To the medicals out there.
Got my middle right finger pinched in a fork lift about three weeks ago, the bottom fleshy portion of the finger above the first joint.
There was *some* skin which the ER dutifully sowed back on, but in her words there wasn't enough left to fully cover the exposed area of flesh on the finger.
So the top portion has some flesh stitched back on and its mending, sort of. But there's a portion of finger about the size of a pencil eraser just above the joint with no skin on it.
Now, I'm not worried about aesthetics or I would have gotten a skin graft. But I am worried about the wound healing cleanly, and not forming an infection.
My 10 day supply of Cephalexin ran out a couple days ago, and so far the wound looks fine and uninfected. But that bottom portion just has a thick crust of blood over it.
The urgent care clinic that took the stitches out said it was ok to shower it and let it get wet, and that makes sense. These scabs are thick has hell and will need some help to break up. But every morning afterward, I noticed more fresh, dried seepage from the part with no skin covering it. It's always formed a crust and isn't freshly weeping fluid in the morning. But I know it's fresh because it's "shiny" and catches the light. And I'm just worried that, with no skin or real scab to cover it, it's just going to break, ooze and dry over and over again while the rest of the finger heals up until I eventually develop an infection.
Generally just looking for some good post-wound care tips and things to look out for. And maybe some guidance on how long I should reasonably expect this to take so, when the scabs come off, something workable has grown back there. I lift weights very regularly and have put it all on hold out of fear of tearing the wound back open, scraping the scabs off or raising my blood pressure to the point blood wants to exit the wound in force. It's been three weeks to the day of the accident so far, and I was figuring about a month at least. But I get nervous every time I take a shower, worried that the whole scab and half-dead skin is going to come loose and I'll be staring at more exposed flesh. At which point I WILL need a skin graft. I can feel the scab and sutured skin moving at this point, and not exactly in attachment with my finger flesh. I'm not even sure some of the skin she sowed back on is alive....although at least its acting as durable sheath over the wound while the body does its thing. The clinic that took the stitches managed to rip out the bottoms of the scab/flesh when they removed the scab is already starting to come up at the bottoms. Scab? Skin? It's hard to tell quite what it is anymore.
I don't have much pain. Just the occasional mild stinging sensation at the edges of my scabs and parts where it's splitting apart, and reasonable discomfort where the scab is deep in the wound. Nothing that strikes me as out of the ordinary.
I gotta say I was not impressed with the urgent care clinic's dutifulness. I had to ask a lot of questions about post care followup.
Thoughts? Pictures available on request I suppose. I could post them now but I won't subject the forums to this mess unless it's necessary. I'm not worried enough yet by any signs that I feel the need to go back to urgent care or my primary doctor. But it's preoccupying my thoughts enough because I'm staring at it 3 hours a day mapping its fucked up topography that I thought I'd make a post.
(It seriously looks worse than it.)