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Author Topic: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace  (Read 24816 times)


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2018, 04:27:40 am »

Quote from: Squiggly Larva A class Flow-Space Conveyor
A Large Transport vessel that transitions into flow-space(F.S.) and remains there, acting as a transitioning and motive device to cargo(typically other vessels) allowing it to shift back and forth from material-space(M.S.) to F.S. without requiring the sensitive transitioning equipment to be exposed to enemies that are unfamiliar with the technology or unprepared to engage it. It possesses the standard array of microtransitionals to scan M.S. and coordinate with the cargo prior to collection and is otherwise a largely hollow craft with standard motive components and a central transition core.

 A popular tactic is to materialise crude boarding craft in the midst of a hostile formation, inside their pre-planned defensive arcs. Another popular tactic is to materialise false boarding craft that offer little resistance to conventional armaments aside from their engines, resulting in hostile craft shooting through the false craft and striking one another with almost no investment.

An intangible and invisible ship that can make other ships intangible and invisible while ferrying them around.

On matter-space to Flowspace transitioning:
 Flow-space is an apparently empty environment, which maps to a seemingly identical, though separate, set of dimensions to our own environ, referred to as material-space. The transition itself is achieved simply by destabilising the presence of matter. Using bore technology we crate a field of synchronised spatial distortion at an extremely low-level, low enough that it rarely interacts with matter enough to harm structures. This field is then excited by a pulse of spatial warping, aligning the distortions. The pulse then reflects off of a layer of material that contains a mathematically precise energy field that mirrors the pulse, and repels it, multiplied by an infusion of energy. The Much more powerful pulse then moves through the oppositely-aligned distortions. The distortions are unable to realign nor dissipate the pulse nor resist it, and are forced to transition out of M.S.. Given that there is no directive element, it is theorised that M.S. and F.S. are "close" and thus transitions always occur between them due to pure circumstance. Other spaces might exist and if they become "closer" we may lose contact, or it may be possible to transition to "distant" spaces if some means of navigation can be discerned.

The external "web" of material that creates the counter-pulse must be external, and any damage to it creates a wedge of material that either doesn't transition or is transitioned chaotically, thus it is reserved for craft that are intended to avoid damage. Generally ferries that remain in F.S. or scouts/assassins that are considered to have failed if they are targeted. It is, however, entirely possible to mount on combat vessels and rely upon extensive repairs before transitioning, or simply accepting the often extreme damage as preferable to remaining materialised in a imminently fatal combat.

Another issue is sensory ability. M.S. and F.S. are indiscernible from one another. Microtransitions exist to overcome this issue, but can be detected, nullifying the advantage of being indiscernible, and momentary glances from autonomous and self-contained, and destabilised miniature sensors are usually poor. Scout-vessels will typically fully transition so as to get reliable data.

Energy fields on either side can be disruptive to the distortions. The external web and transition core are precisely aligned to be "dragged" by the surrounding transition, but the cargo, and whatever it exchanges with the other side, must be in as stable a power state as possible. Additionally, the material from the "far" side of the transition has not been prepared for the transition, resulting in certain instabilities. Specifically, dense matter tends to expand violently. All this combined, vessels have thus-far needed to be "turned off" when transitioning, and cannot transition into active power-systems or dense material. Atmospheric transitions are risky and difficult, fluids and solids have thus far been impossible. Transitioning directly into craft requires very-small transition-events and generally fails unless the target is low-relative-velocity and scanned rapidly...

Flow-space itself has problems. It is constantly in motion. Vessels will drift with no acceleration. Bore-holes have thus-far been impossible to compute. Long-range trajectories change before they complete. Long range coordination, and conflict, are extremely difficult in F.S. and coordination with M.S. requires constant updates to remain accurate. This makes precision attacks against M.S. targets nearly impossible without revealing scans and F.S. infrastructure cannot currently be conveyed without exposing it to M.S., revealing it to any hostile observers.

Well-utilised this technology makes our forces nearly invulnerable until they are ready to attack. Poor utilisation is beneath our ability.
Flow-space itself
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2018, 04:40:40 am »

Quote from: VoteBox
Queen’s Will: (5 Dice, +1 on Progress and Cost): (6) SC, Evictedsaint, DGR, Sarrak, NUKE9.13, Talion
Queen’s Glory: (5 Dice, +1 on Progress and Cost): (6) SC, Evictedsaint, DGR, Sarrak, NUKE9.13, Talion
The potential downside is we are 2 bad rolls away from a terrible first turn.


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #32 on: May 22, 2018, 11:04:08 am »

[There was an oops here, a very bad oops. Basically, I was grabbing the end of this post to make the next post. Did not go well.]

Queen's Will
[Time: 4 (4,4) Progress: 6  Cost: 5 (3,5)]
When the drone works, it is a manifestation of the queen's will. When the [lesser] is harvested, it is a manifestation of the queen's will. Each muscle that moves, each thought that takes its flight, each moment the hive continues, is a manifestation of the queen's will. With this [certainty], finding the way to make the force of gravity heed the queen's will is a certain. We must only find the correct connections within the universe.

And [we] are very good at finding the connections.

Queen's Will: 0/14 [4] |  125 Transplutonics + 175 Metal + 25 Synthetic | Rushed 0 Times | Nothing Invested

Efficacy: 5

As was [willed] so was it made. The Queen's Will is an effective first generation reactionless drive. A ship equipped with the drive, and a reactor of sufficient power, is capable of creating a forward gravity well, with a sustained acceleration gradient of about 7 m/s^2, and capable of one to five minute bursts of about 14. However, this level of acceleration decreases with ship size due to the field inadequately covering the vessel, and tapers off as the acceleration peaks. Its drive signature is comparable minimal, except for gravitic effects, but the constant generation and collapse of numerous bores does still mean it has a radiation signature, and sustained usage of the burst mode is damage to the drive and the vessel itself. The fields generated posses a relatively steep gradient and limited field, which means that it's not great to stand near the front of the ship while it's active, but it does also allow the pull to be spread more broadly across the ship's structure. If a ship can carry multiple engines, the fields can be stacked to increase the effect linearly.
Good out of the way, there's still a few issues. Delicate maneuvering is difficult. Slight misplacement or misalignment in the field can result in the ship getting put into a slight spin, and further corrections are difficult from there without using more typical correction thrusters. In addition, as a modification of the existing bore drive, she's still costly in terms of synthetics, and power hungry- though we have made considerable optimization. The max speed of the Queen's glory is attained when the vessel crosses the 'downward' gradient of the well and into the 'upward' gradient before a new well can be generated. For the first generation, this speed is about ten kilometers per second.

[OUR] (GSD) <Queen's Will> Gen A.1.0: | 100T 0O 100M 75E 20S | Capacity: -12 | Power: -50 |  A first generation reactionless main drive, generating a gravity well in the near area around the ship to allow the ship to 'fall' into it. Optimally, this can provide an acceleration of 7 m/s^2, with bursts of twice that, however increasing the size of the vessel will limit that acceleration due to the gravity field providing inadequate coverage.  Runs quiet, but not silent. The field itself is generate by numerous unstable, but carefully propagated, bore apertures collapsing within the chamber, and technology designed to detect a bore signature can still detect the vessel. Fields can be stacked.

Queen's Glory
[Time: 4 (4,4) Progress: 4  Cost: 5 (4,5)]

[Glory] is not won from domination of [Lesser]. There is no [Glory] in such things. To extend one's wings to a new sun, to bring one's mind to bear on a new thought, to take our place on the throne of creation. This is [Glory].

We shall trap a star for our diadem, bind it with our [Will], and show the [Lesser] what [Glory] means.

Queen's Glory: 0/12 [3] |  70 Transplutonics + 100 Organics   | Rushed 0 Times | Nothing Invested

Efficacy: 3

The reactor is a first step on the way to [glory], the beginning of a pilgrimage. The fusion reactor portion of the design is moderately powerful, though much of its own energy is devoted to self-perpetuation and containment. The actual fusion chamber itself is a bulky thing, requiring both the shielding to withstand the ongoing reaction, the technology needed to generate and moderate the interior containment field, and the psionic interface itself.

The psionic interface is also... imperfect. Wedding the reactor to the mind's of the nearby Hiver is down, and, at best, the reactor functions like one more piece of a larger whole. The psionic connection allows instinctive moderation of the magnetic field in the same way that the function of one's internal biology can be instinctively moderated. However, it isn't simple to disengage this connection, and while calm hiver well driven to their purpose are a boon to the reactor- panic and fear are anathema. The more discordant the crew gets, the worse the reactor will perform. If they break sufficiently, containment will also break. While this is unlikely to destroy the ship, the reactor will be severely damaged and unlikely to be able to restart without repairs.

[OUR] (PGCR) <“Queen’s Glory”> Gen A.1.0:  | 100T 150O 150M 100E 0S | Capacity -20 | Power +120 | A ship-scale fusion reactor, designed to be moderated by the innate psionic ability of the crew. The reactor portion is a bit on the heavy side, while the psionic link cuts both ways. When the crew performs well, the ship can slightly exceed expectations, but they can also fall dramatically short if the crew panics. If the crew break's completely, the reactor will lose containment. This event will not destroy the ship, unless other factors are present, but it will cripple the reactor itself.

Revision Phase of Year -6

Dice: 0
T: 0 + 2500
O: 0 + 7500
M: 0 + 7500
E: 0 + 5000
S: 0 + 500

« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 08:42:07 pm by Draignean »
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2018, 04:01:42 pm »

Transmission Detected
Interception Protocol Initiated
Transmission Captured
Decryption Sequence <REDACTED>
Attempting Decrypting Now
Decryption Successful
Translation Sequence <REDACTED>
Attempting Translation Now
Translation Partially Successful
Displaying Message On-Screen

Quote from: Intercepted Transmission

Survey Log 22.32.3409-A.A.1
Ship-Integrated Captain **&@(^!%%-0023.1
Survey Stealth Ship CSS 88A-2641 "Translucency"
Lima System

CSS 88A-2641 "Translucency" transited into Lima System on <Ambiguous - Star Date? Best Estimation: N/A> as per ordered and immediately began observation procedures.  Geoscopic, Radiological, and Ionic Postprocess Analysis revealed that Lima System contained two planetary systems capable of sustaining Class-3 lifeforms.  These two planets - hereforth termed Lima 1 and Lima 3 <Note: Numerical naming scheme seems to correlate to sequential planetary placement from central star outward> - rank 0.2 and 0.05 on the 10-point %$$*#@ Habitability Ranking System, respectively.  Analysis indicates that habitability ranked at 1.5 and 6.5 respectively sometime within the past <Ambiguous - Time Measurement? Best Estimation: 114 Earth-Years>.  Indicators point towards heavy orbital nuclear bombardment, as evidenced by multiple large glowing regions of land on both planets.  Please refer to Analysis Report Lima 22.32.3409-A.A.2 for complete Lima System Analysis Data Set <Unavailable>.

Lima 1 is the most curious of those in the system, largely due to the flourishing and relatively advanced lifeforms that have taken place as the dominate species despite the low habitability ranking and nuclear devastation.  The planet itself initially appears to be without atmosphere and scoured clean by intense solar radiation due to its close proximity to the sun, only a mere <Ambiguous - Orbital Period? Best Estimation: 120 Earth-Days>.  Further analysis reveals that massive canyons lining the planet contain breathable atmosphere in the lower levels, kept safe from solar scouring.  Though the upper plateaus are barren of all and any life, these canyons contain a rich and diverse biological ecosystem.  Primary among this ecosystem is the presence of massive colonies composed of large <Ambiguous - Distance? Best Estimation: 1 - 5 meters> insectoid creatures.

We've been able to identify several distinct variations among insectiods within a single colony.  Please refer to Analysis Report Lima-1 22.32.3409-A.A.3 for complete Specimen Analysis <Unavailable>.  These colonies are entirely dedicated to their "Queen", the progenitor for each colony.  These Queens establish Queendoms in tunneled-out sections of canyon wall, forming shockingly complex and extensive systems of caverns, tunnels, and defenses, replete with production capabilities rivaling large-scale industries.  Power production in these deep, dark canyons relies heavily on nuclear power.  It is not uncommon for a small colony to support multitudes of fusion reactors to power their industrial pursuits, exceeding <Ambiguous - Power Output? Best Estimation: N/A> in even the smallest colonies.  This staggering power output is sustainable due to the large amounts of <Ambigous - Poisonous? Lethal?> heavy metals present in the planets crust, as well as a ready source of He3 in the upper atmospheres.  Evolutionary tracing and fossil analysis indicates that the insectoids were at one time scavengers, prey to a flight-capable species of predators that inhabited the upper reaches of the canyons.  Fossil records suggest the insectoids banded together and hunted the predator species to extinction <Ambiguous - Time Period? Best Estimation: 1680 Earth-Years> ago.  The ecosystem has changed drastically since then, resulting in the extinction of several <Ambiguous - Quantity? Best Estimation: 400+>  other species due to the ecological disruption.

These colonies are technologically inferior to our own capabilities by several magnitudes, but are able to support a small fleet of space-worthy starships in orbit over their planet.  We were able to witness a launch during our short observation in Lima System.  It appears the insectiods build temporary rail systems on the flat, barren surface of the planet during the long night phase.  Due to the lack of atmospheric drag, the starship is able to ride these rails for great distances and build up enough velocity to obtain orbit.  These rails are disassembled and reassembled as the planet rotates, presumable to avoid unnecessary heat stress from the night/day cycle.

Close analysis and scans of these ships suggest a potential match to the nuclear devastation present on Lima 3.  Decryption and analysis of insectiod records has proven difficult due to the alien nature of both their communications and computer architecture, but due to our stealth capabilities were were able to spend an extended period of time in-system intercepting and decrypting communications, as well as making un-seen intrusions into their archives.  The insectoid language relies heavily on telepathic communication, and to a lesser degree audio and pheromone cues for the "Lesser" castes of insectoids.  Translating this into purely text-based communications has proven to be <Ambiguous - Difficult? Laborious? Impossible?>, but we are able to recreate small portions of their communications.  Please refer to Archive Collection Report Lima-1 22.32.3409-A.A.4 for a complete collection of intercepted communications and raw archives <Unavailable>.  Text surrounded by "[ ]" indicates partial or poorly-translated expressions.

The insectiod refers to its species as [We].  This does not appear to be a formal naming convention, but rather an amalgamation of the entire insectiod collective and is indicative of an extreme <Ambiguous - Colloquialism Detected.  Best approximation: "Us Versus Them Mentality">.  The "Higher" castes of [We] exhibit a mental link to the other members of its colony, and indeed even extending out to other members of its species.  The Higher castes are by far the most cognitively aware and intelligent members of the species, handling in large part the research, development, and other <Ambiguous - Creative?> aspects of their culture.  They seem to place a high value on this mental link, even asserting that the fact that other organisms do not exhibit such a telepathic link is indicative of an absence of their [sentience|will].  In the same way we do not find bacteria to be sentient or viruses to be truly alive, so does [We] assert that all other organisms are not truly [sentient|queen-willed] or meaningfully [alive|awake].  Indeed, the best comparison they seem to have between their own species and that of other organisms is a singular Drone - the bottom member of their caste system - cut off from its colony and the rest of its species.  This disregard for all other organisms represents a dangerous absence of morality, in which they compare the act of planet-wide genocide to the moral ambiguity of wiping out a pest infestation.

Analysis of their historical records reveals surprisingly little embellishment or unnecessary description.  Their historical records appears to be primarily for bringing new princesses and queens up to date on the history of their species, as well as facilitating a rapid understanding of their technological developments thusfar.  The records are concise and brutally simple, describing defeats and victories in equal capacity without bias or justification.  Until relatively recently [We] had not exhibited anything similar to a governmental body, or even anything passing for a code of laws.  Their word for "peace" is best approximated as "self" - [Self|We] is their description of a unified side not at war, limited exclusively to members of their own species.  Until the creation of their [Council] (a coalition of all queens in the species, ranked by seniority), this description of [Self|We] did not extend past their own colony!  Colonies simply existed alongside one another, subjected to sudden and brutal invasions from another as expansion became necessary.  The [invention] of the [Council] facilitated the first formal measure of planetary peace on Lima 1, ever.  Aside from technological and strategic decisions, the [Council] also dictates the ascension of new queens, as well as adjudicating the ranking system that weighs the [voices] and allotted population size of each queen herself.  Princesses are selected to become new queens based on the merits of their technological and martial prowess; a highly selective process that sees fewer than 1% of princesses [ascended].  It's not uncommon for princesses to go "rogue" and attempt to become queens and establish a colony without being [anointed] by the [Council].  These [rebellions] are generally put down immediately and violently, although in extremely rare circumstances a rebellious queen may prove herself sufficiently for [mercy] and are welcomed into the [Council].  These rebellious queens are generally ranked similar to those who've earned their queendom through military prowess.

Further delving into their more recent historical records reveals that [We] had largely been confined to their own planet despite having interplanetary capabilities for several <Ambiguous - Time Measurement? Best Estimation: 114 Earth-Years>.  At some point in the recent past a species from Lima 3 entered the orbit of Lima 1 and attempted <Ambiguous - Colonization? Farming? Terraforming?>.  These interlopers were [destroyed|forgotten] nearly as soon as they were discovered, leading the residents of Lima 3 to launch [warships] in an attempt to take over the planet in retaliation.  [We] unified and formed their [Council], repelled the invasion, used their unified production capabilities and mineral abundance to quickly build [warships] of their own, and waged a full-scale [war|extermination|cleansing].  During the course of this [war], both Lima 1 and Lima 3 were subjected to heavy nuclear bombardment that devastated large portions of both planets, degrading them both to <Ambiguous - Tomb World?> status.  [We] survived despite the conflict and ensuing destruction.  They have since begun pouring their production potential into their primitive space program, even discovering the secrets of Borehole technology.  Their intention seems to be expansion, extermination, and pre-emptive execution of any species that represents a threat to their species.

Post-Survey Recommendation
Initiate Contact: No
Continued Observation: Yes
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 07:49:43 pm by evictedSaint »


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2018, 08:43:15 pm »

Design Phase of Year -5

Dice: 10
T: 2500 + 2500
O: 7500 + 7500
M: 7500 + 7500
E: 5000 + 5000
S: 500 + 500

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2018, 08:57:25 pm »

Quote from: Design: Tactic
[OUR] (TACT) <Swarm> Gen A.1.0

A simple tactic, relying on overwhelming numbers to ensure victory. 

Swarm tactics involve deploying every available ship, drone, fighter, bomber, and weapon against the enemy all at once, largely in hopes of overwhelming their defenses.  In ideal circumstances, Swarm tactic will result in short, violent, and destructive battles, in which the enemy force is crushed in a single unstoppable advance.  This tactic is designed to be used for combats where we have a good, clear chance at victory.

Quote from: Design: Tactic
[OUR] (TACT) <Bug Out> Gen A.1.0

Another simple tactic, involving the tactical withdrawal from a battlespace.

Bug Out tactics involve dropping every expendable resource (missiles, drones fighters/bombers, and in extreme cases light ships) to both inflict damage on a superior enemy force and cover the retreat of more expensive ships.  Bug Out generally involves suicidal kamikazee attacks by fighters and light ships with the goal of crippling and destroying as much as possible.  It's during this time our larger ships - such as carriers, cruisers, and battleships - Borehole out of the system to avoid taking further damage.  This tactic is designed to be used for combats where victory is not assured or when the tides of battle have turned against us.

Quote from: Design: Ship
[OUR] (CV) <Queen's Wrath> Gen A.1.0

Our Carrier Vessel the "Queen's Wrath", Generation A, Version 1.0.

The Queen's Wrath is an extremely light and cheap carrier (Destroyer-class), designed solely to carry Drone ships from system to system.  It is entirely unarmed and unarmored, even showing the single Queen's Will engines and single Queen's Glory reactor through gaps in the hull.  It is not intended to ever get within firing range of enemy vessels and instead operate from the extreme edge of its operational range.  Hardpoints are mostly exchanged for Drone storage capacity, though minor Small hardpoints are left for point defense.

The Queen's Wrath is rather small for a combat starship, sitting at a mere 0.8 kilometers from bow to stern.  The largest aspect of the ship is the six hangar bays holding a light fighter load of only 96 ships (16 ships each), along with 4 (soon-to-be designed) recovery/boarding shuttles and twenty four magnetically accelerated rails for rapidly launching fighters.  These hangar bays include arming, refueling, and repairing stations to keep whatever expendable fighters we've managed to recover in tip-top shape. 

The Queen's Wrath includes holding areas for Drone pilots when not in combat operations, as well as a forward command station from which a princess or queen may command her Drone fighters during battle.  Storage areas containing reactor fuel, fighter fuel, and repair equipment are kept towards the center of the ship.  Passages within the ship are cramped and organically shaped, in order to better facilitate the travel of drones from place to place.  In the event the ship is overrun or in danger of being captured, a nuclear warhead hidden deep within the ship is available as a last resort resource denial.

The ship does not feature lifepods by explicit design. 

[We] will make the [Dead Ones] bleed for every millimeter.
[We] do not surrender [Our] ships. 
[We] fight to the last. 

« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 06:28:56 pm by evictedSaint »


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2018, 09:43:56 pm »

Quote from: Squiggly Larva A class Flow-Space Conveyor

But tactics are important...
Quote from: Wave Tactics
Split our attacks to probe, strike, pierce, and demolish our opposition.
Wave 1: Probe-wave. Monitoring vessels, sensory-warfare vessels, mobile fortifications, path-clearers, and massive swarms of light missiles and decoy vessels assault the enemy line to blind them and scan them for weaknesses/ambushes, while preparing the path for future waves and imposing on the enemy to expend effort and resource on defensive measures.
Wave 2: Strike-wave. Medium general-purpose combat vessels attack, exploiting the data and preparations of the first wave, pressuring weaknesses and engaging strengths. This wave is intended to reveal any deceptions on the enemy's part and impose upon them to expend their reserves.
Wave 3: Pierce-wave. A horde of fast/shock vessels, based upon data from the enemy's response to the second wave, attempts to focus upon and annihilate enemy weak-points and dependencies, splitting them into separate, isolated sets.
Wave 4: Demolish-wave. Heavy damage-trading vessels engage the enemy remnants. Bombardment punishes efforts to regroup and provides a stable front for expended forces to retreat to. With the enemy sets thus engaged, the remnants of the previous waves can focus down enemy sets one at a time with overwhelming numbers.

This wave-system greatly inhibits enemy "surprises" and affords clear, distinct moments to call a retreat, potentially without the later waves ever being committed, and keeping the most heavily armoured vessels in reserve to maximise the ability to cover a retreat if such is deemed to be a more effective tactic. It does leave the early waves somewhat exposed, but the support they require should arrive by the time that they require it.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #37 on: May 22, 2018, 10:00:49 pm »

Design idea.
Quote from: Fabricators
By using a set of four to five borehole drives, this device teleports Incredibly tiny pieces of matter (nano-meters ish) to the print site. The size of the chunks of matter is adjustable, and the type of material can also be switched by changing which storage they draw from. The materials are drawn from a series of solid blocks stored within the device, due to difficulties related to a wide variety of units this system cannot be used to extract matter so the materials have to be extracted and refined via conventional means. The system requires the thing being printed to stay absolutely still. Rather than printing large things several of these small printers work to make small components that are then taken from the small print bed and put together in a larger area, there they are either teleported to the build site where they are used to make larger constructions, anything from ships to buildings. due to issues with using a borehole drive in atmosphere the print beds are kept in vacuum. Overall these devices are power hogs and can take large amounts of exotic particles to complete larger projects or ones requiring greater precision.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 10:08:24 pm by dgr11897 »
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #38 on: May 23, 2018, 07:04:51 pm »

Quote from: Design: Ship
[OUR] (SCV) <Deliverance> Gen A.1.0

Our Star Carrier Vessel the "Deliverance", Generation A, Version 1.0.

The Deliverance is an extremely light and cheap carrier (Destroyer-class), designed solely to carry Drone fighters (not yet designed) from system to system.  It is entirely unarmed and unarmored, even showing the single Queen's Will engines and single Queen's Glory reactor through gaps in the hull.  It is not intended to ever get within firing range of enemy vessels and instead operate from the extreme edge of its operational range.  Hardpoints are mostly exchanged for Drone storage capacity, though minor Small hardpoints are left for point defense laser systems integrated into the hull. A single hardpoint for our standard Boredrive is incuded.

The Deliverance is rather small for a combat starship, sitting at a mere 0.8 kilometers from bow to stern.  The largest aspect of the ship is the six hangar bays holding a light fighter load of only 96 ships (16 ships each), along with 4 (soon-to-be designed) recovery/boarding shuttles and twenty four magnetically accelerated rails for rapidly launching fighters.  These hangar bays include arming, refueling, and repairing stations to keep whatever expendable fighters we've managed to recover in tip-top shape.  During combat the ship's crew switches to spacesuits and oxygen supplies (except in key areas where this is impractical) in order to limit damage due to explosive atmospheric blow-outs and asphyxiation kills.

The Deliverance includes holding areas for Drone pilots when not in combat operations, as well as a forward command station from which a princess or queen may command her Drone fighters during battle.  Storage areas containing reactor fuel, fighter fuel, and repair equipment are kept towards the center of the ship.  Passages within the ship are cramped and organically shaped, in order to better facilitate the travel of drones from place to place.  In the event the ship is overrun or in danger of being captured, a nuclear warhead hidden deep within the ship is available as a last resort resource denial.

The ship does not feature lifepods by explicit design. 

[We] will make the [Dead Ones] bleed.
[We] do not surrender [Our] ships. 
[We] fight to the last. 

Class: Destroyer
Hardpoints: 2 Small (Point Defense)
Capacity: High (6 Medium Hangars)
Armament: 96 Light Fighter Craft (12 Squadrons of 8 )
Armor: None
Lifepods: None
Generators: 1 Queen's Glory
Engines: 1 Queen's Will
FTL: 1 Generic Boredrive
Length: 0.8 km
Notes: Cheap as Possible

Quote from: Design: Ship
[OUR] (SAC) <Wrath> Gen A.1.0

Our Star Assault Cruiser the "Wrath", Generation A, Version 1.0.

The Wrath is a rare design among the [We] fleet.  It's designed to be moderately expensive, acting as an "Elite" Starship rather than one of the many cheap ships [We] field.

It is a Cruiser-class Starship, featuring 2 Heavy Hardpoints, 4 Medium Hardpoints, 8 Small Hardpoints, and 2 Small Hangars (16 Fighters).  The hull has mountings for three reactors and three drivers, which for the time being will be fitted with 3 Queen's Wills and 3 Queen's Glory's.  The smooth hull surface is multi-layered to allow resilience against ablative damage, and flows organically around bulges in the internal body.  Passages within the ship are cramped, organically-shaped, redundant, and sectioned.  Fuel storage is likewise compartmentalized and stored in the deepest sections of the ship, along with a last-resort resource denial nuclear warhead.

The Heavy Hardpoints is intended for dual long-range, hard-hitting Particle Acceleration Cannons (not yet designed) fed directly from the triple Queen's Glory's.  These Hardpoints occupy the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the ship in turreted emplacements, heavily reinforced to prevent them from being easily knocked out.  The four Medium Hardpoints are stationed on the anterior face of the ship, circling the nose.  They are designed to launch salvos of nuclear torpedoes (not yet designed) against medium range targets.  The eight Small Hardpoints are for simple laser point defense against enemy missiles and fighters, and are integrated into the hull.  The two Small Hangar bays are on the port and starboard sides of the ship respectively, close to the center of the ship.  These Hangars are primarily for launching and rearming fighters and bombers, with repair stations intended primarily for maintenance.  Each bay has two magnetic rails for rapidly launching craft, each.  Like the Deliverance, the Wrath is intended to be vented prior to battle to prevent explosive blow-outs.  The ship includes a single hardpoint for a generic Boredrive.

The Bridge features a command station for a Queen or Princess to command the ship and direct fighters, and can act as a coordination point for a small fleet but generally does not feature this delicate, expensive equipment.  As per standard fleet practice, most command stations are manned by Princes and Princesses, with Drones operating stations that require less decision making.  The Wrath is 0.9 km long, but has nearly three times the tonnage of the Deliverance due to reactor, drivers, armor and weapons.

The ship does not feature lifepods by explicit design. 

[We] will make the [Dead Ones] bleed.
[We] do not surrender [Our] ships. 
[We] fight to the last. 

Class: Cruiser
Hardpoints: 2 Heavy, 4 Medium, 8 Small (Point Defense), 2 Small Hangars
Capacity: High
Armament: 16 Light Fighter Craft (2 Squadrons of 8 )
Armor: Medium
Lifepods: None
Generators: 3 Queen's Glory
Engines: 3 Queen's Will
FTL: 1 Generic Boredrive
Length: 0.9 Km
Notes: Moderately Expensive "Good" Ship.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 11:43:13 am by evictedSaint »


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2018, 07:32:39 pm »

Quote from: Votes
[OUR] (SCV) <Deliverance> Gen A.1.0: eS, Dgr
[OUR] (SAC) <Wrath> Gen A.1.0: eS, Dgr


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #40 on: May 23, 2018, 08:09:26 pm »

Quote from: Votes
[OUR] (SCV) <Deliverance> Gen A.1.0: eS, Dgr
[OUR] (SAC) <Wrath> Gen A.1.0: eS, Dgr

Would you kindly attach vote totals to those options?
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #41 on: May 23, 2018, 08:22:32 pm »

Quote from: Votes
(2) [OUR] (SCV) <Deliverance> Gen A.1.0: eS, Dgr
(2) [OUR] (SAC) <Wrath> Gen A.1.0: eS, Dgr


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #42 on: May 23, 2018, 09:43:30 pm »

Quote from: guardsmen
The guardsmen class mobile armor suit is part of a new generation of combat vehicle designs
It takes the basic form of an enlarged beta warrior that has been armored up and has a backpack.
The wearer is inside the torso and control of motor functions (moving limbs) are done via a psionic link between the machine and the wearer, with data from external sensors being either directly fed into the users brain or projected on a series of viewing screens and speakers. All other functions are done mechanically, or digitally, with the user pushing buttons and using controls to activate various systems.
Located in the backpack is the machine's power source, be it a bunch of batteries or a fusion reactor, If it is using a fusion reactor then the reactor will typically also be used for propulsion. for ground mobility it has a set of gauss enhanced grappling hook/anchor launchers for either scaling vertical structures, killing foes, or pulling the craft towards enemy ships, it also has a set of deploy-able wheels for long range travel
For mobility in space it has a set of thrusters for basic movement and boosting through the air in atmosphere. It is also capable of equipping an EVA pack/drone, this piece of equipment takes the form of a set of massive wings, it contains more thrusters, a queens will reactionless drive, a small cockpit for a single drone, and a set of weapons. The EVA suit is also capable of acting on it's own, as air support for the guardsmen. The EVA pack also enables atmospheric reentry, allowing the mech to rapidly land wherever needed.
The mech has a few inbuilt weapons in the form of antipersonel gun turrets and a small rocket pod, but it has hands capable of wielding weapons that are scaled up to it's size, These can be anything from particle cannons, to bog standard heavy weapons.
By design neither the mech or the EVA pack have ejector seats,
[We] will make the [Dead Ones] bleed.
[We] do not surrender [Our] Weapons 
[We] fight to the last. 
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 09:52:15 pm by dgr11897 »
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #43 on: May 24, 2018, 12:59:37 am »

Located in the backpack is the machine's power source, be it a bunch of batteries or a fusion reactor, If it is using a fusion reactor then the reactor will typically also be used for propulsion.

Are you saying that the power source can be swapped out between battery and fusion reactor mode? Also, what's the scale of this mech?
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #44 on: May 24, 2018, 01:16:30 am »

I think the Wrath might need three reactors/STL drives in order to be effective. Other than that, it looks fine.

Quote from: Votes
(3) [OUR] (SCV) <Deliverance> Gen A.1.0: eS, Dgr, NUKE9.13
(3) [OUR] (SAC) <Wrath> Gen A.1.0: eS, Dgr, NUKE9.13
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