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Author Topic: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread  (Read 2289 times)

Ardent Debater

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Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« on: May 07, 2018, 04:35:14 pm »

In the year 2220 the world is a grim and dark place, filled with crime-riddled urban sprawl and barren wasteland, swamped with pollution. What's left of the U.S. government is ineffective and corrupt, and the mega-corporations and criminal cartels have by and large taken its place. In the near-apocalyptic aftermath of WW3, global climate change, and economic collapse, technology has advanced to heights unimaginable to those of the past, but the knowledge of its manufacture remains in the hands of a mysterious few.

Little over forty years ago, a blindingly bright light hit worldwide and in its glow, the first supers emerged. In the confusion that followed, many tried to use their powers for good, but many more used them to further their own ends and for years, anarchy reigned. In time, society recovered and in the interest of preserving order, the government established the Meta Reform Initiative, (MRI), a federal agency dedicated to gathering supers, training them, equipping them, and enlisting their aid in quelling the new wave of crime and terrorism, ostensibly to prevent another bright war, but in reality, to keep supers under surveillance and control.

At the moment, there are three super classifications, Villians are supers that use their powers to defy the law for personal profit or philosophy, Heroes are supers that have joined the MRI and use their powers to enforce the law and stop rogue Metas with a minimum of collateral damage, and Vigilantes are supers that have taken the law into their own hands, and dole out their own, often brutal version of justice on the streets.

You are a teenager in the USA's northeastern mega-metropolitan sprawl's slums, and only yesterday, you manifested superpowers of your own. Whether you embrace Villiany, Heroism, Vigilantism, or go Rogue is up to you but remember, the world is a dangerous place, and your survival isn't guaranteed.

Orion Schulz

Quote from:  Starting Circumstances

You can hardly believe it. You've Triggered, and now you're one of Them. A Meta, Para, Post-human, no bullshit or beating around the bush, you're a genuine, honest-to-god, bona-fide Super. A Changer to be exact. You dig deep inside for half a minute, and slowly but surely, your arms and legs split into the powerful slippery and spiked tentacles you still haven't gotten quite used to. Another thirty seconds, and they're back to the way they were. Damn, you don't know if you're ever gonna get used to this, but you guess you've got to.

Recently, you've been doing well for yourself. The time you spent with the Slick-Steppers street gang has left you with little over $800 dollars, untraceable, in cash, and by some miracle, a clean criminal record. Whew. At the moment, you're sitting in room 636 of one of Green Rose Tenement's establishments in the Eastside district by the coast, it's got a bedroom, a bathroom, a closet, and best of all, as long as you can pay the $300 dollar rent every four weeks, the Land Lady doesn't ask any questions. You're a super, and the world is your oyster.

What do you do?

Ethan Summers

Quote from:  Starting Circumstances

You've Triggered. T-R-I-G-G-E-R-E-D, you say the word, Triggered. TRIGGERED. Triggered. Crazy, but now your words have power, and as long as they're none the wiser, you can influence anyone listening with a sentence at most. Of course, the standard restrictions mostly apply, you can't have someone outright shoot themselves, but you could have them say, hand you their gun and walk away with their hands on their head. Ordering someone to do your bidding without even knowing they've been commanded... It's an incredibly potent power, and you've got a hunch you'll put it to use in the coming days.

Life has not been kind to you. First, you got fired from the job you've worked six years so the manager could promote their bratty little nephew, then, you were kicked out of your own home on a fraudulent drug charge your asshole of a neighbor cooked up, and last, but certainly not least, your childhood sweetheart informed you she'd been seeing other people for months, and had been waiting for an opportunity to let you down easy. Everything you've ever known went up in smoke, and in less than a week, everything you'd spent your entire life building came tumbling down. Come to think of it, that's probably why you Triggered in the first place. You have what's left of your life savings after a foreclosed bank account, $60 dollars, and you're out on the streets without a roof to sleep under.

What do you do?

Jocko Nix

Quote from:  Starting Circumstances

Quote from:  Starting Tinker-tech

You're sitting in room 485 of Eastside's Green Rose Tenements, staring at a pile of junk and the chrome bracelet sitting on-top of it. You don't know what came over you, actually you do, you just can't believe it. After months, no, years of being left in the dark, your endless efforts to try and learn everything there is to learn paid dividends and you Triggered. You didn't set out expecting or even trying to Trigger but the concept always lingered in the back of your mind, and sometimes, late at night, you'd imagine what it'd be like. And now it's happened, and you're a Tinker.

Honestly, you'd thought you'd end up a Thinker if anything, but you can't complain, this is even better. Slightly worried someone might walk in, you take a minute to make sure you're the only soul in your three room apartment, and once you're satisfied no-one's eavesdropping, you grit your teeth and slide the bracelet on your wrist. The relief when it doesn't explode is palpable and as you examine the Tinker-tech, it all comes flooding back. Hours in a semi-conscious haze, calculating, analyzing, slowly coming to an understanding, and this is the result.

Unnamed Tinker-tech Bracelet: It's made of a strange metallic plastic, and appears to passively monitor your vitals and display them on a nifty screen. Not the most useful thing in the world, but it doubles as a wrist-watch and proof of concept.

You get the impression if you want to build something more complicated, you're going to need some material, a workshop, and a power source. There's enough scrap from the pillaged guts of your refrigerator to tide your material needs for a few more days, and you figure a common tool-set and bench should be enough for simpler experiments, but you're going to have to get creative for electricity. Maybe the $400 dollars in your wallet could help...

What do you do?

Spoiler:  Jocko Nix, (NRDL) (click to show/hide)

Lilly Sharpe

Quote from:  Starting Circumstances

They've always called you tiny, little, bitchy, and they might've been right but now no-one'll ever say it to your face. No, not after you Triggered. You remember what went down in vivid, flawless detail. Almost a decade ago, you joined the Alleyway Reavers, a minor street gang in the Eastside district to survive. At first, it was hard and you had to do a lot of things you aren't proud of, but over the years, you managed to build a connection with the rest of the gang, and eventually, they became your family, and you, theirs. For a while, life was good, as good as it could be for a homeless street thug. It would've stayed that way if it wasn't for the Cargo 290, a much larger, much more organized gang.

Little by little, the Cargo 290 muscled in on the Alleyway Reaver's turf, and bit by bit, they disrupted the black market. The Alleyway Reavers fought them tooth-and-nail under the city's flickering lights, and they put up a good showing, but they were outnumbered, outgunned, and no matter how motivated they were, they didn't stand a chance against the Cargo 290's team of Metas. Eventually, the Cargo 290 started doing hits on crack-houses and abandoned businesses, trying to pin down the Alleyway Reaver's headquarters, and after two months of digging, they found it. The Alleyway Reavers were gunned down by the dozen and for every Cargo 290 thug that went down, three more took their place.

When the night was over, your brothers-and-sisters in crime were dead or scattered to the winds, and an unlucky few, yourself included, were captured. They tied you in a dark room somewhere no-one could hear you scream, and then, they went to work. They demanded you tell them where the rest of your gang was, but you didn't know and even if you did, you wouldn't have told them. They thought you were lying, so they tortured you, and as minutes turned to hours turned to days, something inside you snapped, and broke loose in a fit of vengeful, furious rage. They'd tried to break you, but you didn't give in, and in your deepest darkest hour, your inner strength awakened and in your rage, the pain they inflicted on you was their undoing.

That happened yesterday, you don't have any idea how many goons you tore apart, and you've got nothing to show for it but a new set of scars, a pistol you pinched from a corpse, and little over $600 dollars in cash. You honestly don't know where to go from here. At least a dozen, maybe two, maybe three of their men are dead, and the Cargo 290 will be hunting you, but you don't care, you're ready for them and nothing they do can hurt you anymore than they already have. There's still a few Alleyway Reavers left, maybe you could get them back together and start a new gang. Maybe you could sign up for the MRI, you never really liked them, but they'd protect you, give you a place to sleep, and train and equip you to use your newfound strength. Of course, you could always take things into your own hands, and handle their whole gang yourself.

Jackie Lexis

Quote from:  Starting Circumstances

Your last name is Lexis, and as a slum-raised orphan, that's the only thing you know about your real family. The kids on the street always called you Jackie, and Amie did too, and Amie always knew what he was doing, so you did too. Amie's the boss and father figure of near two dozen street urchins just like you, and ever since you could walk, you've been pan-handling for spare change and scavenging for scrap to sell to keep everyone's bellies full. You're good at it, too, the best in the whole Gang. Every time you bring in a nice haul, Amie gives you that smile, the one that says he's proud of you, and that sense of approval, that's what you live for. You're not really a kid anymore and you're starting to wonder and worry about how things are gonna be once you're all grown up. Or even, once the whole Gang's all grown up. Amie's almost thirty, and he's different from when he was when he raised you, but deep down, he's still the same kid.

His thirtieth birthday's in a week, and you wanted to get him something special for the occasion, so you went a bit deeper in the slums than you usually do. You're out of the Northside streets, into Eastside gangster territory, and you've made a mistake. You found a mint-condition antique set of X-Acto knives some rich kid or someone stupid had left in a dumpster, and you knew they'd be the perfect gift for Amie, but, then it got shot. Blown to pieces by a shotgun blast, ripped apart, bent, broken, and ruined. Half a dozen men in black pants and green shirts walked into the alleyway, toting guns, knives, and baseball bats, and when they saw the look on your face, they laughed and for the first time since you were a kid throwing tantrums, you got pissed.

Something deep inside you broke, and running on berserk instinct, you glare at the dumpster and everyone's jaws dropped as a light blue energy wraps around it, shatters it, and levitates the scraps to weld them onto your skin. With a wave of a hand, the bits and pieces of the knife set fuse into a single blade, leap up, and stab into your arm, but it doesn't hurt, and as you realize you can shift it in and out, you begin to put the pieces together. You've Triggered, you're a Meta, and now you can make these bastards pay for ruining Amie's birthday. One of the gangsters panics and shoots you straight in the heart, but your rusty chest-piece deflects it and all they did was chip the paint. The rest are getting ready to brawl and now it's your turn to strike.

What do you do?

Seth Vimes

Quote from:  Starting Circumstances

You're a little exasperated, because recently, your life's been a train-wreck. Last week, a Meta Villain tried to strangle you with a telekinetically-controlled length of wire for your wallet and as you suffocated, you screamed for help and the choking stopped. The wire fell to the concrete with a clatter and after staring at you like you were a ghost in the flesh, they ran away faster than you've ever seen someone move. You felt a bit of pressure in the back of your head, and it was giving you a headache, so you willed it to go away and the wire slid up into the air to follow the fleeing Villain. That was a week ago, and after a metric shitload of deep thought on the matter, you've come to the conclusion that you've Triggered as a Trump, and gained the power to cancel out powers.

It's a bit strange, to have the power to deny supers their powers, and the more you think, the more you realize the only way you're putting it to use is if you fight Metas. But how would you do that? Vigilantism in these streets is near-suicidal, and you don't know if you have what it takes to be a Villain. If you went Rogue, there's no way your power could make money, you'd be indistinguishable from an average citizen, not to mention how much trouble you'd have keeping it all under wraps. If nothing else, the MRI would be ecstatic to have someone with your abilities among them, but do you really want to sell-out to the government? Do you even care that you're a super? The bank you had your life savings in has foreclosed without compensation, you've barely got $90 in your wallet, and sooner or later, you've got to pay rent!

What do you do?

Spoiler:  Seth Vimes, (Glass) (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2018, 07:51:23 am by Ardent Debater »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2018, 05:05:07 pm »

“Hmm my hand can slowly turn into a weaponized form of tentacles. I can use these things for my own profit, but I’m just too good-hearted for that, while I like money and entertainment, I just am not the type of person to see innocent people hurt, and there are many gangs here that I can use my power to stop, and for ask helpless individuals such as storekeepers and the like to reimburse me for their own safety. I feel that vigilantism might be up my alley”

Orion slowly ponders to himself in his own apartment, but than realizes that he needs a form of clothing “disguise”, and with the gang and gothic look of the slums. He knew the perfect type of appearance he wanted.

Orion put his wallet on the backside of his Jean’s pocket, and searches for some form of clothing store in the slums, maybe the types that sells to the gangs, preferentially of the “gothic” or “edgy” type. He is looking for a few pieces of clothing that will make it harder to recognize him and looks more simpler intimidating. As this happens, Orion price gouges a Fingerless Black Gloves, Black Leather Jacket, and Facial Black Bandana Mask (To make his appearance less recognizable, of course), preferably with a skull on the facial bandana mask. And lastly look for some Aviator Glasses or Black Sport Glasses. Concludingly, analyze the price of these four clothing pieces. Oh and a Black Baseball Cap or Black Fedora of course if it’s in the shop.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 07:07:03 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2018, 05:59:03 pm »

Things I am not interested in doing: dying, getting involved in crime, getting into fights, making it common knowledge I can disable powers
Things I am interested in doing: helping people, having enough money to survive from day to day

Are there any local "neighborhood watch"-type organizations? In decreasing level of what I'd want to join: Local-run organization, legitimate police force, black-ops (or similar) police force, MRI, criminal group (I severely doubt I'll have to get involved with these guys, but it pays to be at least thinking of every possibility)
It's just, seems that I could help out in normal situations without standing out like a sore thumb, and in those more delicate situations where the problem-maker has powers, well, who else would you want to have than someone who can take away their advantage?
« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 06:03:26 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2018, 07:05:23 pm »

Lilly watched the people on the street below from her rooftop perch, her mind wandering as she thought about all that had happened. She wished it had all been a dream, but the throbbing pain from her injuries told her that it wasn't. Once again she was all alone, without a friend in the world. Not only that but she had killed so many people, she shivered as she remembered the ripped apart bloody corpses. She had done some bad things but... never anything like that, she had become a monster.

She shook her head, trying to free herself from the memories but nothing worked, her thoughts always going back to the people she had lost and the dead she had created. Eventually she moved, hoping that a goal would help her maybe someone else was still alive. She didn't have much hope, but maybe she hadn't lost everyone. Carefully she climbed back down to the street, it was time to try and pick up the pieces.

Lilly began her journey to try and find the surviving members of her gang.

* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax

Dustan Hache

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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2018, 07:28:02 pm »

Make my way to the fire department. They know me, they'll take me in. I'm not getting paid for working with them, but I have a place to go and food to eat while I'm pulling my share of the weight. Only concern is that drug charge, they might kick me out if police buy into it.
As much as I would like to go to the MRI with my powers or join up with a street gang, I don't know much about either group or just how strong my power is. I mean, it didnt help me talk my way out of the phony drug charge that got me evicted, did it?  What's going to say it'll convince a gang leader, let alone a Government Official that I am legitimately superpowered? Nope, I'll go for my home-away-from-home..
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2018, 09:23:35 pm »

Those bastards... it took so long to find something decent to give to Amie, and soon as I found something great these bastards had to ruin it. Fucking bastards.

Still, these powers were certainly new. I don't have a clue about this blade thing but that blast...

Jackie stomps the ground, using the his power to shatter it and send fragments of concrete in the vague direction of the gangsters.
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2018, 04:14:09 am »

"Not much...kinda of a start I suppose."

Check out the nearest dump for stuff I can salvage as far as materials. Afterwards, find the nearest hardware store for basic tools, and maybe an automotive shop for a basic car battery. See what prices are in my range.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.

Ardent Debater

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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2018, 01:14:02 pm »

Orion Schulz

You think on it for awhile and eventually, you decide you won't continue your career of petty crime or start a new one by enlisting with the MRI. Instead, you'll become a vigilante, fighting crime by night, and, oh, you don't know, maybe working a day-job? by day. Of course, if you want to keep your identity a secret, you'll need a costume. An edgy costume.

Quote from:  The search for textiles

It takes you the better part of your Sunday morning but eventually, you find what you're looking for near the back of a warehouse thrift store for little over $30 altogether.

What do you buy?

- Fingerless black gloves, - $6
- Well-worn black leather jacket, - $14
- Black bandanna skull-mask, - $4
- Badass aviator glasses, - $12
- Black sport glasses, - $6
- Black baseball cap, - $2
- Stylish black trilby, - $4

And while you're here, do you pick up anything else?

Seth Vimes

Your superpower is subtle and unless you're up against capes, it's useless. Still, that subtlety is a strength and there's nothing saying you can't work with normals to put a dent in crime. You take an hour or so to wrack your brain for information on any local watch-groups looking for members.

Quote from:  Prospecting for opportunities to help the community

The pickings are slim, but they're there. In the neighborhood around the Green Rose Tenements, there's three groups that might make good use of somebody with your talents. The Nightly Watch consists of twenty-something older men who mostly spend their time spying on their neighbors and reporting them to the police once they find evidence they're involved with the gangs. The Local Patrol is a bit more proactive and slightly less popular. In their efforts to stop crime, they beat known thugs within an inch of their lives and vandalize known hideouts. They're not well-liked, but they are respected and people tend to help them when they can.

The last and perhaps most controversial are Volton's Crew, a violent and secretive vigilante gang following a Meta named Volton, who allegedly has the power to control electricity and somehow fight with it. Shocking, you know. Rumor has it they're responsible for at least a dozen murders and thousands of dollars in property damage, but most of it's directed towards local drug dealers and street toughs. It's hard to say how effective their excessively punitive methods actually are, but they're the most likely to run into supers, and you'd make the most use of your powers with them. If you want to make a change, you're going to have to choose one, but then again, you could always try and get a job with regular law enforcement.

Which group do you attempt to join?

Spoiler:  Seth Vimes, (Glass) (click to show/hide)

Lilly Sharpe

Your life's been shattered and what's left's scattered by forces beyond your control, but now you're strong enough to pick up the pieces, build something that can last, and brace yourself for the coming storm.

Quote from:  Picking up the pieces

They always said that if anything ever happened, everyone was supposed to meet up at what's left of the old 7-11 down in Southside's old town. Ever since the ground ran out of crude gas, the company's been dying bit by bit, and now it's only a step away from dead but the buildings are left, so that's where you'll go. It takes you almost three hours to find the exact address but when you do, your heart jumps for joy. There's a trashed van in what's left of the parking lot, and least a dozen armed Alleyway Reavers are loitering inside.

You can hardly believe it so you run in to see them. The gang's as ecstatic to see you as you are them, but so many familiar faces are missing and you can't help but shed a tear, knowing you'll never see them again. When you've finished your impromptu group hug, a balding man with a grey beard embraces you. It's Sam, Sam's still alive, he was like a father to you, and you'd be devastated if anything ever happened to him. "Lil' girl, when them Cargo fuckers caught you, we thought you was dead for sure! How'd you get away? C'mon, tell us. It's okay lil' girl, they ain't here and they ain't gonna hurt you no more."

What do you tell them?

Ethan Summers

You're out on your own, out on the streets with barely a penny to your name. As much as you want to try and sign on with the MRI or some street gang, your power's subtle enough they might turn you down and before you get involved, you've got to find a place to lay your head to rest. You've spent years working there, maybe the fire department can help.

Quote from:  Asking the fire department's hospitality

You've been there and back so many times it doesn't take you thirty minutes to find the place. It's Sunday, but it's an emergency service so the fire department's manned and ready-to-go 24/7. The station manager, Richard Gleins, a bulky man with an even bulkier helmet is happy to see you, and when you confess what happened, he's even happier to hear.

An hour and a half's long winded story-telling later, and the entire fire department is completely sympathetic to your plight. They all pitch in to get you $400 in cash and a few say they'll drive you wherever you need to go, all you need to do is ask. Richard even offers to let you stay in his five-room apartment's spare room rent-free until you're back on your feet. Of course you accept and he gives you a spare key to room 216 in the Duke's Deluxe Rental Apartments, close to the center of Eastside.

Supposedly the building is distinct enough there's little to no chance you'll get lost on the way there. What a stroke of luck! You don't even know whether you used your powers or if they really cared that much. It's still early in the morning, and now that shelter's a non-issue, you've got the rest of the day to look forward to.

What do you want to do?

Jackie Lexis

You're pissed. Those sorry bastards ruined Amie's birthday and then they laughed in your face about it, so now you're gonna ruin them, laugh at what's left, and see how they like it!

Quote from:  Jackie Lexis VS Street Thugs
18 VS 1, 2, 11, 17, 11, 3

You're so damned angry you can't even think straight, so you get even angrier and when you stomp on the concrete your power makes it shatter! A dozen razor-sharp slivers of jagged pavement fly into the thugs, stabbing one through the eye, one through the windpipe, and one through the throat, killing two instantly and leaving one wishing he was dead! One would've been killed like the first but he shields his face with his hand and it gets stabbed instead, the second tries to dodge but a shard goes into his stomach and he stumbles against a dumpster trying to rip it out. They're not dead, but they're both out of the fight. The last and luckiest gangster's only grazed in the arm, and despite his panic, he manages to level his sawnoff shotgun to blast you!

Quote from:  Jackie Lexis VS Street Thug
9 VS 7

He might've hit you, if he wasn't holding his shotgun with one hand and if it wasn't for your scrap armor. As it is, his shot goes wide and your armor plating takes what's left in stride. When you see him scrambling to reload, you suddenly realize this is the one that ruined Amie's gift.

What do you do?

Jocko Nix

The wristwatch health monitor is a start, but it's nowhere near the finish. You feel an urge deep inside to build something bigger, something better, but to do that, you'll need parts, tools, and power. There's a dump over by the coast, about forty minute's walk from your apartment. Maybe that'll do.

Quote from:  Junkyard scavenging run

The salvage run goes better than you ever could've imagined. At first you couldn't find anything but paper rubbish and rusted trash, but then you decided to search the rust-pitted remains of a car, and you hit the jackpot. A full set of intact, antique, new-to-you tools, a miraculously functional half-charged car battery, and as much scrap metal as your trash bags could possibly carry. All of it, yours to keep, and tweak, and Tinker...

The only thing you didn't find are electronic scraps, but those are easy enough to come by at a discount electronics shop, and after dropping $40 on two shopping bag's worth of components, you're set. Once you've reached your apartment, the burning urge to create in your stomach has grown into a raging, furious inferno and you simply cannot hold it in any longer.

What do you build?

Spoiler:  Jocko Nix, (NRDL) (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2018, 01:51:21 pm by Ardent Debater »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2018, 01:44:08 pm »

Lilly held on tightly, for the moment just savouring the fact that he was alive. Eventually she pulled away, wiped her eyes and steadied herself,
"I broke out, I killed them." she looked down at her hands as the memories began to come back, so much blood. She took in a deep breath, "I think I have powers now."
* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2018, 02:00:27 pm »


Ok. Let’s see.

Things I want to do: help protect people from those who wish harm upon them, help people who feel they have no recourse but crime to find a better way to live
Things I don’t want to do: hurt anyone particularly badly, spy on people, get involved with Volton (who will probably kill me “just to be sure”, and for that matter isn’t someone I think I’d much like to get involved with regardless)

..the Patrol seems to be the least bad of my options here, but I still don’t really like the idea much. However, I’ll look into them.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2018, 02:05:47 pm »

stay put at the fire department, and go on runs if a emergency call comes in. If none do, quietly ask Richard to talk in private, and confide to him that I may have triggered and gotten superpowers.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2018, 02:09:26 pm by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2018, 04:56:05 pm »

“These pieces are actually effective, and I can see myself wearing them, and know it’s time for the search of a Vigilante gang, and due to my knowledge of the area, I think a group like Volton’s Crew or another could be of some help. Thought that jacket is going to need some work.”

Whelp buy all those clothes and wear all those things on my attire except the baseball cap and sports glasses where I put them in a Black Backpack that I also buy in the thrift shop and check around for a Sewing Kit in the thrift shop, just so that I can repair the jacket when given free time. If they have it, than buy one of those.

Now begins the search of a another crew to belong too and therefore head out and start my search for a group like Volton’s Crew that is known to be secretive, or any other prominent vigilante groups, and search to look into getting to meet one of the crewmember or whatever recruiters they got, all through my experienced street smarts.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2018, 10:51:07 am by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2018, 06:45:14 pm »

((what the hell are these rolls))

Jackie charges at the last remaining thug, blasting him with the same power that destroyed the dumpster and street.
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2018, 01:17:48 am »

"Doot, doo, doo...."

Nix tinkers with his bracelet, which he calls the Third Eye, to be able to pick up sounds from the air, and record them as accurately as possible. Along with this, he tries to create a sonar device within the T-Eye, allowing him to get a visual readout on the screen of his immediate surroundings, even behind walls.

Not much, but it's a start.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.

Ardent Debater

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Re: Near-Future Street Level Super (6/6) IC Thread
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2018, 11:34:12 am »

Lilly Sharpe

Quote from:  Sam's reaction

He stares into space, hardly believing what he's hearing for almost a minute before he speaks. "You tellin' me you Triggered lil' girl?" You nod and try to hold back tears as the memories come flooding back. Sam's eyes widen. You really did, didn't you? Damn, if it got you outta there in one piece, must've been somethin'. Lil' girl, you wanna tell us just what you got? If them Cargo fuckers are gonna get what's comin' to 'em, we've gotta know what's on the table, y'know?" You do, all too well.

What do you tell them?

Seth Vimes

You're not keen to spy on your neighbors, and you don't want to maim or mutilate anyone if you can help it. That leaves you with only one option, even if it leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Hopefully the Local Patrol is open to new members.

Quote from:  Searching for the Local Patrol

You've spent the better part of six hours asking around the Green Rose Tenements, and you've finally got a lead. An old lady on Floor Four told you her grandson's been angry with the state of the city and he's been looking to take matters into his own hands. He's always going on massive tirades about the city's blatant criminal underbelly and the scourge of Metas abusing their power, and until last Friday, not a day the last two years has gone by without a rant, but yesterday and today, he hasn't said a word about it. He also said he's going to meet some of his friends later tonight, at Room 458.

The only problem is he's anti-social, doesn't have any friends, and unless he's grocery shopping, he almost never leaves the apartment. The old lady's scared he's going to get involved with a Vigilante gang and get himself hurt. You thank her for her time, assure her you'll take care of her grandson, and start thinking. If rumor has it right, Volton's Crew never meets up anywhere near the homes of its members, so that rules them out. From what you've heard of the kid, the quiet Night Watch wouldn't want anything to do with him. That leaves the Local Patrol, and you've got to act tonight, because this might be the only lead you'll get and the last thing you want is to go it alone.

What is your plan?

Spoiler:  Seth Vimes, (Glass) (click to show/hide)

Ethan Summers

You've got your housing problem under wraps, and there's no need to be anywhere but here. Something might happen, and if one of the fire fighters was killed when you could've helped, you couldn't live with yourself. With nothing better, you go ahead and practice the drills.

Quote from:  The emergency state of the city

Sure enough, three hours later the station gets a call and you and a dozen other men suit up to answer. Forty minutes later, you're back at the station no worse for wear. Turns out it was only a house fire, someone tried to dismantle the walls on their oven to use it as a grill next to three bulging sacks of charcoal. Luckily, the hose was enough to put it out, no-one was injured, and only a third of the house was actually burned. You hope for the would-be griller's sake he's insured.

You wait a few more hours but no-one else calls in, so you decide to take him off to the side and bring up a sensitive subject with Richard. If you're going to be living with him, it's only fair he knows everything there is to know.

Quote from:  Richard's reaction

Gleins seems a bit shocked, but his surprise wears off quickly and he pays attention while you explain. "So, what you're saying is you're a super? That's, damn, that's a lot to take in. Fuck, you didn't get pyro-shit did you?" You shake your head. "Shame, fire control could've come in pretty damn handy earlier. Hmm, so what did you get? If you're gonna be living under my roof, I've gotta know what I'm getting into. You can trust me not to blab, you're a good man and I wouldn't do that to you."

What do you tell him?

Orion Schulz

You're fine for cash and these are all things you'll use, so there's no point in being stingy. $48 dollars later and you're dressed to impress with your black leather jacket, fingerless gloves, skull-mask, and aviator shades. But you'll need something to hold the baseball cap and sports glasses, so you go ahead and sink another $10 into a cheap black backpack. It's more a really dark shade of gray than it is black, but it's the closest color they had for sale. As an afterthought, you buy a dirt cheap but slightly rusty sewing kit for another $8 and you're set. Now, to find like-minded people...

Quote from:  Searching for Vigilantes

You didn't know the first place to look, so you started wandering the streets. Eventually, you figured you'd run into someone fighting crime and then you could go on from there. Worst case scenario, you end up fighting crime yourself, a win-win either way. Or so you thought. The next alley you slip in, you spot a pair of supers beating the ever-loving shit out of a gang of street thugs. Who happen to be dressed exactly like you...

Far as you can tell, both vigilantes are men, and neither have bothered with a costume beside a blue ski mask and an uh, you can't tell, his face is shifting, respectively. You stand stock-still while a thug swings a pipe into ski mask's chest, only to see the air grow fuzzy while the two switch places, leaving ski mask smashing the pipe! Another tries to stab him in the back, only to switch places to hold a pipe and be the one getting stabbed!

The second vigilante is taking a pair of brass knuckles to the jaws of the rest of the thugs, but none can land a hit or even track his movements. It's like he's invisible, but you can see him just fine from here! You watch in awe for a few more seconds, then realize that unless you get out of here you're next. You turn and start to step, but a loud voice stops you in your tracks. "Stop right there or I'm finna break yo' skull Nazi!"

Nazi? You're not a Nazi, you're a vigila- Wait, the beaten, broken, and unconscious thugs are in black clothes just like yours, and every one of them's wearing a... Skull-mask. Oh, oh no oh no oh no. You turn and see ski mask running at you with a pipe, and the other guy glows like a neon kaleidoscope and splits into half a dozen foggy figures, each running to strike from a different angle. Either you convince them you're a vigilante in the next ten seconds, or someone's ass is gonna get kicked.

What do you do?

Jackie Lexis

You shout in rage and charge the last man standing, wrist-blade raised to slay!

Quote from:  Jackie Lexis VS Street Thug
19 VS 19

But he dodges your cut and blasts you in the guts point-blank, bruising you through your armor. You cut again and he dodges but this time you swing a backhand slash and catch him by surprise, opening a nasty cut in his cheek. He's got one shot left and you're even for wounds.

Quote from:  Jackie Lewis VS Street Thug
14 VS 16

You lunge to stab the thug but he's got a lot more experience than you and sees it coming a mile away. He dances to the side and shoots you in the rib-cage, again only bruising you. You shout in frustration and run to strike again.

Quote from:  Jackie Lewis VS Street Thug
20 VS 14

This time, you slash and he dodges, straight into a scrap-fisted left hook. You feel his jaw crumple and he stumbles away screaming, only to be silenced by an X Acto wrist-blade through the eye.

Quote from:  Jackie Lewis VS Street Thug
10 VS 5

A loud clang rings out as one of the surviving thugs swings a wooden bat into your back. Unfortunately for him, the scrap is thick and you didn't feel a thing.

Quote from:  Jackie Lewis VS Street Thug
4 VS 8

And when you stab, neither does he. With a lucky dodge he maneuvers to the side and tries again, this time bruising your shoulder where the scrap-plate's thin.

Quote from:  Jackie Lewis
12 VS 18

You lash out with an energy blast, but he only stumbles and as you stare, he's balanced himself and readied a swing into your skull. If it wasn't for the crude mask you'd be having a hard time but as it is, your head hurts and your ears are ringing.

Quote from:  Jackie Lewis VS Street Thug
10 VS 9

Your second blast catches him off guard and he trips straight into your wrist-blade. Only to swerve at the last second and get away with a light graze on the shoulder.

Quote from:  Jackie Lewis VS Street Thug
6 VS 4

You both go to swing but you're a split second quicker, he misses by an inch and you put a two-inch gash in his stomach.

Quote from:  Jackie Lexis Lewis VS Street Thug
15 VS 12

You follow up on the momentum, cut his wrist open, and shoulder-check his chest at full speed.

Quote from:  Jackie Lewis VS Street Thug
9 VS 3

He staggers, you slash at his throat, and in two seconds, it's all over.

Now that the threat's gone the adrenaline begins to fade and the enormity of what you've done finally sinks in. Holy shit. You've killed six people in two minutes with your own hands, and you've Triggered. Holy shit, what's the gang gonna think?

How do you feel about this, and what are you going to do now?

Jocko Nix

You can't let another second go by without putting your Tinker talents to use. That chrome bracelet of yours, needs to improve, and with a bit of effort you can make it better.

Quote from:  Tinkering on the Third Eye

Try as you might, you haven't quite gotten the hang of it, and you've worked for little over two hours without a single improvement. You did manage to install that sound recorder without a hitch, but when you playback your voice, all you get is static.

There must've been an error somewhere in the modifications, a bug, but nothing you can't squash. You've got another five to six hours before it's time to lay your head to rest, plenty of time to try again. Or maybe it'd be better to start another project and come back to the Third Eye later on with a fresh perspective. After all, it's not like you're hurting for material.

What do you do?

Spoiler:  Jocko Nix, (NRDL) (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2018, 11:39:28 am by Ardent Debater »
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