Hey, RealLife [TM] managed to take all my time :|
Yes, the goal was to work at almost 100% efficiency. In my fortresses, I make special "team" from 5-15 dwarves who have only stone hauling and push vehicle jobs enabled, and only farmers harvest. Also, all recruits dig stone/ores before earning their military status so the stone is always available. Most often, I dig something like 21x21xA where A is amount of z-levels of rock which i need/like, plus any nearby ores [automine ores designation]. When stone runs out, I set hauling team to wood/food/refuse etc., dig another block, set up tracks and repeat.
I play on medium-deep maps, with magma sea in last example that I remember being at ~160 z-lvls from surface, and I love surface castles, citadels etc. On that map there were ~5 z-lvls of usable, non-cavern granite -- and another few at the bottom of the map, I think, so the distance was quite long.
Making food/drink stockpiles and small quarters with dining hall and universal temple zone in 1st dug out area should take away most of distracting things.
The only problem is that even with burrows you can not dig same rock type at 2 places, thay will try to collect distant stone outside and cancel job, leading to cancelation spam and wasting time. For 160 tiles, roller setting speed to 50k should be able to go all the way, IIRC friction is 160x10=1600 speed loss. Another few thousand could be lost at corners, so lets make two of them [few tiles from stop1--push and after track stop dumpzone] for sure, 3-5 tiles long to be absolutely sure -- the real thing is that unless you are using pepretual flow generator or bring aquifer nearby by dropping piece of if in cave-in, you have, like 200-400 power loss from machinery alone [from surface river]. My very crude semi-automatic system used 800 units of power, to run at full speed at flat track and do ~20z-lvls. Mostly, power was used for loads and loads of gears to power rollers every z-level and for shaft, which was ~100 units long from river on map's border.
I dont take impulse ramp [thats the name, right?] into my calculations.
I guess that whole series of experiment should be done [no time now, will try in few next weeks :/]. Probably, all should be done with same dwarves on the same map to reduce randomness in attributes.
Something like:
**dwarf-powered and machinery powered
*bring stone 50/100/150z up from 21x21x5 block
*bring stone 50/100/150z from distant 21x21x5 block [as above but 60-80-more x/y from main stockpile]
*bring ore from 1/4th [48x48x5?] map, both direct and x/y distant? There will be only small amount of stone + moderate ore, but paths wil be longer and annoying for haulers
Also, the major advantage of the system is that building cost [time] is diminishing the more sectors you dig out and bring to surface/magma forges at bottom. And the major [personal] disadvantage is that tracks+ramps are annoying to designate