Update 2.0 - An Aeon PassedAt last a Dry Lake of massive proportions appeared at Y25,Y26,Z25, and Z26. A feeling of despair is coming from it.
Air has formed a mountain range at P23, two glens at P21 and P22, and a limestone pavement at P18.
A14 Cave, Metal
A15 Massive Volcano, Sound
A16 Massive Volcano 1, Sound
A25 Mountain Range, Stone
A26 Mountain Range, Stone
B15 Massive Volcano 1, Sound
B16 Massive Volcano 1, Sound
B24 Granite Dome, Metal
B25 Mountain Range, Stone
B26 Mountain Range, Stone
C5 Tropical Rainforest, Wood
C6 Tropical Rainforest, Wood
D6 Tropical Rainforest, Wood
D7 Tropical Rainforest, Wood
C20 Karst, Metal
C26 Cave, Metal
G1 Complex Crater, Fire
I3 Plain, Fire
I4 Volcano, Fire
J6 Fjord, Lightning
J7 Fjord, Lightning
H7 Fjord, Lightning
I7 Fjord, Lightning
M11 Volcanic Island, Fire
N10 Oceanic Trench, Water
N11 Oceanic Trench, Water
N12 Oceanic Trench, Water
N13 Oceanic Trench, Water
N14 Oceanic Trench, Ghost
N15 Oceanic Trench, Ghost
N16 Oceanic Trench, Ghost
N17 Oceanic Trench, Ghost
N18 Continental Shelf, Happiness
N19 Wave-cut Platform, Happiness
O19 Bay, Happiness
O20 Glen, Happiness
P18 Limestone Pavement, Air
P21 Glen, Air
P22 Glen, Air
P23 Mountain Range, Air
Z1 Sea Ice, Perception
Z2 Sea Ice, Perception
Z3 Sea Ice, Perception
Z4 Sea Ice, Perception
N1 Mountain Range, Anger
N2 Mountain Range, Anger
N3 Mountain Range, Anger
N4 Mountain Range, Anger
Y25 Dry Lake, Despair
Y26 Dry Lake, Despair
Z25 Dry Lake, Despair
Z26 Dry Lake, Despair
1.Glass - 2 Fire
2.MonkeyMarkMario - 11 Sound
3.Maximum Spin - 12 Wood
4.TamerVirus - 5 Metal
5.ManOfPaper -17 Happiness
6.Felissan - 8 - Lightning
7.IcyTea31 - 1 Water
8.Crazyabe - 14 Anger
9.Imic - 4 Air
10.KingZultan - 6 Stone
11.0rca_tr0per - 20 Perception
12.roseheart - 23 Despair
13.Pavellius - 21 Ghost
Sector 1: Despair, ManOfPaper, 0rca_tr0per
Sector 2: Felissan, TamerVirus, KingZultan, MaximumSpin
Sector 3: Pavellius, Crazyabe, Water
Sector 4: MonkeyMarkMario, Glass, Imic
Please post only within your sector.
Also: Why don't you all create one chaotic titan BEAST. Do it like dwarf fortress would, throwing geometrical shapes together with animals and strange natural weaponry. Don't worry about power level, the titan won't be able to destroy the world... Easily! Furthermore, when it comes to titan vs. titan later on I will use a general system to balance it out. This is not to be worried about now. So each of you create a titan based on the force you play. So say I'd play the force of Earth I'd maybe create an elefant that causes earthquakes with its huge nose and is of brown colouration as well as giant. Something like this. Also, these are TITANS, they are to be forces even gods have a hard time to deal with.
Description: Physical description
Personality: Description of how this Titan generally acts, keep in mind that the titan is like a hyperintelligent animal. A brute force of nature alien to any mortal.
Sphere: Based off of the Force creating it. E.G.: Earthquake, Explosion, Whistling, etc.