Manic phase =/= schizophrenia... But yes I'm genuinly concerned: I'd hate it if we austrasized somebody when they're vulnerable. And I don't think he meant he's special trekkin but rather that he doesn't want to be gaslighted for something that's clearly of importance to him.
It's ironic. In 2018, when Americans are more well versed and have a vault of wealth of knowledge that is far more valuable to them on the workings of cults, how they assume power, and what they do to keep that power-no one would allow for the fact that they would just disenfranchise anyone who they saw as a threat to them;when that is quite literally, the prime working of any cult.
However, I didn't come here to write an english essay. If I had I would have put some effort into the formatting of my posts, and I am not here to respond to personal attacks, because, as has been before in my life whenever they decided I was too much of a threat to their terroristic beliefs-I was promptly shut down and held hostage. Maybe I should go into more personal depth, about why this would happen to someone such as me?
My father(who is dead now, rest in peace), his father, my mother(who worked for the national security agency as a 'signal analyst'), and her father and the vast majority of my family are in fact, Free Masons. Yes, the people who are part of a secret society. So, I think I would be more inclined to actually speak on these things.... Considering I come from a family that practices those things, however absolutely horrible and awful those things may be-sometimes the people that are closest to you can be your own worst enemy. And yes, far and wide Free Masons do worship Satan. there are some sects of the people that are actually good, kind to others, and far removed from any of that. Unfortunately, the old and dying portion of my family do still believe in that stuff.
As of a couple years, ago, in my flat, I was targeted. This was due to the lunatic cult-I met a woman(who I shall not name) who was going through some grieving struggles over her former boyfriend. On the night her boyfriend passed away, many of her friends were in tears, so they came to me to ask for solace and help in getting through their time of loss. I gave them that. Come to find out, years later, the masons would use that night in some sick way to their advantage-to set me;and her up. Looking back on it now, it really should not have surprised me, but it is rare that at a young age a person would be able to come to the realization that the elders in the family essentially worship satan, or are categorically in what would be defined as a cult. On the other hand-they did kick me out of the house at an early age. That would have gave them a bunch of time to practice their beliefs in secret, and it did. So please, tell me in some vain way how my personal experiences here are invalid. Yes, when I came from the very same family and house that practiced satan and rebelled against it;was punished for it via being held hostage on numerous occassions, having the unborn child of the woman who I cared for at the time(nevermind that my caring for that person was corrupted by the fact that it was socially engineered in the first place, and taken advantage of)ripped from her womb without pause or respect, I will simply be personally attacked for it and called 'schizophrenic'. That is what the cult does;and by extension, innocent civilians who have not had the time of day to see the intricate workings of such a monster simply dismiss and deny anything that is said as 'crazy-talk'. Then the Cicada People(I will not vindicate them by saying their full name, or referring to their crazy sect as they would have people refer to it as) take that and run with it.
Please, go on to personally attack me and then when I bring anything of substance up, dismiss me. Just goes to show what kind of effect the cult has on people... Anyway, no, I thought I would post that because I would like to explain why I personally would be targetted- There is a reason my father never incorporated the free masons, much less it was an unspoken thing between my father and my mother that I was not to know of those people and they were supposed to protect me from them. Ironic that after my father died, my mother would much go back to the same thing... They have no respect for the dead.
Right, this was a response to the personal attacks. This is some backstory to the bombshells that are gonna get dropped as a result of the knowledge I disseminate. And trekkin;nothing makes me special, or more important than the next person. Not a damned thing, but 33rd degree Free Masons who quite literally consider themselves to be gods reincarnated would simply reply in maniac laughter and speak of how you or I are inferior, less intelligent, or simply not worth anything-I have experienced that firsthand. Then I and the people that I cherish(and still do, however far they may have had to run to get away from me and the damage that merely associating with me brought upon their families)would suffer for not agreeing with them.