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Author Topic: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 1  (Read 2095 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 1
« on: April 14, 2018, 03:44:38 pm »

The Cycle


In a galaxy far, far away, the time period being irrelevant, the universe has seen fit to once more bestow sapience upon a broad swath of species. These sentient beings, lucky or unlucky enough to grow intelligent at roughly the same time and curiously, achieving space flight at the same time no find themselves at the brink of a new frontier. A Virgin Galaxy, yet unclaimed by sentient beings...and so the First Cycle begins...

The Crith Dominion
Of the 8 hopeful civilizations, the Crith Dominion lies closest to the Galactic Center. Born from an Ocean Planet with an extreme density of highly agressive fauna, plagued with constant storms, the Crith evolved under the most daunting circumstances. What came of that stormy, angry world was no less tempestous and angry.

The Crith Dominion is ruled by the Pale One, a particularly violent and physically imposing member of this species. Under his iron fisted rule the Crith have turned to the stars...woe upon them for the Crith know no mercy. They only know the strong...and the weak.

The Solar People
Southeast of the Crith lies the Empire of the Solar People. Crow-like in appearance, the Morrigna are a deeply religious people considering themselves the chosen of  the Great Star Spirit Lamdu and thus seek their destiny among the stars. Despite their deep faith, they are extremely authoritarian and the Homeworld of the Morrigna themselves was only conquered in a series of brutal crusades...

The Most Serene and Most Noble Republic of the Zhonjor Nations
Barely a galactic skip if one considers the vast expanses involved, "barely a skip", to the east of the Solar people lies the ravaged world of the Sorvan. Done with war and supremely uninterested in the wonders of space, one has to wonder whether the Sorvan will even bother with the wider galaxy...

Ti-Yuhan Tribes

The Ti-Yuhan Tribes are one of many curious examples of the way sentient life sometimes evolved differently in the galaxy. Inherently able to establish psionic links the Ti did not turn into a Gestalt Conciousness, instead opting to be able to merge with their bio-technology. With their first Scout Craft recently deployed, it will be seen how these strange beings purport themselves on the galactic stage


If one were to leave the galactic core and venture into the very sparsely settled galactic West, one would come upon the Athouricus. By all means a Kleptocracy, it is ruled by nothing more than armed Gangs somehow clinging on to dear life on a ball of radioactive ash and not much more. One wonders what enlightened empire might have taken the galaxy if it didn't reduce itself to banditry and scavenging. As it stand Athouricus is a collection of angry warlords, desperate people and remnant technology, held together by spit, whips and the will to survive and escape this hell of their own fashioning

Diqui-Yue Coalition

Another curiosity of the Galaxy the Diqui-Yue Coalition can be found North of the Galactic Core. Living in relative Harmony it will be seen how long their idyllic existence lasts...

Salmanella Collective

For Rimwards from them lies a species which already committed one genocide. The Salmanella Collective, a hivemind of protozooic beings, is a species characterized by its deep paranoia. Interested only in the (subjective) continued security of the species, it has already gone to great lengths to ensure its survival and in all probability will not change its policy now that it can venture to the stars

Thanuqa Theocracy

In the North-Eastern Mid-Rim one finds the Thanuqa Theocracy. Born out of misery and a combination of a myriad coincidences, an entire species has with (relatively) little violence converted to the same faith. Whether they will successfully carry it to the stars is a different question entirely

The Holy Republic of Quirus

While some look back on their past crimes with nothing but resolve, the Republic of Quirus was set on a path of redemption. Regretting their past, the arthropod species now seeks to better itself. It will be seen whether they can sustain their current course.

And with that the Game begins. As mentioned before each of you has one action he can lavish on any of the species except their own creation.
This initial turn will have no Golden Age to ease us all into the game.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 04:52:12 am by Ghazkull »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2018, 03:59:31 pm »

I'm promoting non-aggression amongst the Salmanella; not pacifism, but rather the idea that only those that show intention to harm the Collective should be attacked. This should be in conjunction with a strong military to make sure that nobody gets the idea that this means the Collective is weak.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2018, 04:32:02 pm »

The first principle of warfare is information, and the Pale One understood that in spades.  Each enemy he had best had been known long before, a killed in a time and manner which allowed the victory.  So to the stars must be understood, if they were to be defeated.

The first great telescopes were put into position around the prime world and missions sent to every planet in the home system in hopes of finding enemies to face.  When there were none, the great invasion was planned, to go to other stars and take them for glory and victory.

The Crith Dominion begins a dedicated program to scout out nearby systems for enemies to defeat, and maybe worlds to conquer or resources to exploit.

Ardent Debater

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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2018, 04:52:08 pm »

Like many of the other species among the wayward stars, the Kiaurist are a Xenophobic race. Centuries, nay, millennia of bitter conflict for the sake of resources have filled the entirety of their kind with a coldly ruthless, brutally efficient pragmatism, they have no patience for idle superstition, no respect for any accord not enforced by martial might, nor for anything they cannot see, hear, and feel with their own eyes, ears, and hands.  Generations of (un)natural selection has imbued in them an innate greed, an all-consuming thirst to accumulate any and all things valuable, and an equivalent overbearing urge to slaughter those who would see their hard-earned supplies stolen.

Since time immemorial, the Kiaurist have assembled themselves into closely related clans, and spurred by paranoia and avarice in equal measure, they have only ever met one another in bloodshed, to raid for goods or to steal territory. Within their clans, the idea of hierarchy is utterly alien to them, each individual is considered the same, and each is forced (in days gone by, by their kin, in the present, by necessity) into only the tasks to which they are best suited. In the past, this combative clan system was functional, even desirable, as over the eras, it has culled the weak from their genetic pool, and over an eon of struggle, they have become far hardier and stronger than their ancestors ever could've envisioned.

However, in the present, it has lead to ruination. Their homeworld was once a lush, verdant, and fertile planet, dotted with hillocks bloated with mineral wealth, and thriving woodlands filled with all manner of delicious docile beasts and plants both edible and medicinal. A dozen millennia of apocalyptic devastation has seen its splendor reduced to rubble, where its hills once sat, now lie mountains of rubble made hollow by countless century-old labyrinthine bunker-mazes, and where its forests once grew, only the poisoned ash-wastes remain, filled with embittered thorns, desperate scavengers, and twisted cannibalistic mutants, their forms bent and broken by the toxic detritus of a dozen civilizations.

No matter how willing they might be to repeat their past mistakes, the mineral deposits of their homeworld have been stripped of all value and if its children fail to overcome their inner greed before it is too late, they will receive no other chance. Either the currently living clans abandon the urge to pillage and plunder their neighbors and reach to the stars, or in a few century's time, their less violent cousins across the cosmos will find only skeletons where they once stood. One enterprising clan, the Bozhakata, or, the "Emerald Lenses" in their baritone chittering language, comes to realize this sobering truth, and in the interest of ensuring the prosperity of their descendants, pioneer a wholly revolutionary idea: Barter.

By exchanging bits and pieces of their painstakingly scavenged archeo-tech with a neighboring clan for the raw resources they require to manufacture more, they are able to attain mutual gain, harness their savage instinct to raid and slay toward the pursuit of profit, and both clans are able to gain the vital materials and sustenance they need, without murdering each other by the dozen! While at first, both clans are initially hostile to one another, over the course of a dozen years, they become mutually apathetic and are content to merely isolate themselves from their customers rather than give their lives for fleeting conquest that would see their profits dwindle. Eventually, they came to call themselves the Athouricus, meaning "The Many Clans" in their tongue.

Such a radical concept will take time to spread, but its utility is enough that it cannot be ignored. When all clans have come to know of Barter, who knows what they can accomplish?

The idea of Barter has begun to spread to the eternally raiding clans of the Athouricus, and over time, the concept of commerce becomes known to the species as a whole.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 09:33:42 am by Ardent Debater »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2018, 08:48:29 pm »

((Also, TY didn't completely merge with biotech in the original game they come from. Somewhat close, though.))

A realization occurred in the brain of a bureaucrat working for The Most Serene and Most Noble Republic of the Zhonjor Nations. Why should we promote these religious superstitions if they have caused so many wars and destruction on our planet? This shall not stay...

Promote Materialism in the Zhonjor Nations.
Don't trust this toaster that much, it could be a villain in disguise.
Mostly phone-posting, sorry for any typos or autocorrect hijinks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2018, 08:56:42 pm »

PTW I'll think up some action... soonish.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2018, 09:51:05 pm »

Promote expansionism in the Ti-Yuhan Tribes. Their crave for friends MUST BE FULFILLED!
« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 07:09:57 am by Leonardo8 »


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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2018, 06:23:50 am »

Solar People: Encourage the Solar Emperor Mulin to seize control of all space-exploration efforts, and reform the decadent industry into a lean, efficient operation that will quickly catapult the children of Cuneith to the stars. Should the laws of physics attempt to stand in their way, the laws of physics will be crushed. Space itself will be rent in twain by the Emperor's will with the development of a 'Bore Drive'.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2018, 11:42:08 am »

Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2018, 09:14:55 pm »

The Zhonjor Nations began a campaign of developing colonies on other planets in their solar system, using slower-than-light methods. Near-extinction of the Sorvan species cannot be once more allowed.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2018, 01:42:30 am »

A wave of religious revivalism crops up among the Zhonjor Nations after someone claims to have become a prophet of some kind of "star spirit".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 0
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2018, 04:52:00 am »

Turn 1

When many nations first venture into space what they find causes a flurry of activity, a drive for exploration, expansion and with it many a new idea. These ideas usually promote even further growth. Not so for the they venture out into Space and found their first Colony, they come upon a conondrum. Something that rarely happens in a hivemind. Are the native species to be exterminated as possible threats? Are they to be kept around to keep the biosphere alive? It was something the hivemind had to ponder. And as it pondered it fell into inaction...

While others were locked in inaction, the Crith moved rapidly. Desperately in need for new enemies, they began to spread to the stars with a vigor of almost unnatural dimensions. Within years systems were forcibly colonized the sometimes forgiving and sometimes unforgiving worlds tamed by sheer determination and an appalling amount of death Crith. "Built on the Bones of our Ancestors" became not only a saying to express something of great value attained at great cost but lasting for the future, but also was quite literally how later archeologists would find the foundations of many a Crith House in these intial Colonies.

Amongst the Kiaurist a certain change has occurred, the Warlord Clans long since fighting over the ruins of a world razed over a dozen times have entered a strange new phase. What began as a simple exchange of goods turned into a full blown trade agreement between at first two clans, then half a dozen, then twenty. Of course such trade forced these Clans to stop attacking each other and indeed, they were better off for it. What would later be known as the Athour Trade Axis become one of the very few prosperous regions on Athouricous...well as much as one could prosper on that burnt out husk. It was also in those days that the Kiaurist finally could realized one of the archeotech blueprints they had kept for centuries now but always lacked the resources to do.

The Ancient Ancestors spoke of ways to escape the hellscape of Athouricous, a way to ascend to the heavens. With the Trade Axis in place, a certain sense of trust was established and the clan possessing the blueprints brought it before the council of others. Soon the first Ship of the Athouricous would explore the would take nigh on half a century, a long time even among the relatively long lived Athouricous, before it returned, bearing good and bad news. The Good News was that indeed there were other places, lush and green, and blue and cold and dark. But both were decades upon decades away. Too far by any resonable margin of these clans to sustain a concerted colonization effort. Nonetheless hope blossomed among these grim warlike people. There was something else than the endless drudgery of Athouricous...

The Zhonjor meanwhile were wracked by disagreement. On the one side there were those who would rebuild the homeworld, and turn it into paradise. A Concerted Effort to restore their home and turn away from any risky adventures in the stars.
On the other side were those who followed a young Zhonjor, Culhu, who claimed to have been contacted by the great star spirit and promised great rewards among the stars.
Tensions are running high among the Restorationists and the Seekers as people rapidly join either of the two groupings. A deep faultline inside the Zhonjor Union...

Amongst the Ti-Yuhan all is turned towards the stars. Their own world conquered, the warlord demands that new peoples must be found. Unheeding of the demands of their living bioships nor its occupants, people are living the Homeworld of the Ti in great flocks of colonization fleets. Millions die, but still the Chieftain persists. The Long March as it would later be dubbed would eventually cost close to a billion Ti their lives. But lead to astounding results. colonies start to crop up all over the Southwestern Part of the galaxy. For now they are but tiny colonies rarely filled with more than a few hundred or a few thousand individuals. And worse it takes years to travel back to Ti-Yuhan, leaving most of these colonies to fend for themselves, but also finding an unprecedented amount of liberty far away from the oppressive autocracy of the Chieftains. Time would tell whether the Ti-Yuhan would stay unified...

Emperor Mulin commands and the Solar People Follow. As indeed the very laws of nature crumble under the newly developed Bore-Drive The First colony of the Solar people is established. By force of will and sheer determination this new World grows to an unprecedented side, Mulin's Will quickly exceeds a population of one million people and the Solar People enter a new Golden Age of Expansionism

A rather late newcomer to the galactic stage would be the Darmoni. Only recently freeing themselves after a genocidal war, that left them the sole species on their homeworld, the Darmoni were bred for war and oddly enough bureaucracy, two traits that would turn out to be incredibly valuable as they unified into a Stratocracy, ruled by a Military Junta. Time would tell how they would fare on the galactic stage.

The Salmanella have entered a Stasis, until its conflict of differing view points is reconciled they will stay inactive
The Crith are expanding rapidly heedless of the toll they pay
Part of the Kiaurist unifies into a Trade Coalition, which for all intents and purposes is on its way to turning into a Confederacy of Clans. The Athour Axis sends an exploration ship to the stars, however colonization is for now, impractical
The Zhonjor public splits into two camps: the Restorationists espousing development of the homeworld and a look inwards and the Seekers, espousing exploration and colonization of the stars in search of the Star Spirit (micelus gets an extra actions because i didn't see that his action was invalid, and i couldn't be bothered to wait for him to do a new yeah two actions for you)
The Ti-Yuhan expand at an enormous and frankly neck-breaking speed. Billions will die in the haphazard attempts to colonize the stars Those that survive are cut off and far away from the Homeworlds.
The Solar people invent the Bore-Drive giving them FTL-Travel and bringing them into a GOLDEN AGE, Maximum Spin may choose to take over the Solar People for this turn and lavish three actions on them
The Darmoni have entered the Galactic Stage!
The Diqui-Yue,Thanqua and Quirus stagnate

Galactic Map Turn 1

People of Note

Culhu - Prophet of the Star Spirit - currently alive (large drift towards spiritualism, will cause patron nation to expand every turn)
A young Sovran, who managed to galvanize many of his people to seek out the stars.

Solar Emperor Mulin I "Breaker of Laws" - currently alive (will cause his patron nation to expand every turn)
The Divine Emperor of the Solar People, credited with developing the Bore-Drive. Demands that his people expand
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 04:56:49 am by Ghazkull »


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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 1
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2018, 05:07:44 am »


Don't you try to stand in the way of peaceful progress.

A Restorationist, Zobehij, attempts to assassinate Culhu.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 05:13:32 am by KittyTac »
Don't trust this toaster that much, it could be a villain in disguise.
Mostly phone-posting, sorry for any typos or autocorrect hijinks.


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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 1
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2018, 07:42:30 am »

The Holy Republic of Quirus: "Measure twice, cut once. Alternatively, don't cut at all", the Zeraxians say. The mistakes of the past must be avoided, by meticulous study preceding any action. It is for this reason that the newly space-capable species had yet to act. But now, studies have come to fruition, and following approval by the divine council, the results have been made public.
Faster-than-light travel is possible, and the stars are closer than we know. There is no need for generation ships, or tearing holes in spacetime, for the universe provides its own, natural means of transportation. The construction of large, but surprisingly simple 'gates' will allow for these natural pathways to be explored by Quirian vessels.
Long Live United Forenia!

Ardent Debater

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Re: The Cycle - IC-Thread - First Cycle - Turn 1
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2018, 08:40:47 am »

The Salamonella are a fundamentally collective species, and each individual gives their lives to ensure the whole survives. If it is for the good of the collective, each individual is expendable if it is necessary for the survival of the collective, as countless billions of individuals comprise each collective, and likewise, each collective is expendable for the sake of the species, as countless billions of collectives comprise the species. This world they have discovered is in many ways, similar to their homeworld, and may likewise be expended for the sake of the species. The Salamonella are many things, but they are not wasteful, and even as they drain the new world's biosphere of nutrients, they are careful to conserve and ensure that enough remains to fuel the next generation of the whole. They have yet to encounter intelligent species but the whole is certain that they exist, and so, the collectives must be prepared to sacrifice themselves to ensure the whole is not consumed.

The Salamonella conclude that Moderation is the superior approach to new-worlds, they will consume their biosphere to fuel the expansion and reproduction of the species, but they will take care to ensure the biosphere isn't scoured of all life, so it has the opportunity to recover from the damage, only to partially consumed once more and repeat the process ad infinitum, until the whole is forced away or the stars go cold.
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