Brigands:Tried to rob a god. It didn't work out.
Horse:Stolen by Ziizo.
Angry knight:Had his horse stolen by a cloaked stranger.
Entropy Milk Snakes x2:Servants of Goatsby.
The rat:Inconvenient.
Margaret:Definitely a normal human with no interest in hexing anyone or anything. Head sliced open by Anna.
Lord Saxon:Villain who lives in a spooky castle near Moorsburg.
Generic Adventurers:Dead.
Other adventurers:Allied with Adam Simons.
Swamp goblin shaman:Dead due to a headshot.
The watchman:Suspicious of outsiders.
Random farmer:Irrelevant.
The Unholy Pail:The most evil drink receptacle ever.
GROGNAR:Former meathead nemesis of Grail Team. Killed at the cost of Anna's life.
Barbarian gang:Followers of GROGNAR.
Troll:Bug food.
King Bos:Generous.
Swamp goblins:Skulking swamp ambushers. Took numerous casualties.
The Arm of Adam:A divine warrior.
Village Head:Runs the other village.
Richard the Lionheart:
King of England.Prince John:
Significant in at least one future.Gargoyle:Sunken.
Cow:Purchased by Anna.
Skeleton horde:Spooky.
Milk Initiates:Really, really messed up, and died for it.
Giant spiders:Dead.
Town guards:Readability police?
Circus bears:Escaped from a circus, crushed by a mug, reborn as zombie bears.
Cultist guards:Guarding.
Cave Minions:Overcome.
Vampire hounds:Dead dogs.
Tzeentch mutants:Creations of Goatsby.
Demon guards:Looking for escapees.
Ghost of Castle Saxon:Mysterious.
Brotherhood of Nod:Lead by the mysterious figure called Kane. Peace Through Power.
Castle Adjila soldiers:Finally at peace.
Frankenstein animals:Horrific abominations running amok, just as planned.
Mordred and his knights:Dead knights.
Sentient potion:Exists for strange reasons.
Vikings:Do not wear horned helmets.
Scrin:Completely underappreciated in the fourth game.
Calisthenic Church of the Sun:Seekers of a drink other than milk. Clearly, they are mad.
Random bears:Respect Vikings.
Holy Frankenstein:Nearly all-powerful flesh golem created by incorporating Holy Grail milk into his design.
Æsir:Thor, Odin, Loki, and all the boring ones.