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Author Topic: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace  (Read 24836 times)


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #210 on: March 28, 2019, 10:27:53 am »

The Wrath at Sierra shall be named "Free Trade".

Looks like we're basically stuck with 4 cruisers until we get more income online.

You might want to add pincer attacks to the plan, for some reason I think that might increase the effectiveness of our fighters.


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #211 on: March 28, 2019, 12:12:27 pm »

I think the doctrine should include attempting to match non-torpedo fighters to enemy fighters at least 1:1 (error in on the side of advantage). I dont think 2/5 fighters and 3/5 bombers is a suitable split, especially considering our fighters have heavy lasers and can strafe if needed.  If nothing else, a 3 fighters to 2 bombers is a better split.

For first contact with Liir:
-Attempt Psionic communication with alien vessels.
If success, covey delight at encountering other sentient life in the galaxy, as well as warning them about the dangerous [Silent Ones] in the Lima sector.
-Politely inform the Liir that these systems belong to [We].
-Politely request the Liir remain at a distance.
-Politely warn the Liir that we will not tolerate threatening behaviour.
-Politely destroy the Liir if they attempt to engage.

If we made a new Penance...

[OUR] (MRF) <Penance> Gen B.1.0

Our Multi-Role Frigate "Penance", Generation B, Version 1.0.

The Penance frigate is intended to fill out specialty roles in our fleet, including (but not limited to):
  • Salvage and recovery operations
  • Field repairs for damaged ships
  • Stealth operations (Mine-laying, etc)
  • Combat support (Point Defense, Tidepool, etc)
  • Ferrying supplies to the frontline (Fighters, Ordinance, etc)

The Penance builds off of the lack-luster results of our previous A.1.0 design and features additional mounts and available space for crucial components.  The hull features a socket in which a single repair/salvage bay may be installed, or alternatively a simple cargo bay for logistics purposes.  There exists two Medium mounts for weapons systems, as well as four Small mounts for point defense.  The ship comes with the Queens Will reactionless drive and Queens Glory reactor baked-in.  The ship includes a smaller last-resort suicide nuke (as less yield is needed for such a small ship) and deliberately does not include escape pods.

2 Medium Mounts
4 Small Mounts
1 Small Hangar Slot
1 Suicide Nuke (Small)
1 Queens Will
1 Queens Glory

Repair/scavage module...
[OUR] (SRAR) <Queen's Mercy> Gen A.1.0

Our Salvage, Repair, And Recovery module "Queen's Mercy", Generation A, Version 1.0.

Queen's Mercy is a hangar-type module which features machinery, robotic recovery arms, airlocks, fabrication workshops, and repair and salvage equipment.  The Mercy module is designed to facilitate either hasty field repairs or more lengthy "dockyard" style repairs away from our homeworld of Regalis.  The module is also equipped with the necessary tools to strip and scavage materials from wrecks, as well as recover and repair damaged small crafts such as drones or fighters.  The module features storage for standard repair parts and a small amount of raw materials needed to facilitate repairs of more extensively damaged equipment.

The Mercy is designed for Small Hangars, though the operational capabilities can be scaled upwards for larger hangar types.

Ideally we would fit a penance with this along with a stealth drive, and leave it with a fleet to perform repairs and generate income from salvage.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2019, 02:10:23 pm by evictedSaint »


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #212 on: March 29, 2019, 03:15:42 pm »

Votes, unless anyone has any suggestions for further changes to the plan?

Quote from: Botevox
Plan A: (1) NUKE9.13
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #213 on: March 29, 2019, 04:01:42 pm »

Quote from: cotebox
Plan A: (2) NUKE9.13, eS

[OUR] (CCL) <Alate> Gen A.1.1

The sheering issue with layered Alate armor was an unexpected side effect, but one that [We] are eager to take advantage of.  By increasing the length of the synthetic protein chains in the armor, we can force the sheets to cross-bind to one another.  This occurs despite the sheering stress that the armor exhibits when hit with sufficiently high-velocity impacts, but that stress does not go away.  Instead, the outer layers will "erupt" outward when this stress reaches critical levels, such as when struck by a ship-killing kinetic weapon.  This eruption decreases the velocity of the kinetic object and artificially inflates the amount of material it must penetrate to get through to the hull.  Because the synthetic protein chains are cross-bound throughout the entire surface of armor, this "eruption" is localized to the damaged area.

Essentially, we turn the Alate armor into Explosive Reactive Armor to take advantage of this natural sheering phenomenon.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2019, 04:08:33 am by evictedSaint »


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #214 on: March 29, 2019, 05:53:10 pm »

Quote from: cotebox
Plan A: (3) NUKE9.13, eS, Talion


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #215 on: April 01, 2019, 06:27:20 am »

Alright, so, a question about thematics. If you recall, we started a Synthetics infrastructure project some time ago (because we believed that, due to Synthetics having 0 native extraction, any bonuses would be twice as effective, essentially- this was before it was changed so homeworlds had 25% native extraction). <Amplified Credulity Lab>, we called it. It didn't roll well (2), but I think it's salvageable, and we will probably want improved Synthetics extraction, since every non-homeworld planet still has 0% native extraction.
Anyway, it uses the power of belief to make synthetics easier to create (in theory), to which end the facility has [religious] aesthetics:
To ensure a suitable level of fanaticism on the parts of the workforce, an ACL facility is built to resemble a temple; filled with statues and sigils of the Queens, bedecked with towers of red and gold, and laid out in geometric patterns that invoke harmony.

I think that's a cool theme, that makes sense for [We]. On the other hand, I'm working on an Energetics infrastructure design, and wrote the following description:
Our (Light Element Condenser) <Cinder Spire> is an Energetics extraction facility, designed to optimise production of these volatile chemicals, albeit at the expense of the environment. A hulking tower, of varying height, but typically in the realm of 1km, with a massive hexagonal footprint that tapers to being merely large at the top, it dominates the local landscape whilst eternally wreathed in thick clouds. The surface of the tower is primarily metal, with no thought given to appearances: though expertly put together, the construction seems almost slapdash, with mismatched sheets of different metals bolted and/or welded to another like a massive patchwork quilt; pipes of every shape and size snake in and out- or merely out, ending in a grate from which chemical waste pours intermittently, painting lower sections of the tower in interesting colours-; vents, chimneys, walkways (with little to no safety railing), holding tanks, even helipads all pockmark the tarnished exterior, making the whole seem like an unplanned, chaotic mess.
Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Every element has its purpose, no space is wasted, and the 'slapdash' construction is actually the product of advanced architectural knowledge that renders the tower remarkably sturdy. Unlike more divided species, who cling to the appearance of order for fear of the chaos that naturally consumes them, [We] are not phased by unruly appearances.
Which I also think makes sense for [We].

However, the two are somewhat contradictory. So, I'm asking for feedback. Should I rewrite the Energetics refinery to be more elegant? Or should we say the ACL (and other temples/religious buildings) are unique in their harmonious nature, whilst the majority of Hiver infrastructure is chaotic in appearance?

Related, what about the appearance of our ships? I don't think we've firmly established what they look like, but it might be nice to do so.
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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #216 on: April 01, 2019, 08:28:54 am »

I am a fan of the second option - the ACL is unique because of its purpose.

For our ships, I imagined them as a mix between organic and mechanical in appearance.  Internals passages are cramped and round, with branches and redundancies that mimic underground tunnels.  Hull surfaces curve, using round shapes to maximize efficiency.  At the same time the appearance is distinctly not organic; like your towers, parts are put where they are most efficient, not aesthetic.  Plates of armor, with pipes and beams connecting them, with sudden hard, angular machinery breaking up the curved appearance of the hull.


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #217 on: April 02, 2019, 06:14:48 am »

Still very much open to more opinions- I think determining [Our] lore/appearance shouldn't be the sole preserve of me and eS-, but I've finished writing the proposal based on the second option, which I'm sharing to get feedback. Again, I think both of the options I suggested would work, and would absolutely love to hear from you if you prefer one or the other, or even have a completely different idea. In fact, I'm probably going to write the 'elegant' version of this proposal as well, so don't feel pressured into going with this version.

[OUR] (LEC) <Cinder Spire> Gen A.1.0:
The concept of 'pollution' is somewhat foreign to [We]. Regalis was a bit of a dump long before the Hivers industrialised- life had adapted to high levels of background radiation, contaminated water, and localised atmospheric systems that could become chock-full of noxious gasses whenever the local volcano erupted. So when the Hivers started building smokestacks, pumping out sewage, and eventually dumping radioactive waste, the local flora and fauna just rolled with it. Now, centuries later, the planet is worse off, but primarily due to the bombardment it suffered at the hands of the [Invaders]. Bear this in mind before you judge the efforts of [We] to establish industries on other planets. Sure, their chemical refineries pump out toxic waste in vast quantities, unfiltered, with no regard or concern for where it goes, but from a Hiver's perspective, the environment should be able to handle such things.

Our (Light Element Condenser) <Cinder Spire> is an Energetics production facility, designed to optimise production of these volatile chemicals, albeit at the expense of the environment. A hulking tower, of varying height, but typically in the realm of 1km, with a massive hexagonal footprint that tapers to being merely large at the top, it dominates the local landscape whilst eternally wreathed in thick clouds. The surface of the tower is primarily metal, with no thought given to appearances: though expertly put together, the construction seems almost slapdash, with mismatched sheets of different metals bolted and/or welded to another like a massive patchwork quilt; pipes of every shape and size snake in and out- or merely out, ending in a grate from which chemical waste pours intermittently, painting lower sections of the tower in interesting colours-; vents, chimneys, walkways (with little to no safety railing), holding tanks, even helipads all pockmark the tarnished exterior, making the whole seem like an unplanned, chaotic mess.
Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Every element has its purpose, no space is wasted, and the 'slapdash' construction is actually the product of advanced architectural knowledge that renders the tower remarkably sturdy. Unlike more divided species, who cling to the appearance of order for fear of the chaos that naturally consumes them, [We] are not phased by unruly appearances. (Religious structures are the exception to this rule, where the harmonic nature of our society is made physically manifest, in order to emphasise these values to those visiting)

The interior matches the exterior, in that it is a maze of pipes, ventilation shafts, drone barracks, vats, stills, pressure vessels, and whatever else is needed to refine the myriad of Energetic resources that [We] need. The equipment is not all too dissimilar to that currently employed, from a technological standpoint, though it does work on a larger, more efficient scale. Centralising various related industries into a single spire also reduces the logistical costs of production. But perhaps most importantly, the Cinder Spire does not concern itself with so-called 'pollution'. Wherever possible, processes are cranked up to eleven, and if that means producing three times as much waste, so be it. Filtration systems for waste products are non-existent. Unless doing so would pose an immediate threat to the structural integrity of the tower, waste products are simply dumped out the side. This results in the aforementioned eternal clouds of smog that surround the tower, rivers of contaminated water flowing away from the base (which should be situated on a hill for natural drainage), and huge mounds of solid waste in the surrounding region, dumped wherever is convenient.

Early studies suggest this may have a negative impact on the fertility of the planet. Insofar as we believe these reports, we don't really care. We have enough food, and not enough chemicals.

The idea is that this would significantly boost Energetics production, at the cost of slightly reducing Organics production.

E: Also, I'm working on a collection of lore to flesh out the Hivers a bit more. Here's what I've got so far. I keep wanting to add stuff that would actually spoil tech we have or are thinking of developing, but I think I've excised anything that would breach opsec.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Feedback welcome- changes, additions, whatever.

E2: WIP. Story about a Queen visiting a vault to listen to some [Prophecies], one of which happens to pertain to the current conflict. Also intended to just flesh out Hiver culture in general, especially for the other teams.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

E3: More.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 05:25:42 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #218 on: April 02, 2019, 02:51:50 pm »

Here is something for the long term ideas department.

Photonic Matter Vat

Our science teams have been investigating the mechanisms surrounding the Sunbeam and the use of Quantum Crystals to link multiple wavelengths of photon sources together. Using a larger number of photon sources more closely matched in frequency has given rise to the discovery of photonic matter. Making use of photons as nuclei and replacing electron bonds with entanglement, it is possible to create a stable form of light that better resists interference and quantum collapse. Such pseudo-matter also mimics the effects of the various forces in interaction with conventional matter allowing non-destructive contact with atmospheric gases and other potential uses that call for more advanced interactions with conventional matter.
The primary differences between photonic matter and conventional matter are more often a matter of mass and speed. As the photonic nucleus of p-matter is much lighter and more energetic. There is also the matter of a cascade failure scenario that can be engineered into p-matter structures. The scenario is then brought about by collision with a more solidly bound matter of which most solids are applicable leading to a breakdown in the quantum connections that maintain the p-matter cascading across the p-matter to collapse all connected p-matter in a single destructive explosion.

The Photonic Matter Vat is a p-matter generation device that takes advantage of p-matter’s matter like qualities to effectively contain and grow a p-matter chunk into the desired matter mimicking configuration.


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #219 on: April 03, 2019, 08:35:59 pm »

Progress at Oscar
Your forces claim 4 dominion at Oscar.

Progress At Echo
Your forces claim 4 dominion at Echo.

Progress At Quebec
Your forces claim 4 dominion at Quebec.

Progress At Bravo
Your forces claim 4 dominion at Bravo.

Progress at Charlie
Your forces claim 4 dominion at Charlie.

Progress at Papa
Your forces claim 4 dominion at Papa.

Design Phase of Year 3
Dice: 8
T: 10380 + 2500
O: 41980 + 7500
M: 15645 + 7500
E: 13341 + 5000
S: 2520 + 500

Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)

[We] Technology List
[We] Empire Planner

Spoiler: Current Deployment (click to show/hide)

*Not including hangar attachments such as fighters or drones.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 09:56:09 pm by Draignean »
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #220 on: April 04, 2019, 08:27:58 am »

Something we definitely need to get working on: Point Defence. Here's my proposal:

[OUR] (LPD) <Spark> Gen A.1.0:
Lightning is a rare phenomena on Regalis. The fact that the atmosphere is confined to canyons means that there isn't much space for storm systems to develop. Even when storms do develop in the larger canyons, [We], in our vast underground warrens, are rarely affected (The rise and fall of Regalis's subterranean seas is of greater concern, but that's another story). Lightning, then, was for a long time merely a scientific curio.
Now this elusive element will be harnessed to strike down [Our] foes. The (Lightning Point Defence) <Spark> makes use of 'self-carrying retrocausal phantom ionisation' to produce bolts of lightning (or something like it) that arc from [Our] vessels to anything nearby that has not been 'grounded'.
SCRPI may sound intimidating, but operation is simple; a small psionic circuit is used to convince a small high-energy particle that it has already made contact with a solid object. It is subsequently projected into the vacuum outside of the ship, whereupon the conflict between what the particle 'believes' (as it were) and reality will, some percentage of the time, be resolved by the particle being drawn towards the nearest solid object (if not, it simply stops 'believing' the falsehood). [Our] vessels will not be considered solid objects, as the particle is conditioned to reject anything affected by Hiver psionic signatures. The collective psionic field of the crew permeates the entire vessel, as they 'know' it to be 'theirs'; likewise, munitions fired by [Our] vessels retain a lingering psionic signature that disqualifies them from consideration.
Once the particle makes contact with a solid object, its belief becomes fact, and a causal link is retroactively established between the emitter and the object, forming an 'ionised' 'pathway'. This allows for many more high-energy particles to flow down this pathway from a second emitter (which is attached to a small bank of capacitors), into the solid object in question. This will at the very least play havoc with any electronics it contains, and may even cause structural damage as the high-energy particles release their energy into the surface of the object, typically causing a small explosion on the impact site- unlikely to harm larger vessels, but could easily destroy a missile or damage a fighter.

The <Spark> is intended to fit a Small mount, and fire off 100000 'tracking particles' per second while active (of which about 1% (1000) will actually track targets. Needless to say, 100000 particles is not a lot- the main power draw is the second emitter that actually deals damage). The maximum range is fairly short, intended as it is to serve as point-defence, but it should strike any targets entering range within a few milliseconds, and be more or less perfectly accurate when doing so. One weakness is that whilst the second emitter has enough power to destroy any small missile in an instant, the stream will be divided amongst every possible target, meaning that the system can be overwhelmed by large numbers of missiles (as any PD system can be). A second weakness is that whilst the capacitors allow for a reasonable charge to be stored, once those are drained sustained fire will put considerable strain on the ship's power supply.

eS has suggested we also start a new Penance, although with the lack of Liir contact, we can't tailor the design to work well against them- I'm considering waiting until we've seen what the Liir are packing. Against the Gaians, a new Watcher would probably be better.

Also this turn, we want to revise the Alate before it finishes, and fix the weakness of the Sunbeam. We also want to improve the Tidepool, but it has longer to go before completion, so if we only do two revisions this turn it should be the ones I mentioned.

E: Here's my proposal for a redone Watcher:
[OUR] (EBM) <Watcher> Gen A.2.0:
A complete overhaul of the Watcher project. There are several areas that need improving. First is the size. The reactor itself takes up considerable space, as do the conduits. Both of these can be made smaller in the same way; increasing the density of the plasma. By using more powerful magnets, we can compress the plasma in the reactor considerably. This both reduces the size of the reactor and increases the output (or maintains the same output whilst further reducing size), as the denser plasma has a higher temperature. To contain the more powerful reaction, we use a substance similar to Alate- primarily carbon, but constructed such that it can withstand the heat and radiation of a fusion reactor better than conventional materials. The conduits are likewise reinforced with this Alate-esque material, allowing them to be reduced in size whilst carrying an equivalent load. Given the rather inefficient nature of the 1.0 version, we expect that reducing the capacity required by 50% should be attainable.

The second issue is the weakness of the filaments maintaining the shield. This is solved by doing away with the filaments altogether. Instead, the energised particles are passed through a psionic filter that imparts upon them a basic attraction to the naturally occurring boundary between the ship's psionic field (a byproduct of the crew within) and the void of space. This causes them to naturally spread out to cover the entire vessel. 'Spent' particles are absorbed back into the system by simple electromagnetic siphons; as a particle's energy decreases, so too does its 'desire' to stay on the boundary of the psionic field, so by properly tuning the strength of the siphons only spent particles are absorbed (the system is unlikely to be lossless, but should not require refuelling too often). Gaps in the shield (for weapons to fire through) may still be created by creating a negative psionic field around the area, repelling the particles.

The third issue is the weakness of the shield itself. This is partially alleviated by the previous change, as the particles are free to move from one area to another, quickly filling in any gaps as they are created. It is also improved by 'tuning' the shield- adapting (on the fly, if necessary) the energy frequency of the shield to match anticipated attacks, specialising the protection rather than guarding against all possible threats. Finally, an ability to 'overcharge' the shield is added, wherein power from the ship's main reactor is channelled into the Watcher's reactor, allowing for a temporary boost in shield strength (which should not be maintained indefinitely, as sustained use may damage the system).
« Last Edit: April 04, 2019, 11:04:31 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #221 on: April 04, 2019, 01:18:27 pm »

[OUR] (PPPD) <Flashfire> Gen A.1.0

Our Psionic Plasma Point Defense "Flashfire", Generation A, Version 1.0.

Fires are dangerous on Regalis.  In confined spaces, packed with organics and flammable materials, a fire can devastate a colony's operational capacity for days.  Pollution from [OUR] thriving industry only serves to increase the propensity for sudden flash fires, and the ever-looming sun can burn a careless spacecraft to cinders.  As such, Hivers take great care to manage and maintain fire-surpressing equipment in their society.

The Flashfire uses what we've learned from the original Watcher design with regards to controlling and manipulating thermally-boosted plasma in vacuum.  Like the Watcher A.2.0, the Flashfire uses psionic control fields to shape and direct the plasma in the space around the ship, keeping it hot and dense (as a lance) or wide and cool (as a cone).  Unlike the Watcher, the Flashfire extends this field further away from the ship, extending the engagement area to knife-fighting range.

The Flashfire features two "modes" of operation.  The first is "lance" mode, in which the plasma is concentrated into a thin, hot beam.  This is used against tougher targets, and can be used to drill into ship armor at close range or to quickly pass through a fighter or priority target.  The second is "cone" mode, in which the plasma is dispersed and cooler.  The heavily ionized field can disrupt scanners or sensors attempting to peer through it, and in narrower cones it can destroy or damage lightly-armored fighters or missiles.  In order to keep the plasma at relatively high temperatures even when dispersed throughout the vacuum, a special (re: Synthetic) blend of heavy-phase 'Shadowclaw' elements are used, which themselves are well-suited to psionic manipulation.

A Flashfire in motion can be described as a fiery serpent, weaving and coiling through brief fireworks around an engaged ship before opening up to swallow a target.  Hivers are not exactly poets, so this analogy will be left for the Humans to describe.

The mounts for the Flashfire are Small, consisting primarily of a tank to house the plasma, heating elements, and a crew of drones and a prince to direct the Flashfire psionically.  Due to the need for drones for psionic manipulation, an appreciable amount of the weapons cost is Organics.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2019, 03:33:08 pm by evictedSaint »


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #222 on: April 04, 2019, 01:22:58 pm »

Due to some confusion about when repairs take place, Draig has allowed us to retconjurate the start of repairs (and refitting) into last turn. The cost of repairs is as follows:

697 lost fighters: 7 O, 8 M, 8 E * 697 = 4879 O, 5576 M, 5576 E.
15% damage to two cruisers (not counting hangar contents): 1375 T, 985 O, 3705 M, 2150 E, 110S * 0.3 = 412.5 T, 295.5 O, 1111.5 M, 645 E, 33 S.
5 Alate sections each added to the Wraths (cutting all Small Tremor Missile Launchers), at 180% cost due to being prototypes: 80 O, 35 M, 35 E * 10 * 1.8 = 1440 O, 630 M, 630 E.
1 Belief Engine each added to the Wraths, at 175% cost due to being a prototype: 200 O, 100 M, 100 E, 25 S, * 2 * 1.75 = 700 O, 350 M, 350 E, 87.5 S.
Adding the Small Tremor Missile Launchers to 4 of the transports (2 each), with Bombardment Caps: Free
Total cost: 412.5 T, 7314.5 O, 7667.5 M, 7201 E, 120.5 S.

We had enough in the bank to afford that last turn.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 12:29:21 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #223 on: April 04, 2019, 04:49:36 pm »


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Re: [We] Empire Thread | Hivers | GalactiRace
« Reply #224 on: April 05, 2019, 09:33:01 am »

Quote from: Smote Sox
(2) [OUR] (EBM) <Watcher> Gen A.2.0: eS, NUKE9.13
(2) [OUR] (PPPD) <Flashfire> Gen A.1.0: eS, NUKE9.13

(2) Spend 6 dice: eS, NUKE9.13

Retroactive Repair&Refit Plan:
(2) This one: eS, NUKE9.13
Anyway, in terms of votes for stuff, this looks fine.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 10:00:03 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!
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