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Author Topic: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace  (Read 26402 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #285 on: May 06, 2019, 05:11:05 am »

Alright, so, that's unfortunate. Doubly so since the downside of the Alate fix could've been negated by a working Watcher shield, since it would most likely eliminate small munitions before they could strike the armour.

I've been working on the numbers, and currently I'm suggesting the following:
-Build up Metal & Energetics industries on our core worlds (Bravo, Charlie, and Papa). The cost to fill each world with 5 ranks of both industries (the maximum) is 6000 Metal (and other stuff, but Metal is our bottleneck). We might reduce the Energetics buildup to rank 3 or 4, if we decide we'd rather spend the Metal elsewhere.
-Build fortifications on the Liir border worlds. To build rank 1 Defence Grids on both Echo and Quebec would cost 2200 Metal. This would make them easier to defend from Liir invasions, freeing up resources for the more contentious Gaian front.
-Build fortifications on Papa, the core world that links to the two Gaian border worlds. A rank 1 Defence Grid on Papa would cost 600 1200 Metal. We only have 3 regiments on Papa, so if the Gaians are feeling daring, they could launch an invasion of Papa and probably push us back 4 sections before we can react. With a Defence Grid, we get [planet size] free defensive regiments, and boosts to defensive strength, making it much harder for Gaians to get a foothold. I'm not sure about this item, however. The Gaians would be taking a fairly big risk pushing into Papa, plus by holding troops in reserve, they'd be weakening their attempts to capture the border worlds.
-Repair the No-Fair-Fight, at a cost of 926.25 Metal (I think, I may have done the maths wrong, but it's something close to that).
-Refit the No-Fair-Fight. This cost varies, depending on what we want to do. I had drawn up plans for a fairly extensive refit that would cost around 1000 Metal, but since the Watcher is still broken, that refit plan is out. Of note, if we do all the items above this, we would be left with 60.75 Metal, so any refits will require cutting some of the things above.
-Notably, not repairing the two damaged carriers. That would cost about 600 Metal. I think we can leave them damaged for a turn.
-Produce a few carriers with PP. We have about 44k income, and 7230 carryover from last turn (that can only be spent on a carrier). Each carrier costs 7835PP, so we could build 6 at most. I think we might want to only build 2 or 3, though, and put the rest into our black market tech bid.

As you can see, there's plenty to think about just in terms of production, I haven't put a lot of thought into strategy yet. Here's the basics:

Obviously we want to drop the troops waiting above Bravo on Tango, which means sending a fleet to protect them- possibly the one at Sierra?
I think the Sierra fleet should do quite well versus anything the Gaians or Liir throw at it- the second cruiser gives it a lot more firepower-, but it isn't as big as it could be. It's currently at a command cost of 60CP, and our max is 75 (that's a base of 15, plus 60 from the Queen's Directive), so we could fit two more destroyers or a cruiser in there.
The fleet at Quebec is slightly bigger than the fleet at Echo was, but it would still probably not do too well versus the Liir, assuming they have another fleet similar to (or larger than) the one that they sent to Echo ready to move on Quebec- so the Quebec fleet needs to either be reinforced, or moved.
So, if we expect there to be a big fleet waiting for us in Tango, then we should probably send the Sierra fleet there, split off two destroyers from the Quebec fleet and send them along too, and send the rest of the Quebec fleet home. We might have to play it safe, since this is the last turn that we'd be guaranteed to prevent the Gaians from capping Tango; it's impossible (short of them having a Speed 3 bore drive, which I doubt) for them to already have 10/10 control, but they could be at 8/10 (and thus just about to cap it). On the other hand, doing this would leave us with no fleets above any other world, basically. There's an argument for leaving the Sierra fleet where it is, to prevent the Gaians from landing reinforcements, and sending only the Quebec fleet to Tango... I dunno.
The fleet at Echo needs to come home for repairs, as does the one at Oscar, obviously. We can't really afford to build a new command cruiser this turn, so we can't really send out a new fleet.

So, thoughts? Anything I missed?
« Last Edit: May 07, 2019, 01:45:54 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #286 on: May 06, 2019, 01:18:41 pm »

What's the main benefit in sending the big fleet to Tango? Would we be able to actually get something out of it in the very near future, or would we just prevent the Gaians from getting anything out of it?

Given what little I've heard about all this, it might be wise to not endanger a large fleet for a turn, given the number that seem to need repair and such? I don't really feel qualified to have an opinion here, but it might be best to play it safe with our ships this turn.

Not anything that special, but an idea for something that might give us some better planetside capabilities, beyond the generic defense grid that we currently have. Tell me if I'm formatting things wrong, or shouldn't be proposing research stuff at this time, or anything, of course. I'm not too comfortable with this whole deal yet.
[OUR] (DAM) <Entrenchment> Gen A.1.0
[We] were born in the canyons, digging into the walls, ever at the mercy of earthquakes and cave ins, in exchange for safety from the merciless sun. [Our] experience in tunnels and caves is unsurpassed.

Utilizing the lessons of a millenia of underground construction [We] can dig in on a planet, augmenting [Our] ability to hold out or overrun a planet. While [We] utilize these tactics in a multitude of ways: for ambushes, for undermining enemy structures, and for that fear that an unseen flood of troops from the ground produces. But by far the most valuable aspect of the tunnels is in obfuscation of troop locations and movements, and accelerating troop deployment by avoiding surface terrain obstacles and fortifications that might slow us.

This is not a job for just any prince or drone. These subtleties require specialization, an elite corps of directing princes to reduce the workload on the queens provides that, and specialized workers, [Deep] Alphas. These uniquely bred Alpha drones are built to work long hours in low light, claustrophobic conditions.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 08:31:10 pm by Strider03 »
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #287 on: May 06, 2019, 01:38:48 pm »

We have 4 cruisers. 1 is damaged and heading home for repairs.  The max fleet size can hold the remaining 3, as well as some carriers.  Previously, we've seen our cruisers hold out against much larger fleets; 3 of them together should be safe enough to stand against anything we've seen thusfar.

Tango is the most resource-rich planet on the map.  It's implied to have some goodies there, too.  We suspect that Gaia has taken it, or at the very least there may be some npc hostile.  Caution is advised; if Gaia has it, then we can't let them hold it since it will put us at a pretty staggering disadvantage (same for the Liir, though they are slow enough they may not arrive).  The central location makes it a decent staging point for combat operations, and a 3 cruiser fleet means it has the strike power to do serious damage if we move elsewhere.

I favor this more aggressive approach; consolidated fleet power, moving in a pro-active posture to secure a strategically and economically valuable board position.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #288 on: May 06, 2019, 01:41:05 pm »

The fleet at Sierra is untouched and ready for battle. The benefit of sending the fleet to Tango is that it would allow us to safely land troops on the planet; first to deny it to the Gaians, and eventually (hopefully) to claim it for ourselves. I'm assuming that Tango is a pretty valuable prize, since it's in the middle of the map and size 10- it's designed for us all to fight over it, so it must be worth it. Letting the Gaians get their hands on all those resources would be a disaster, especially since once you claim a planet, it's yours until you are totally driven off of it.
We have 12 regiments in orbit of Bravo, ready to drop onto Tango. Given that the Gaians sent only 4 regiments to the border worlds (initially), I'm guessing that 12 will be enough to at the very least prevent the Gaians from capping the planet in the next two turns.

We suspect that Gaia has taken it, or at the very least there may be some npc hostile.  Caution is advised; if Gaia has it, then we can't let them hold it since it will put us at a pretty staggering disadvantage (same for the Liir, though they are slow enough they may not arrive).
Ah, no, they literally can't have control over it (unless they have a Speed 3 bore drive). The most control they can have is 8/10.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #289 on: May 06, 2019, 03:34:57 pm »

Well then denying it makes sense to me. Seems too big an advantage to let them take without paying for it. What eS said, aggression over this prime territory, consolidated fleets. Our biggest power is in numbers, and those work best when together in overwhelming force.
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #290 on: May 07, 2019, 01:47:33 am »

Regarding black market tech, whilst I like eS's 4D Parasites, I feel like Ichor might have more applications. I might rewrite the proposal, just to flesh it out a bit, if DGR doesn't mind.

E: Something like this, perhaps. I tried to keep the same basic idea as DGR's proposal, but fleshed out a little more.
Nanotechnology (or at least, the potential for it) has been studied before. However, it was deemed too complex and expensive to be viable- at least with the technology we had available to us. Now, thanks to the Watchers, the field can be re-examined. What the Watchers refer to as "Ichor" promises to revolutionise everything from medicine to spaceship construction, by letting us manipulate matter on a microscopic scale. It comes to us in a hermetically sealed container, emblazoned with what appear to be alien warning symbols. So obviously we assigned only the most replaceable of princes to conduct the initial studies. No casualties of any importance were reported.

Ichor appears to be the product of an advanced civilisation, as the substance shows signs of having been created deliberately. However, parts of it are also uniquely 'alive', or close to it, at least- not cellular, but similar to viruses in some aspects, essentially acting as self-sustaining molecular machinery. These 'Ichorites' come in several different forms, some of which seem to do nothing, but without which the whole doesn't function- so we're just leaving the mixture as it is, for now.
In terms of appearance, Ichor resembles a black sludge, with a very slight green tint, and is never still- it constantly bubbles and sloshes as the Ichorites do... whatever it is they do.

Functionally, Ichor responds to (properly formatted) psionic commands, whereupon it will do... many things. We are still trying to figure out what the limitations are- so far, we've managed to make it produce strands of carbon fibre, break down organic matter and eject the constituent parts, self-destruct, and a few other minor tricks. However, we believe it is possible- with the right commands- to make Ichor produce far more complex structures, possibly even macroscopic in scale, or perform more elaborate transformative actions on a variety of substances. So far, it seems to work best with organic substances, but with greater understanding it may be possible to introduce metallic elements to its creations.

Production of Ichor is simple; when provided with the right mixture of organic chemicals, and given a 'null signal', it will self-replicate until it has consumed all available nutrition. Fears of a grey-goo scenario are mostly unfounded, as the Ichor requires a fairly specific mixture to replicate, and will not automatically convert inappropriate organic matter into the correct substances (without orders to do so).

Ichor has many potential applications, in areas our current technology does not cover. Whilst some work will be required to actually develop practical applications, we are satisfied that our purchase was worth it.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2019, 01:47:55 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #291 on: May 08, 2019, 12:40:57 pm »

Tried my hand at making some lore up, just because. I'd appreciate feedback!

Quote from: Lore, maybe
The [Council] was in session. The [Council] was always in session, alive with the throbbing of thousands of minds, guiding an ebbing sea of continuous decisions. The base threads of this tapestry consisted of minutiae: a dip in effeciency at recycling plant R.R.7.4.1, the perfect health of a Queen 8.9.1's new drones, a slight cool front coming in over one of the major canyons, and so much more. This constant hum sufficed as book-keeping, tedious and occasionally meaningless on its own. But the mixing of minds lead to its continuous background presence, and, if a Queen focused, she could feel some semblance of the health of all by absorbing that knowledge. This served as a useful diagnostic, ever present.

But diagnostics were not what Q. wanted write now, for she was bored, uninterested in the tedium that guiding her children so often was. Above the constant drone of diagnostics, there existed a pulsing ever-shifting narrative. Everything beyond the mundane found its way here, a dizzying mix of a thousand discussions ranging from tactics and the war effort to population expansion statistics, to philosophical debates. This intoxicatingly lively symphony was what Q. traversed, dedicating somewhat more of her mind to than usual. Advice on tactics near the fourth planet in the system, a pointed barb regarding  some lapse of judgement, a compliment to a Queen for a discovery in her labs, some more jabs, acknowledgement of some small facet of a prophecy being investigated; all this and more, Q. did in an instant.

Q. had a "name", a shortened designation, earned recently by dint of some excellent research Princes she had cultivated. But the name's origin was not one she particularly liked to think about. What subtle insult it was, to be named after the accomplishments of her subservients. Others might not find issue with this; if she were to quibble about it, almost every named Queen derived her name from an achievement with her drones, Princes, or Princesses. But Q. found issue with it, and it irked her. Yet, she did find it convenient to have a name. The shortened designation offered an infinitesimal increase in the speed of her communication, and she was glad to have that at least. It did not change the fact that the name, shortened to Clair [Cruiser Liftoff Apparatus Invention Researcher], among so many other things irked her.

Clair was stationed on [REDACTED]. A legion of drones, hundreds of Princes and dozens of Princesses existed at her beck and call, their gifts and power completely at her disposal. Yet, so often she was bored, or plagued by the seemingly endless shortages. And when this happened, Clair looked for a respite in good conversation, and for all that they were, her subordinates were not good conversation, barely even entertaining conversation--though on occasion the Princes did manage to do something amusing--no, for that Clair turned to the [Council]. And today, today things were interesting. Rebellion had occurred, rare enough on its own, but beyond that, a successful rebellion. Someone had erred, and drastically, and just a day ago, a Princess had stolen a new Wrath cruiser, and for a few short hours, had held a small but significant fraction of the Regalis hostage.

Above the usual hum of production orders, personal queries, and exploration reports; above the pulsing battle and research discussions; there rose a discordant clash. The Princess had been accepted as a Queen already, this there was no question about, Clair had voted for that as had all the others. There was no option, and the [Council]'s decision was final. But the aftermath, that was where things became complicated. What was to be done about this? At the outbreak of a war, a Princess had had the gall to steal a cruiser and ascend without permission of the [Council]. At the time when unity was crucial, this child had selfishly reached out and snatched at personal gain. This could not stand, obviously. At least it was obvious to Clair. Others disagreed.

. . .Return then, to the days before the [Council]? Clair and the Queen she addressed knew the answer to that. The pre-[Council] days were not desireable to anyone, with their endless skirmishes, theft, and isolation. Without proper procedure, Queens would be put on the [Council] before gaining that experience and wisdom that made the [Council] what it was. An influx of ignorant new blood would be dangerous.

(Extreme. [We] all know it. Addition of a hundred non-[Anointed] Queens would not be enough to slightly destabilize our Empire. You expect it as a slight agent, on top of others, that may threaten [Us]? Yes. Perhaps. Less so than our forces spread too thin, barely covering the worlds [We] need.) More minds, more commanders, more troops, more potential for expansion and survival. That was the other Queen's argument--one small facet of the many layered discussion going on--and with it, the images of drones spread thin, research staff overworked, ships crumbling against too many foes.

Not so extreme as you say. If a properly [Anointed] Queen cannot control her Princesses, Here a presence stirred, slowly building in anger,How likely then, that her illegitimate descendant will retain full control? It will accelerate. Another mind cut through. Clair's messages had been tinged with disgust for that Queen that had failed, and it had been percieved by that Queen. But she continued.

Beyond this remember the threat to Regalis. A chance of thousands dead, for one upstart Princess to make herself Queen. Images of the cruiser, just visible hanging precariously over the canyons. The upstart Queen had barely made it out alive, a fact that had been understated in the reports, but had been picked up on by all. Should another Princess try this, and fail, it would represent a terrible loss. If a Queen cannot control her Princesses--

 Q.2.4.1's interruption was vehement. <Ignorant. I must watch all my Princesses on Regalis, controlling my hundreds of thousands.> The inflection was clear, and Clair saw the images of so many more drones and Princesses than she herself controlled. <Hundreds work on projects where insubordination could be even more dangerous.> Q.2.4.1 added. Perhaps, but all that was an excuse to cover up the Q.2.4.1's failure.

The dangers of letting a Princess go unsupervised in a research lab pale in comparison to the prospect of ship. Nothing is more dangerous to the whole than what you let happen.

<You would have me abandon aspects of the war effort for this? I am disgusted, like you, but I had no choice.> Disgust was indeed obvious, the tags of disappointment, wrath, and under it all determination for the future, were plain to see. As much as she hated the situation, Clair had a grudging respect for the Queen. There was a defiance that could not be faked beneath her failure, admirable.

I see. A simple response tinged with pity and dismissal. Clair was not the only one criticizing Q.2.4.1, and that Queen's presence lessened as her attentions turned to other even less sympathetic voices. Constant during this, Clair's discussion with the other Queen had continued.

. . .The civilian threat is unavoidable, the most effective method of forcing a [Council] decision.

(Her's was determined, well planned, and creative. Precisely what [We] need in commanders. Those who might fail and hurt the whole would not make it half as far.)

You admire it? Do you ignore the severity of insurrection because of your heritage? Clair was nitpicking now, a single illegitimate in a long line was common enough, and its bearing on most things was minimal. To use it was not good form.

(A cheap shot.)

Acknowledged. Clair could not deny that. The other however, could not deny that her heritage might tint her decisions. And yet. . .

The local presences began to amass, the many distracted voices coming together in a unison note of [Disapproval]. The message varied with the speaker, but the meaning was always the same.

(Save your ire for the enemy. It does us no good.)

With a psionic message of resignation, Clair relented, letting her tone fall into agreement, and withdrawing from the discussion. She'd been in the wrong, at the end. They would not hold it against her for long, it happened to most at times of higher stress.

Her attention wandered back to her flock, and her irritation began to subside. Good news had arrived from some drones regarding a newly discovered ore vein, and production quotas would be met ahead of time. So, Clair began to plot things out, calculating resource costs and benefits of variations of orbital defense infrastructures around Regalis. Other pockets of the debate continued in the background, but more quietly as Clair pushed it aside. She'd hit a spot of luck for once--she couldn't recall the last time that had happened--and she wanted to savor it a bit.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 08:40:56 am by Strider03 »
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #292 on: May 09, 2019, 05:06:07 pm »

Quote from: 4d Spiral equations
This black market option, well, it's a data storage device that shows us how the Fibonacci sequence is an incomplete way to describe the flow of a particle, one that in essence creates entropy, which flows in a pattern matching the Fibonacci sequence, from areas of high complexity and energy, to areas of low complexity and energy, subtly effecting things and morphing them to match its flow. The data storage device we purchased, well, it contains the spiral concentration equation (A way to reverse the flow, in a small area, concentrating complexity and energy while the system is active, as well as obviously concentrating the spiral particles), the equations to describe the movement of spiral particles in relation to their emission point in four dimensions as well as designs for a kind of webbing that can interact with spiral particles not in line with the universe, blocking their flow and being carried along. Normally, spiral particles are emitted out of alignment with the normal world, along a fourth dimension of space. All known matter is along a single plane of this dimension, with spiral energy flowing outwards in both directions. The spiral concentration equation, also known as the anti spiral equation, let's us draw their flow around a point, in specific spiraling patterns, which draws them into line with the rest of the universe, letting them interact much more strongly with matter. While several other equations tell us how to shape the outwards flows, bending them in whatever ways we need, so long as a basic spiral is maintained. The main power of the spiral particle is that matter and energy follow along with the particle's flow, the universe as a whole does. And when concentrated onto a single point, it tends to compress particles with it, creating a white hot ball of dense plasma. Though, once you release the concentrating force, they explode outwards again, taking matter with them. In other words, by manipulating the particles in high concentrations we can warp the paths of objects and particles to follow the spiraling flow, which could have dozens of interesting applications. Second thing is that it flows outward from stars and planets, like a sort of universal spiraling wind, by using the capture web, you can make a sail, to catch that flow and use it for propulsion at rather high speeds.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 09:05:06 pm by dgr11897 »
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #293 on: May 10, 2019, 08:24:25 am »

Alright, so, here's what I have so far for our plan this turn. Please, if you have the time, look over it, and provide feedback. I don't mind writing the plan by myself, but I'd rather not have to come up with it by myself.

Quote from: Unfinished Plan
Bravo (size 1): 5 Ranks of Mining Station, 5 Ranks of LEC Towers

Charlie (size 5): 5 Ranks of Mining Station, 1 Ranks of LEC Towers

Papa (size 6): 5 Ranks of Mining Station, 5 Ranks of LEC Towers

Echo (size 8): 1 Rank of Defense Grid

Quebec (size 3): 2 Ranks of Defense Grid

60*Mining Station (50o, 75m, 50e): 3000o, 4500m, 3000e
40*LEC Towers (100o, 75m): 4000o, 3000m
14*Defense Grid (300o, 200m, 100e): 4200o, 2800m, 1400e

11200o, 10300m, 4400e

Production Capacity:
16275PP+7230(carryover): 3x Heavy Fighter Destroyer (7835PP each)
2958PP: carryover Heavy Fighter Destroyer production.
25050PP: Black Market Bid

Manual Production:

Fleet Orders:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


So, obviously we want to spend an arm and a leg on infrastructure- initially on our core worlds, since those are less likely to get captured by the enemy (any time soon). Metal is our main bottleneck, so it makes sense to build up our metal industry as much as possible. This turn we're actually spending more Organics than Metal, but that's because infrastructure has a high Organics cost- our ships all have a higher Metal cost. Energetics is our next biggest expense (proportionally), so we should build up that industry as well, although since we don't have enough Metal to max it out (on our core worlds), I've prioritised the planets with better Energetics density.

The Liir have failed to drop troops on Echo and Quebec, and as a result we have captured them- I don't know why they've let us have them, but I'll take it. I've checked with Draig- this means we can build this turn on those worlds, and nothing the Liir do can stop us. A blockade or invasion would make us unable to build, but right now we're fine- even if the Liir manage to blockade them this turn, construction happens first. So, we musn't squander this opportunity to fortify those two planets. We can't afford to fortify them that heavily- I think building up our core industry is a higher priority-, but we can afford to build a rank 1 defence grid on Echo and a rank 2 on Quebec. This will provide Echo with 8 'free' defensive regiments, and Quebec with 6 ([planet size]*[defence grid rank]), as well as an all-round boost to defensive strength. That will make it much harder for the Liir to invade those worlds, making that front a lot more secure.

PP spending this turn is a bit of a guessing game. How much do we bid on the Black Market Tech? I've tentatively suggested 25050, which leaves us with enough to produce 3 carriers this turn. I dunno. We could also not bother with the bidding, just accept getting third place, and pump out a bunch of ships? I'd prefer to get the bonus, though, because Hiver Dice.

Fleet deployments... okay, so, basically, we're putting one big fleet in Tango to protect the troops (which are currently at Bravo) we're dropping there. The fleet in Sierra is at 60CP, so it can only usefully take either one cruiser or two destroyers. I'm not sure which is the better option, but eS prefers the cruiser, so that's what I've gone with- I might change my mind. In fact, I might even send along both a cruiser and two destroyers, and have the destroyers sit in reserve, to give the fleet the ability to fight two turns in a row.
Then I've put a single carrier on every border world to act as a scout, with orders to immediately flee from combat (I haven't written the tactic yet, but that's what it will say). This is just so that we know what our enemy is up to, and if we lose a carrier or two, it's not the end of the world. I could be convinced to drop this option, but I feel super bad about not doing this to Tango earlier, and I don't want to make the same mistake twice.

I haven't written the tactics yet. Since our only combat fleet is going to be at Tango, the tactic will need to consider the possibility of either the Gaians or the Liir (or both) showing up, and have appropriate reactions. If anyone else wants to jot down a draft for a tactic to use at Tango, that would be helpful.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 01:09:59 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #294 on: May 10, 2019, 01:12:16 pm »

    T4 Combat Doctrine

    • When encountering enemy elements, a psionic demand that they vacate the theatre immediately or be destroyed should be send.  In the event the enemy do not comply, proceed to engage.
    • In the event odds of winning a combat are low (<40%), fleet should attempt to maintain a "fighting retreat" - buying time to bore away through fighter tactics, limiting engagement.
    • In the event a ship is facing capture by enemy elements (successful enemy boarding action in progress or all weapons and propulsion disabled without chance of recovery), that ship is to self-destruct.
    • Ground forces are encouraged to capture Gaian "Princes" (organic humans) if possible.
    • Fleets are to use ship-scale tactics (see below).

    TLDR: Fighters engage enemy fighters in superior numbers.  A few fighters screen our ships.  Remaining fighters use torpedoes.  Fighters try to stay far away if possible, and stay spread out.  Carriers stay super far away, using bores to land fighters and throw them back into combat.  Cruisers stay at the max range of the Sunbeam.  Fleet coordinates strikes to try and knock-out enemy cruisers and focus them down.

    Spoiler: Ship-scale tactics (click to show/hide)
    I say this, and I mean it with all my heart: FUCK Bay12's "list" format. God damn.[/list]
    « Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 11:39:28 pm by evictedSaint »


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    Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
    « Reply #295 on: May 10, 2019, 11:44:27 pm »

    Quote from: Damn, Last Turn Hurt
    (1) Plan A: eS

    Black Market Research:
    (1) 4th Dimensional Parasites (evictedSaint): eS
    (0) Ichor (DGR (and Nuke)):
    (0) Condensed Algorithmic Neo-Translation (Talion):
    (0) Ice-13 (Nuke):
    (0) 4d Spiral Equations (DGR):

    Random design idea I had:
    [OUR] (SF) <Relentless> Gen A.5.0


    Version 5.0 improves upon the Relentless by more tightly integrating the Drone pilot with the machine.  Selected from colonies which feature smaller, gravity-resistant Beta Drones, the pilots of the Relentless 5.0 are surgically implanted - permanently - in their star fighter.  This full integration means the cockpit can be modified to allow for higher-G forces, reducing the acceleration limiters and maneuverability restrictions.  There is a slight increase in weight to allow for the necessary life support features, but the engines are boosted and streamlined for higher-velocity and longer-lasting flights.  Additionally, the tighter integration allows for improved reaction time, allowing a Relentless pilot to adapt to a changing battlefield quicker than a Version 4.0 pilot would be able to.

    In addition to fully-intergrated Drone pilots, the Relentless itself is upgraded with a few new bells and whistles.  The laser cannons are now no longer fixed in place and are able to angle up to 30° off-center, meaning the craft does not have to point directly towards what it is targeting.  The sensor suit is upgraded, now able to detect incoming sub-light munitions.  Detected incoming munitions and predicted fields of fire from anti-fighter emplacements can be displayed directly into the Drone pilots HUD, allowing them to perform evasive maneuvers with greater ease than before.

    Essentially, the Relentless 5.0 should be faster and slippier than before, leading to enhanced surviability projections.

    « Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 12:05:28 am by evictedSaint »


    • Bay Watcher
      • View Profile
    Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
    « Reply #296 on: May 11, 2019, 12:20:06 am »

    Quote from: Damn, Last Turn Hurt
    (2) Plan A: eS, DGR

    Black Market Research:
    (1) 4th Dimensional Parasites (evictedSaint): eS
    (0) Ichor (DGR (and Nuke)):
    (0) Condensed Algorithmic Neo-Translation (Talion):
    (0) Ice-13 (Nuke):
    (1) 4d Spiral Equations (DGR): DGR

    Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
    Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
    Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
    hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
    My Power armor arms race


    • Bay Watcher
      • View Profile
    Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
    « Reply #297 on: May 11, 2019, 04:19:18 am »

    Quote from: Plan A
    Bravo (size 1): 5 Ranks of Mining Station, 5 Ranks of LEC Towers

    Charlie (size 5): 5 Ranks of Mining Station, 1 Ranks of LEC Towers

    Papa (size 6): 5 Ranks of Mining Station, 5 Ranks of LEC Towers

    Echo (size 8): 1 Rank of Defense Grid

    Quebec (size 3): 2 Ranks of Defense Grid

    60*Mining Station (50o, 75m, 50e): 3000o, 4500m, 3000e
    40*LEC Towers (100o, 75m): 4000o, 3000m
    14*Defense Grid (300o, 200m, 100e): 4200o, 2800m, 1400e

    11200o, 10300m, 4400e

    Production Capacity:
    16275PP+7230(carryover): 3x Heavy Fighter Destroyer (7835PP each)
    2958PP: carryover Heavy Fighter Destroyer production.
    25050PP: Black Market Bid

    Manual Production:

    Fleet Orders:
    Spoiler (click to show/hide)


    Spoiler: Bravely Run Away Away (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Observation (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Transport Tactic (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: T4 Standard Doctrine (click to show/hide)
    2129 words. Of which 75% is tactics. This is fine. Everything is fine.

    Anyway, please check for mistakes. I've probably made several.

    Quote from: everything is fine
    (3) Plan A: eS, DGR, NUKE9.13

    Black Market Research:
    (1) 4th Dimensional Parasites (evictedSaint): eS
    (1) Ichor (DGR (and Nuke)): NUKE9.13
    (0) Condensed Algorithmic Neo-Translation (Talion):
    (0) Ice-13 (Nuke):
    (1) 4d Spiral Equations (DGR): DGR

    « Last Edit: May 13, 2019, 01:55:36 am by NUKE9.13 »
    Long Live United Forenia!


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
    « Reply #298 on: May 11, 2019, 08:32:26 am »

    Voted Ichor because organics based stuff with lower metal cost is too good to pass up. 4d parasites was also interesting for maybe a tactical advantage, but didn't seem like enough for the possible only event like this.

    Strategy wise, I'm good with all the infrastructure stuff, fleet direction, and ship tactics. It seems good, so not much to add there. If things go wrong, let me be thrown under the bus along with those who wrote it.
    Quote from: everything is fine
    (4) Plan A: eS, DGR, NUKE9.13, Strider03

    Black Market Research:
    (1) 4th Dimensional Parasites (evictedSaint): eS
    (2) Ichor (DGR (and Nuke)): NUKE9.13, Strider03
    (0) Condensed Algorithmic Neo-Translation (Talion):
    (0) Ice-13 (Nuke):
    (1) 4d Spiral Equations (DGR): DGR

    Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
    And by God, was she going to use it.

    "But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


    • Bay Watcher
      • View Profile
    Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
    « Reply #299 on: May 11, 2019, 01:56:01 pm »

    Quote from: everything is fine
    (5) Plan A: eS, DGR, NUKE9.13, Strider03, joha470

    Black Market Research:
    (2) 4th Dimensional Parasites (evictedSaint): eS, joha4270
    (2) Ichor (DGR (and Nuke)): NUKE9.13, Strider03
    (0) Condensed Algorithmic Neo-Translation (Talion):
    (0) Ice-13 (Nuke):
    (1) 4d Spiral Equations (DGR): DGR

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