Name of the Nation: The League of Yantohorn
Government: Military Commissariat
Ethics: Militarist, Xenophile, Egalitarian
Species: Kahortar, a very strong race of 10 foot tall humanoid creatures with fur, pointed ears, and small wet noses. (Basically they look like the space cats in Stellaris, or Massive #14 if you don't know what the space cats in stellaris are.)
Pre-History: The Kahortar as a race evolved on the cool planet of Yantohorn, a planet that had an average temperature of 8 degrees Celsius in most places, but a warm 20 degrees at the equator, and the highest temperature recorded being 42. The common ancestor of the species evolved roughly six million years ago in the northern parts of the super continent of Pacarnatrum, by the time the Kahortar had evolved the continent was split in twain, becoming the continents of Forantra and Turbatrum, both of which would be populated by the Kahortar thanks to ice and their natural resilience against low temperatures. Fast foreword to about ten thousand and twenty seven years ago and the first signs of civilization start popping up across the world with the remnants of simple structures and monuments. When the Kahortar reached the bronze age, about five thousand years ago, numerous city states and kingdoms popped up, rising and falling as the species warred with each other, and the four most distinct cultures of the people started to form.
By the time the nations of the the world reached an iron age, the four nations that would end up taking over a good chunk of their surrounding lands where formed, the nations of Canarantra in the warm south of Turbatrum, Jarankari in the northern mountainous area's of Turbatrum, Arskorak in the north of Forantra, and Mosankraurg in the southern deserts of Forantra, the hottest place on the planet. By the time they had reached an age of a late medieval era, the four nations where the only four in existence, although they only knew of their southern or northern neighbor, whom they developed a rivalry with. Naturally, such rivalry's resulted in wars, ones that lasted for hundreds of years, with neither side making progress as the years went on. Things started to change in the late industrial age and early machine age, where the fighting managed to reach further in each's own territory, and eventually, the Arskorak and Jarankari defeated their rivals, however, at this point, they knew about each other, and naturally, they turned all their guns on each other with only a few islands, and two oceans separating the two nations. Despite the long war, they eventually came to a cease fire after they both had to put down unrest at home, this cease fire eventually became a kind of peace between the two nations, and over time their rivalry changed into a more friendly one, eventually becoming a joint effort to go to the stars.
The four main cultures have their origins in the lands of the four nations. The stereotypical Canarantran were, and still are a people with an ocean tradition and a care free nature, and usually one of quick wit and silver tongue as well. Meanwhile, the stereotypical Jarankari is a reserved and honest person who will usually put honor before reason and will find even the most minor slight a heinous offense that could only be settled with a duel. Meanwhile, on the other side of the oceans, the stereotypical Arskorak is suborn, a risk taker, somewhat quick to anger, and a bit of a mad scientist. Lastly the stereotypical Mosankraurg is cheep, sneaky, and a bit too obsessed with their pets. One thing that all the cultures have is a fondness for their locally produced alcoholic beverage, Canarantran having a spicy drink made from a reed like plant, Jarankari having a bitter drink made from a kind of fruit, Arskorak having a drink made of a kind of sap from a tree, and Mosankraurg has a heavily distilled drink. They also tend to reenact famous battles of the past for fun and most of their sports involve some sort of martial prowess, one of these sports being air duels, popularized by younger Jarankari who thought the battles between aircraft to be similar to duels of old with swords. Despite what some might think, they are actually friendly to others, even when at war, as they see it similarly to how one would see a sport they where passionate about, although that doesn't mean things in a war can't happen that will make them angry.