Dominus
Class: an Other One, Alteration
Appearance: A spherical void in whatever plane he is currently interacting on, with a malleable outer shell to take more familiar shapes.
Realm Style: He is one off the only Other ones to lack a place in the Other Plane. He is an outcast, and thus frequently is found incarnated in whatever world he dwells on currently.
Spheres: Endings, Rebirth, Outcasts.
"One more to the waitlist!"


The slash is supposed to mean that the concepts the spheres are based on can only be adequately expressed in two words.
"Oh, I see."



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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #42 on: May 22, 2018, 12:34:13 pm »

There's been this thing I've wanted to do for a while...

Acter sketches out a couple of dice, a table, and a set of chairs, sits down in one, and pulls out his book, setting it on the graphite-shaded platform.

Who wants to play an RTD? I've never run one before, so don't expect much, but it's a good way to pass the time. I'm thinking it'll be set on the high seas, but if any of you have some other ideas for games you'd want to play, just tell me.
Only those of us who're waiting can play.

[Yes, you will be playing gods waiting outside a universe playing characters in an RTD. I don't care if you stay IC for the second layer, but try to do so for the first.]


Alright, scratch the first idea. Ema's been talking to me a bit and we came up with the idea to set this in a certain other place a friend told me about. World called Tes, if I recall correctly. Age of Mortals is ending, and as a Primordial One rises from the depths of the planet, the Age of Discord begins. You're a group of mortals that has banded together to survive - or maybe to take advantage of the chaos. It's your decision on what to do. Any takers?

[And a final note: you are required to make at least some sort of character sheet for Ema to join this RTD, but you can say that you’re only here for the RTD if you don’t want to play Ema itself.]
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 01:53:01 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #43 on: May 22, 2018, 05:47:09 pm »


Roll to Multitask, seeking new players.
Yeah sorry, someone blew up a street in my state and took the internet down for multiple days with it.
This really happened. 2020 was wild.


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Re: Ema: a Story of Gods (Godgame) [Waiting Room]
« Reply #44 on: May 22, 2018, 05:51:54 pm »

...I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't actually know what you're trying to say. Actually, no, it think I've got an idea, but it's hard to decipher.
Also, before you can start doing things, you'll have to set up a character. Just give me a race, a name, a physical description, and a small blurb about who they were before the Age of Discord began.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.
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