Eyes burning with the indignation of a thousand policemen, Puppyguard aims his sights at The Two Eternities and looses a volley of bullets! [10 v 3-1 (Pain)] Two bullets careen out of the Glock, the first tearing through The Two Eternities' heart, and the second going right between the eyes. A geiser of blood and brains erupts from the Argentinian wiki-warrior's head, spattering across the dusty ground as he slumps to the floor.
Puppyguard laid down the law on The Two Eternities!
New Article: ChankingWith that, Puppyguard dashes into a nearby building, whereupon she sees King Zultan dash through a door on the far side of a factory floor.
Frustrated with her current situation, NRDL fervently begins praying for deliverance from her foul mechanical errors. [Flying: 6] [Prayer: 10+1 (Roman Catholicism)] As though through divine favor, the biplane's engine begins to sputter back to life, and soon NRDL finds herself airborne! Additionally, she feels that God is quite pleased with her devotion and prayer.
With a mighty crack, Rockeater's open palm careens across the sleeping office worker's face, leaving a massive red welt on his cheek! The gentleman falls to the floor in shock as Rockeater commands him to contact his superior, and quickly curls up into the fetal position.
Fluffee, having come to the conclusion that these people need some honest to god
proof that he is the second coming of Christ, begins looking for some dogs to combine. Because that's one of the things that Jesus did in the bible, Right? Surely these people will recognize his divine power once they see the true power of dog combination! [Searching: 6] Outside the building, Fluffee finds a couple of mangy looking dogs. He's not entirely sure if they actually belong to anybody there, but whatever. Placing the dogs in front of the confused crowd, he claps his hands together and in a burst of light the two dogs become one! The crowd doesn't actually seem to be about to throw themselves down at Fluffee's feet. Most of them just look confused, actually.
Hotfire, muscles bursting with super spinach strength, grabs the giant asteroid chunk and prepares to bash Puppyguard with it! Or he would, anyway, if Puppyguard hadn't just run into a nearby building. A building with a door far too small to fit a half-ton rock through.
In search of more weapons, King Zultan delves further into the factory and into a back door. This room is full of more giant machines, but no workers. [Scavenging: 3] Unfortunately, there are no weapons to be found besides a brick or two stashed in the corner, and no nails in sight! Bummer.
NAV starts banging on Elon Musk's door, continuing for a solid thirty seconds before a burly security guard appears from around the corner! "Sir! What are you doing here? This office is off-limits to the public!"
Wringing her hands in anticipation, roseheart stalks over towards the group of muscled men with the intent of inciting them against the evils of upper management! [Collusion: 2+2 (Organized Crime)] However, they just straight-up ignore the Azerbajani wiki-warrior, not even deigning to look over at her! How rude!
Sorry for the delay! Updates should be coming more often now (and hopefully with a higher level of quality than this one).
Name: NRDL
Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Dorothy Parker: +2 Poetry, +2 Short Story Writing, +1 Wit, +Flapper's Dress
Microbeads: +Vial of Microbeads
Armstrong Whitworth Siskin: +Armstrong Whitworth Siskin WWI Biplane
Michael Joncas: +2 Theology, +1 Roman Catholicism, +1 Religious Music
Ocular Straylight: +Ability: Ocular Fragment
Status: Fine
Points: 0
Assets: Flapper’s Dress, Vial of Microbeads, Armstrong Whitworth Siskin WWI Biplane
Ocular Fragment: You can temporally fragment the corneas of a nearby player or NPC, causing them to be blinded by bright lights for a short period. 4 turn cooldown.
Name: NAV
Gender: Male
Nationality: Irish
Yu Ming Is Ainm Dom: +Ability: Incomprehensible Foreigner, +2 Foreign Languages
Royal Society of Queensland: +2 Science, +1 Research
Auckland Chamber of Commerce: +Asset: 725 New Zealand Dollars, +2 Economics
Duke of Bedford: +Asset: Dukedom of Bedford, +Asset: Royal Robes
Walter Henry Wilson: +2 Architecture, +1 Sailing
Status: Fine
Points: 0
Assets: Royal Robes, 725 New Zealand Dollars, Dukedom of Bedford
Incomprehensible Foreigner: You cannot be understood by people who do not speak your native language. However, most people will find this endearing and attempt to help you out despite the language barrier.
Allies: None
Name: Puppyguard
Gender: Female
Nationality: Spanish
Dorothy Lawson: +Asset: Cello, +2 Cello
Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Chronometrie: +2 Horology, +1 Science
Duke's Chair: +Asset: Duke's Chair
Oriol De Bolos: +2 Biology, +1 Phytosociology
Patrick Joseph Morrissey: +Asset: Policeman's Uniform, +Asset: Garda Síochána Badge, +Asset: Glock 17 Pistol
Chanking +3 Chanking, +1 Guitar
Status: Fine
Points: 1
Assets: Policeman's Uniform, Cello, Duke's Chair, Garda Síochána Badge, Glock 17 Pistol [QR] (12/17)
Abilities: None
Allies: None
Name: King Zultan
Gender: Male
Nationality: British
Balance Theory: +Ability: Balanced Thoughts
Colours of Ostrava: +Asset: Colours of Ostrava Weekend Pass, +2 Music
Lyualka AL-5: +Asset: Lyualka AL-5
20 Variations in G Major: +2 Piano, +1 Composition
Davyhulme Sewage Works: +Asset: Protective Suit, +2 Sewage Treatment
Assets: Protective Suit, Colours of Ostrava Weekend Pass, Lyualka AL-56, Nail Gun [LR] (40/40)
Balanced Thoughts: You can influence an NPC to hold the opinions of a different NPC on a specific topic. 4 Turn Cooldown.
Allies: None
Name: roseheart
Gender: Female
Nationality: Azerbaijani
The Combined: +Asset: Five-Piece Suit, +2 Organized Crime, +2 Bootlegging
Behbud Khan Javanshir: +2 Politics, +2 Diplomacy
Zimmerit: +Asset: Bucket of Zimmerit
NORAZ Poets: +Ability: Alzheimer's, +2 Poetry
Lizbeth Sainz: +Asset: Volleyball, +2 Volleyball
Status: Fine
Points: 0
Assets: Five-Piece Suit, Bucket of Zimmerit, Volleyball
Alzheimer's: You have Alzheimer's Disease! Every 10 turns, you will lose 1 modifier point for a random ability. No Cooldown.
Allies: None
Name: Hotfire
Gender: Male
Nationality: Sierra Leonean
Blow Me Down!: +Ability: Spinach Strength, +Asset: Can of Spinach
Kelvin Doe: +2 Engineering, +1 DJing
1996 PW: +Asset: Large Chunk of 1996 PW
Ivan Santos: +Asset: Racing Bicycle, +2 Biking
Red Letter Media: +Ally: Mr. Plinkett, +2 Film Reviewing, +1 Filmmaking
Super Strong! (3)
Points: 0
Assets: Modern Clothes, Can of Spinach, Large Chunk of 1996 PW (Approx. 500 kg), Racing Bicycle
Spinach Strength: Upon consuming a moderate quantity of spinach, you gain a significant boost to all rolls involving physical strength for several turns. No Cooldown.
Mr. Plinkett (Status: Fine | Wheelchair, Stained Clothing, Dark Sunglasses | +2 Kidnapping, +2 Film Reviewing)
Name: Fluffee
Gender: Male
Nationality: Vanuatu
Alan Rogers: +Asset: Caravan, +2 Camping
Ishmael Kalasakau: +2 Politics
Canid Hybrid: +Ability: Instantaneous Breeding
Resurrection: +Ability: Life Eternal
Peter Milward: +Asset: Jesuit Robes, +2 Theology, +1 Literature
Status: Fine
Points: 0
Assets: Jesuit Robes, Caravan
Instantaneous Breeding: You can instantly combine two dogs into a single dog, with the physical and mental characteristics of the first two dogs combined. 3 Turn Cooldown.
Life Eternal: Upon dying, you will automatically resurrect in 2 turns unless your body is incinerated, vaporized, chopped up into tiny pieces, or otherwise destroyed beyond any hope of repair. All injuries you sustained will not be healed and will maintain their general penalties, but will no longer contribute to your bleed-out timer.
Allies: None
Name: Rockeater
Gender: Female
Nationality: British
Ian Simmonds: +2 Jazz, +1 Electronica
Strategic Dominance: +Ability: Dominating Presence
Mary Percy, Countess of Northumberland: +Asset: Noble Robes, +Asset: County of Northumberland
Mark Ames: +2 Journalism, +1 Writing
David N. Feldman: +2 Economics, +1 Finance
Status: Fine
Points: 0
Assets: Noble Robes, Country of Northumberland
Dominating Presence: Upon beating another player in an opposed roll, you gain a bonus on all rolls against that player for 3 turns. Winning subsequent rolls against other players will not increase the bonus, but will extend it's duration. No cooldown.
Allies: None