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Name the Meissa Physics Outpost after a historical dwarven figure (physics preferably)

Dr. Motaval Solar Physics Station
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UristMcThunderguts Stellar Experimentation Platform
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Author Topic: Boatmurdered 2200: Indefinite Hiatus  (Read 19080 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Boatmurdered 2200: Indefinite Hiatus
« on: May 09, 2018, 03:51:15 pm »

Status of everything so far (in spoiler):

RP Clarification

I've put out a list of RP-able dwarves in game at the bottom of this post (which I'm going to clean up . There are a number of fudged characters, which means they aren't simulated in game but play a significant role, like Chancellor Urnbreath and Uncle Nil. We have a grand total of five scientists, and any are up for grabs. I'm playing Ral Undertrumpets and I've written up shit for Chancellor Urnbreath. The Chancellor will probably die from a freak accident involving a barrel organ and a +Green Glass Window+ since he's written actually living IN Old Boatmurdered. If you want a simulated leader (governor, scientist, admiral, general, any elected leaders) I can do that but there's a hard cap. If you want a non-simulated leader (i.e. captains of individual ships in the fleet, guild representatives, dwarves on the Imperial Senate) write up a name for your dwarf, and the position you're filling in.

So I found this page, and decided it didn't have anywhere near enough dwarvery in it. We're "other games", but this is Bay12Games, which means we do Dwarf Fortress too. So I took Dwarf Fortress and put it in another game, yo. This will be a Let's Play, I'm not doing a succession yet with this (requires all DLC and so on) but will try to make posts to update progress on a semi-frequent basis (and unlike Dwarf Fortress Stellaris doesn't seem to have as much of an FPS-death issue). I wanted to start this from the beginning but my test game became the full game... and I've annotated (20 days of gameplay in) the system map. See below!

That's right folks, we're doing Dwarf Fortress, Kingdom mode IN SPACE. Which means we're doing it in Stellaris. This is like the only game where you can unleash a bunch of non-gendered cyborg automatons on the galaxy by taking away their AIs and then blast their planets with neutron sweeps.

I will be roleplaying as ONE character, who has been chosen by His Imperial Majesty Urist III Angkosh to oversee the, uh, expansion of the Dwarven Star Imperium, formerly known as the Glorious Dwarven Imperium (back in my 1.9 game I used as a test run). When that character dies, I'm going to create a new one or take over an existing one and do some shit (I mean this is the fucking future, who says we can't upload our dwarven consciousnesses to some kind of machine?). The character I've created is Ral Arôlsåkzul, or in the human tongue, Ral "Undertrumpets". The dwarven minimum life expectancy is about 100 years and Ral is in good shape so he's predicted to live until 125 AT LEAST.

The parts of the expansion we'll be overseeing will be the banal ones. The tricky ones. The monotonous ones. We'll be dealing with calculating hyperspace maneuvers and suboptimal expansion patterns. We'll be dealing with whatever awful shit is living out there among the stars. And some of the shit we're dealing with, I assume, will be !!FUN!! and !!AWESOME!!

Note: If you want a dwarven "character" in game, give me a name and a job title. It won't be that easy to fill LEADER positions due to the need for credits (as of this new version) to hire them, and the flow will be low in the start. However, you could be "dwarf'd" as the captain of a particular ship...

TL;DR: The Dwarven Star Imperium has developed hyperdrive. As Ral Undertrumpets, the governor of the core sector, we're doing what the fuck we should to get dwarves to the stars. ARMOK VULT! General shit that's repeated elsewhere is placed below for quick reference.

Note: This page WILL undergo some edits. Expect changes, additions, and extra pics to arrive. Some of this was written back in 1.9 when I did a test run for the Dwarven Civilization and got a good deal of the Beta Quadrant under my control within a few years.

Journal of Ral Arôlsåkzul, Ral "Undertrumpets", 2200 Nicol Ashok

So I decided to take some time off at Eshimumid club, known to the humans as "Freefall", in the deep elven settlement of "Whiplash", and that's how I got into this mess to start with. It was a quick magloop ride from Archcrystal, when I get there though the place is packed and I get taken to the side by some representative from the Miner's Guild of Kinmelbil. He tells me someone from the office told him I was going down here, and I apparently have some high end assignment which I can't refuse. He said it wasn't optional, and it sure isn't since they've now transferred my pension plan and all that to some governmental level. I mean, I either refuse the order and have to rebuild my 420K from scratch, or I get like five times the pension, five years sooner, and a mansion in my own name where I want it. Nor are the Miner's Guild of Kinmelbil any dwarves to be fucked around with, given how they support our fucking empire these days. Even the new Emperor Urist III Angkosh doesn't want to get on their bad side these days. That's going to get a lot worse soon enough too.

I'm given a whole binder full of various papers told I need to see Chancellor Libash Urnbreath in Boatmurdered. He's apparently some high end advisor who doesn't run anything but provides all the guidance necessary to keep shit in order. The train takes me about 2 hours to arrive in the capital and drops me off above ground, and I spend the next hour wretching under the expanse of open sky between the gigantic skyscrapers. That's right, whoever decided to plan out the city made it mostly aboveground, and the cavernous architecture means the buildings are literally like artificial caverns. They didn't think of roofing off the outside though - or moving the magloop terminal inside.

Libash's office is in the old fortress. As in, the place where everything started - the whole decline of Kinmelbil, the second age of myth, and eventually the collapse of old civilisation. It's also where the restoration began, when Urist Sankis Angkosh found the fortress and launched the great crusade that eventually united Nir Kodor under the Dwarven Imperium. The fortress used to support, like, 100 dwarves at its peak, and most of the additions are post-reclaimation. It's now like 15,000 dwarves in this fortress and most of the old rooms were converted into offices. Even the imperial palace isn't in here, that's a large arcology outside.

Project "Fuck the World" device employs the majority of dwarves living in the fortress. The magma flow is routed outside to a series of geothermal power stations that keep the whole city - and much of the planet running smoothly.

The guards lead me to the room and knock on the door. The room is small-ish, with most of the old furniture moved to the side serving as a support for paperwork and a number of holoscreens. The old decor has been immaculately preserved, and is as legend describes it - elephants killing dwarves, elephants on fire, cheese, and dogs melting. There's also a display case with the old currency on it, which depicts a tentacle demon wrapping its appendages around some elves. Chancellor Urnbreath sits behind one of the old dining tables, wearing a felt top hat and monocle. Clearly I am in the presence of the elite.

"Ah, Ral Undertrumpets. I have been expecting you. Or should I say, we have been expecting you. You have been selected for our 'new blood' program, specifically our attempt to perform an outreach and employ younger dwarves in an attempt to create a more interconnected and more in touch society with-"

he drones on for about five minutes about how this system works, and I do some doodling in a book to make it seem like I'm taking some notes on this horseshit.

"- and after reading the resume your uncle sent me we decided you would be the first ambassador to this program."

Uncle Nil, of course. I should have known he'd be up for saving my ass post-graduation from an office job.

"Allow me to brief you on current events. This should tell you what you're up against."

He pulls up a map on the holographic display. "This is the current state of the Dwarven Star Imperium, also known as the Glorious Dwarven Imperium to some. It is but the nineteenth of the year, also the month of Opal. The Courteous Act, the only moon of our world, has a number of physical anomalies that warrant a permanent base, but one has not been constructed yet. Over here" - he points to the white star. "We have our shipyard orbiting Istam Anriz. 1st Squadron is congregated at that shipyard. We also have a solar energy collection system in position around the star." He shifts his attention to the other side of the screen. "Over here is the gas giant Bridepurged, which is subject of a research station. There is also a mining station around the moon of Festivalcherish, while The Ordered Coal has prospected minerals. The Miner's guild suggests it is high time to build a mining station around that world. Finally-" he points to the bottom of the map - The Famous Gravel has a large reserve of antimatter and fusion energy fuel within its Van Allen belts. If we should exploit that, we should be able to run a few more ships."

Great. So we've not yet fully exploited our home system, and we don't even have a physics base on our Moon, yet we have almost complete facilities on the other side of the solar system? Oh well.

Chancellor Urnbreath then focuses on the starmap. No idea how these guys managed to work out all the hyperlane connections, really.

"This is the current state of the galaxy. As you can see, there are about a thousand systems in the entire galaxy that represent strategic locations, all connected by these hyperlanes. We worked out the shape of the network by sending out hyperwave pulses into the transdimensional detemporalised subspace matrix, or so the scientists say. As far as we know, we can only use the hyperdrive to travel along these lanes, and not outside of them."

"Of course, someone needs to give directions. Expanding to the stars almost certainly sets of a bureaucratic cataclysm in the long wrong. That's where you come in."

So these guys have waded into a shitshow and I am the new star to sort out their bureaucratic mess.

"We have arranged for a shuttle to transport you to the DIS Matonmuthir, also known as the Joke Column, a newly-commissioned Gudaslased-class science ship. This will serve as your remote work base, as a home away from home, and an office away from the office in your capacity as Governor of the Core Sector. The Matonmuthir will head to the hyperspace point and accompany the scientist Gomath Chancetome to the system on the other end, where you will decide how to command the further expansion of the Dwarven Imperium from the core sector outwards."

In other words, I get to run a whole interstellar empire! Isn't that cool? I take some advice from the Chancellor before leaving for some celebratory swamp whiskey in the Boatmurdered Fortress Bar.

This is the first chart for the original homeworld, Nir Kodor, circa today, 2200, interposed over a map of the Istam Anriz system. I've annotated it myself, so you can see most of the features. Each time represents an area of the homeworld, and there are about nineteen areas. All have seen some kind of settlement in the past, usually by dwarves, but not all of them are being worked to the scale normally acceptable for a post-industrial civilisation. I've labelled most the primary fortresses and administration centres here.

I take my leave, get drinking, and wake up the morning with the sun shining down on me through the side of the skyscraper I've been booked into. Fucking cretins. Switching on the news, well, I see this.

//Lora Ipsum//

Turns out the new Crown Prince is Tosid Creamloves Angkosh.

Docking with the Joke Column is successful around the molten world of Yellowlover. Introductions with Gomath Chancetome are amicable, and it turns out he won the University of Sparkgear drinking contest 101-98 in my freshman year! I proceed to get to work with shit that needs doing.

Ral Undertrumpet's Orders: 20th Opal 2200

Firstly, I order a Trade Hub built at Istam Anriz Station. Apparently this only requires 80 Space Urists worth of minerals, as our illustrious Emperor Urist III Angkosh has put in place the industrial connections to ensure maximal efficiency of making a home in the sky in a mere 180 days.

Second, in order to fulfill the demands of the Miner's Guild, I have directed the construction of a mining outpost at The Ordered Coal, the frozen outer moon of Bridepurged. This will grant us additional mineral income, worth at a base 3 Space Urists. This operation will be conducted by the D.I.S. Prim Tattoo.

Finally, I have directed some 100 Billion Urists of energy towards gentrification of the area surrounding Gemclod. Once home to the largest steel smelter and titanium refinery on Nir Kodor, the workforce suffered massive layoffs starting in the late 21st century, and increasing in the middle of the 22nd century as efficiency in the plant improved. In total, about 90% of jobs were shed, and the now-outdated infrastructure and unemployed population now produces negligible contributions to the economy, but not for much longer! Once the cleanup is complete in like 98 days, it will be possible to assign productive dwarves to the location, re-start mining and build a better mining network! In the meantime, I have organised the large-scale redistribution of the Undergrotto-Icemachines workforce to the Severedcoils area, where they will establish small-scale mining and energy extraction while we consume food from our significant reserves. This will optimize planetary operations towards extracting energy and minerals for up to 50 months before food supplies run out.

29th Opal 2200

Today, we passed The Famous Gravel, the outermost gas giant of the Istam Anriz system! This image was captured by one of the newscast chase ships as we pass the two largest moons of the planet. The inner moon is known as Tarnishedslave, while the outer moon is known as The Mournful Night. Ahead of us lies the hyperspace jump-off point, to an unknown system. I mean, isn't this like one of the nearest stars? All I have is it's a G-class star, and that's supposedly good news.

11th Obsidian 2200

The hyperdrive of the Joke Column is now warming up gneissly, Gomath tells me we have 7 days to go before we're catapulted across several light years in the space of a few days. Into the unknown!

18th Obsidian 2200

There's probably a mega party going on at Boatmurdered right now, because we've just entered hyperspace. Since Gomath is coordinating data collection at the helm, I am going to do some "liver crossfit".

19th Obsidian 2200

HOO BOY! We come out of hyperspace at the edge of the "Unatra" system to find this...

In total, long range scans show Unatra III is a large Ocean planet slightly larger than Nir Kodor! This is closest to the hyperspace point, so we're heading there first. There is a second habitable world, Unatra II, though it is arid and thus not suited to dwarven life. Of the other planets, Unatra I is a frozen barren planet, and Unatra IV has a thick atmosphere and is probably poisonous to known life...

1st Granite 2200: The State of the Imperium

Today would have been the first day of the year, the first day of spring, and also known as "arrival day" in times of yore. In those oldern days, dwarves would set out under the dizzying expanse of open sky, seven to a cart, with two mules, a wagon, and a barrel of -plump helmet biscuits [5]- to a new peak where they would await the arrival of a metalsmith, carrying an anvil, and pray to whatever powers they believed in that he or she would not be eaten by unicorns before they crossed the stream. In times more recent, but still long ago, the tailing metalsmith was cut out and dwarves brought anvils at great expense themselves, but they would endeavour settle any location that wasn't completely underwater, or entirely atop a mountain. After those times, after the end of the era of Headshoots and Syrupleaf, and in the times of Gemclod and Battlefailed, the anvils became cheaper, and the supplies became more complicated, and eventually "arrival day" became flexible.

Today, our great world of Nir Kodor is populated by billions of dwarves. A group of seven dwarves will at most be planning and ordering the construction of a new town plan, a new city plan, or a new megaforge. Here in space, there is no sense of spring. However, this first day of Granite, we have now made new ground, arriving in the Unatra system, and running straight into the very first habitable planet. No, our first pair of habitable planets. Already on the homeworld, plans are being drawn for the construction of our first colony ship, which shall transport thousands of dwarves to establish a beachhead on one of these planets. They will be followed by hundreds of civilian transports to build up the population for a number of years. Once the endeavor is over, we shall be faced with a new dawn among the stars. Ir Kodor! VOX NIHILI VULT!

Wait, I'm not speechwriting for the Emperor, am I?

Official Policy Change: First Contact Protocol

We have changed the First Contact Protocols to Peaceful. This will remain in effect for at least ten years.

You're probably wondering what was up with that. I mean, we certainly had a directive to "be on the look out for pirates" and so on. There's no guarantees that aliens will be friendly, right? That doesn't mean we're going to shoot first though. We're not going to start the fire. At least, not so fast. That said, for now we're going to be changing the First Contact Protocols. For some reason, there has been the expression of some surprise that they were even set to Aggressive in the pre-hyperdrive era in the first place.

State of the Leadership and Aristocracy

Spoiler: Leaders (click to show/hide)

The current state of the Leadership and Aristocracy is summarized here, though without the Emperor and Crown Prince, who are covered in another datasheet. I happen to be the only governor of a sector, which happens to be the core sector. I am governor, of course, only by subwave extranet telepresence from Istam Anriz, though many apparently think I am actually present in Boatmurdered. I am aged 36, and my fitness levels are off the charts. Like, nobody is as healthy as I am so I am expected to keep going for another 89 years AT LEAST.

Of course there is Gomath Tenshedbal, or "Gomath Chancetone", the captain of the D.I.S. Joke Column, I am three years his junior he is about as fit as I am. OK, but that's just a tie for the best. I think I've covered that elsewhere, the trouble is Gomath focused on college sport and didn't develop as much of a focus as the other leading scientists did.

I grabbed a copy of the research arrangements at the beginning of Obsidian, to check where things are going. This is a bit dated so we should have another month's worth of progress on this shit down.

Firstly (lastly on the Research rooster), we have Bushos Shislugitdun, or "Bushos Muddlecharm", aged 47 with ph.D in Materials Science from the University of Sparkgear, leading Engineering research dedicated to designing, building, and establishing new dedicated engineering institutes on Nir Kodor or elsewhere. It is rumored that she intends to upgrade Sparkgear's engineering research capacity. Conveniently, we outpace research in engineering over research in other sectors.

Secondly, we have Lolok Tiriststot, or "Lolok Rimsurprise", aged a mere 32 years, leading society research in "Planetary Unification", a socio-political project that should complete the unification of the various dwarven (and non-dwarven) nations on Nir Kodor fully under a common set of principles. Lolok grew up in Flamebanner under poor economic circumstances, but graduated from the University of Boatmurdered with decent honours. His further academic work at the University of Sparkgear is obscure, arcane, and in most cases under top secret classification. He has a reputation as a maniacal polymath, so he isn't focused on the "Eren Ducim" but is rather taking a "mere interest" in them at the moment.

Finally, we have Dustik Kabegeth, or "Dustik Namemisery" the head of physics research, aged 42 years old. Educated at the University of Flarechannels and graduating with the highest honours, he is known for being adaptable, so he'll gain experience faster. He is looking into designing an "energy grid", which would increase the output of all power plants on Nir Kodor, and would also allow us to implement edicts to further boost power generation by overloading the capacity.

State of the Imperium: Government

Finally, we have the government of the Dwarven Star Imperium itself. As you can see, we are a Star Empire under Emperor Urist III Angkosh. Our ethics have been strongly oriented towards militarism due to the way our homeworld was (re)unified. They are also strongly oriented towards mechanism due to the history of our civilization and society. Finally, our civics consist firstly of an aristocratic elite, which means only the finest dwarves graduate to governorship and we have somewhat more capacity in our ranks. Secondly mining guilds such as the Miner's Guild of Kinmelbil and House Lam have backed dwarven society since antiquity and probably prehistory, and they remain in place today giving us a significant boost to minerals production.

Our Emperor, Urist III Angkosh, aged a mere 27 years, rose to power following the death of his father. His agenda is focused on "Fleet Expansion" which means Shipyard construction is a bit faster, shipyards are subsidized, and the upkeep of the various spacecraft in our empire is lower. As a result, he dreams of a grand fleet of the dwarven star imperium, which can reach out to other star systems and colonize them, while defending us from whatever horrors might actually seek to attack us. He reaches for the stars, thus has also subsidized the construction of starbase modules in general, as well as any upgrades they may need. He also believes that food production should be efficient, and has increased our farm yields by approximately 10%.

The current heir to the throne is Crown Prince Beratishis Angkosh, aged 21. He is the younger brother of Urist III. He is warlike, and believes that dwarves should rather seek to fortify themselves and subdue other empires actively.

3rd March 2200

We are entering orbit around Unatra III and are beginning initial scans! The world looks like a blueish marble from up here. Once we have a better idea of topography, we will send down some shuttles for a closer look at the world!

7th Granite 2200

For some reason, the order to change first contact protocol was not changed. Not sure why. It all started when I got a news report that dwarves were being displaced from Gemclod during the slum removal program, which is now entering it's half-way point. I decided to check what the policies are, and probably should have done that earlier. Now, not only were first contact protocols still set to aggressive, but we're permitted to displace "undesirables" and forcibly resettle dwarves. I mean, holy shit, who wrote that? I sent a hypermail to the Emperor's office, and have now been informed those changes have been enacted. For some reason they never realized they were like that. Something's fishy, and it isn't the planet we're orbiting.

16th Granite 2200

FUCKING FINALLY! The news is out - we've discovered life. Not, like, intelligent life, but sufficiently complex life. Lolok Rimsurprise is giddy at the news, he says he can use this for his "project". I wonder what it tastes like.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The great news, is we have a potential landing spot where there are ample geothermal sources of power. You see, unlike Nir Kodor where there is a moon to make tides and shit, Unatra III has no moon and the tides are less pronounced, only being generated by interaction with the star's gravity, but the planet seems to be a bit more geologically active. There's also a material nearby the proposed landing site which is called "Betharian Stone". These are energetic stones which Gomath says were deposited by meteor impacts, and while we can't use them currently we might be able to use them in a !!power station!! one day given research.

While we could establish a research base orbiting the planet to collect data on native lifeforms, I'd rather establish a full-on colony here. The habitability rating is "60%" which means we can set up a colony with not too much trouble, though it isn't optimal. Best avoid the regions of poisonous kelp, and the islands with sever volcanic activity. Wait, what? I thought we could tap volcanoes like over a thousand years ago? Dude is this like some kind of fucking space volcano that we can't tame without "research"?

1st Slate 2200

Scans of Unatra I are disappointing as there are no resources of note on the planet. It's literally just a frozen ball of rock orbiting suspiciously close to it's star.

16th Slate 2200

We've just completed the scan of Unatra, the G-class star at the centre of the system. It seems like we can establish decent energy supply from the star, which is like half the maintenance for a colony ship or colony under establishment.

Meanwhile back home, news of our discovery has spread all around Nir Kodor. I am getting get to do a few interviews when I get back to Istam Anriz!

28th Slate 2200

Gentrification efforts around Gemclod have finally been completed, and I have ordered a new mining network and industrial facilities to be constructed down upon the site. Once again, Gemclod shall be a place where great things are made! This phase of the project will take 206 days. I have also re-assigned the workforce from the power stations at Deathgate, Murdermachines, and Slaughterhelm to the site to start mineral extraction as best we can, thus maintaining maximum output of minerals.

7th Felsite 2200

We're current entering orbit around Unatra II, the Arid world that has about 73% the surface area of Nir Kodor. I can see a few lakes from the ship, but no large bodies of water. Most of the forests are going to be in polar regions.

19th Felsite 2200

Scans of Unatra II are complete. There are a number of accessible mineral deposits, but a lot of areas are covered in quicksand basins, colossal sinkholes, and there's an active supervolcano on the planet that's so active we can't build anything permanent there. With habitability assessed at 20%, I have decided this would be an ideal mining location until we get a better grip on how to colonize worlds such as this.

1st Hematite 2200

Summer has arrived in the northern hemisphere of Nir Kodor, and with it, the news that our new mining operation is in place around The Ordered Coal. Since we don't have the minerals to build another station yet, I have ordered the D.I.S. Prim Tattoo to plot a course for Unatra to establish an outpost. We have all the political capital in place to establish control over the system, and we only need to scan this last poison planet and collect the minerals, both of which will have been done by the time the Prim Tattoo arrives.

23rd Hematite 2200

Survey complete! Unsurprisingly Unatra IV has no useful resources for us, and cannot be colonized. We will set a course back to Istam Anriz, carry out a press conference on Nir Kodor, and head to another system adjacent to our homeworld.

20th Malachite 2200

Some more good news from Istam Anriz - the trade hub at the starbase has been completed, restoring our income to a level sufficient to cover the maintenance of a colony ship or colonization effort.

10th Galena 2200

The D.I.S. Prim Tattoo just exited hyperspace and flew by us - damn, we need to be more careful. Can't have any collisions going on down these hyperlane exit points, can we? Oh well we only need to repaint this thing.

7th Limestone 2200: The Press Conference

The good news is that the hyperdrive can be used more than once. If that weren't possible, we could not return home, and exploration would be a lot harder.

With the Joke Column passing Nir Kodor on the way to the next neighbouring system, me and Gomash took a team of "away dwarves" to a press conference, which has been arranged by Chancellor Urnbreath. I end up sleeping through most of it. The main questions are about whether intelligent life has been discovered, whether we're going to be conquering anything, and when the "embark" is due. The existence of the numerous active volcanic island chains has many excited.

One of the attendants then chimes in with a question: "So is there like, edible food and fish on that planet?"

The question catches everyone else off-guard. I reply that the planet is about as fertile as Nir Kodor in total, but some of the kelp isn't safe to eat.

10th Sandstone 2200

Today, we jumped off from the second jump point! In the meantime, I've drawn out how I'm planning to do the exploration and colonization.

14th Sandstone 2200

After four days in hyperspace, we have entered the Baltris system. Baltris is an M-class red dwarf, which means the system size is smaller, and habitable planets either orbit close to the star, or have a massive greenhouse system to keep them hot. I've annotated the system overview, there is a size-16 savanna planet which curiously shows up as Jurg-Faliigh rather than Baltris I I mean, who named that? It seems very random, though this system was checked from afar by the Dwarf Wobble Detection Array commissioned by Urist I Sankis Angkosh himself, and later by the Dwarf Hypertelescope Array under Urist II, but was then given the designation "Baltris c" owing to it being the second planet detected around the system.

Baltris I is orbited by a molten moon, probably molten due to tidal forces.

28th Sandstone 2200

We've arrived at Baltris II (formerly known as Baltris D). The planet looks like it's a bit cold from here, so the temperature is probably a little under freezing. That, or it's covered in huge plains of flood basalt.

10th Timber 2200

Today, we scanned Baltris II. It again checks out to be a barren planet which for now, does not have any use to us until and unless we can set up some large space stations in orbit.

24th Timber 2200

At long last, the Gemclod mining network is finally finished! Not one year into the Dwarven Star Imperium's journey to the stars, we have finally restored Gemclod to something resembling its former glory!

28th Timber 2200

The star of Baltris is confirmed as an M class red dwarf, which can still produce us some energy if we build a processing plant around it.

8th Moonstone 2200

We have finally arrived in orbit around Jurg-Faliigh. The planet looks like it's covered in grasses, and there are quite a few more likes than on Unatra II. Maybe we'll be able to get to the bottom of the mystery...

11th Moonstone 2200

Unatra station is completed, and we have claimed the first dwarven system outside of Istam Anriz! Now time to establish a mining outpost here.

16th Moonstone 2200: Intelligent Life

After getting off the hyperlink after a full five days of negotations with House Lam, a representative of the Lanternwebs Mining Guild, and the Kinmelbil Miners' Guild, I go to Gomath's office to requisition some of the sunshine from his fridge. As I return to my office I hear a full concert of explosive bowel movements from within. I find Gomath himself inside, listening to a recording that has been taken by one of our scan probes. Turns out, it is Jurg-Faliighian opera. Well, shit.

This is what the Provalguvor, the fungoid inhabitants of the planet look like. Well, not always. It appears they are a compound life-form with some animal forms of life. The Provalguvor are pretty disgusting, and seem to be able to communicate by smell and spores as well as by other means. They can "talk", using whatever the the vocal cords of whatever creature they can infect. They don't live very long and breed slowly, as they have to begin their symbiosis procedure, but they can adapt to any environment with ease, and each one is about as strong as a dwarf. They have reached the industrial age, and a large portion of their planet is covered in slums and industrial wasteland.

None of the crew want to get near any of these things for obvious reasons, and it is fortunate they will be planet-bound for a few more years a least. They do have redeeming features though, as a society they have the same ethics, though different priorities.

17th Moonstone 2200

After transmitting our findings back to Nir Kodor, I immediately get a call from Lolok Rimsurprise. He congratulates us on our discoveries, but then says he wants me to mandate an "observation post". I ask him what he means, and he says he actually wants to fucking monitor the Provalguvor, and it will increase our social research speed massively. I tell him the things are disgusting, and he says that's literally part of the point. Fine, guess we were going to build an outpost here anyways, but not before the Imperial Senate has regained the political capital to do so.

1st Opal 2201: New Year's Report

In the past year, we literally got a shitload of stuff done. We've established a presence in the nearby Unatra system, and discovered not one but two planets within! Unatra III will be our first colony once we get a ship built. We've explored nearly two star systems outside of our own, and have also discovered alien life in both unintelligent and intelligent forms. Unfortunately, the intelligent life is not just one of the disgusting kind, but is right next door to Istam Anriz.

Convenient List of Simulated Characters (and anyone doing RP):
Ral Undertrumpets: The new Governor of the Core Sector. Age 36 years, born 2163. RP yours truly.
His Majesty Urist III Angkosh: The current Emperor of the Dwarven Star Imperium. Age 27 years, born 2172.
His Dwarven Highness Tosid Creamloves Creamspiral Angkosh: The current Crown Prince. Age 21 years, born 2178.
Gomath Chancetone: Scientist and Captain of the D.I.S. Joke Column. Age 39 years, born 2160.
Bushos Muddlecharm: Scientist in charge of Engineering Research. Age 47 years, born 2152.
Lolok Rimsurprise: Maniac Scientist in charge of Society Research. Age 32 years, born 2167.
Dustik Namemisery: Scientist in charge of Physics Research commanding the D.I.S. Buttonjail. Age 42 years, born 2157.
Alnis Crewblench: Scientist in charge of Physics Research, replaced Dr. Namemisery. Age 53, born 2152

Unsimulated Characters (and RP Participants)
Chancellor Urnbreath: Member of Emperor Urist III's cabinet. Voiceover guy.
Uncle Nil: Uncle of Ral Undertrumpets. Deeply connected businessdwarf.

Note: Probably might be hiatus until early weekend. Editing the images is time-heavy for good results so these will start going in. Expect some coverage of the scientist crew running research, too.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 05:13:49 pm by CaptainArchmage »
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Re: Boatmurdered 2200: A Stellaris Let's Play
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2018, 03:54:33 pm »

Reserved Post.

You can start posting now, don't worry.
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Re: Boatmurdered 2200: A Stellaris Let's Play
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2018, 02:08:06 pm »

Creating a new post to cover the second year. I'm going to be pulling back on the RP as Ral settles into his role as Core Sector governor. Lots of work is still to be done on images though, including previously.

If you want a dwarf, let me know and I will try to sign you up one. We're probably going to be getting a second science ship built too.

Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2201 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2202 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2203 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2204 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2205 (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2018, 02:47:34 pm by CaptainArchmage »
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Re: Boatmurdered 2200: First Contact (Stellaris)
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2018, 02:46:00 pm »

Next five years will go out on here (2206-2210). We have a galaxy to explore and make more dwarfy!

Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2206 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2207 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2208 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2209 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2210 (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 04:21:21 pm by CaptainArchmage »
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Re: Boatmurdered 2200: RP-ers wanted, enquire within!
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2018, 05:13:42 pm »

General update:

No, I haven't forgotten this. I just didn't take a copy for me to play mid-week. LOL, eh?

Results of the poll so far show an overwhelmingly negative reception to using the human portrait for dwarves. This is despite the relative non-diversity of dwarves in the pack. At least two people have been !!TRIGGERED!!.

I've got a few suggested fixes, all of them are a bit risky:

1) I'm contemplating fixing the "portrait issue" by save game editing. This is literally the only way I can fix it now.
2) I'm considering upping the crisis difficulty to 5x by the same means.
3) I'm considering upping the game difficulty by the same means.

The date in game is 2nd Felsite 2206. Will the Dwarven Star Imperium expand southward, or will it look to the north? Will the tensions between the Dwarven Star Imperium and the Citizen League of Ooth-Nargai explode into open rivalry? A vote might be called for!

Still looking for people to fill in roles, simulated and unsimulated. A new poll will be coming soon, so stay tuned!

Edit: As promised, the update is being done to the post reserved as "2206-2210". Therefore, you might not see as much activity as being expected - of course. It's not being added as new post spam.

Realistic impression of what's going to happen to the Delta Quadrant of the galaxy soon:

Disclaimer: Not my GIF, just a representative one of the situation.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 08:43:58 pm by CaptainArchmage »
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Right, a new poll is up. Here's the old poll results - I can try to implement this, but it requires some save game editing and potential !!bugs!! or !!corruption!!.

The new poll concerns external policy on setting the Delta Quadrant on fire. Vote wisely. Note this is just an "advisory".

Not pictured: budget losses due to operational status of fleets. Stuff blowing up in space.
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It's the weekend again, and progress is rolling. Slowly. We have a new "simulated character", Admiral Rumred Conflicthops in command of Strike Force StarkRavingMad!

Just a reminder the records up to 2210 are going in a single post close to the top, and you don't get notified about the ongoing edits. We have a new poll on "spacecraft seating" up too and this won't get messed up by game mechanics. I've written up the below from the perspective of Admiral Rumred Conflicthops so you can get an idea of what the engagement was like (and how it goes in Stellaris). Also, story advancement.

The Engagement - 9th Felsite 2209 - 14th Hematite 2209

The probe was on the other side of the system, orbiting the world of Kodracca IV. Nonetheless, many disturbing things lay on Admiral Rumred Conflicthops' mind when ordering the engagement. He knew that Dr. Gomath was in the trailing science vessel, the DIS Buttonjail. He had detected a strange alien craft, of similar design to dwarven vessels, in the nearby system, and had alerted the Governor of the Core Sector Ral Undertrumpets to this fact. He wasn't concerned about the aliens that lived in the sector so much, though they did pose a threat.

Something had altered the probe, and it wasn't clear what. It had asked dwarfkind whether they were it's creators, and the reply was "yes". But there was something distinctly undwarven about the modifications. The system of Kodracca was also strange. At the edge, there was another gateway, a derelict structure perhaps millions of years old, that may have been used by an ancient race to teleport ships across the galaxy. There was also a tomb world present, which had been reduced to a state of nuclear winter in the past. Maybe beings from one of the worlds had altered the probe?

Dwarfkind had advanced its way to the stars. However, now among the stars, they had begun to realise they were simply the latest race to reach the stars. The nearby systems were littered with the remains of long-gone races, and those of the arthropoidal, collossal Yuht. Some of the equipment left behind was still use-able. The entirety of Strike Force StarkRavingMad was made up of ships produced by an abandoned, automated shipyard in Wir Thosk. The three ships in the battlegroup exceeded the power of the three nuclear-armed corvettes, and were much faster. The bulk of dwarven might was supported by a salvaged cruiser, which took up many mega-urists of minerals to maintain. Dwarfkind was becoming more susceptible to the ancient forces that had once occupied the Delta Quadrant, or at least "utterly dependent on the junk they left behind". The Dwarven Star Imperium's might was now supported by wearing the mismatched +Titanium Right High Boots+ of a long gone society.

History was litered with dwarves locating ancient ruins that had existed in the Time Before Time, as well as dwarves breaching open veins of adamantine only for their fortresses to be overrun by the forces unleashed. There were the tales of old Boatmurdered and "Sankis the Emperor" and of horrors that had been unleashed and swarmed old fortresses. Many fortresses had been revived, and while the old forts made up a small portion of the vast new cities of the dwarves, the history contained within was preserved. Rumred recalled the trip organised to Spearbreakers and had looked over the old battle plans. Not all of them were applicable in the interstellar age, and the stories of forgotten beast attacks, dragons being contained within wooden cages, and bronze collosi decapitated by fluffy wamblers were becoming somewhat unbelievable. But they couldn't all be wrong, could they? Could some of these ancient forces, perhaps, rise up on Nir Kodor again, and threaten dwarfkind? At least among the stars, dwarves had a single colony to retreat to if that event were ever to happen.

"ADMIRAL!" - Rumred was jerked back to reality by the captain of the DIS Spectre.

"Advance the fleet and engage the probe!"

Spoiler: UV Lasers (click to show/hide)

The advance took many days. "22nd Felsite - Probe is opening fire" read the log. The probe, however, was armed for long-range combat and the fleet soon faced the impact of energy lances on the shields. By the end of the month, however, the ships were in UV laser range (25th Felsite - "We have opened Laser fire. ARMOK VULT!"), and were pounding the construction with constant coilgun fire.

Spoiler: The probe is destroyed (click to show/hide)

The probe's resiliance impressed Admiral Rumred - for a slower than light probe, decades old, it could withstand as much fire as a small space station ("2nd Hematite - Fleet shields holding, probe still running at full power"). However, at last the structural integrity began to fail, and the device powered down ("14th Hematite - Probe shut down after power core destroyed. No damage to any ships. Shields recharging. Informing the Emperor. ARMOK VULT!").

A small spacewalk mission recovered the probe's data core, and the remains were directed over to the DIS Buttonjail and the hands of Dr. Gomath Chancetome. Perhaps the scientists back home on Nir Kodor could piece together a picture of what had happened.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 05:41:59 pm by CaptainArchmage »
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Re: Boatmurdered 2200: Our probe's been towed
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2018, 11:17:15 am »

This is pretty cool

I thought it would be getting warm in here.

Realistic impression of the Delta Quadrant right now.

Progress for 2200-2210 is now complete, so I'll create a new post for the upcoming years. Some screenshots are still to be added though.

Announcement: Update Scheduling and Stellaris Distant Stars Pack/2.1

As of weekdays, expect less updates. Potentially no updates. Updates may be more of in-game narration of events from character perspectives. Expect the in-game dates of updates to become more few and far between except for anomalies and shit. There will still be end-of-year reports.

Mass colonisation is going to pick up if the war leads to a lot of occupied Elder Thing systems, because those now provide their resources to the occupying power. Colony ship cost has been reduced in the updates (I think?) to 300 minerals (270 due to ruler traits) from 500 and I can actually launch a colony ship from Ir Kodor as well (because the planets get a civilian star port included with the colonisation package as of 2.0). This means we can probably build up to 2 ships/yr given what's produced in the Ooth-Nargai systems, if we only spend minerals on colony ships. We'll probably see write-ups on these new worlds (Ijaagin may be the target) but the reports will be less dense.

If you vote "other" for seat leather, please mention it in the thread.

I will probably not restart this for Distant Stars, but we'll update to 2.1 anyway when it hits. We won't change any existing hyperlanes, but I might be able to edit in the L-cluster and some more leviathans. To do this, I will probably generate a new game, take note of where the L-cluster is, and where the gate is. The L-cluster is outside of the galaxy so doesn't interfere with the existing hyper lane setup and I can just put in the coordinates as long as they don't fuck with anything else. Names of the systems and planets will be changed as is necessary to prevent clash. The L-cluster gates, which are in black hole systems, will be placed in the same-name black hole systems. If I can locate the systems for the new leviathans I will hack them in too.

This is kind of necessary because one of the systems has been generated in-game with blank name boxes for all the system objects (this was one of my custom empires added in). This results when some special characters like the ï in Nïr Kodor are used for naming planets and stellar objects, but it is strange since the system used one of the built-in naming conventions except for the star and the planet. I will also take the opportunity to fix the dwarf portrait since people actually like it. Difficulty will go up since normally other empires try to get new colonies up and running by ten years in and I haven't seen any efforts made despite being ample room. That, or it is a general shortfall in AI.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2018, 11:20:38 am by CaptainArchmage »
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Re: Boatmurdered 2200: Our probe's been towed
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2018, 07:02:48 pm »

The good news:

It's the weekend, which means this is ON again. We're now going to see which fucking goblins towed our probe, and see how the "Dwarven - Ooth-Nargai(an) Border Conflict War" plays out. There's going to be a lot of gratuitous space combat, though the war might be mostly over when the partial occupation of Celephais happens.

The bad you-have-to-wait news:

Complexity overload with upgrading to 2.1. I'm not hooking steam on that computer to the internet (so no updates), so until the war with the Ooth-Nargai is over I will stick with the current 2.0 version. There's probably a lot of flags and so on I have to carry over. There's one new resource type too, and I'd have to hack everything over.

Updates continue below, and probably will fill this space until either the war ends, or enough time passes. If the war ends I will attempt to implement the version upgrade.

Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2211 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2212 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2213 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2214 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2215 (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 04:35:38 pm by CaptainArchmage »
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Re: Boatmurdered 2200: We don't negotiate with the parking goons
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2018, 11:24:42 am »

One hellishly hot day is winding down and as of yesterday, I ran into a bit of a problem - I can't edit or post from the computer I am using for Stellaris (like, the one with the old version on it and all my screenshots). It's not an IP issue and I can't do it on any browser, but am troubleshooting. Maybe it's the old "log back out and log back in again" issue.

I'm going to take some time to touch up the news logs. Also, have a flashback with a bit of dwarven history.
Spoiler: Disclaimer (click to show/hide)

Flashback to 2nd Granite, 2184. The Place: University of Boatmurdered, Middle History 201

I've been in Boatmurdered before. The strain of managing war among the stars unfortunately got me a little triggered lately, and this took me way back when. It's about 26 years ago, going 27. I am about 20 years old, and am entering my second year of the Big Ten. Dwarves are pretty fucking long loved (whoops long lived), so this period of life is like where you learn a good part of all the shit you learn as a dwarf. We study. We also learn how to make the finest pieces of conceptual art and gold-plated marble tables this side of the galaxy, so we're also productive for this whole time.

I'm in Middle History 201. Dwarven History is divided into several eras. The first era after the Time Before Time is Old History. Old History is the study of all the dwarfy shit that happened up to about the years 1050-1075, which is when the fortress of Boatmurdered and many others were originally founded, and also fell. The last periods, sometimes known as the "transition periods" are labelled 17a-23a, about the time Bronzemurder fell. Old Middle History corresponds to the era of Headshoots, everything up to about the year 1350. Some of the greatest forts were founded in this time, and after the period labelled 40d the fortresses of Gemclod came into play. Middle History comes with the development of the library system and increased participation in expeditions and administrative reach, and Late Middle History comes with the consolidation of the formal magical system and really complex governmental systems, lasting until the age where forts start to get electrified. So Middle History 201 is like the middle of the line.

Professor Likot Drinkpot drones onward and upward about the final fate of the fortress of Largebusts, which experienced two collapses. "As some of you may recall from Introductory Early Middle History, the fortress of Largebusts was built bordering on the Prim Jungle in the 1130s, engaged in trade with the distant fort of Sacksizzled, and struck a series of disastrous defeats upon an elven nation. The leadership, however, eventually abandoned the fort to ruin. In terms of the socioeconomic context, major consensus today is that the social structure imposed a heavy series of resource demands while shortages of fuel created by the shallow depth of non-mountain outpost excavations lead to a dearth of materials and energy. Few if any such fortresses ever had access to lava. Thus fortresses were short lived, although layouts over multiple levels were more efficient."

He shoves the mobile blackboard upward and starts to write on a new pane. Of course there's digital technology to do this shit and has been for like two hundred years now, but Professor Drinkpot is a firm believer in having us copy all this stuff down.

"The revival of Largebusts occurred when an unnamed maddwarf emigrant from the fortress of Mebzuthtakùth came upon the site in 1415, and returned with an embark in the autumn of 1417. The fortress drew many immigrants and due to its proximity to The Prim Jungle, the careful management of wildlife began. The Largebusts Trappers Guild was able to move wildlife into secure areas, where they could breed. The war with the elves re-started, and the elven capital was sacked."

"The second fall of large busts occurred when a new high-power magma drill was tested, with the intention of bringing useful lava to the surface. The overpowered construction caused a devastating flood of lava which utterly incinerated the fortress and surrounding landscape. The Prim Jungle was reduced to The Plane of Ash. Archeological work was carried out in the 21st century to recover the library, which was sealed off during the disaster."

"Following the disaster, the fortress of Deadbeard, which was devoted to hunting down the wildlife of The Prim Jungle, suffered a major economic collapse and was abandoned to ruin. These events happened close to the end of the beginning of Middle History."
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Re: Boatmurdered 2200: We don't negotiate with the parking goons
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2018, 04:51:34 pm »

Got a moment (and have a traveling copy of the save for once). The post got so huge I have to start a new one right now.

Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2216 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2217 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2218 (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2018, 10:48:28 pm by CaptainArchmage »
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Re: Boatmurdered 2200: You have struck paradise! Praise the colonists!
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2018, 08:34:51 pm »

Probably the first post in a while due to IRL commitments, the last post has incidentally hit the buffers in terms of size.

To be honest I was surprised wasn't surprised by this opinion. Are you?

About that 2.1 upgrade

I haven't done it yet. Again, requires learning how to hack stuff into the save without wrecking it. It will have to happen someday, but that day isn't today. Maybe when we finally assault Ooth-Nargai and win.

Zansong Egath, 7th Moonstone 2018

Spoiler: The Discovery (click to show/hide)

The hovercraft... hovered through the thick xenoswamp. Invisible gasses rose from damnable depths of stagnant water, making Expedition Leader Ùst Íkthagassog choke. Some photographs and video  of the swamps had shown sickly green gasses arising, as was standard from such noxious swamps. Ùst's upbringing, in the fortress Breadbowl, had been insufficient preparation for her to making well in such poisonous environments. It was one thing to plant in suboptimal environments, but another to build farms in such inhospitable environments. There were bigger things to be concerned about, however. The environment of Zansong Egath was somehow unstable. This had suddenly impacted the entire colony, as expected natural paradigms no longer held. Some fauna was massively abundant, whereas others were not. This lead to uncontrolled explosions of the flora, and sometimes of the fauna, overrunning settled areas and reducing morale among the colonists.

An investigation into the anomalies had been launched by the local government, which was (as far as Ùst knew) now made the first sector capital outside of the core of the Dwarven Star Imperium. This had stabilized issues with interstellar administration, which would otherwise have been losing about ten percent of energy income and a considerable amount of political influence in the bureaucratic chaos following the completion of the Nitom Arkoth colony. The chair, however, was empty. Nobody was actively running the sector and there were no prospective decisions to be made for a while. There was not the energy to hire a governor, of course. But one day, that chair would have to be filled, and Zansong Egath would be the capital world for a vast area in the Dwarven Star Imperium. Certainly covering most of Ooth-Nargai space one day, perhaps then the rest of the Delta Quadrant from core to rim. The government firstly, however, had to solve the issues at hand. Solve the problems at Zansong Egath, and one could solve the problems for the rest of the sector. This was the challenge for the colonists of this world. Perhaps, some scientists had found a solution


The shout came from an area of swamp that had been... somewhat de-swamped. The technology didn't quite yet exist, and according to most scientists did not exist, to de-swamp the entire region. However, small outposts could be raised to enable settlement. Here, there was a large radio tower, and a few pre-fabricated buildings upon which the swamp "flora" were trying to climb. The hovercraft halted, wary of the coilguns perched atop one of the bigger concrete structures. A dwarf, wearing a full enviro-suit and carrying a megaphone system, waved Ust and the hovercraft in.

"Ùst Íkthagassog. Human translation is Ùst Squeezeddisloyal. Expedition Leader of the First Xenoswamp Exploration Corps."

"Oh shit. Another expedition trying to cut their way around this perpetually unstable biosphere. Most assuredly, thou art in luck. Me and my... Dwarven Scientific Corps... have probably come across a topping solution for this world. A most topping solution! You won't believe what we have uncovered here."

"Your name and designation?"

"Viscount Cim Umshadterstum. That's His Grace Viscount JUICE PONDEROUSDESTRUCTION" - the dwarf screamed so the phrase "Ponderousdestruction" echoed throughout the swamp. "That's designation DSC-420.69"

"I don't take kindly to-"

"I will have you know the Emperor HIMSELF has assured me of this designation!"

"Fine. I'm not going to challenge that. Just tell me what the fuck's going on."

.  .  .

The cave entrance was perfectly circular, and set within the swamp. Technicians wearing the insignia of House Lam and the Kinmelbil Mining Guild were present, drilling away the fetid deposits of centuries of xenoflora. Also present were other dwarves, tending the equipment. They bore a strange insignia, of a gear with circuitry embedded in it.

"Who are those?"

"Oh, don't tell me you don't know of House Stâkud?"

"House Stâkud? Never heard of it."

"But it's one of the most ancient houses of Dwarfkind! It's history goes back to the first golden age, the first age of heroes, even the first age of myth. Back when dwarves actually did the most dwarfy shit ever seen and this was like a metric fuckton of centuries before Boatmurdered! Back when dwarves were destined to make their own dwarves..."

"But we do, right? We-"

"Yeah I don't mean FUCKING reproduce. I mean we build dwarves. Like, we build... people."

"Like humans? Elves?"

"No. We build our own life form. A new kind of life. We become... creators of a new species."

"Like we genetically engineer?"

"Oh no. We can do that OK, I mean we build a new kind of life... out of machines!"

"So, like intelligent robots?"

"But of course! Don't forget the terminology though..."

The Viscount picked a stained notebook out of his enviro-suit. It was perhaps the most filthy item out here even considering the swamp itself.

"The correct terminology is... Synthetic."

"Synthetic? Like what?"

"Just synthetic. A synthetic person. Made by us, with a mind of its own."

"Oh, OK. So like a really smart robot."

"No, a synthetic. Don't call them robots, you'll hurt their feelings."

"Oh, OK. What about the robots?"

"We'll just upgrade their hardware and firmware at the right time. It should be easy, the hard part is getting the technology."

"So, how good are you at that?"

"I studied at the University of Sparkgear. Graduated first of my class in 2192."

"University of Breadbowl, Department of Agricultural Sciences."

"Oh, another Agrarian Graduate. I suppose there's a place for you, someone's got to get the plump helmets to the distillery in record time. I can't complain. Let's see the big deal at the centre of this magnificent excavation."

The pair finally reached the core of the excavation. Here, buried under piles of decomposing xenovegetation, were outcroppings of what looked like machinery.

"Behold, the cause of, and the solution to, all of our problems!"

"Um, this wasn't left here by dwarves, was it?"

"No! It was left here by... those who came before us!"

"Like the Yuht?"

"Radiocarbon dating calibrated for the parameters of this planet, considering of course the variation in Ijaagin's output, indicates that these facilities are approximately seventy-seven centuries old. The Yuht, in comparison, lived approximately six million years ago. I personally calculated the odds at only 1 in e raised to the 31st power that this operation was operated by the Yuht. And that is actually surprisingly, and inconceivably high, Professor Agriculture. Inconcievabl-"

"I never became a professor"

"Well whatever. I could be like ten times as right and still outrank you."


"Just get to the point."

"Our discoveries and analyses show that this was perhaps a terraforming experiment of sorts. This planet started out pretty barren, and then this alien race must have attempted to turn it into a better world. And not just a better world! A world close to perfection. And our colonists just struck the effort!"

"It certainly is a beautiful world. That must be why His Majesty chose it for colonisation. But it isn't perfect."

"Oh, I certainly agree it isn't perfect. What with the swamps. What with this most damnable arrangement of out of control xenoflora. What with the fauna eating up our sun berry harvests. But that's because the process was, well. Stopped."


"Whoever started this process did not finish it. Clearly they were lightyears ahead of us in technology."

"Lightyears ahead?"

"It's a figure of speech."


"Indeed, light years ahead. These beings must have been at the height of ascendency, or perhaps not. Perhaps they just wanted to make this world suitable for their own. But we can fix that, we can try to reactivate the damn process."


"Indeed. I am compiling a proposal to the Imperial Senate this minute and it will reach Nir Kodor by the start of the new new year. Like the Opal new year, not good old granite. By the time summer has arrived at Sparkgear, we could have a whole new planet on our hands!"

"And if it fails?"

"Oh, then this planet will probably get turned into a poisonous world experiencing a horrific greenhouse effect. At least the swamps will be gone, but a crying shame about the rest of the planet."

"And if it works?"

"If it works this place could be the greatest world known to dwarfkind this century, if ever. I'm hoping and placing my money on better worlds being found though. Or made."

There was a mad twinkle in his eye.

"So, are you planning on something?"

"Just trying to settle down somewhere."

"I say, we could get ourselves a good deal out of this. I don't want to merely be a Vicecount scientist without a science ship. And you certainly need a place to set yourself up. This world needs you. And I need to get this project done. You help me get this project completed and I will write you a reference."

"What kind of reference?"

"A most topping one and I most assuredly hope the governor's seat isn't unoccupied for too long afterwards..."

"But I only graduated in agricultural technology!"

"Oh come on. I can run this all from a science ship. I could run this from my apartment if you need. Just get the information to Professor Lolok Rimsurprise as I tell you to."

"Professor Lolok? I thought everyone called him Mad Lolok."

"He's a professor, he deserves to be called a professor, he's just misunderstood. But he's also great. He's the reason why we're all great."

"Lolok wasn't first in his class-"

"He was too busy for that."


"Just let's get this damn operation on the hyperlane. The sunshine is on me when it all goes right."

2nd Felsite, 2218

Spoiler: Making Paradise (click to show/hide)

The nanoswarms flew out of the cave, and from thousands of other caves, and pits, and from the depths of the oceans, and the thick jungles. The skies over the landed colony ship, which served as the planetary capital. In some of the thick jungles, the swarms consumed the excess xenoflora, leaving behind shrubland, while in others it grew back, or grew differently. Ice and tundra grew atop some tall mountains. Lush grassland and deciduous forests replaced some of the most poisonous swamps A list of species altered scrolled at lightning speed over the monitor in front of Viscount Cim's face. The video feeds from satellites were displayed on his monitors, as were the views from Icum Ïlon.

"Wh- a---- you -- Icum Ïlon?"

The transmission from Expedition Leader Ùst was garbled by the swarms.

"Because of course, I would be here. I have to oversee the operation."

"Re----- it is t-- danger---"

"Oh no. I shall not retreat. I have to be here to oversee the completion of the process. Someone else would get it wrong."

The radio went dead as the swarms blotted out Ijaagin, and the Viscount continued to watch the monitors, issue orders through the telephone, and make adjustments to his equipment. The swarms then began to gradually clear from the sky, leaving the new shape of the planet before the window for Cim to survey his work.

"Ah, Zansong Egath. This is the new Zansong Egath. Here, we dwarves are making paradise. But we are not doing so alone... we need to master this technology for ourselves now."


It's also time to re-do the dwarves list. Here you go:

List of Characters as of 12th Opal 2219

Convenient List of Simulated Characters (and anyone doing RP):

Ral Undertrumpets: The new Governor of the Core Sector. Age 56 years, born 2163. Graduated from University of Boatmurdered. RP yours truly.
His Majesty Urist III Angkosh: The current Emperor of the Dwarven Star Imperium. Age 47 years, born 2172.
His Dwarven Highness Tosid Creamloves Creamspiral Angkosh: The current Crown Prince. Age 41 years, born 2178.
Professor Gomath Chancetone: Scientist and Captain of the D.I.S. Joke Column. Age 59 years, born 2160. Graduated University of Boatmurdered.
Professor Bushos Muddlecharm: Scientist in charge of Engineering Research. Age 67 years, born 2152. University of Sparkgear
Professor Lolok Rimsurprise: Maniac Scientist in charge of Society Research. Age 52 years, born 2167. Graduated from University of Boatmurdered, top secret research ph.D at University of Sparkgear.
Professor Dustik Namemisery: Scientist, Former Head of Physics Research, now commanding the D.I.S. Buttonjail. Age 62 years, born 2157. Graduated University of Sparkgear.
Professor Alnis Crewblench: Scientist in charge of Physics Research, replaced Dr. Namemisery. Age 67, born 2152. Graduated University of Lanternwebs, ph.D in hypersonic minecartery.
Ùst Squeezedisloyal: Governor of Sector Zansong Egath. Age 50, born 2169.
Viscount Cim Ponderousdestruction: Scientist candidate. Age 49, born 2170. Graduated University of Sparkgear, first of class of 2192.
Admiral Rumred Conflicthops: Admiral commanding Strike Force StarkRavingMad. Age 48, born 2171. Graduate of Boatmurdered Naval Academy.

Unsimulated Characters (and RP Participants)
Chancellor Urnbreath: Member of Emperor Urist III's cabinet. Voiceover guy.
Uncle Nil: Uncle of Ral Undertrumpets. Deeply connected businessdwarf.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 09:49:25 pm by CaptainArchmage »
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Profile Pic has Changed! Sorry for the Delay.
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Re: Boatmurdered 2200: You have struck paradise! Praise the colonists!
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2018, 10:02:19 pm »

Currently, the last set of logs reached the maximum limits on the post size. So we're continuing here.

Alert: As of the 10th Limestone 2219 report, I've realised that the namelist has become totally borked. New characters simply don't spawn with names. There's two things I can do to deal with this. One is to hack the namelist back to Dwarf Fortress by editing the game, or if that fails I will hack dwarves to use the human namelist. Hopefully no other civilizations are borked. I will probably also update this to 2.1.1. I have no idea what caused this.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 08:36:24 pm by CaptainArchmage »
Update: I've managed to fix by editing the name list issue. It seems to have vanished from the file name. I can now work on fixing the blank system names too... then we'll see about updating to 2.1.1. If anybody knows how the namelist could have been "lost" from the save file, let me know so I can stop this ever happening again.

Update (1st July, 2018): A few more things got wrecked. So firstly, the namelist mod just keeps being removed from the Dwarven Star Imperium. A bunch of "Careful" traits got removed from scientists globally as the trait is no longer valid, the Awoken had some "unable to read key reference" problems, and 69 tile deposits were found invalid and removed. Using "observe" shows that the Zro deposits have all gone from the respective planets so the game may have been well and truly fucked. I don't think it's irreparable but there's a lack of update save game editing software for Stellaris, so I'll have to troll through the entire save file to fix shit. Fortunately, it's not too long. If I can't get the namelist working we'll just use "Commonwealth of Man" for the namelist and do our own naming like I did in the 1.9 test run. If it's too tedious to update the game we stick with 2.0.5. I'm not going to reboot if I can help it; adding new systems or planets can restore the resources.

Spoiler: ಠ_ಠ (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Nicol Ashok, 2219 (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 08:40:55 am by CaptainArchmage »
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.
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